8 research outputs found

    Microbial content of abattoir wastewater and its contaminated soil in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Microbial content of wastewater in two abattoirs and the impact on microbial population of receiving soil was studied in Agege and Ojo Local Government Areas in Lagos State, Nigeria. Wastewatersamples were collected from each of the abattoirs over three months period and examined for microbial content. Soil samples contaminated with the wastewaters were also collected and analysed formicrobial content as compared to soil without wastewater contamination in the neighbourhood (control). Some physico-chemical parameters of the samples such as total dissolved solid, chemical oxygen demand etc were examined. The wastewater samples from both abattoirs were highlycontaminated; Agege abattoir showed mean bacterial count of 3.32x107 cfu/ml and Odo abattoir showed mean count of 2.7x107 cfu/ml. The mean fungal populations were 1.6x 105 and 1.2x05 cfu/ml for Agege and Odo abattoirs respectively. In the contaminated soil sample, mean bacterial count was 3.36x107 cfu/ml compared to the 1.74x106 cfu/ml of the control sample. High microbial load in abattoir wastewater with negative effects on microbial population in soil, in this study, further confirmed the need to treat wastewater rather than discharging it to the environment

    Flow Routing in River Yala Using the Muskingum Technique

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    Changes in hydrological regimes affect the socio-economic set up in a river basin. Understanding the availability and temporal characteristics of water in river systems can help in monitoring changes in a hydrologic regime. The realization of this desirable relationship depends on the ability to understand the dynamics of a river system and the implication in managing the available water resources. The magnitude and frequency of occurrence of extreme hydrological events is of great importance due to the reasons of communication, water supply, power generation, agriculture and others. Due to population pressure, man has settled on flood plains of large rivers, thus rendering his lifestyle susceptible to flood disasters. In addition, the population pressure at present accelerates the rate of development along the riverbanks. In particular, forecasts of flood events can reduce the damage caused by floods. Warnings of flood events, which enable people to evacuate the danger zone, are one-way; life and property can be protected. Forecasting through flow routing is achieved in this study using the Muskingum method. In this method, hydrologic river routing is founded upon the equation of continuity: Storage in a stable river reach can be expected to depend primarily on the discharge into and out of the reach and on hydraulic characteristics of the channel section. The routing procedure begins by dividing time into a number of equal increments.Where K is the storage time constant for the reach, X is a weighing factor that varies between 0 and 0.5. It averages about 0.2. The results indicate that the average translation time for a flood wave was 2 days on average. The model-simulated hydrographs matched the observed hydrographs except in a few cases where the model under predicts the peaks and over predicts the low flows. The over prediction during low flows can be attributed to increased water loss within the reach due to increased evaporation and infiltration of water into the ground during the dry seasons while increased lateral or local flows into the reach during wet season may lead to under prediction during these seasons. The model can, however, give reliable estimates of flow using a purely routing method and making use of observed flow only measured upstream.Les variations des regimes hydrologiques ont des effets sur les conditions socio-economiques prevalant dans le bassin d\'un cours d\'eau. La comprehension de la prevalence et des caracteristiques temporelles des eaux dans des systemes fluviaux peut permettre un suivi aise des changements dans le regime hydrologique. L\'etablissement de la relation de ce facteur depend de la faeon dont la dynamique du systeme fluvial et son implication sur la gestion des ressources hydriques disponibles sont bien comprises. La maetrise de l\'amplitude et la frequence des evenements hydrologiques extremes est un facteur primordial pour des raisons de communication sur le fleuve, l\'alimentation en eau, la generation dÕelectricite, l\'agriculture et autres. Suite e la pression demographique, l\'homme s\'est installe sur les plaines inondables des grandes cours d\'eau exposant ainsi son mode de vie aux desastres causes par des inondations. De surcroet, la pression demographique actuelle accelere le taux de developpement le long des lits des cours d\'eau. La prediction des inondations peut reduire les dangers causes par celles-ci. La prediction et l\'avertissement de la population sur l\'avenement des inondations sont l\'une des voies qui permettent d\'evacuer la zone dangereuse et sauvegarder des vies humaines et des biens. La prediction des inondations prochaines est realisee dans cette etude par l\'utilisation de la methode de Muskingum. Dans cette methode, le regime hydrologique est base sur une equation de continuite. Le niveau normal des reserves d\'eau dans le banc de la riviere peut etre pereu comme un facteur dependant principalement de l\'afflux et du debit des eaux dans le banc, et des caracteristiques hydrauliques de la section du canal. L\'etude du regime commence par la division du temps en intervalles d\'accroissements egaux. Prenant K comme intervalle constant de stockage du banc du fleuve, X sera le facteur estime qui varie entre 0 et 0,5 et dont la valeur moyenne se situe autour de 0,2. Les resultats indiquent que le temps de translation d\'une onde de vague etait de 2 jours Les hydrographes construits e partir des modvles simules correspondent bien aux hydrographes observes, sauf pour tres peu de cas oe les modeles sous-estiment les de pics de recrues et surestiment les marees basses. La surestimation pendant les temps de marees basses peut etre attribuee l\'evaporation accrue et e l\'infiltration de l\'eau dans le sol au cours des saisons seches tandis que l\'augmentation des niveau d\'eau dans le lit et des inondations pendant la saison pluvieuse peuvent conduire e une sous-estimation au cours de ces saisons. Le modeles peut cependant donner des estimations fiables du cours d\'eau e l\'aide d\'une simple methode de flot et des observations sur le cours d\'eau mesurees d\'aval en amont. Keywords: Hydrological regime, change prediction, floods, evacuation , extreme hydrological events, communication, water supply, power generation, Muskingum technique, Yala river, Kenya Discovery and Innovation Vol. 19 (1) 2007: pp. 17-2

