78 research outputs found

    Dimensions of Political Reasoning: Associations among Informational Assumptions, Sociopolitical Values, and Domain-Specific Judgments about Laws

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    Adolescents\u27 beliefs about laws are a critical component of their emerging political reasoning, which is hypothesized to guide political decisions in adulthood. Laws serve a variety of purposes by restricting certain social behaviors. However, little is known about the types of laws adolescents view as important and obligatory to obey, or the amount of punishment that should be received for breaking different laws. Identifying individual differences in these beliefs may help elucidate the developmental origins of political attitudes. Therefore, the current study had three primary goals. The first goal was to utilize social domain theory to assess adolescents\u27 judgments and justifications about different types of laws. The second goal was to examine associations among teens\u27 judgments about laws and other dimensions of their political reasoning, including their broader value systems concerning authority and hierarchy. The third goal was to test whether their factual assumptions about laws, authority, and society were associated with both teens\u27 beliefs about laws and their broader value systems.;To address these aims, 340 adolescents (9th -- 12th graders; M age = 16.64 years, SD = 1.37) were recruited from a mid-Atlantic high school. Using self-report questionnaires and vignettes, adolescents reported on their beliefs about laws hypothesized to regulate moral (e.g., stealing), conventional (e.g., registering one\u27s car), personal (e.g., joining out of school activities), prudential (e.g., wearing a helmet), and personal/conventional multifaceted issues (e.g., loitering). Additionally, teens were assessed on their sociopolitical values (right-wing authoritarianism, RWA; social dominance orientation, SDO; and religious fundamentalism, RF) and informational assumptions (efficacy of laws, individual attributions of crime, belief in a dangerous world).;As hypothesized, adolescents distinguished between the types of laws in their judgments and justifications. Adolescent girls had more supportive beliefs about laws regulating prudential issues. RWA values were positively associated with judgments about laws regulating personal, prudential, and personal/prudential multifaceted issues. Additionally, SDO values were negatively associated with judgments about laws regulating moral and prudential issues. Teens\u27 informational assumptions were also associated with their judgments about laws and sociopolitical values. While assumptions about individual attributions of crime were associated with more positive beliefs about laws regulating moral, conventional, personal, and personal/conventional multifaceted issues, assumptions about the efficacy of laws and perceptions of a dangerous world were associated with more supportive judgments about laws regulating prudential issues. Additionally, stronger endorsement of the efficacy of laws, individual attributions of crime, and belief in a dangerous world were associated with greater RWA values.;This study extends previous research on adolescents\u27 political understanding by examining the intersection between multiple facets of teens\u27 political reasoning. Findings contribute to research on sociopolitical values by demonstrating differential coordination among specific values and domain beliefs. Additionally, this research demonstrates the importance of examining adolescents\u27 emerging beliefs, values, and assumptions about laws to better understand their emerging political reasoning

    Parent Civic Behavior and Observed Civic Messages: Associations with Adolescent Civic Behavior and Prioritization

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    The current study employed observational and multi-informant survey methodology to explore associations among parents\u27 civic behaviors, observed parent and adolescent messages about civic obligation, and adolescents\u27 civic behavior and prioritization (should) judgments. A sample of 160 adolescents (Mage = 14.42, range = 12-18) and their parents (144 mothers and 52 fathers), participated in video-recorded, structured, dyadic interaction tasks in which they discussed citizenship and civic duty. Parents and adolescents also completed questionnaires assessing civic behavior and civic prioritization judgments. Within distinct civic activities, parents\u27 report of civic behavior was positively associated with adolescents\u27 report of civic behavior and prioritization judgments. Over and above parents\u27 civic behavior, adolescents\u27 community service behavior was positively associated with parents\u27 observed messages about help and respect for others and one\u27s country but negatively associated with adolescents\u27 own observed messages about being productive members of society. Additionally, parents\u27 observed messages about the importance of following rules and regulations were negatively associated with their adolescents\u27 prioritization judgments concerning social movement involvement (e.g., protesting). Findings suggest that parents\u27 observed messages about citizenship and civic duty may promote and deter adolescents\u27 from engagement in specific civic activities

    A longitudinal assessment of variability in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and psychosocial correlates in a national United States sample

