104 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja i kakvoća kokoši nesilica hranjenih obrocima s niskim fosforom na osnovi žitarica s dodatkom fitaze

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the response of laying hens to the low-phosphorus diets based on different kinds of cereal grains and supplemented with microbial phytase. Laying performance, feed intake, egg shell quality as well as bone strength parameters and Ca, P, Mg and Zn contents in the bones were involved as experimental parameters. At the age of 17 weeks, 288 Lohmann Brown pullets were assigned to the six dietary treatments, each treatment consisting of 12 cages with 4 birds per one. Until the beginning of the laying period the pullets were fed a standard diet containing 145 g of crude protein and 11.3 MJ ME, 4 g non-phytate P and 10.6 g of Ca per kg feed. The experimental diets provided from the first day of laying were based on maize (diets I, II, III) or on a combination of maize, barley and wheat (diets IV, V, VI) and contained about 165 g CP and 11.2 MJ ME/kg. In diets I, III or IV and VI the level of non-phytate phosphorus was decreased to 1.41 g/kg while in control diets (III or V) the amount of non-phytate P was 3.0 g/kg. In low-P diets III and VI microbial 6-phytase was included at the level of 450 FTU/kg diet. The phosphorus level in diets did not affect the laying rate during the experimental period of 53 weeks. The higher P-level in feed enhanced egg shell strength only (P<0.01). Supplementation of low-P-diets with phytase did not affect the performance of hens, such as feed intake and egg quality, however it improved the egg shell strength as compared to low-P unsupplemented groups. Regarding strength and elasticity of the tibia, the P-level and phytase supplement were without visible effects. The best parameters that characterize the bone quality were obtained by addition of 3 g of non-phytate P level per kg of diets.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ocijeniti odgovor kokoši nesilica na obroke s niskim fosforom na bazi raznih vrsta žitarica s dodatkom mikrobijelne fitaze. Nesenje, unos hrane, kakvoća ljuske jaja kao i parametri čvrstoće kosti i sadržaj Ca, P, Mg i Zn u kostima bili su obuhvaćeni kao pokusni parametri. U dobi od 17 tjedana 288 pilenki Lohmann Brown izabrano je za šest hranidbenih tretmana, a svaki tretman sastojao se od 12 kaveza po 4 pilenke. Do početka nesenja pilenke su hranjene standardnim obrocima koji su sadržavali 145 g sirovih bje¬lančevina i 11.3 MJ ME, 4 g nefitinskog P i 10.6 g Ca po kilogramu hrane. Pokusni obroci su se prvog dana nesenja temeljili na kukuruzu (obro¬ci I, II, III) ili na kombinaciji kukuruza, ječma i pšenice (obroci IV, V, VI) i sadržavali su oko 165 g CP i 11.2 Mj ME/kg. U obrocima I, III ili IV i VI razina nefitinskog fosfora smanjena je na 1.41 g/kg dok je u kontrolnim obrocima (III ili V/) količina nefitinskog P bila 3.0 g/kg. U obrocima s niskim P (III i VI) uključena je mikrobijelna 6-fitaza na razini od 450 FTU/ kg obroka. Razina fosfora u obrocima nije djelovala na postotak nesivosti u pokusu od 54 tjedna. Više razine P u hrani povećale su samo čvrstoću ljuske jajeta. (P < 0,01). Dodavanje fitaze u obroke s niskim P nije dje¬lovalo na unos hrane i kakvoću jaja, međutim poboljšalo je čvrstoću ljuske jajeta u usporedbi sa skupinama s niskim P bez dodataka. Što se tiče čvrstoće i elastičnosti goljenice, razina P i dodavanje fitaze nije imalo vidljivih učinaka. Najbolji parametri koji karakteriziraju kakvoću kosti dobiveni su dodavanjem 3 g nefitinskog P na kg obroka

