27 research outputs found

    Behavioral, physiological, and molecular differences in response to dietary restriction in three inbred mouse strains

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    , physiological, and molecular differences in response to dietary restriction in three inbred mouse strains. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 291: E574 -E581, 2006. First published May 2, 2006; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00068.2006.-Food restriction paradigms are widely used in animal studies to investigate systems involved in energy regulation. We have observed behavioral, physiological, and molecular differences in response to food restriction in three inbred mouse strains, C57BL/6J, A/J, and DBA/2J. These are the progenitors of chromosome substitution and recombinant inbred mouse strains used for mapping complex traits. DBA/2J and A/J mice increased their locomotor activity during food restriction, and both displayed a decrease in body temperature, but the decrease was significantly larger in DBA/2J compared with A/J mice. C57BL/6J mice did not increase their locomotor activity and displayed a large decrease in their body temperature. The large decline in body temperature during food restriction in DBA/2J and C57BL/6J strains was associated with a robust reduction in plasma leptin levels. DBA/2J mice showed a marked decrease in white and brown adipose tissue masses and an upregulation of the antithermogenic hypothalamic neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor. In contrast, A/J mice showed a reduction in body temperature to a lesser extent that may be explained by downregulation of the thermogenic melanocortin 3 receptor and by behavioral thermoregulation as a consequence of their increased locomotor activity. These data indicate that genetic background is an important parameter in controlling an animal's adaptation strategy in response to food restriction. Therefore, mouse genetic mapping populations based on these progenitor lines are highly valuable for investigating mechanisms underlying strain-dependent differences in behavioral physiology that are seen during reduced food availability. locomotor activity; body temperature; food intake; neuropeptide Y; melanocortin ENERGY BALANCE is regulated by processes that influence food intake and energy expenditure. The main components of energy expenditure are metabolism and thermogenesis induced by exercise, cold, and diet, and these are regulated by the interaction of behavioral, physiological, and molecular mechanisms. Imbalances in energy state can result in health problems, such as malnutrition, eating disorders, or obesity Food restriction paradigms are widely used in animal studies to investigate mechanisms involved in the regulation of energy balance Behavioral thermoregulation is one of the mechanisms by which endothermic animals achieve and maintain a stable body temperature during times of food shortage In addition to behavioral thermogenesis, endothermic animals use autonomic mechanisms to regulate their core temperature (47). For example, brown adipose tissue (BAT)-mediated nonshivering thermogenesis is involved in heat production when animals are exposed to cold. Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) in the BAT generate heat by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation, and, in mice, targeted inactivation of the gene coding for UCP1 leads to cold sensitivity (13). Leptin increases the thermogenesis in BAT by increasing UCP1 expression (48); therefore, decreased heat production resulting from hypoleptinemia could be associated with the increased locomotor activity seen in some inbred mice strains and rats in response to restricted feeding. Leptin's effects on the hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) and melanocortin systems have been implicated in the regulation of energy balance (56, 59). For example, selective NPY Y 1 and Y 5 receptor agonists increase food consumption and decrease circulating levels of thyroid hormones, showing that both receptors mediate the stimulatory effects of NPY on foo

    <i>Cntn4</i>, a risk gene for neuropsychiatric disorders, modulates hippocampal synaptic plasticity and behavior

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    Neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), anorexia nervosa (AN), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and schizophrenia (SZ), are heterogeneous brain disorders with unknown etiology. Genome wide studies have revealed a wide variety of risk genes for these disorders, indicating a biological link between genetic signaling pathways and brain pathology. A unique risk gene is Contactin 4 (Cntn4), an Ig cell adhesion molecule (IgCAM) gene, which has been associated with several neuropsychiatric disorders including ASD, AN, AD, and SZ. Here, we investigated the Cntn4 gene knockout (KO) mouse model to determine whether memory dysfunction and altered brain plasticity, common neuropsychiatric symptoms, are affected by Cntn4 genetic disruption. For that purpose, we tested if Cntn4 genetic disruption affects CA1 synaptic transmission and the ability to induce LTP in hippocampal slices. Stimulation in CA1 striatum radiatum significantly decreased synaptic potentiation in slices of Cntn4 KO mice. Neuroanatomical analyses showed abnormal dendritic arborization and spines of hippocampal CA1 neurons. Short- and long-term recognition memory, spatial memory, and fear conditioning responses were also assessed. These behavioral studies showed increased contextual fear conditioning in heterozygous and homozygous KO mice, quantified by a gene-dose dependent increase in freezing response. In comparison to wild-type mice, Cntn4-deficient animals froze significantly longer and groomed more, indicative of increased stress responsiveness under these test conditions. Our electrophysiological, neuro-anatomical, and behavioral results in Cntn4 KO mice suggest that Cntn4 has important functions related to fear memory possibly in association with the neuronal morphological and synaptic plasticity changes in hippocampus CA1 neurons

    Forskolin-induced Organoid Swelling is Associated with Long-term CF Disease Progression