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    National Science Foundation [BCS-2027027]This work was supported by a RAPID grant from the National Science Foundation under Award ID BCS-2027027. The funding organization was not involved in designing the study, collecting and analyzing the data, or preparing the manuscriptRecent evidence suggests that COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is not static. In order to develop effective vaccine uptake interventions, we need to understand the extent to which vaccine hesitancy fluctuates and identify factors associated with both between- and within-person differences in vaccine hesitancy. The goals of the current study were to assess the extent to which COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy varied at an individual level across time and to determine whether disgust sensitivity and germ aversion were associated with between- and within-person differences in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. A national sample of U.S. adults (N = 1025; 516 woman; M-age = 46.34 years, SDage = 16.56, range: 18 to 85 years; 72.6 % White) completed six weekly online surveys (March 20 - May 3, 2020). Between-person mean COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy rates were relatively stable across the six-week period (range: 38-42 %). However, there was considerable within-person variability in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Approximately, 40 % of the sample changed their vaccine hesitancy at least once during the six weeks. There was a significant between-person effect for disgust sensitivity, such that greater disgust sensitivity was associated with a lower likelihood of COVID-19 vaccine hesitance. There was also a significant within-person effect for germ aversion. Participants who experienced greater germ aversion for a given week relative to their own six week average were less likely to be COVID-19 vaccine hesitant that week relative to their own six-week average. This study provides important information on rapidly changing individual variability in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy on a weekly basis, which should be taken into consideration with any efforts to decrease vaccine hesitancy and increase vaccine uptake. Further, these findings identify-two psychological factors (disgust sensitivity and germ aversion) with malleable components that could be leveraged in developing vaccine uptake interventions.WOS:0009467190000012-s2.0-8514785927036669969Science Citation Index ExpandedarticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETŞubat2023YÖK - 2022-2

    The Hurricane Exposure, Adversity, and Recovery Tool (HEART): Developing and Validating a Risk Screening Instrument for Youth Exposed to Hurricane Harvey

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    Given the increasing regularity with which severe (named) hurricanes arise, there is a need for valid, practically useful measures that facilitate child-centered post-hurricane situation analysis and needs assessment. Measures that accurately assess the most potent hurricane-related risk factors are essential to identifying youth at risk for developing posttraumatic stress reactions and providing them with effective post-disaster support. With feedback from community stakeholders (e.g., school personnel, physicians and hospital staff, community clinicians), we developed the Hurricane Exposure, Adversity, and Recovery Tool (HEART), a 29-item self-report measure of hurricane risk factors. Test development procedures included: (1) Reviewing the literature regarding hurricane exposure-related risk factors in youth; (2) Generating a developmentally-informed test item pool; (3) Conducting interviews with clinicians, as well as youth impacted by Hurricane Harvey, to evaluate the comprehensibility and acceptability of candidate items; and (4) evaluating endorsement rates for hurricane exposure-related risk factors among (N = 107) youth in an outpatient clinic specializing in the treatment of childhood trauma and loss. Disaster-related exposure, pre-existing indicators of risk, and ongoing post-disaster adversities were correlated with posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms. These results provide support for an integrative approach to post-hurricane screening for both hurricane-specific (e.g., witnessing injuries) and non-specific (e.g., prior trauma) factors

    The Rise and Fall of Debris Disks: MIPS Observations of h and chi Persei and the Evolution of Mid-IR Emission from Planet Formation

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    We describe Spitzer/MIPS observations of the double cluster, h and χ\chi Persei, covering a \sim 0.6 square-degree area surrounding the cores of both clusters. The data are combined with IRAC and 2MASS data to investigate \sim 616 sources from 1.25-24 μm\mu m. We use the long-baseline KsK_{s}-[24] color to identify two populations with IR excess indicative of circumstellar material: Be stars with 24 μm\mu m excess from optically-thin free free emission and 17 fainter sources (J\sim 14-15) with [24] excess consistent with a circumstellar disk. The frequency of IR excess for the fainter sources increases from 4.5 μm\mu m through 24 μm\mu m. The IR excess is likely due to debris from the planet formation process. The wavelength-dependent behavior is consistent with an inside-out clearing of circumstellar disks. A comparison of the 24 μm\mu m excess population in h and χ\chi Per sources with results for other clusters shows that 24 μm\mu m emission from debris disks 'rises' from 5 to 10 Myr, peaks at \sim 10-15 Myr, and then 'falls' from \sim 15/20 Myr to 1 Gyr.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Associations among Adolescent Sleep Problems, Emotion Regulation, and Affective Disorders: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample.

