51 research outputs found

    Tracer-Independent Approaches to Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange and Tropospheric Air Mass Composition

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    Two transport processes are examined. The first addresses the interaction between the stratosphere and the troposphere. We perform the first analyses of stratosphere-troposphere exchange using one-way flux distributions; diagnostics are illustrated in both idealized and comprehensive contexts. By partitioning the one-way flux across the thermal tropopause according to stratospheric residence time τ and the regions where air enters and exits the stratosphere, the one-way flux is quantified robustly without being rendered ill-defined by the short-τ eddy-diffusive singularity. Diagnostics are first computed using an idealized circulation model that has topography only in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and is run under perpetual NH winter conditions; suitable integrations are used to determine the stratospheric mean residence time and the mass fraction of the stratosphere in any given residence-time interval. For the idealized model we find that air exiting the stratosphere in the winter hemisphere has significantly longer mean residence times than air exiting in the summer hemisphere because the winter hemisphere has a deeper circulation and stronger eddy diffusion. The complicated response of mean residence times to increased topography underlines the fact that flux distributions capture the integrated advective-diffusive tropopause-to-tropopause transport, and not merely advection by the residual-mean circulation. Extending one-way flux distributions to non-stationary flow we quantify the seasonal ventilation of the stratosphere using the state-of-the-art GEOSCCM general circulation model subject to fixed present-day climate forcings. From the one-way flux distributions, we determine the mass of the stratosphere that is in transit from the tropical tropopause back to the troposphere, partitioned according to stratospheric residence time and exit location. We find that poleward of 45N, the cross-tropopause flux of air that has resided in the stratosphere three months or less is 34 ± 10 % larger for air that enters the stratosphere in July compared to air that enters in January. During late summer and early fall the stratosphere contains about six times more air of tropical origin that is destined to exit poleward of 45S/N in both hemispheres, after an entry-to-exit residence time of six months or less, than is the case during other times of year. We find that 51 ± 1 % and 39 ± 2 % of the stratospheric air mass of tropical origin, annually averaged and integrated over all residence times, exits poleward of 10N/S in the NH and SH, respectively, with most of the mass exiting downstream of the Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks. The mean residence time of this air is found to be ~ 5.1 years in the NH and ~ 5.7 years in the SH. The second transport process addresses new diagnostics of tropospheric transport. We introduce rigorously defined air masses as a diagnostic of tropospheric transport in the context of an idealized model. The fractional contribution from each air mass partitions air at any given point according to either where it was last in the planetary boundary layer (PBL), or where it was last in contact with the tropopause. The utility of these air-mass fractions in isolating the climate change signature on transport alone is demonstrated for the climate of a dynamical-core circulation model and its response to a specified heating. For an idealized warming that produces dynamical responses that are typical of end-of-century comprehensive model projections, changes in air-mass fractions are order 10% and reveal the model's climate change in tropospheric transport: poleward shifted jets and surface intensified eddy kinetic energy lead to more efficient stirring of air out of the midlatitude boundary layer, suggesting that in the future there may be increased transport of industrial pollutants to the Arctic upper troposphere. Correspondingly, air is less efficiently mixed away from the subtropical boundary layer. The air-mass fraction that had last stratosphere contact at midlatitudes increases all the way to the surface, in part due to increased isentropic eddy transport across the tropopause. A weakened Hadley circulation leads to decreased interhemispheric transport in the model's future climate

    The Role of Monsoon-Like Zonally Asymmetric Heating in Interhemispheric Transport

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    While the importance of the seasonal migration of the zonally averaged Hadley circulation on interhemispheric transport of trace gases has been recognized, few studies have examined the role of the zonally asymmetric monsoonal circulation. This study investigates the role of monsoon-like zonally asymmetric heating on interhemispheric transport using a dry atmospheric model that is forced by idealized Newtonian relaxation to a prescribed radiative equilibrium temperature. When only the seasonal cycle of zonally symmetric heating is considered, the mean age of air in the Southern Hemisphere since last contact with the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude boundary layer, is much larger than the observations. The introduction of monsoon-like zonally asymmetric heating not only reduces the mean age of tropospheric air to more realistic values, but also produces an upper-tropospheric cross-equatorial transport pathway in boreal summer that resembles the transport pathway simulated in the NASA Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) Chemistry Transport Model driven with MERRA meteorological fields. These results highlight the monsoon-induced eddy circulation plays an important role in the interhemispheric transport of long-lived chemical constituents

    Long-Term Ozone Variability and Trends from Reanalyses: Can It Be Done?