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    RATIONALE: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a monogenic life-shortening disease associated with highly variable individual disease progression which is difficult to predict. Here we assessed the association of forskolin-induced swelling (FIS) of patient-derived organoids (PDO) with long-term CF disease progression in multiple organs and compared FIS with the golden standard biomarker sweat chloride concentration (SCC). METHODS: We retrieved 9-year longitudinal clinical data from the Dutch CF Registry of 173 people with mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Individual CFTR function was defined by FIS, measured as the relative size increase of intestinal organoids after stimulation with 0.8 µM forskolin, quantified as area under the curve (AUC). We used linear mixed effect models and multivariable logistic regression to estimate the association of FIS with long-term FEV1pp decline and development of pancreatic insufficiency, CF-related liver disease and diabetes. Within these models, FIS was compared with SCC. RESULTS: FIS was strongly associated with longitudinal changes of lung function, with an estimated difference in annual FEV1pp decline of 0.32% (95%CI: 0.11%-0.54%; p=0.004) per 1000-points change in AUC. Moreover, increasing FIS levels were associated with lower odds of developing pancreatic insufficiency (adjusted OR: 0.18, 95%CI: 0.07-0.46, p<0.001), CF-related liver disease (adjusted OR: 0.18, 95%CI: 0.06-0.54, p=0.002) and diabetes (adjusted OR: 0.34, 95%CI: 0.12-0.97, p=0.044). These associations were absent for SCC. CONCLUSION: This study exemplifies the prognostic value of a PDO-based biomarker within a clinical setting, which is especially important for people carrying rare CFTR mutations with unclear clinical consequences

    Hippocampal Gene Expression Analysis Highlights Ly6a/Sca-1 as Candidate Gene for Previously Mapped Novelty Induced Behaviors in Mice

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    In this study, we show that the covariance between behavior and gene expression in the brain can help further unravel the determinants of neurobehavioral traits. Previously, a QTL for novelty induced motor activity levels was identified on murine chromosome 15 using consomic strains. With the goal of narrowing down the linked region and possibly identifying the gene underlying the quantitative trait, gene expression data from this F2-population was collected and used for expression QTL analysis. While genetic variation in these mice was limited to chromosome 15, eQTL analysis of gene expression showed strong cis-effects as well as trans-effects elsewhere in the genome. Using weighted gene co-expression network analysis, we were able to identify modules of co-expressed genes related to novelty induced motor activity levels. In eQTL analyses, the expression of Ly6a (a.k.a. Sca-1) was found to be cis-regulated by chromosome 15. Ly6a also surfaced in a group of genes resulting from the network analysis that was correlated with behavior. Behavioral analysis of Ly6a knock-out mice revealed reduced novelty induced motor activity levels when compared to wild type controls, confirming functional importance of Ly6a in this behavior, possibly through regulating other genes in a pathway. This study shows that gene expression profiling can be used to narrow down a previously identified behavioral QTL in mice, providing support for Ly6a as a candidate gene for functional involvement in novelty responsiveness

    Meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin photodynamic therapy in early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

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    Objective: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a relatively new treatment modality for various types of cancer, including cancer of the head and neck. The advent of the second-generation photosensitizers such as meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC) (Foscan; Scotia Pharmaceuticals, Stirling, Scotland), which are more effective and less phototoxic to the skin than their forerunners, now makes this treatment a feasible alternative to surgery or radiotherapy in specific cases. To evaluate the long-term outcome of this therapy for squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck, we treated patients with PDT using mTHPC. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Tertiary cancer referral center. Patients: Twenty-five patients with 29 T1-T2 N0 tumors of the oral cavity and/or oropharynx. Intervention; Photodynamic therapy. Main Outcome Measure: Complete local tumor remission. Results: The mean follow-up of the patients after treatment was 37 months. In 25 (86%) of 29 tumors, a complete remission of the primary tumor was obtained. In the 4 recurrences, salvage was achieved by conventional therapy. In none of the patients was any long-term functional deficit detected. Conclusions: This study confirms that PDT is a powerful treatment modality that could be considered as an alternative to surgery or radiotherapy in specific cases of head and neck cancer. The major advantage of PDT over these conventional therapies is the reduction in long-term morbidity. Radiotherapy or surgery could be reserved for salvage therapy in the event of a recurrence or second primary tumor

    Comparison of aluminium (III) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate- and meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin-monoclonal antibody conjugates for their efficacy in photodynamic therapy in vitro