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Sleep problems in youth reliably forecast the development of anxiety and mood disorders, presumably due to increased emotional difficulties. However, precise emotional mechanisms have yet to be delineated. The current study investigated how sleep problems in adolescence are associated with different emotion regulation strategies, and how sleep and psychiatric risk may be indirectly associated via poor emotion regulation. This study utilized data from the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative sample from the United States (N = 10,148; age range 13–18 years). A diagnostic interview determined if adolescents qualified for a mood or anxiety disorder within the past year. Participants provided reports of their sleep, emotion regulation, and current life stress. Adolescents who reported greater sleep problems were more likely to qualify for a mood or anxiety disorder and generally reported poorer emotion regulation strategy use, even when accounting for demographic characteristics and current stress. Specifically, adolescents with greater sleep problems reported less problem solving, and greater avoidance, suppression, rumination, and acceptance. Sleep problems were indirectly associated with anxiety disorders through greater suppression and rumination, and indirectly associated with mood disorders through greater rumination and lower problem solving. Although cross-sectional, this study extends current research by suggesting that certain emotion regulation strategies may be more difficult for youth struggling with sleep problems, and provides initial evidence that poor emotion regulation may be one factor contributing to sleep-based psychiatric risk. These findings can inform more efficacious intervention efforts

    Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) Checklist: A Developmentally Informed Assessment Tool for Bereaved Youth