    Rainfall characteristics as an indicator of drought in Semi-Arid Kitui district of Kenya

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    No Abstract.Discovery and Innovation Vol. 18 (3) 2006: pp. 235-24

    Outcomes after perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with proximal femoral fractures: an international cohort study

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    Objectives Studies have demonstrated high rates of mortality in people with proximal femoral fracture and SARS-CoV-2, but there is limited published data on the factors that influence mortality for clinicians to make informed treatment decisions. This study aims to report the 30-day mortality associated with perioperative infection of patients undergoing surgery for proximal femoral fractures and to examine the factors that influence mortality in a multivariate analysis. Setting Prospective, international, multicentre, observational cohort study. Participants Patients undergoing any operation for a proximal femoral fracture from 1 February to 30 April 2020 and with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection (either 7 days prior or 30-day postoperative). Primary outcome 30-day mortality. Multivariate modelling was performed to identify factors associated with 30-day mortality. Results This study reports included 1063 patients from 174 hospitals in 19 countries. Overall 30-day mortality was 29.4% (313/1063). In an adjusted model, 30-day mortality was associated with male gender (OR 2.29, 95% CI 1.68 to 3.13, p80 years (OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.1 to 2.31, p=0.013), preoperative diagnosis of dementia (OR 1.57, 95% CI 1.15 to 2.16, p=0.005), kidney disease (OR 1.73, 95% CI 1.18 to 2.55, p=0.005) and congestive heart failure (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.06 to 2.48, p=0.025). Mortality at 30 days was lower in patients with a preoperative diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.6 (0.42 to 0.85), p=0.004). There was no difference in mortality in patients with an increase to delay in surgery (p=0.220) or type of anaesthetic given (p=0.787). Conclusions Patients undergoing surgery for a proximal femoral fracture with a perioperative infection of SARS-CoV-2 have a high rate of mortality. This study would support the need for providing these patients with individualised medical and anaesthetic care, including medical optimisation before theatre. Careful preoperative counselling is needed for those with a proximal femoral fracture and SARS-CoV-2, especially those in the highest risk groups. Trial registration number NCT0432364