    Tolerating Faults in Counting Networks

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    Counting networks were proposed by Aspnes, Herlihy and Shavit [4] as a technique for solving multiprocessor coordination problems. We describe a method for tolerating an arbitrary number of faults in counting networks. In our fault model, the following errors can occur dynamically in the counting network data structure: 1) a balancer's state is spuriously altered, 2) a balancer's state can no longer be accessed. We propose two approaches for tolerating faults. The first is based on a construction for a fault-tolerant balancer. We substitute a fault-tolerant balancer for every balancer in a counting network. Thus, we transform a counting network with depth O(log to the power of 2 n); where n is the width, into a k-fault-tolerant counting network with depth O(k log to the power of 2 n). The second approach is to append a correction network, built with fault-tolerant balancers, to a counting network that may experience faults. We present a bound on the error in the output token distribution of counting networks with faulty balancers (a generalization of the error bound for sorting networks with faulty comparators presented by Yao & Yao [21]. Given a token distribution with a bounded error, the correction network produces a token distribution that is smooth, i.e., the number of tokens on each output wire differs by at most one (a weaker condition than the step property). In order to tolerate k faults, the correction network has depth O (k to the power of 2 log n) for a network of width n

    Normalized equilibrium in Tullock rent seeking game

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    International audienceGames with Common Coupled Constraints represent manyreal life situations. In these games, if one player fails tosatisfy its constraints common to other players, then theother players are also penalised. Therefore these games canbe viewed as being cooperative in goals related to meetingthe common constraints, and non cooperative in terms ofthe utilities. We study in this paper the Tullock rent seekinggame with additional common coupled constraints. We havesucceded in showing that the utilities satisfy the property ofdiagonal strict concavity (DSC), which can be viewed asan extention of concavity to a game setting. It not onlyguarantees the uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium but also of the normalized equilibrium

    Antimicrobial therapy for acute cholangitis: Tokyo Guidelines

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    Antimicrobial agents should be administered to all patients with suspected acute cholangitis as a priority as soon as possible. Bile cultures should be performed at the earliest opportunity. The important factors which should be considered in selecting antimicrobial therapy include the agent’s activity against potentially infecting bacteria, the severity of the cholangitis, the presence or absence of renal and hepatic diseases, the patient’s recent history of antimicrobial therapy, and any recent culture results, if available. Biliary penetration of the microbial agents should also be considered in the selection of antimicrobials, but activity against the infecting isolates is of greatest importance. If the causative organisms are identified, empirically chosen antimicrobial drugs should be replaced by narrower-spectrum antimicrobial agents, the most appropriate for the species and the site of the infection

    The Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation : fluids or vasopressors in emergency department sepsis (ARISE FLUIDS), a multi-centre observational study describing current practice in Australia and New Zealand

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    Objectives: To describe haemodynamic resuscitation practices in ED patients with suspected sepsis and hypotension. Methods: This was a prospective, multicentre, observational study conducted in 70 hospitals in Australia and New Zealand between September 2018 and January 2019. Consecutive adults presenting to the ED during a 30-day period at each site, with suspected sepsis and hypotension (systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg) despite at least 1000 mL fluid resuscitation, were eligible. Data included baseline demographics, clinical and laboratory variables and intravenous fluid volume administered, vasopressor administration at baseline and 6- and 24-h post-enrolment, time to antimicrobial administration, intensive care admission, organ support and in-hospital mortality. Results: A total of 4477 patients were screened and 591 were included with a mean (standard deviation) age of 62 (19) years, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score 15.2 (6.6) and a median (interquartile range) systolic blood pressure of 94 mmHg (87–100). Median time to first intravenous antimicrobials was 77 min (42–148). A vasopressor infusion was commenced within 24 h in 177 (30.2%) patients, with noradrenaline the most frequently used (n = 138, 78%). A median of 2000 mL (1500–3000) of intravenous fluids was administered prior to commencing vasopressors. The total volume of fluid administered from pre-enrolment to 24 h was 4200 mL (3000–5661), with a range from 1000 to 12 200 mL. Two hundred and eighteen patients (37.1%) were admitted to an intensive care unit. Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.2% (95% confidence interval 4.4–8.5%). Conclusion: Current resuscitation practice in patients with sepsis and hypotension varies widely and occupies the spectrum between a restricted volume/earlier vasopressor and liberal fluid/later vasopressor strategy