17 research outputs found

    Sex-based electroclinical differences and prognostic factors in epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia

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    Although a striking female preponderance has been consistently reported in epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (EEM), no study has specifically explored the variability of clinical presentation according to sex in this syndrome. Here, we aimed to investigate sex-specific electroclinical differences and prognostic determinants in EEM. Data from 267 EEM patients were retrospectively analyzed by the EEM Study Group, and a dedicated multivariable logistic regression analysis was developed separately for each sex. We found that females with EEM showed a significantly higher rate of persistence of photosensitivity and eye closure sensitivity at the last visit, along with a higher prevalence of migraine with/without aura, whereas males with EEM presented a higher rate of borderline intellectual functioning/intellectual disability. In female patients, multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed age at epilepsy onset, eyelid myoclonia status epilepticus, psychiatric comorbidities, and catamenial seizures as significant predictors of drug resistance. In male patients, a history of febrile seizures was the only predictor of drug resistance. Hence, our study reveals sex-specific differences in terms of both electroclinical features and prognostic factors. Our findings support the importance of a sex-based personalized approach in epilepsy care and research, especially in genetic generalized epilepsies

    The spectrum of epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia: delineation of disease subtypes from a large multicenter study

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    Objective Epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (EEM) has been associated with marked clinical heterogeneity. Early epilepsy onset has been recently linked to lower chances of achieving sustained remission and to a less favorable neuropsychiatric outcome. However, much work is still needed to better delineate this epilepsy syndrome. Methods In this multicenter retrospective cohort study, we included 267 EEM patients from nine countries. Data on electroclinical and demographic features, intellectual functioning, migraine with or without aura, family history of epilepsy, and epilepsy syndromes in relatives were collected in each patient. The impact of age at epilepsy onset (AEO) on EEM clinical features was investigated, along with the distinctive clinical characteristics of patients showing sporadic myoclonia involving body regions other than eyelids (body-MYO). Results Kernel density estimation revealed a trimodal distribution of AEO, and Fisher-Jenks optimization disclosed three EEM subgroups: early onset (EO-EEM), intermediate onset (IO-EEM), and late onset (LO-EEM). EO-EEM was associated with the highest rate of intellectual disability, antiseizure medication refractoriness, and psychiatric comorbidities and with the lowest rate of family history of epilepsy. LO-EEM was associated with the highest proportion of body-MYO and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS), whereas IO-EEM had the lowest observed rate of additional findings. A family history of EEM was significantly more frequent in IO-EEM and LO-EEM compared with EO-EEM. In the subset of patients with body-MYO (58/267), we observed a significantly higher rate of migraine and GTCS but no relevant differences in other electroclinical features and seizure outcome. Significance Based on AEO, we identified consistent EEM subtypes characterized by distinct electroclinical and familial features. Our observations shed new light on the spectrum of clinical features of this generalized epilepsy syndrome and may help clinicians toward a more accurate classification and prognostic profiling of EEM patients

    Demographic, clinical, and service-use characteristics related to the clinician’s recommendation to transition from child to adult mental health services

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    Purpose: The service configuration with distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) may be a barrier to continuity of care. Because of a lack of transition policy, CAMHS clinicians have to decide whether and when a young person should transition to AMHS. This study describes which characteristics are associated with the clinicians’ advice to continue treatment at AMHS. Methods: Demographic, family, clinical, treatment, and service-use characteristics of the MILESTONE cohort of 763 young people from 39 CAMHS in Europe were assessed using multi-informant and standardized assessment tools. Logistic mixed models were fitted to assess the relationship between these characteristics and clinicians’ transition recommendations. Results: Young people with higher clinician-rated severity of psychopathology scores, with self- and parent-reported need for ongoing treatment, with lower everyday functional skills and without self-reported psychotic experiences were more likely to be recommended to continue treatment. Among those who had been recommended to continue treatment, young people who used psychotropic medication, who had been in CAMHS for more than a year, and for whom appropriate AMHS were available were more likely to be recommended to continue treatment at AMHS. Young people whose parents indicated a need for ongoing treatment were more likely to be recommended to stay in CAMHS. Conclusion: Although the decision regarding continuity of treatment was mostly determined by a small set of clinical characteristics, the recommendation to continue treatment at AMHS was mostly affected by service-use related characteristics, such as the availability of appropriate services

    Qualitative and quantitative revaluation of specific learning disabilities: a multicentric study.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is twofolded: to present a multi-disciplinary and multi-centric approach in the early care of patients with Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) and their families and to increase the knowledge about the behavioral phenotype of preschool boys with KS. METHODS: Fifteen boys (mean age 2 years and 7 months) who had been diagnosed prenatally were evaluated in the areas of adaptive skills, developmental level, language, and behavior. Besides offering information about their child, both parents of each couple were asked to describe their feelings at the time of the prenatal diagnosis and at the time of the study. RESULTS: The behavioral phenotype of the boys of our sample was characterized by a mean Developmental Quotient of 95 (in the normal range) but by low scores in the domain of communication, particularly in the area of expressive language. Behavioral problems were observed in some of the children, and the parents reported significant levels of distress related to their relationship with the child. All parents recalled feeling very anxious when the diagnosis was given, but nine of them (75%) said their concern diminished after receiving genetic counselling. CONCLUSIONS: A multi-disciplinary model is essential in the care of 47,XXY boys and in the assistance to their families, in order both to facilitate the children’s growth and offer to the parents updated clinical and psychosocial information about the Klinefelter Syndrome and support

    Relationship between sleep quality and rhinitis in children: role of medical treatment with isotonic and hypertonic salines

