17 research outputs found

    CRHR1 links peripuberty stress with deficits in social and stress-coping behaviors

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    Stressful life events during childhood and adolescence are important risk factors for the development of psychopathologies later in life. The corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and the CRH receptor 1 (CRHR1) have been implicated in the link between early life adversity and adult anxiety and depression, with rodent studies identifying the very early postnatal period as highly susceptible to this programming. Here, we investigated whether stress exposure during the peripubertal period - comprising juvenility and puberty - is effective in inducing long-lasting changes in the expression of CRHR1 and CRHR2 in the hippocampus and amygdala, and whether treating animals with a CRHR1 antagonist following stress exposure could reverse behavioral alterations induced by peripuberty stress. We show that peripuberty stress leads to enhanced expression of the Crhr1, but not Crhr2, gene in the hippocampal CA1 and the central nucleus of the amygdala, in association with social deficits in the social exploration test and increased stress-coping behaviors in the forced swim test. Treatment with the CRHR1 antagonist NBI30775 (10 mg/kg) daily for 1 week (from P43 to P49), immediately following peripuberty stress exposure, prevented the occurrence of those psychopathological behaviors at adulthood. These findings highlight peripuberty as a period of plasticity for the enduring modulation of the CRHR1 system and support a growing body of data implicating the CRHR1 system in the programming effects of early life stress on eventual psychopathology. They also support recent evidence indicating that temporarily tackling CRHR1 during development might represent a therapeutic opportunity to correct behavioral trajectories linking early stress to adult psychopathology

    Peripubertal stress-induced behavioral changes are associated with altered expression of genes involved in excitation and inhibition in the amygdala

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    Early-life stress is a critical risk factor for developing psychopathological alterations later in life. This early adverse environment has been modeled in rats by exposure to stress during the peripubertal period-that is, corresponding to childhood and puberty-and has been shown to lead to increased emotionality, decreased sociability and pathological aggression. The amygdala, particularly its central nucleus (CeA), is hyperactivated in this model, consistent with evidence implicating this nucleus in the regulation of social and aggressive behaviors. Here, we investigated potential changes in the gene expression of molecular markers of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the CeA. We found that peripubertal stress led to an increase in the expression of mRNA encoding NR1 (the obligatory subunit of the N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor) but to a reduction in the level of mRNA encoding glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67), an enzyme that is critically involved in the activity-dependent synthesis of GABA, and to an increase in the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1)/vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) ratio in the CeA. These molecular alterations were present in addition to increased novelty reactivity, sociability deficits and increased aggression. Our results also showed that the full extent of the peripubertal protocol was required for the observed behavioral and neurobiological effects because exposure during only the childhood/prepubertal period (Juvenile Stress) or the male pubertal period (Puberty Stress) was insufficient to elicit the same effects. These findings highlight peripuberty as a period in which stress can lead to long-term programming of the genes involved in excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the CeA

    Hippocampal neuroligin-2 overexpression leads to reduced aggression and inhibited novelty reactivity in rats

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    Disturbances of the excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance in the brain were recently suggested as potential factors underlying disorders like autism and schizophrenia resulting in associated behavioral alterations including changes in social and emotional behavior as well as abnormal aggression. Neuronal cell adhesion molecules (nCAMs) and mutations in these genes were found to be strongly implicated in the pathophysiology of these disorders. Neuroligin2 (nlgn2) is a postsynaptic cell adhesion molecule, which is predominantly expressed at inhibitory synapses and required for synapse specification and stabilization. Changes in the expression of nlgn2 were shown to result in alterations of social behavior as well as altered inhibitory synaptic transmission, hence modifying the E/I balance. In our study, we focused on the role of nlgn2 in the dorsal hippocampus in the regulation of emotional and social behaviors. To this purpose, we injected an AAV construct overexpressing nlgn2 in the hippocampus of rats and investigated the effects on behavior and on markers for the E/I ratio. We could show an increase in GAD65, a GABA-synthesizing protein in neuronal terminals, and furthermore, reduced exploration of novel stimuli and less offensive behavior. Our data suggest nlgn2 in the hippocampus to be strongly implicated in maintaining the E/I balance in the brain and thereby modulating social and emotional behavior

