2,480 research outputs found

    Impacts of climate change on rice production in Africa and causes of simulated yield changes

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    This study is the first of its kind to quantify possible effects of climate change on rice production in Africa. We simulated impacts on rice in irrigated systems (dry season and wet season) and rainfed systems (upland and lowland). We simulated the use of rice varieties with a higher temperature sum as adaptation option. We simulated rice yields for 4 RCP climate change scenarios and identified causes of yield declines. Without adaptation, shortening of the growing period due to higher temperatures had a negative impact on yields (−24% in RCP 8.5 in 2070 compared with the baseline year 2000). With varieties that have a high temperature sum, the length of the growing period would remain the same as under the baseline conditions. With this adaptation option rainfed rice yields would increase slightly (+8%) but they remain subject to water availability constraints. Irrigated rice yields in East Africa would increase (+25%) due to more favourable temperatures and due to CO2 fertilization. Wet season irrigated rice yields in West Africa were projected to change by −21% or +7% (without/with adaptation). Without adaptation irrigated rice yields in West Africa in the dry season would decrease by −45% with adaptation they would decrease significantly less (−15%). The main cause of this decline was reduced photosynthesis at extremely high temperatures. Simulated heat sterility hardly increased and was not found a major cause for yield decline. The implications for these findings are as follows. For East Africa to benefit from climate change, improved water and nutrient management will be needed to benefit fully from the more favourable temperatures and increased CO2 concentrations. For West Africa, more research is needed on photosynthesis processes at extreme temperatures and on adaptation options such as shifting sowing dates

    Scenarios for the Origin of the Orbits of the Trans-Neptunian Objects 2000 CR105 and 2003 VB12

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    Explaining the origin of the orbit of 2000 CR105 (a ~ 230AU, q ~ 45AU) is a major test for our understanding of the primordial evolution of the outer Solar System. Gladman et al. (2001) showed that this objects could not have been a normal member of the scattered disk that had its perihelion distance increased by chaotic diffusion. In this paper we explore four seemingly promising mechanisms for explaining the origin of the orbit of this peculiar object: (i) the passage of Neptune through a high-eccentricity phase, (ii) the past existence of massive planetary embryos in the Kuiper belt or the scattered disk, (iii) the presence of a massive trans-Neptunian disk at early epochs which exerted tides on scattered disk objects, and (iv) encounters with other stars. Of all these mechanisms, the only one giving satisfactory results is the passage of a star. Indeed, our simulations show that the passage of a solar mass star at about 800 AU only perturbs objects with semi-major axes larger than roughly 200 AU to large perihelion distances. This is in good agreement with the fact that 2000 CR105 has a semi-major axis of 230AU and no other bodies with similar perihelion distances but smaller semi-major axes have yet been discovered. The discovery of 2003 VB12, (a=450AU, q=75AU) announced a few days before the submission of this paper, strengthen our conclusions.Comment: AJ submitted. 27 pages, 6 figure

    WHAM Observations of H-alpha Emission from High Velocity Clouds in the M, A, and C Complexes

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    The first observations of the recently completed Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) facility include a study of emission lines from high velocity clouds in the M, A, and C complexes, with most of the observations on the M I cloud. We present results including clear detections of H-alpha emission from all three complexes with intensities ranging from 0.06 R to 0.20 R. In every observed direction where there is significant high velocity H I gas seen in the 21 cm line we have found associated ionized hydrogen emitting the H-alpha line. The velocities of the H-alpha and 21 cm emission are well correlated in every case except one, but the intensities are not correlated. There is some evidence that the ionized gas producing the H-alpha emission envelopes the 21 cm emitting neutral gas but the H-alpha "halo", if present, is not large. If the H-alpha emission arises from the photoionization of the H I clouds, then the implied Lyman continuum flux F_{LC} at the location of the clouds ranges from 1.3 to 4.2 x 10^5 photons cm^{-2} s^{-1}. If, on the other hand, the ionization is due to a shock arising from the collision of the high-velocity gas with an ambient medium in the halo, then the density of the pre-shocked gas can be constrained. We have also detected the [S II] 6716 angstrom line from the M I cloud and have evidence that the [S II] to H-alpha ratio varies with location on the cloud.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figures, to appear in ApJ (Sept. 10, 1998

    Het evangelie van Judas: Inleidende notities over zijn inhoud en betekenis

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    This article introduces the reader to the newly discovered Gospel of Judas (Codex Tchacos, pp 33-58): It discusses its sensational (and evidently sensationalized) discovery, its place in the context of a number of other writings in Codex Tchacos and the main lines of its contents. With reference to the Gospel of Thomas, among others, the author briefly discusses the question “What is a Gospel?”. It seems to be quite possible to discern some so-called agrapha or “new words of Jesus” in the Gospel of Judas. Though the Gospel of Judas is undoubtedly a Gnostic Gospel, presenting some sort of “pre-cabbalistic” message, its mentioning of Jesus as “the Name” and “the Prophet” seems to fit well with very ancient Jewish- Christian traditon. HTS Theological Studies Vol. 63 (2) 2007: pp. 431-44

    An Energy Efficient Knee Locking Mechanism for a Dynamically Walking Robot

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    In this work, we present the design and the implementation of an innovative knee locking mechanism for a dynamically walking robot. The mechanism consists of a four-bar linkage that realizes a mechanical singularity for locking the knee when the leg is in the extended position. Once extended, the knee remains locked without energy consumption, while unlocking it only costs a small amount of energy. Tests showed that the robot walks robustly and that the energy consumption of the new system is low

    Економічна сутність лізингу і перспективні напрямки його розвитку в Україні

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    У роботі досліджено економічну сутність лізингу як перспективної форми інвестування. Розроблено рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності функціонування лізингу в транс- формаційній економіці України, які полягають у необхідності пошуку оптимального поєднання податкових надходжень від промислових підприємств у бюджет і податкових пільг для стимулювання виробничих капіталовкладень.In this work the structural/functional analysis of leasing as an economic category relies. The concept of development of capital formation through leasing was stated. From the optimal solution, recommendations on how to improve the institutional conditions of leasing sector in the Ukraine are offered

    Astrometric Microlensing Constraints on a Massive Body in the Outer Solar System with Gaia

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    A body in Solar orbit beyond the Kuiper belt exhibits an annual parallax that exceeds its apparent proper motion by up to many orders of magnitude. Apparent motion of this body along the parallactic ellipse will deflect the angular position of background stars due to astrometric microlensing ("induced parallax"). By synoptically sampling the astrometric position of background stars over the entire sky, constraints on the existence (and basic properties) of a massive nearby body may be inferred. With a simple simulation, we estimate the signal-to-noise for detecting such a body -- as function of mass, heliocentric distance, and ecliptic latitude -- using the anticipated sensitivity and temporal cadences from Gaia (launch 2011). A Jupiter-mass (M_Jup) object at 2000 AU is detectable by Gaia over the whole sky above 5-sigma, with even stronger constraints if it lies near the ecliptic plane. Hypotheses for the mass (~3M_Jup), distance (~20,000 AU) and location of the proposed perturber ("Planet X") which gives rise to long-period comets may be testable.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Figures revised, new figure added, minor text revisions. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the Dec 10, 2005 issue (v635