20 research outputs found

    Oligometastatic prostate cancer – case report

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    Oligometastatki rak prostate je najpogostejša indikacija za lokalno ablativno zdravljenje omejenega števila zasevkov. V prispevku je predstavljen primer bolnika z metahrono oligoponovitvijo raka prostate, zdravljenega s stereotaktičnim obsevanjem, in pojasnjene nejasnosti pri izbiri optimalnih kandidatov za tovrstno zdravljenje

    A system for velocity measurement using a Doppler radar

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    The purpose of this thesis is to develop a system that measures the speed of passing cars using the Doppler radar. The system was created with an STM32F4 Discovery development board and the RFBeam K-MC1 Doppler radar module. An application, that enables testing of the algorithm and parameters, used for speed computation, has also been developed. The program for the microcontroller is written in the C programming language. The testing application is written in C++ programming language and uses the QT framework for the graphical user interface. The thesis explains the Doppler Effect, which is the foundation for the Doppler radar. It also explains Fourier transform used for analyzing the signal, acquired from the radar module. The last part of the thesis describes the process of developing the test application and the program for the microcontroller

    Oligometastatic prostate cancer

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    Numerical analysis of timber-concrete composite beam\ud considering inter-layer slip and delamination

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    A new numerical model for the non-linear analysis of two-layer timber-concrete composite beams is presented. Numerical model is based on a strain finite element method. The effect of slip and uplift at the contact interface is considered for determination of stress-strain state of a two-layer composite beam which is an important novelty of presented model. Planar geometrically linear Reissner beam model and non-linear constitutive law of timber, concrete, steel and interface connection in longitudinal and transverse direction is considered. An excellent agreement between experimental and numerical results is observed. Therefore, it can be concluded that presented model is suitable for the analysis of two-layer composite timber-concrete beams

    Matjaž Zwitter: pogovarjamo se o evtanaziji

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    Etični izzivi preventive in presejanja raka v času epidemije covid-19

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    Učinkovitost kanabinoidov pri zdravljenju raka – mit ali resnica?

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    The use of cannabis derivatives (cannabinoids) in oncology is sometimes indicated in the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting, in pain management and in some neuropsychiatric disorders. In the recent years, there has been a growing interest in determining the anticancer effects of cannabinoids. Based on our clinical experience, we know that many patients use cannabinoids, among them also those with the aim of curing their disease. But despite the extensive and convincing data on the anticancer properties of cannabinoids from in vitro studies on cell cultures and studies on animal models, these properties have not (yet) been confirmed in a clinical trial. This paper summarises the currently available data on the potential of cannabinoid use in the clinical practice of oncology.Uporaba derivatov konoplje (kanabinoidov) je v onkologiji občasno indicirana pri simptomatski terapiji slabosti in bruhanja, bolečini ter nevropsiholoških motnjah. V zadnjih letih je opaziti tudi čedalje pogostejše zastavljanje vprašanj v povezavi z morebitnimi zdravilnimi učinki konoplje pri zdravljenju malignih neoplazem. Po naših izkušnjah mnogo bolnikov uživa eno izmed oblik kanabinoidov, tudi z namenom protitumorskega delovanja. Kljub številnim prepričljivim podatkom o protitumorskem učinku kanabinoidov v laboratorijskih poskusih na celičnih kulturah in živalskih modelih pa ta v kliničnih študijah doslej (še) ni bil potrjen. V tem prispevku povzemamo glavna dejstva, ki so trenutno na voljo, glede upravičenosti uporabe kanabinoidov z namenom onkološkega delovanja

    Forest and Wood: Slovenian Forest for Slovenia

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