    The interplay of conditional NCAM-knockout and chronic unpredictable stress leads to increased aggression in mice

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    Abstract The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is a key regulator of brain plasticity. Substantial evidence indicates that NCAM is down-regulated by exposure to sustained stress and chronic stress seems to lead to increased aggression. In addition, constitutional NCAM deletion in mice has been shown to lead to increased intermale aggression and altered emotionality Forebrain-specific postnatal NCAM knockout was previously shown to impair cognitive function, particularly when animals were exposed to subchronic stress, but the effects on emotional and social behavior remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the potential interplay of a forebrain-specific postnatal NCAM deletion and exposure to different lengths of repeated stress (i.e., subchronic: 14 days; chronic: 29 days) on aggressive and emotional behavior. Our results show that postnatal deletion of NCAM in the forebrain leads to increased aggression and altered emotionality depending on the duration of stress, whereas conditional NCAM knockout has no basal impact on these behaviors. These findings support the involvement of NCAM in the regulation of emotional and aggressive behaviors, suggesting that diminished NCAM expression might be a critical vulnerability factor for the development of these behavioral alterations under repeated exposure to stres

    Alpha2-adrenergic receptor activation regulates cortical interneuron migration

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    Monoamines such as serotonin and dopamine have been shown to regulate cortical interneuron migration but very little is known regarding noradrenaline. Similarly to other monoamines, noradrenaline is detected during embryonic cortical development and adrenergic receptors are expressed in transient embryonic zones of the pallium that contain migrating neurons. Evidence of a functional role for the adrenergic system in interneuron migration is lacking. In this study we first investigated the expression pattern of adrenergic receptors in mouse cortical interneuron subtypes preferentially derived from the caudal ganglionic eminences, and found that they expressed different subtypes of adrenergic receptors. To directly monitor the effects of adrenergic receptor stimulation on interneuron migration we used time-lapse recordings in cortical slices and observed that alpha2 adrenergic receptors (adra2) receptor activation inhibits the migration of cortical interneurons in a concentration-dependent and reversible manner. Furthermore, we observed that following adra2 activation the directionality of migrating interneurons was significantly modified, suggesting that adra2 stimulation could modulate their responsiveness to guidance cues. Finally the distribution of cortical interneurons was altered in vivo in adra2a/2c-knockout mice. These results support the general hypothesis that adrenergic dysregulation occurring during embryonic development alters cellular processes involved in the formation of cortical circuits

    Excess of serotonin affects embryonic interneuron migration through activation of the serotonin receptor 6

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    The discovery that a common polymorphism (5-HTTLPR, short variant) in the human serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) can influence personality traits and increase the risk for depression in adulthood has led to the hypothesis that a relative increase in the extracellular levels of serotonin (5-HT) during development could be critical for the establishment of brain circuits. Consistent with this idea, a large body of data demonstrate that 5-HT is a strong neurodevelopmental signal that can modulate a wide variety of cellular processes. In humans, serotonergic fibers appear in the developing cortex as early as the 10th gestational week, a period of intense neuronal migration. In this study we hypothesized that an excess of 5-HT could affect embryonic cortical interneuron migration. Using time-lapse videometry to monitor the migration of interneurons in embryonic mouse cortical slices, we discovered that the application of 5-HT decreased interneuron migration in a reversible and dose-dependent manner. We next found that 5-HT6 receptors were expressed in cortical interneurons and that 5-HT6 receptor activation decreased interneuron migration, whereas 5-HT6 receptor blockade prevented the migratory effects induced by 5-HT. Finally, we observed that interneurons were abnormally distributed in the cerebral cortex of serotonin transporter gene (Slc6a4) knockout mice that have high levels of extracellular 5-HT. These results shed new light on the neurodevelopmental alterations caused by an excess of 5-HT during the embryonic period and contribute to a better understanding of the cellular processes that could be modulated by genetically controlled differences in human 5-HT homeostasis