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    The nose represents the port of entry, the first part of the upper airway and accounts for 50% of its total resistance. Many authors identified rhinitis as relevant factor affecting quality of life, and sleep habits of sufferers and their caregiver's, particularly between 4-17 years old children. Both allergic rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis may represent an important risk for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children. We evaluated the quality of sleep and the role of nasal irrigations with saline solutions in children with sign and symptoms of rhinitis

    Association between SCN1A gene polymorphisms and drug resistant epilepsy in pediatric patients

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    Purpose: “Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)” could be an important explanation of drug resistance in epilepsy. The aim of this study was to investigate if genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) of the SCN1A gene could influence the response to anti – epileptic drugs (AED) and if they could predispose to a drug resistant epilepsy in pediatric patients. Methods: We investigated SNPs in exon and intronic regions of the SCN1A gene in a sample of 120 pediatric patients, in both drug-resistant and drug-responsive patients. Association between polymorphisms and refractory epilepsy were investigated by comparing SNPs in exon and intronic regions between the two groups. The genotypes of each intronic polymorphism in the drug-resistant group was analyzed. Odds ratios and confidence intervals were calculated. Results: None of the SNPs identified in exons of the SCN1A gene were associated with drug-resistance. In the intronic regions, a statistically significant difference was found in the prevalence of three polymorphisms was found between the two patient groups (rs6730344A/C, rs6732655A/T, rs10167228A/T). The analysis of the genotypes of each intronic polymorphism in the drug-resistant group revealed that the AA and AT genotypes for the rs1962842 polymorphism are associated with an increased risk of developing drug resistance compared to TT genotype. Conclusion: The intronic rs6730344, rs6732655 and rs10167228 polymorphisms of the SCN1A gene are a potential risk factors for drug resistance. AA e AT genotype of the rs1962842 intronic polymorphism also emerged as a risk factor in the drug resistant group. Therefore, polymorphisms of the SCN1A gene could play a role in the response to AED in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, with important implications for clinical practice

    Reading and Writing Difficultiesin Third and Sixth-Grade Students: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: In southern Italy and, specifically, in the region of Campania, many surveys show that the average of students with reading difficulties is much higher than in northern Italy and abroad. On the other hand, specific learning disorders (SLDs) in Campania are much less certified. Since there are no etiological reasons that can explain this apparent inconsistency, an objective of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the extent of reading/writing difficulties in students from a province of Campania and then to assess the ability of teachers to identify such difficulties in their students. Methods: Of a total of 241 enrolled students, 155 (64.31%), including 73 from primary school and 82 from secondary school, belonging to 5 schools in the province of Salerno (Italy), took part in the survey. Students' reading and writing skills were assessed through standardized tests. The tests results were then compared with teacher judgments and context-related variables. Results: At the reading test, 28.7% of primary school and 13.4% of lower secondary school students fell below the 5th percentile for age. Results of the writing test were even more significant: almost half of the students of both levels of education performed below the 5th percentile. Teacher judgments showed higher agreement with standardized assessments in primary (88%, K of Cohen = 0.68) than in secondary school (78%, K = 0.23). Conclusions: Reading and writing difficulties were common in our sample. While reading skills tended to improve with age, writing difficulties apparently persisted to some extent in third and sixth-grade classes. The accuracy of teacher judgments on reading skills is relatively high, but teachers seem to hardly report reading difficulties "requiring attention". Although less "severe" than others, such difficulties should be taken into account, mainly because of their potential developmental trajectories

    Electroclinical Features and Long-term Seizure Outcome in Patients With Eyelid Myoclonia With Absences

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    Background and objectives: Eyelid myoclonia with absences (EMA) is a generalized epilepsy syndrome whose prognosis and clinical characteristics are still partially undefined. We investigated electroclinical endophenotypes and long-term seizure outcome in a large cohort of EMA patients. Methods: In this multicenter retrospective study, EMA patients with ≥5 years of follow-up were included. We investigated prognostic patterns and sustained terminal remission (STR), along with their prognostic factors. Moreover, a two-step cluster analysis was used to investigate the presence of distinct EMA endophenotypes. Results: We included 172 patients, with a median age at onset of 7 years (interquartile range (IQR) 5-10) and a median follow-up duration of 14 years (IQR 8.25-23.75). Sixty-six patients (38.4%) displayed a non-remission pattern, whereas remission and relapse patterns were encountered in 56 (32.6%) and 50 (29.1%) subjects. Early epilepsy onset, history of febrile seizures (FS) and eyelid myoclonia (EM) status epilepticus significantly predicted a non-remission pattern according to multinomial logistic regression analysis. STR was achieved by 68 (39.5%) patients with a mean latency of 14.05 years (SD ± 12.47). Early epilepsy onset, psychiatric comorbidities, and a history of FS and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) were associated with a lower probability of achieving STR according to a Cox regression proportional hazards model. Antiseizure medication (ASM) withdrawal was attempted in 62/172 patients, and seizures relapsed in 74.2%. Cluster analysis revealed two distinct clusters with 86 patients each. Cluster 2, which we defined as "EMA-plus", was characterized by an earlier age at epilepsy onset, higher rate of intellectual disability, EM status epilepticus, generalized paroxysmal fast activity, self-induced seizures, FS, and poor ASM response, whereas Cluster 1, the "EMA-only" cluster, was characterized by a higher rate of seizure remission and more favorable neuropsychiatric outcome. Discussion: Early epilepsy onset was the most relevant prognostic factor for poor treatment response. A long latency between epilepsy onset and ASM response was observed, suggesting the impact of age-related brain changes in EMA remission. Finally, our cluster analysis showed a clear-cut distinction of EMA patients into an EMA-plus insidious subphenotype and an EMA-only benign cluster that strongly differed in terms of remission rates and cognitive outcomes