3 research outputs found

    Bias correction of OMI HCHO columns based on FTIR and aircraft measurements and impact on top-down emission estimates

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    Spaceborne formaldehyde (HCHO) measurements constitute an excellent proxy for the sources of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs). Past studies suggested substantial overestimations of NMVOC emissions in state-of-the-art inventories over major source regions. Here, the QA4ECV (Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables) retrieval of HCHO columns from OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) is evaluated against (1) FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared) column observations at 26 stations worldwide and (2) aircraft in situ HCHO concentration measurements from campaigns conducted over the USA during 2012–2013. Both validation exercises show that OMI underestimates high columns and overestimates low columns. The linear regression of OMI and aircraft-based columns gives ΩOMI_{OMI}=0,651 Ωairc_{airc}+2,95 x 1015^{15}, molec. cm2^{-2} , with ΩOMI_{OMI} and Ωairc_{airc} the OMI and aircraft-derived vertical columns, whereas the regression of OMI and FTIR data gives ΩOMI_{OMI}= 6,59 ΩFTIR_{FTIR} + 2.02 x 1015^{15}, molec. cm2^{-2} . Inverse modelling of NMVOC emissions with a global model based on OMI columns corrected for biases based on those relationships leads to much-improved agreement against FTIR data and HCHO concentrations from 11 aircraft campaigns. The optimized global isoprene emissions (\sim 445 Tgyr1^{-1}) are 25 % higher than those obtained without bias correction. The optimized isoprene emissions bear both striking similarities and differences with recently published emissions based on spaceborne isoprene columns from the CrIS (Cross-track Infrared Sounder) sensor. Although the interannual variability of OMI HCHO columns is well understood over regions where biogenic emissions are dominant, and the HCHO trends over China and India clearly reflect anthropogenic emission changes, the observed HCHO decline over the southeastern USA remains imperfectly elucidated

    Impact of Drought on Isoprene Fluxes Assessed Using Field Data, Satellite-Based GLEAM Soil Moisture and HCHO Observations from OMI

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), primarily emitted by terrestrial vegetation, are highly reactive and have large effects on the oxidizing potential of the troposphere, air quality and climate. In terms of global emissions, isoprene is the most important BVOC. Droughts bring about changes in the surface emission of biogenic hydrocarbons mainly because plants suffer water stress. Past studies report that the current parameterization in the state-of-the-art Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) v2.1, which is a function of the soil water content and the permanent wilting point, fails at representing the strong reduction in isoprene emissions observed in field measurements conducted during a severe drought. Since the current algorithm was originally developed based on potted plants, in this study, we update the parameterization in the light of recent ecosystem-scale measurements of isoprene conducted during natural droughts in the central U.S. at the Missouri Ozarks AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) site. The updated parameterization results in stronger reductions in isoprene emissions. Evaluation using satellite formaldehyde (HCHO), a proxy for BVOC emissions, and a chemical-transport model, shows that the adjusted parameterization provides a better agreement between the modelled and observed HCHO temporal variability at local and regional scales in 2011–2012, even if it worsens the model agreement in a global, long-term evaluation. We discuss the limitations of the current parameterization, a function of highly uncertain soil properties such as porosity.This research was supported by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) through the STEREO III project ALBERI (Assessing Links between Biogenic Emissions and Remotely sensed photosynthesis Indicators, contract no. SR/00/373, 2019–2021) and through the BRAIN-be 2.0 project EQUATOR (Emission Quantification of Atmospheric tracers in the Tropics using ObseRvations from satellites, contract no. B2/202/P1/EQUATOR, 2021–2025). A.B.G. was also supported by NASA ACMAP 80NSSC19K0986. R.S. was supported by grants RYC2020-029216-I and CEX2018-000794-S funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by the European Social Fund (ESF) through “ESF Investing in your future”.Peer reviewe