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    The inclusion of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) in the DSMâ 5 appendix signifies a call for research regarding the distinguishing features and clinical utility of proposed PCBD criteria. Rigorously constructed tools for assessing PCBD are lacking, especially for youth. This study evaluated the validity and clinical utility of the PCBD Checklist, a 39â item measure designed to assess PCBD criteria in youth aged 8 to18 years. Test construction procedures involved: (a) reviewing the literature regarding developmental manifestations of proposed criteria, (b) creating a developmentally informed item pool, (c) surveying an expert panel to evaluate the clarity and developmental appropriateness of candidate items, (d) conducting focus groups to evaluate the comprehensibility and acceptability of items, and (e) evaluating psychometric properties in 367 bereaved youth (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% female). The panel, clinicians, and youth provided favorable content validity and comprehensibility ratings for candidate items. As hypothesized, youth who met full PCBD criteria, Criterion B (e.g., preoccupation with the deceased and/or circumstances of the death), or Criterion C (e.g., reactive distress and/or social/identity disruption) reported higher posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms than youth who did not meet these criteria, ηp2 = .07â .16. Youth who met Criterion C reported greater functional impairment than youth who did not, ηp2 = .08â .12. Youth who qualified for the â traumatic bereavement specifierâ reported more frequent posttraumatic stress symptoms than youth who did not, ηp2 = .04. Findings support the convergent, discriminant, and discriminantâ groups validity, developmental appropriateness, and clinical utility of the PCBD Checklist.ResumenValidación de Lista de verificación del Trastorno por Duelo Complejo Persistente (TDCP): Un informe del desarrollo de herramientas de medición para duelo en jóvenesLISTA DE CHEQUEO DE TRASTORNO DE DUELO COMPLEJO PERSISTENTELa inclusión del trastorno de duelo complejo persistente (TDCP en su sigla en español; PCBD en sus siglas en inglés) en el apéndice del DSMâ 5 significa un llamado para investigar en relación a las características distintivas y la utilidad clínica de los criterios propuestos para el TDCP. Se carece de herramientas rigurosamente construidas para evaluar TDCP, especialmente para jóvenes. Este estudio evalúa la validez y utilidad clínica de la lista de verificación de TPCP, una medida con 39 ítems diseñada para medir el criterio de TDCP en jóvenes de edades entre 8 a 18 años. El procedimiento de construcción del test involucró: (a) revisión de la literatura relacionada con manifestaciones desarrolladas del criterio propuesto; (b) creación de un pool de ítems informados para el desarrollo; (c) encuesta a un panel experto para evaluar la claridad y desarrollo apropiado de los ítems; (d) conducir grupos focales para evaluar la compresibilidad y aceptabilidad de los ítems; y (e) evaluación de propiedades psicométricas en 367 jóvenes en proceso de duelo (M edad = 13.49, 55.0% femenino). El panel, los clínicos y los jóvenes en proceso de duelo proveyeron una validez de contenido favorable y rangos de comprensibilidad para los ítems candidatos. Como se hipotetizó, los jóvenes que cumplieron el criterio completo de TDCP, criterio B (ej., preocupación por el fallecido y/o las circunstancias de la muerte) o el criterio C (ej., estrés reactivo y/o perturbación social/identidad) reportaron alto estrés postraumático y síntomas depresivos que los jóvenes que no cumplen este criterio, ηp2 = .07 a .16. Los jóvenes que no cumplieron el criterio C reportaron mayor deterioro funcional que los jóvenes que no lo cumplieron ηp2 = .08 a .12. Los jóvenes que calificaron para el â duelo traumático especificoâ reportaron mayor frecuencia de síntomas de estrés postraumático que jóvenes que no calificaron ηp2 = .04. Los resultados apoyan la validez convergente, discriminante y de grupos discriminante; y el apropiado desarrollo y utilidad clínica de la lista de verificación de TDCP para jóvenes con duelo.