14 research outputs found

    Primary criteria used by business incubators for the selection of new enterprises: analysis of selection notices

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    This article aims to analyze the primary criteria used by Brazilian business incubators to select new enterprises. The research method used was a documentary analysis with 124 selection notices available in the websites of business incubators. These criteria were divided into 17 categories, and the most mentioned among them were: innovation level, economic feasibility, and team capability, corroborating the ideas mentioned by other studies. The results presented in this research may be of great value for incubator managers and academics. Incubator managers may use these results to critically analyze their criteria and/or complement them. Academics, in turn, may use these results as a starting point for future research


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    This paper analyzes the main difficulties in managing of Micro and Small enterprises of construction sector in Jundiai city. For this, a survey was done with 51 entrepreneurs and the difficulties analyzed in nine categories. Some results stand out among many others presented in this paper, such as 46% of respondents indicated that the tax burden as one of the most problematic aspects in economic and financial management, 41% who reported differences between the theoretical and real inventory and 52% who have problems in the strategic management of their business. Finally, it emphasizes that this research presents a deductive character and their results are valid only focused for entrepreneurs reported sample

    Proposal for use of the critical chain in multiple projects management

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    Orientador: Olívio NovaskiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo para usar os conceitos da Corrente Crítica no gerenciamento de sistemas de múltiplos projetos. Para tal, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa aplicada, de natureza qualitativa, em ambiente real. As variáveis estudadas foram definidas considerando a revisão da literatura científica e um estudo de campo realizado com antecipação à aplicação do modelo, o qual busca, por meio de uma visão sistêmica, gerenciar melhor a incerteza presente na estimativa de tempo das atividades dos projetos. As diretrizes da pesquisa-ação foram usadas para verificar o funcionamento do modelo e para o levantamento dos dados que posteriormente foram analisados por meio da técnica estatística Regressão Logística Binária. Essa técnica possibilitou encontrar o nível de impacto das variáveis de influência sobre a resposta do sistema, assim como as relações entre essas variáveis. Os dados analisados permitem sugerir que o modelo proposto funciona adequadamente e que os resultados obtidos poderiam ser trasladados do contexto estudado para outros contextos, contribuindo desta forma para o aprimoramento do método da Corrente CríticaAbstract: The present work aims to propose a model for using the Critical Chain concepts for multiple projects management. To this, it developed an applied research in a real environment. Variables were defined considering scientific literature review and a field study carried out in advance of the application model, which seeks, through a systemic view, a better manage of the uncertainty present in the estimated time of project activities. The guidelines of action-research were used to check the performance of the model and the data collection were later analyzed by statistical technique: Binary Logistic Regression. This technique makes possible to find the impact level of influence variables and the relation with de system response, as well the relationships between them. The analyzed data may suggested that the proposed model works properly and that results could be transferred from de studied context to other contexts, thus contributing to the improvement of the Critical Chain methodDoutoradoMateriais e Processos de FabricaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Mecânic

    Soldagem e caracterização das propriedades mecanicas de dutos de aço API 5L-X80 com diferentes arames tubulares

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    Orientador : Roseana da Exaltação TrevisanDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecanicaMestrad

    Theoretical proposal of steps for the implementation of the industry 4.0 concept

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal of steps for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in the industrial context, considering management and operational aspects. The reason is to discuss that technological change is accompanied by many organizational implications, in which it is perceivable that some companies already experience strategic and operational turbulence due to the lack of understanding of the this structure's complexity. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study assumes an exploratory character because the subject of analysis is still in the knowledge-structuring phase. In this sense, data was collected from the literature review. Results: A theoretical proposal for the Industry 4.0 implementation framework is presented in flow format. It is organized in steps that cover the strategic and operational aspects during the implementation flow. Limitations of the investigation: The limitations of this study are directly related to its theoretical nature and the difficulty of finding tools that help in the execution of each proposed stage. Practical implications: However, based on theoretical insights, a trajectory of a transformation model is proposed, thus this research intends to show clearly and direct how companies can introduce the aspects of Industry 4.0 to their own benefit. Originality / Value: In this study, a conceptual model is structured, and it indicates a potential of application because it contributes to support and encourage the adoption of technologies and concepts indicated in the Industry 4.0 literature in a structured way16216617