    Peripubertal stress-induced heightened aggression: modulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in the central amygdala and normalization by mifepristone treatment

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    Despite the enormous negative impact of excessive aggression for individuals and societies, there is a paucity of treatments. Here, using a peripubertal stress model of heightened aggression in rats, we investigated the involvement of the glucocorticoid system and tested the effectiveness of antiglucocorticoid treatment to normalize behavior. We assessed peripubertal stress-induced changes in glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) gene expression in different amygdala nuclei and hippocampus, and report a specific increase in GR mRNA expression in the central amygdala (CeA). Administration of mifepristone (10 mg/kg), a GR antagonist, before stressor exposure at peripuberty prevented the habituation of plasma corticosterone responses observed throughout the stress protocol. This treatment also prevented the increase in aggression and GR expression in the CeA observed in peripubertally stressed rats at adulthood. Viral downregulation of CeA GR expression at adulthood led to reduced aggression. Subsequently, we showed that a brief, 3-day, treatment with mifepristone at adulthood was effective to normalize the abnormal aggression phenotype in peripubertally stressed rats. Our results support a key role for GR actions during peripubertal stress for the long-term programming of heightened aggression. Strikingly, they also support the translational interest of testing the effectiveness of mifepristone treatment to diminish reactive aggression in early adversity-related human psychopathologies

    Neuroligin-2 expression in the prefrontal cortex is involved in attention deficits induced by peripubertal stress

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    Emerging evidence indicates that attention deficits, which are frequently observed as core symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders, may be elicited by early life stress. However, the mechanisms mediating these stress effects remain unknown. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has been implicated in the regulation of attention, including dysfunctions in GABAergic transmission, and it is highly sensitive to stress. Here, we investigated the involvement of neuroligin-2 (NLGN-2), a synaptic cell adhesion molecule involved in the stabilization and maturation of GABAergic synapses, in the PFC in the link between stress and attention deficits. First, we established that exposure of rats to stress during the peripubertal period impairs attention in the five-choice serial reaction time task and results in reductions in the GABA-synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase in different PFC subregions (ie, prelimbic (PL), infralimbic, and medial and ventral orbitofrontal (OFC) cortex) and in NLGN-2 in the PL cortex. In peripubertally stressed animals, NLGN-2 expression in the PL and OFC cortex correlated with attention measurements. Subsequently, we found that adeno-associated virus-induced rescue of NLGN-2 in the PFC reverses the stress-induced attention deficits regarding omitted trials. Therefore, our findings highlight peripuberty as a period that is highly vulnerable to stress, leading to the development of attention deficits and a dysfunction in the PFC GABAergic system and NLGN-2 expression. Furthermore, NLGN-2 is underscored as a promising target to treat stress-induced cognitive alterations, and in particular attentional deficits as manifested by augmented omissions in a continuous performance task

    mRNA expression.

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    <p>A, mRNA expression in the dorsal hippocampus. Nrxn1: T<sub>(9)</sub> = −0.155, p>0.05; Gephyrin: T<sub>(9)</sub> = 0.279, p>0.05; GAD65: T<sub>(9)</sub> = −2.404, p<0.05*; GAD67: T<sub>(9)</sub> = 0.059, p>0.05; vGlut: T<sub>(5.439)</sub> = 0.739, p>0.05. <b>B, mRNA expression in the ventral hippocampus.</b> Nrxn1: T<sub>(4.071)</sub> = 0.732, p>0.05; Gephyrin: T<sub>(9)</sub> = −0.850, p>0.05; GAD65: T<sub>(9)</sub> = 0.380, p>0.05; GAD67: T<sub>(9)</sub> = 1.392, p>0.05; vGlut: T<sub>(9)</sub> = −0.457, p>0.05. Empty n = 6, nlgn2-OE n = 5. *significantly different from empty animals.</p