642 research outputs found

    Speech rhythm and language acquisition: an amplitude modulation phase hierarchy perspective.

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    Language lies at the heart of our experience as humans and disorders of language acquisition carry severe developmental costs. Rhythmic processing lies at the heart of language acquisition. Here, I review our understanding of the perceptual and neural mechanisms that support language acquisition, from a novel amplitude modulation perspective. Amplitude modulation patterns in infant- and child-directed speech support the perceptual experience of rhythm, and the brain encodes these rhythm patterns in part via neuroelectric oscillations. When brain rhythms align themselves with (entrain to) acoustic rhythms, speech intelligibility improves. Recent advances in the auditory neuroscience of speech processing enable studies of neuronal oscillatory entrainment in children and infants. The "amplitude modulation phase hierarchy" theoretical perspective on language acquisition is applicable across languages, and cross-language investigations adopting this novel perspective would be valuable for the field

    Designing multiplayer games to facilitate emergent social behaviours online

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    This paper discusses an exploratory case study of the design of games that facilitate spontaneous social interaction and group behaviours among distributed individuals, based largely on symbolic presence 'state' changes. We present the principles guiding the design of our game environment: presence as a symbolic phenomenon, the importance of good visualization and the potential for spontaneous self-organization among groups of people. Our game environment, comprising a family of multiplayer 'bumper-car' style games, is described, followed by a discussion of lessons learned from observing users of the environment. Finally, we reconsider and extend our design principles in light of our observations

    Digital play: a new classification

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    This paper draws on an ESRC-funded study of play and creativity in preschool-aged children’s use of apps in the UK. The main objectives of the study were to collect information about access to and use of apps in the home, establish the most popular apps and identify the features of those apps that are successful in promoting play and creativity. A mixed-method approach was used to collect data, including video filming of children using the most popular apps. In identifying play types that emerged in the analysis of data, the team utilised an established taxonomy, which outlines sixteen play types. This taxonomy was reviewed and adapted to analyse data from the project relating to digital play. Through this process, an additional type of play, transgressive play, was identified and added to the taxonomy. The paper outlines the implications of the revised taxonomy for future studies of play

    Curating media learning: Towards a porous expertise

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    This article combines research results from a range of projects with two consistent themes. Firstly, we explore the potential for curation to offer a productive metaphor for the convergence of digital media learning across and between home / lifeworld and formal educational / systemworld spaces – or between the public and private spheres. Secondly, we draw conclusions from these projects to argue that the acceptance of transmedia literacy practices as a site for rich educational work – in media education and related areas – can only succeed if matched by a convergence of a more porous educator–student expertise

    Studi Laju Korosi Logam Aluminium dengan Penambahan Inhibitor dari Ekstrak Daun Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) dalam Larutan NaCl

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    Kebutuhan akan energi listrik yang terus meningkat tidak sebanding dengan suplay yang ada sehingga diperlukan energi alternatif. Aluminium merupakan salah satu sumber daya mineral hasil pengolahan bauksit, yang ketersediaannya cukup banyak. Sifat aluminium yang dapat di-recycle atau diolah ketika tidak digunakan lagi, menjadi bahan baku yang baik untuk pengembangan baterai logam udara yakni baterai aluminium udara atau Aluminium Air Battery. Reaksi yang terlibat adalah reaksi oksidasi pada anoda dan reduksi oksigen pada katoda, sehingga logam aluminium rentan terhadap korosi. Oleh karena itu, perlu ditambahkan zat inhibitor yang ramah lingkungan seperti ekstrak daun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) untuk menghambat laju korosi aluminium.Kata Kunci : aluminium, laju koros
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