æ ½è±¡Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) Checklist: A Developmentallyâ Informed Assessment Tool for Bereaved YouthTraditional Chineseæ¨ é¡ : é© è­ ã æ çº æ §è¤ é å æ é ç¤ ç (PCBD)æª¢æ ¥è¡¨ã :ä¸ å é å° å æ é å° å¹´ã å ·ç ¼å± é ©å æ §ç è© ä¼°å·¥å ·æ ®è¦ : DSMâ 5å ¨é é 裡å å «äº æ çº æ §è¤ é å æ é ç¤ ç (PCBD), å æ  æ å æ é è¦ ç  ç©¶å ¶æ å ºç PCBDæ¨ æº ç ¨ç ¹ç ç ¹å¾µå è ¨åº æ ç ¨ã ç ¹å ¥æ ¯é å° é å° å¹´ç PCBD, æ å ç ®å ä» æ¬ ç¼ºå ´æ ¼è¨­è¨ ç è© ä¼°å·¥å ·ã æ ¬ç  ç©¶æª¢è¦ ã PCBDæª¢æ ¥è¡¨ã ç æ 度å è ¨åº æ ç ¨ã å® å ·å 39å 測é é  ç ®, ç ¨ä»¥è© ä¼°å¹´é½¡ä» ä¹ 8è ³18æ­²ç é å° å¹´ç PCBDã ç·¨å ¶è© ä¼°ç é ç¨ å æ ¬: (ä¸ ) å¯©è¦ æ æ å ºç æ¨ æº å ¨é å¾ ç  ç©¶ç ç ¼å± æ ¸æ ; (äº ) å  æ ç ¼å± æ ¸æ å»ºç« ä¸ å é  ç ®åº«; (ä¸ ) 訪å ä¸ ç¾¤å° æ¥­äººå£«, æª¢è¦ æ å å»ºç« ç è© ä¼°é  ç ®ç æ¸ æ¥ æ §å ç ¼å± é ©å æ §; (å ) ä»¥ç ¦é» å° çµ ç å½¢å¼ , æª¢è¦ è© ä¼°é  ç ®ç å ¯ç è§£æ §å å ¯æ ¥å 度; (äº ) æª¢è¦ 367å å æ é å° å¹´ (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% ç ºå¥³æ §)ç å¿ ç 測é ç ¹è³ªã å° æ¥­å é ã è ¨åº æ²»ç 師å å æª¢è¦ ç å æ é å° å¹´, é ½å° è© ä¼°é  ç ®ç å §å®¹æ 度å å ¯ç è§£æ §ä½ å ºè ¯å¥½è© å ã ä¸ å¦ å 設, å® å ¨ç¬¦å PCBDæ¨ æº , æ 符å æ¨ æº B (å¦ å° æ­»è å /æ å ¶æ­»äº¡æ æ³ é ·æ æ æ ) ã æ æ¨ æº C (å¦ å æ æ §æ ²ç å /æ 社交/èº«ä»½èª å å æ ¾) ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¼ é« æ°´å¹³ç å µå ·å¾ å£ å å æ 鬱ç ç (ηp2 = .07 è ³ .16)ã 符å æ¨ æº Cç é å° å¹´æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¼ é« æ°´å¹³ç å è ½å æ (ηp2 = .08 è ³ .12)ã 符å æ ã å µå ·æ §å æ ç ¹å¾µã ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¼ é »ç¹ ç å µå ·å¾ å£ å ç ç (ηp2 = .04)ã çµ æ è­ æ ç ¨ä»¥è© ä¼°å æ é å° å¹´ç ã PCBDæª¢æ ¥è¡¨ã æ å ¯è æ 度ã å ¤å ¥æ 度ã çµ å ¥å ¤å ¥æ 度, 亦æ ç ¼å± é ©å æ §å è ¨åº æ ç ¨ã Simplified Chineseæ  é¢ : éª è¯ ã æ ç»­æ §å¤ æ å æ ¸é ç¢ ç (PCBD)æ£ æ ¥è¡¨ã :ä¸ ä¸ªé 对å æ ¸é å° å¹´ã å ·å å± é å æ §ç è¯ ä¼°å·¥å ·æ ®è¦ : DSMâ 5å ¨é å½ é å å «äº æ ç»­æ §å¤ æ å æ ¸é ç¢ ç (PCBD), å æ  æ 们æ é è¦ ç  ç©¶å ¶æ å ºç PCBDæ  å ç ¬ç ¹ç ç ¹å¾ å ä¸´åº æ ç ¨ã ç ¹å «æ ¯é 对é å° å¹´ç PCBD, æ ä»¬ç ®å ä» æ¬ ç¼ºä¸¥æ ¼è®¾è®¡ç è¯ ä¼°å·¥å ·ã æ ¬ç  ç©¶æ£ è§ ã PCBDæ£ æ ¥è¡¨ã ç æ 度å ä¸´åº æ ç ¨ã å® å ·å¤ 39ä¸ªæµ é é¡¹ç ®, ç ¨ä»¥è¯ ä¼°å¹´é¾ ä» ä¹ 8è ³18å² ç é å° å¹´ç PCBDã ç¼ å ¶è¯ ä¼°ç è¿ ç¨ å æ ¬: (ä¸ ) å®¡è§ æ æ å ºç æ  å å ¨è¿ å¾ ç  ç©¶ç å å± æ °æ ®; (äº ) å  åº å å± æ °æ ®å»ºç« ä¸ ä¸ªé¡¹ç ®åº ; (ä¸ ) è®¿é ®ä¸ ç¾¤ä¸ ä¸ äººå£«, æ£ è§ æ ä»¬å»ºç« ç è¯ ä¼°é¡¹ç ®ç æ¸ æ¥ æ §å å å± é å æ §; (å ) ä»¥ç ¦ç ¹å° ç» ç å½¢å¼ , æ£ è§ è¯ ä¼°é¡¹ç ®ç å ¯ç è§£æ §å å ¯æ ¥å 度; (äº ) æ£ è§ 367å å æ ¸é å° å¹´ (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% ä¸ºå¥³æ §)ç å¿ ç æµ é ç ¹è´¨ã ä¸ ä¸ å ¢é ã ä¸´åº æ²»ç å¸ å å æ£ è§ ç å æ ¸é å° å¹´, é ½å¯¹è¯ ä¼°é¡¹ç ®ç å 容æ 度å å ¯ç è§£æ §ä½ å ºè ¯å¥½è¯ å ã ä¸ å¦ å 设, å® å ¨ç¬¦å PCBDæ  å , æ 符å æ  å B (å¦ å¯¹æ­»è å /æ å ¶æ­»äº¡æ å µé ¿æ æ 忧) ã æ æ  å C (å¦ å åº æ §æ ²ç å /æ 社交/身份认å å æ °) ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¾ é« æ°´å¹³ç å 伤å å å å æ é ç ç ¶(ηp2 = .07 è ³ .16)ã 符å æ  å Cç é å° å¹´æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¾ é« æ°´å¹³ç å è ½å æ (ηp2 = .08 è ³ .12)ã 符å æ ã å ä¼¤æ §å æ ¸ç ¹å¾ ã ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¾ é¢ ç¹ ç å 伤å å å ç ç ¶(ηp2 = .04)ã ç» æ è¯ æ ç ¨ä»¥è¯ ä¼°å æ ¸é å° å¹´ç ã PCBDæ£ æ ¥è¡¨ã æ æ± è æ 度ã å ¤å «æ 度ã ç» å «å ¤å «æ 度, 亦æ å å± é å æ §å ä¸´åº æ ç ¨ãPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143677/1/jts22277.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143677/2/jts22277_am.pd

    Undergraduate Research

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    Using SONA

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    Research Paper Example

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