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    A challenge in photodynamic therapy (PDT) is to improve the tumour selectivity of the photosensitizers by using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). With this aim, we developed MAb-conjugates with the hydrophobic photosensitizer meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) and with the hydrophilic sensitizer aluminium (III) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (AI-PCS4). The capacity of these photoimmunoconjugates for selective targeting of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in vivo was demonstrated previously in SCC-bearing nude mice. Preliminary in vitro PDT studies with the vulvar SCC cell line A431 showed promising phototoxicity with both sensitizers when coupled to the internalizing MAb 42S. To rank the photosensitizers for their potential in photoimmunotherapy, we herein describe an extensive in vitro evaluation of mTHPC-MAb and AIPcS4-MAb conjugates. Both classes of conjugates were directly compared using 5 different SCC cell lines as target and 3 different MAbs (BIWA 4, E48 and 425) for tumour cell targeting. In contrast to free AIPcS4 (IC50 ≥ 700 nM), MAb-conjugated AIPcS4 was found to be highly phototoxic in PDT in all 5 cell lines. AIPcS4-BIWA 4 was most consistently effective with IC50 values ranging from 0.06-5.4 nM. mTHPC-MAb conjugates were in general hardly effective. Phototoxicity (log IC50) of the AIPcS4-MAb conjugates was found to be strongly correlated with their total cell binding capacity (internalized and surface bound) and to be less correlated with their internalization capacity. In conclusion, these data show a high potential of AIPcS4-MAb conjugates in comparison to mTHPC-MAb conjugates for use in PDT

    Intraperitoneal Photodynamic Therapy: Comparison of Red and Green Light Distribution and Toxicity

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    The aim of this study was to compare red (652 nm) and green (514 nm) light for photodynamic therapy (PDT) of the peritoneal cavity with emphasis on light distribution and toxicity. Red-light PDT was limited by intestinal toxicity and it was hypothesized that less penetrating green light would allow higher light doses to be used in the peritoneal cavity. Female non-tumor-bearing rats were photo-sensitized with mTHPC (meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin, Foscan®) intravenously or intraperitoneally and the peritoneum was illuminated using a minimally invasive technique. For both red and green light, the time of illumination was varied to give the required dose. Light fluence rate was measured in situ at multiple sites within the abdominal cavity. The toxicity experiments were carried out with a total of 160 J incident red or 640 J incident green light and a drug dose of 0.15 mg/kg Foscan®. For red light a mean fluence rate of 55.2 ± 38.5 mW cm -2 was measured, with a peak fluence rate of 128 mW cm-2 on the intestines. For green light the mean and peak fluence rates were 8.2 ± 9.0 (i.e. including zero fluence rate measurements) and 28 mW cm-2 respectively. Intestines were most vulnerable to red light illumination. The intravenous injection route resulted in increased toxicity for red light, but for green light there were no major differences between intravenous and intraperitoneal routes. The 4 h interval between drug and illumination resulted in very little toxicity for both wavelengths. We conclude that for intraperitoneal PDT green light allows higher light doses than red light, but the light distribution over the peritoneum is much less favorable and may not be suitable for whole peritoneal illumination using a minimal-access technique

    Targeting of aluminum (III) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate by use of internalizing monoclonal antibodies: Improved efficacy in photodynamic therapy

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    The use of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against tumor-associated antigens for targeting of photosensitizers is an interesting option to improve the selectivity of photodynamic therapy (PDT). Hydrophilic photosensitizers are most suitable for conjugation to MAbs because of their water solubility. The photosensitizer aluminum (III) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate [AIPc(SO3H)4] has many ideal photochemical properties; however, because of its hydrophilicity, the free form of this sensitizer does not readily reach the critical intracellular target and, therefore, is ineffective in PDT. On the basis of our previous studies, we hypothesized that AIPc(SO3H)4 might be suitable for PDT when coupled to internalizing tumor-selective MAbs. In this study, a reproducible procedure is presented for coupling of AIPc(SO3H)4 to MAbs via the tetra-glycine derivative AIPc(SO2Ngly)4. Conjugation was performed to chimeric MAb (cMAb) U36 and murine MAbs (mMAb) E48 and 425 using a labile ester. Conjugates showed preservation of integrity and immunoreactivity and full stability in serum in vitro. At molar ratios >4, the solubility of the conjugates decreased. Data on the in vitro efficacy of PDT showed that in the chosen experimental setup the internalizing AIPc(SO2Ngly)4-mMAb 425 conjugate was about 7500 times more toxic to A431 cells than the free sensitizer (IC50s, 0.12 nM versus 900 nM). The AIPc(SO2Ngly)4-mMAb 425 conjugate was also more toxic than meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin-mMAb 425 conjugates and free meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin that had been tested previously (M. B. Vrouenraets et al., Cancer Res., 59: 1505-1513, 1999) in the same system (IC50s, 7.3 nM and 2.0 nM, respectively). Biodistribution analysis of AIPc(SO2Ngly)4-125I-labeled cMAb U36 conjugates with different sensitizer:MAb ratios in squamous cell carcinoma-bearing nude mice revealed selective accumulation in the tumor, although to a lesser extent than for the unconjugated 125I-labeled cMAb U36, whereas tumor:blood ratios were similar. These findings indicate that AIPc(SO3H)4 has high potential for use in PDT when coupled to internalizing tumor-selective MAbs