59 research outputs found

    Empoderamento negro para transformação da economia

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    O evento Empoderamento negro para transformação da economia aconteceu no dia 23 de maio de 2023, no Teatro BNDES, no Rio de Janeiro. Celebrando o Dia Mundial da África, o BNDES e a Open Society Foundations (OSF) promoveram o seminário com o objetivo de discutir os impactos positivos da diversidade étnico-racial nos setores financeiro e empresarial do Brasil.Painel 1. Da lei de cotas ao engajamento corporativo voluntário: a experiência brasileira / Tatiana Dias Silva, Liel Miranda, Luiza Helena Trajano ; Moderação: Estela do Espírito Santo -- keynote speaker / Flávia Oliveira -- Painel 2. Capital a serviço da diversidade: experiência no setor financeiro / Alan Soares, Helio Santos, Selma Moreira, Cida Bento ; Moderação: Marcos Aurélio do Nascimento de Lima -- Painel 3. Como avançar? A política de Black Economic Empowerment da África do Sul / Vusumuzi W. Mavimbela, Khutso Manthata, Sheila Motsepe ; Moderação: Natália Dias -- Encerramento: Marcelo Calero, Margareth Menezes, Aloizio Mercadante, Anielle Franco e João Jorge Rodrigues

    ‘It's a part of me, I feel naked without it': choice, agency and identity for Muslim women who wear the niqab

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    In the context of heightened suspicion and anti-Muslim stereotypes in a post-9/11 and 7/7 era, Muslim women who wear the niqab (face veil) are stigmatised, criminalised and marked as ‘dangerous’ to British/Western values. Several countries have imposed bans on the wearing of face veils in public places based on the premise that the niqab is a ‘threat’ to notions of gender equality, integration and national security. While the wearing of the niqab has elicited a good deal of media, political and public debates, little attention has been paid to the opinions of Muslim women who wear it. Drawing on individual and focus group interviews with Muslim women who wear the niqab in the United Kingdom (UK), this article places at the centre of the debate the voices of those women who do wear it, and explores their reasons for adopting it. The findings show that the wearing of the niqab emerges as a personal choice, an expression of religious piety, public modesty and belonging to the ‘ummah’. It is also perceived as a form of agency, resistance and non-conformity to Western consumerist culture and lifestyle. It will be concluded that wearing the niqab empowers women in their public presence and offers them a sense of ‘liberation’, which is associated with the notion of anonymity that it provides them

    Public Acknowledgement and Investigations of U.S. “Targeted Killings” and Drone Strikes

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    The United Nations, local and international human rights organizations, and journalists have investigated and reported numerous cases in which there is credible evidence of harm to Yemeni, Pakistani, and other civilians from U.S. strikes carried out in secret, often using drones. The families of those individuals are still seeking redress and accountability, and the continued refusal of your administration even to officially acknowledge their losses compounds their sufferin

    NGO Statement on Reported Changes to U.S. Policy on Use of Armed Drones and Other Lethal Force

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    The Trump administration’s failure thus far to release and explain the changes it has made to a previously public policy is a dangerous step backwards. Transparency around the use of lethal 2 force is critical to allowing independent scrutiny of the lawfulness of operations and to providing accountability and redress for victims of violations of international law. Transparency also helps governments identify and address civilian harm. It enables the public to be informed about some of the most important policy choices the government makes in its name – ones that involve life and death decisions. While transparency can enhance the legitimacy of government actions, secrecy, by contrast, heightens existing concerns and creates new ones

    Critique of deinstitutionalisation in postsocialist Central and Eastern Europe

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    In this paper, we explore critically deinstitutionalisation reform, focusing specifically on the postsocialist region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). We argue that deinstitutionalisation in postsocialist CEE has generated re-institutionalising outcomes, including renovation of existing institutions and/or creation of new, smaller settings that have nevertheless reproduced key features of institutional life. To explain these trends, we first consider the historical background of the reform, highlighting the legacy of state socialism and the effects of postsocialist neoliberalisation. We then discuss the impact of ‘external’ drivers of deinstitutionalisation in CEE, particularly the European Union and its funding, as well as human rights discourses incorporated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The analysis is supported by looking at the current situation in Hungary and Bulgaria through recent reports by local civil society organisations. In conclusion, we propose some definitional tactics for redirecting existing resources towards genuine community-based services

    On addressing ‘Whiteness’ during clinical psychology training

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    In discussing ‘Whiteness’, a context is provided as to current issues facing British clinical psychology, with an overview of the history of clinical psychology in the United Kingdom, and a particular focus on how issues of immigration, diversity, and racism have been addressed. Following this, the constantly changing training context of clinical psychologists within Britain is explored, with lacunae evident around confronting institutional racism and Black trainee experiences. The history of addressing this issue within the University of East London’s clinical psychology training programme is outlined, as well as the recent introduction of workshops to focus on ‘Whiteness’ and ‘decolonising’ the profession, in response to consistent trainee concerns. This is integrated with respect to focusing on the sorts of psychologists that might be needed to advance and transform the profession positively in the current global political climate

    Declaración de Ciudad del Cabo para la Educación Abierta

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    Between 2005 and 2007, a community of interest of over 600 members from more than half of the 193 Member States of UNESCO took part in some online discussions about open educational resources (OER) - open content for the education. This document is a testament to the power of collective deliberation in an online community vibrant. It presents a way forward for OER based on the informed opinion of an international community, and sets priorities for future action.Entre los años 2005 y 2007, una comunidad de interés de más de 600 miembros de más de la mitad de los 193 estados miembros de la UNESCO tomaron parte en unas discusiones en línea sobre recursos educativos abiertos (OER) - Contenido abierto para la educación. Este documento es un testamento del poder de las deliberaciones colectivas en una comunidad virtual vibrante. Presenta la manera de avanzar para los OER basada en la opinión informada de una comunidad internacional, y expone prioridades para la acción futura.Entre els anys 2005 i 2007, una comunitat d'interès de més de 600 membres de més de la meitat dels 193 estats membres de la UNESCO van prendre part en unes discussions en línia sobre recursos educatius oberts (OER) ¿ Contingut obert per a l'educació. Aquest document és un testament del poder de les deliberacions col·lectives en una comunitat virtual vibrant. Presenta la manera d'avançar per als OER basada en l'opinió informada d'una comunitat internacional, i exposa prioritats per a l'acció futura

    Cape Town Open Education Declaration

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    The Cape Town Open Education Declaration arises from a small but lively meeting convened in Cape Town in September 2007. The aim of this meeting was to accelerate efforts to promote open resources, technology and teaching practices in education.La declaració de Ciutat del Cap per a l'Educació Oberta va sorgir d'una petita però animada reunió a Ciutat del Cap al setembre de 2007. L'objectiu d'aquesta reunió va ser accelerar els esforços per promoure l'obertura en els recursos, la tecnologia i les pràctiques d'ensenyament en l'educació.La declaración de Ciudad del Cabo para la Educación Abierta surgió de una pequeña pero animada reunión en Ciudad del Cabo en septiembre de 2007. El objetivo de esta reunión fue acelerar los esfuerzos para promover la apertura en los recursos, la tecnología y las prácticas de enseñanza en la educación