    Performance measurement in product development process (PDP): literature review and gaps for further research

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    This paper performs a literature review to identify and analyze the main themes related to PDP performance measurement and presents the gaps for further exploration. Design / Methodology / Approach: this paper searches the main bases of academic data in order to find scientific papers related to PDP performance measurement and classify them on five main themes: design performance; human resources; knowledge resources; financial performance, and literature review. Results: the results show that more than fifty percent of the papers are associated with knowledge resource issues and the principal gaps to be explored are associated with design performance, human resources, financial performance and literature review. Limitations of the investigation: the main limitation is related to the bases of academic data. Additional papers available on different bases can lead to different results. Practical implications: this paper intends to make a contribution to academia and practitioners as it shows gaps on PDP performance measurement research that can be better explored. Originality / Value: to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no study that evaluates a literature review for PDP performance measurement. This work contributes to the literature by presenting the directions for further PDP performance measurement research16455056

    Observed difficulties during implementation of quality management systems in Brazilian manufacturing companies

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the difficulties observed during implementation of quality management systems (QMSs) in Brazilian manufacturing companies. Design/methodology/approach The methodological strategy used was a literature review, a panel of experts and a survey. Through the literature review, 15 difficulties associated with the implementation of QMS were raised; these were organized into latent variables by specialists in the subject and served as the basis for a survey. In total, 123 professionals working with quality management in manufacturing companies participated in the research and the data collected were analyzed by means of second-order confirmatory factorial analysis. Findings The results allowed the validation of the 15 difficulties observed in the literature, and it was evidenced that these difficulties are structured in four latent variables as follows: difficulties associated with employees; difficulties associated with QMS structuration; difficulties associated with integration; and difficulties resulting from the planning. Research limitations/implications The main limitation of this research is the sample size, because 123 professionals that work with quality management in manufacturing companies participated in the research. It should be noted, however, that all parameters evaluated through the second-order confirmatory factorial analysis were validated. Practical implications The findings have great value for both quality management professionals, who may use those findings to guide the pre-implementation phase of a QMS, and researchers, who may use those findings as a foundation for future studies, in the development of models or tools related to QMS implementation. Originality/value No other paper was found on the scientific basis with the same focus for Brazilian manufacturing companies, thus demonstrating originality. The value of the research lies in the fact that the results presented here, statistically validated, may be used by other researchers and market professionals

    Observed difficulties during implementation of quality management systems in Brazilian manufacturing companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the difficulties observed during implementation of quality management systems (QMSs) in Brazilian manufacturing companies. The methodological strategy used was a literature review, a panel of experts and a survey. Through the literature review, 15 difficulties associated with the implementation of QMS were raised; these were organized into latent variables by specialists in the subject and served as the basis for a survey. In total, 123 professionals working with quality management in manufacturing companies participated in the research and the data collected were analyzed by means of second-order confirmatory factorial analysis. The results allowed the validation of the 15 difficulties observed in the literature, and it was evidenced that these difficulties are structured in four latent variables as follows: difficulties associated with employees; difficulties associated with QMS structuration; difficulties associated with integration; and difficulties resulting from the planning. The main limitation of this research is the sample size, because 123 professionals that work with quality management in manufacturing companies participated in the research. It should be noted, however, that all parameters evaluated through the second-order confirmatory factorial analysis were validated. The findings have great value for both quality management professionals, who may use those findings to guide the pre-implementation phase of a QMS, and researchers, who may use those findings as a foundation for future studies, in the development of models or tools related to QMS implementation. No other paper was found on the scientific basis with the same focus for Brazilian manufacturing companies, thus demonstrating originality. The value of the research lies in the fact that the results presented here, statistically validated, may be used by other researchers and market professionals29114916