4 research outputs found

    Application for 2D Curves Demonstration

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá dvojrozměrnými křivkami používanými v počítačové grafice. Shrnuje obecnou problematiku těchto křivek a dále se zabývá konkrétními metodami pro jejich výpočet. Popisuje metody užívané pro výpočet Fergusonových kubik, křivek Kochanek-Bartels, Kardinálního splinu, Catmull-Rom splinu, Bézierových křivek a jejich modifikací, Coonsových kubik, Coonsových kubických B-splinů a křivek NURBS. Praktická část této práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací výukové aplikace, která demonstruje vybrané křivky.This Bachelor's Thesis deals with planar curves used in computer graphics. It sums up general ideas of these curves and deals with particular methods for computing planar curves. It describes methods used for computing Ferguson cubic curves, Kochanek-Bartels spline, Cardinal spline, Catmull-Rom spline, Bézier curves and their modifications, Coons cubic curves, Coons cubic B-spline curves and NURBS. Practical part of this project deals with concept and impementation of tutorial, which demonstrates chosen curves.

    Microlite-group minerals: tracers of complex post-magmatic evolution in beryl-columbite granitic pegmatites, Marsikov District, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic

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    Microlite-group minerals occur as common replacement products after primary and secondary columbite-group minerals (CGM) in albitised blocky K-feldspar and in coarse-grained, muscovite-rich units of the Schinderhubel I, Scheibengraben and Bienergraben beryl-columbite pegmatites in the Marikov District (Silesian Unit, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic). Textural and compositional variations of microlite-group minerals were examined using electron probe micro-analyses and microRaman spectroscopy (mu RS). A complex post-magmatic evolution of the pegmatites and the following microlite populations (Mic) and related processes were found: (1) precipitation of U, Na-rich and F-poor Mic I on cracks in CGM; (2) alteration of Mic I to U-rich together with Na- and F-poor Mic II; and (3) partial replacement of Mic I and II by Mic III with a distinct Na, U and Ti loss and Ca and F gain. Stage (2) includes an extensive leaching of Na, without U loss. The final stage (3) produced euhedral-to-subhedral oscillatory zoned Ca and F enriched Mic III with distinctly different composition to the previous F-poor and A-site vacant Mic II. Aggregates of fersmite are associated commonly with Mic III. Distal Mic IIId occurs locally on cracks in K-feldspar or quartz, with compositions analogous to Mic III. Compositional variations and textural features of microlite-group minerals during dissolution-reprecipitation processes serve as sensitive tracers of post-magmatic evolution in granitic pegmatites recording complex interactions between magmatic pegmatite units and externally derived, hydrothermal metamorphic fluids.Web of Science85574372

    Steroid Glycosides Hyrcanoside and Deglucohyrcanoside: On Isolation, Structural Identification, and Anticancer Activity

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    Cardiac glycosides (CGs) represent a group of sundry compounds of natural origin. Most CGs are potent inhibitors of Na+/K+-ATPase, and some are routinely utilized in the treatment of various cardiac conditions. Biological activities of other lesser known CGs have not been fully explored yet. Interestingly, the anticancer potential of some CGs was revealed and thereby, some of these compounds are now being evaluated for drug repositioning. However, high systemic toxicity and low cancer cell selectivity of the clinically used CGs have severely limited their utilization in cancer treatment so far. Therefore, in this study, we have focused on two poorly described CGs: hyrcanoside and deglucohyrcanoside. We elaborated on their isolation, structural identification, and cytotoxicity evaluation in a panel of cancerous and noncancerous cell lines, and on their potential to induce cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. The activity of hyrcanoside and deglucohyrcanoside was compared to three other CGs: ouabain, digitoxin, and cymarin. Furthermore, by in silico modeling, interaction of these CGs with Na+/K+-ATPase was also studied. Hopefully, these compounds could serve not only as a research tool for Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition, but also as novel cancer therapeutics