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    Stratospheric ozone concentrations have begun to show early signs of recovery following the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and its amendments as well as in response to decreasing upper-stratospheric temperatures. Secular trends in stratospheric ozone are modulated by considerable interannual variability and systematic changes in transport patterns that are expected under increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, especially in the lower stratosphere. These factors necessitate the continued close monitoring of stratospheric ozone in upcoming decades, with a special focus on the lower stratosphere.As highly resolved data sets combining a plethora of observations with model simulations atmospheric reanalyses are, in principle, well suited for the task. All major reanalyses generate ozone output. However, significant spurious discontinuities that arise from step changes in the observing systems prevent a straightforward analysis of ozone trends and long-term variability. Building on our recent work, in this presentation we will demonstrate that trend detection is nonetheless possible using the ozone record from NASA's MERRA-2 (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2) reanalysis bias-corrected using a chemistry model simulation as a transfer function. Next, we will outline several strategies to reduce artificial discontinuities in the ozone record in future NASA reanalyses. This discussion will be illustrated by an example of joint assimilation of bias-corrected ozone profiles from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite (2004 to present) and the Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite Limb Profiler (OMPS-LP) sensors that are expected to operate on future NOAA platforms

    Overview of Large-scale Tropospheric Transport in the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) Simulations

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    The transport of chemicals is a major uncertainty in the modeling of tropospheric composition. Here we compare the large-scale tropospheric transport properties among different models in the Chemistry Climate Modeling Initiative (CCMI) with a focus on transport defined with respect to the Northern Hemisphere (NH) midlatitude surface. Among simulations of the recent past (1980-2010) we show that there are substantial differences in their global-scale tropospheric transport properties. For example, the mean transit time since southern hemisphere air last contacted the NH midlatitude surface differs by ~30-40% among simulations. We show that these differences are most likely associated with differences in parameterized convection over the oceans, such that the spread in transport among simulations constrained with analysis fields is as large as the spread among free-running simulations

    Large-Scale Transport Responses to Tropospheric Circulation Changes Using GEOS-5

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    The mean age since air was last at the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude surface is a fundamental property of tropospheric transport. Recent comparisons among chemistry climate models, however, reveal that there are large differences in the mean age among models and that these differences are most likely related to differences in tropical (parameterized) convection. Here we use aquaplanet simulations of the Goddard Earth Observing System Model Version 5 (GEOS-5) to explore the sensitivity of the mean age to changes in the tropical circulation. Tropical circulation changes are forced by prescribed localized off-equatorial warm sea surface temperature anomalies that (qualitatively) reproduce the convection and circulation differences among the comprehensive models. Idealized chemical species subject to prescribed OH loss are also integrated in parallel in order to illustrate the impact of tropical transport changes on interhemispheric constituent transport

    Multidecadal Changes in Lower Stratospheric Ozone: Variability Vs. Trends

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    As upper stratospheric ozone appears to be recovering as a result of decreasing chlorine loading following the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and its amendments and in agreement with model projections, several recent studies report an apparent decline of ozone concentrations in the lower stratosphere in the last two decades, particularly in the extratropics. Our previous work as well as at least two other studies provide evidence that this decline results from transport changes rather than an intensification of chemical depletion. It remains unclear whether these changes represent long-term internal variability or are a consequence of a climate forcing. Here we perform free-running ensembles of the recent past (1980-2016) using the Goddard Earth Observing System Model (GEOS) at the cubed sphere C180 (approximately half degree) resolution. Two suites of 10-member ensembles are performed, one in which observed sea surface temperature (SSTs) are fully prescribed, and the other in which the linear SST trend over the recent past is removed so as to only retain internal variability. We evaluate the trends in both ozone as well as two idealized tracers with prescribed uniform loss that are used to isolate the role of transport from chemistry and emissions. Probability-distribution-functions of the trends in both ozone and idealized tracers are compared among ensemble members and with observed trends in order to evaluate the likelihood of recent observed declines in lower stratospheric ozone, relative to large internal variability. Moreover, comparisons among simulations with and without imposed SST trends indicate the extent to which dynamically-driven ozone trends reflect forced trends or internal variability in lower stratospheric dynamics

    The Transit-Time Distribution from the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitude Surface

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    The distribution of transit times from the Northern Hemisphere (NH) midlatitude surface is a fundamental property of tropospheric transport. Here we present an analysis of the transit time distribution (TTD) since air last contacted the northern midlatitude surface layer, as simulated by the NASA Global Modeling Initiative Chemistry Transport Model. We find that throughout the troposphere the TTD is characterized by long flat tails that reflect the recirculation of old air from the Southern Hemisphere and results in mean ages that are significantly larger than the modal age. Key aspects of the TTD -- its mode, mean and spectral width -- are interpreted in terms of tropospheric dynamics, including seasonal shifts in the location and strength of tropical convection and variations in quasi-isentropic transport out of the northern midlatitude surface layer. Our results indicate that current diagnostics of tropospheric transport are insufficient for comparing model transport and that the full distribution of transit times is a more appropriate constraint