284 research outputs found

    Tecnicismos jurĂ­dicos en un cĂłdigo del Fuero Juzgo

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    This article contains a list of juridical technicalities proceeding from a half XIIIth century Fuero Juzgo manuscript in old Leonese. Many therms survive actually, others were substituted by new voices. Their abundance and exact use seem to us the main features to underline, as well as their diffusion and linguistic reality in the XIIIth century. Such kind of linguistic studies in Hispano-romance -about lexical technicalities- are in our opinion not enough diffused as the interest of the subject would require

    Strategie tematiche e strutturali nello Spill

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    The use of certain themes in the opera (such as misoginy) and the way they are reinterpreted, and the very organization of the text, show that the intention of the author is to offer a detailed exemplum and counter-exemplum. From this perspective, the apparent incongruity between the condemnation of female wickness and the narration of the story of the Virgin is removed. Roig offers the reader a spill, in which he reflects an anti-model (perverse, sinful woman), opposed to the Model (Maria), which constitutes the real Spill. The dichotomy mala mulier / bona mulier (?bad woman / good woman?) is now re-expressed in violent, scabrous terms that break the bounds of corporeal baseness, and is reconstructed by overturning the canons of the pseudo-biographical love genre. With the decline of the courtly ideal of mediaeval origin, this dualism weakens and the unpleasant side bursts through in a form that is now secular, urbane, down-to-earth, disenchanted, even attracted to the most sordid aspects of daily life

    Notizia del ritrovamento di un codice catalano perduto

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    Aquest article ha estat concebut perquè es donés notícia sobre el singular retrobament d'un manuscrit català del segle XIV, que tothom ja creia perdut. La desaparició havia estat denunciada per Ramon Aramon i Serra el 1934, en la seva edició sobre algunes novel·letes exemplars medievals catalanes i declaravaen nota a peu de pagina a la Invenció del cors de sant Antoni abat, que el manuscrit original era introbable i malgrat que n'hagués sol·licitat prou vegades còpia a la Biblioteca municipal de Palma, els resultats havien estat negatius. L'autora, per a un conjunt d'intuicions, segueix un recorregut que al final la fa arribar al codi original conservat en la Biblioteca de Catalunya amb la signatura actual MS. 1421 i amb el títol modern de Historia del emperador Costantino

    Strategie tematiche e strutturali nello Spill

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    The use of certain themes in the opera (such as misoginy) and the way they are reinterpreted, and the very organization of the text, show that the intention of the author is to offer a detailed exemplum and counter-exemplum. From this perspective, the apparent incongruity between the condemnation of female wickness and the narration of the story of the Virgin is removed. Roig offers the reader a spill, in which he reflects an anti-model (perverse, sinful woman), opposed to the Model (Maria), which constitutes the real Spill. The dichotomy mala mulier / bona mulier (bad woman / good woman) is now re-expressed in violent, scabrous terms that break the bounds of corporeal baseness, and is reconstructed by overturning the canons of the pseudo-biographical love genre. With the decline of the courtly ideal of mediaeval origin, this dualism weakens and the unpleasant side bursts through in a form that is now secular, urbane, down-to-earth, disenchanted, even attracted to the most sordid aspects of daily life

    «Die verfolgte Frau» : per l'analisi semiologica di un motivo folclorico e delle sue derivazioni medievali (con speciale attenzione all'ambito catalano)

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    Folklore, the projection of a common content, translates into a finite though substantial number of textual structures that preserve the marks of the specific setting in which they originated, as opposed to the potentially unconscious nature of the systems. The compositive schemas, brought to light by the narratological analysis of tales, coincide generally in their motifs and subjects. Although the motif of the persecuted- maiden, like many others, is rooted in the remote past and refers to the various forms of rituality which, originally bearing a sacral meaning, became progressively divested of their religious implications; the sacred object became profane, thus entering folkloric and artistic production. This was the moment in which the motif arose, later multiplying itself in the numerous surviving testimonies. It acquired enormous popularity during the Middle Ages and became a sign of that semiologic universe. Indeed, the enumeration of the attestations in the medieval Latin, Romance, Germanic and Oriental spheres and the comparative analysis of their narratological structure lead to the identification of the shared compositive grammar. The outline sketched in this waybrings to light one and the same structural typification, to which all the tales refer and of which these tales represent the literary projection. The study that has been carried out highlights the intercurrent relations between the Catalan tales and the documented texts: direct derivation, indirect influences, degree of proximity or independence of the different versions, and specific particularities of the attestations of this linguistic-cultural sphere

    "Sex and the Pandemic in #CoronavirusPlays"

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