928 research outputs found

    Velocity control of a 2D dynamic walking robot

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    In this abstract we introduce velocity control for our 2D dynamic walking robot Dribbel [1] (figure 1) and show that, by ‘closing the loop’, this automatically leads to increased robustness

    Geometric dynamics analysis of humanoids - locked inertia

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    The advantage of geometric dynamics analysis over most classical 3D analysis is that the equations are coordinate- neutral: as long as all quantities are expressed in the same coordinate frame, the equations are correct

    Agglomeration economies and entrepreneurship: testing for spatial externalities in the Dutch ICT industry

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    Although there is growing evidence on the role of agglomeration economies in the formation and growth of firms, both the concepts of agglomeration economies and entrepreneurship tend to be ambiguously defined and measured in the literature. In this study, we aim to improve the conceptualisations and measures of agglomeration economies and entrepreneurship. Indicators of agglomeration economies are analysed in clearly defined urban regimes on three spatial scales in the Netherlands – national zoning, labour market connectedness, and urban size. This is done in order to uncover their effect on two entrepreneurial phases in the firm life cycle - new firm formation and the growth of incumbent firms in the relatively new ICT industry in the Netherlands. In comparison with new firm formation, the growth of incumbent firms is not so much related to spatial clustering of the ICT industry and other localized sources of knowledge economies associated with urban density. Instead, knowledge as an input for growth of incumbent firms is associated with more endogenous (firm internal) learning aspects, reflected by a significant correlate with R&D-investments. Also the effect of local ICT firm competition differs between the two types of firms: a positive effect on new firm formation, but a negative effect on incumbent firm growth. In general, agglomeration economies have stronger effects on the formation of ICT firms than on the growth of ICT firms.agglomeration economics, spatial externalities, entrepreneurship, location, urban regimes, ICT industry

    Variety and regional economic growth in the Netherlands

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    In economic theory, one can distinguish between variety as a source of regional knowledge spillovers, called Jacobs externalities, and variety as a portfolio protecting a region from external shocks. We argue that Jacobs externalities are best measured by related variety (within sectors), while the portfolio argument is better captured by unrelated variety (between sectors). We introduce a methodology based on entropy measures to compute related variety and unrelated variety. Using data at the COROP level for the period 1996-2002, we find that Jacobs externalities enhance employment growth, while unrelated variety dampens unemployment growth. Productivity growth, by contrast, can be explained by traditional determinants including investments and R&D expenditures. Implications for regional policy in The Netherlands follow.evolutionary economic geography, new economic geography, economic variety

    The Geography of Internet Adoption by Retailers

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    Up till now, the literature on Internet adoption by retailers paid little attention to spatial variables. Using data on 27,000 retail outlets in the Netherlands, we investigate the geographical diffusion of Internet adoption by Dutch retailers. More precise, we examine to what extent retail Internet adoption differs between shopping centers, cities, and regions, while controlling for product and organizational variables. Results of the linear and multinomial logistic regressions suggest that shops at city centers are more likely to adopt the Internet than shops located at shopping centers at the bottom of the retail hierarchy. Furthermore, shops in large cities have a higher probability to adopt the Internet than shops in small cities. On the regional level, the likelihood of Internet adoption is higher for shops in core regions than for retail outlets in the periphery. In conclusion, geography seems to matter for retail Internet adoption.evolutionary economics, internet adoption, retailing

    Anisotropic interactions of a single spin and dark-spin spectroscopy in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond is a promising atomic-scale system for solid-state quantum information processing. Its spin-dependent photoluminescence has enabled sensitive measurements on single N-V centers, such as: electron spin resonance, Rabi oscillations, single-shot spin readout and two-qubit operations with a nearby 13C nuclear spin. Furthermore, room temperature spin coherence times as long as 58 microseconds have been reported for N-V center ensembles. Here, we have developed an angle-resolved magneto-photoluminescence microscopy apparatus to investigate the anisotropic electron spin interactions of single N-V centers at room temperature. We observe negative peaks in the photoluminescence as a function of both magnetic field magnitude and angle that are explained by coherent spin precession and anisotropic relaxation at spin level anti-crossings. In addition, precise field alignment unmasks the resonant coupling to neighboring dark nitrogen spins that are not otherwise detected by photoluminescence. The latter results demonstrate a means of investigating small numbers of dark spins via a single bright spin under ambient conditions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Геомеханика разрушения и регламент тампонажного упрочнения пород вокруг наклонных стволов вязкопластическими растворами

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    Наведено підсумки шахтних досліджень руйнування порід навколо стволів вугільних шахт та обґрунтовано параметри їх зміцнення вязкопластичними розчинами.Research results are mine destruction of rocks around the shafts of coal mines and reasonable options to strengthen viscoplastic solutions

    Can yield gap analysis be used to inform R & D prioritisation?

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    The phrase “biggest bang for a buck” is associated with the policy making question that governments and development agencies face: “Where and which crops should receive highest priority for improving local and global food supply?”. A first step of prioritisation is to identify region x crop combinations for which high impact can be anticipated. We developed a new method for this prioritisation exercise and applied it to data from the Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas (GYGA). Our prioritisation distinguishes between two policy objectives (humanitarian and economic) and builds upon the relative yield gap and climate risk. Results of the prioritisation are presented and visualised in Google Earth

    A prosthodontic concept using implants in the resorbed edentulous maxilla

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    For the treatment of the atrophic edentulous maxilla implant supported overdentures provide the opportunity to obtain proper lip support, speech and cleanliness. A superstructure with high rigidity is needed for an optimal distribution of occlusal loading, to ensure good prognosis for implant survival. A prosthodontic concept using a hybrid construction meets these criteria. It consists of a cast and precision-milled mesostructure fixed to the implants, over which that a removable cast prosthodontic device is placed to which the teeth are attached. It is essential to follow a strict treatment protocol to obtain a good and predictable result.</p