89 research outputs found

    Building Bone: Human mesenchymal stromal cells and the identification of genes and processes in osteoblast differentiation

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    This thesis presents a number of novel findings in the bone biology field using a combination of bioinformatic, genomic, molecular, and proteomic approaches, and highlights the complexity of the biology and study of osteoblast differentiation. The results described within include the discovery of number of fa

    Українська історіографія про партійно-політичну систему Галичини воєнно-революційної доби: загальна характеристика

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    У статті робиться спроба історіографічного аналізу становища, розвитку, основних завдань і напрямів діяльності партійно-політичної системи в Галичині періоду воєнно-революційної доби. Наголошується на тих проблемах у дослідженні, що залишаються актуальними на сьогодні, і тих, які ще по-справжньому не стали предметом вивчення.In the article is given a shot of historiographical analysis of the situation, development, main tasks and activities of party and political systems in Galicina during the period of military-revolutionary era. We emphasis on those issues in the study, which remain relevant today and those that still have not really studied

    'Daer hedde de guld'

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    Hellenistic Rural Settlement and the City of Thurii, the survey evidence (Sibaritide, southern Italy)

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    This paper examines the nature and chronology of Hellenistic rural settlement in the foothills of the Sibaritide in northern Calabria (southern Italy) on the basis of selected archaeological sites of this period recorded in field surveys by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) between 1995 and 2008. The collected material of this subset is suitable for answering questions about the chronology and nature of Hellenistic rural settlement in the foothills, and about how the identified pattern relates to the founding and development of the Hellenistic city of Thurii in the plain of Sybaris in the mid 5th c. BC. After an overview of previous field research, the authors discuss the archaeological evidence in detail and evaluate it in the context of current knowledge regarding Hellenistic settlement patterns in the Sibaritide, and in southern Italian landscapes more generally. The paper concludes by placing the data in the socio-economic and geopolitical context in which the Greek city state of Thurii functioned

    Изменение параметров процесса выброса угля и газа в зависимости от длины шпуров для отбойки угля и породы

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    Виконано чисельне моделювання процесу викиду вугілля та метану у вибої одиночної гірничої виробки, що проводиться буропідривним способом. Розглянуто ініціювання процесу викиду у випадках різної довжини шпурів для відбивання вугілля та породи. Проаналізовано зміну розподілів коефіцієнтів проникності поперед вибоєм, значень тиску газу та швидкості утворення порожнини викиду вугілля та газу.Numerical modeling of process of coal and methane outburst in a working face of single opening, what is driving by drill and fire system, is executed. Initiation of coal and methane outburst process in cases of various length of blast-holes is observed. Change of distribution of permeability coefficient ahead of a face, pressure values and speed of formation of outburst cavity is analysed

    Cycle-centrality in complex networks

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    Networks are versatile representations of the interactions between entities in complex systems. Cycles on such networks represent feedback processes which play a central role in system dynamics. In this work, we introduce a measure of the importance of any individual cycle, as the fraction of the total information flow of the network passing through the cycle. This measure is computationally cheap, numerically well-conditioned, induces a centrality measure on arbitrary subgraphs and reduces to the eigenvector centrality on vertices. We demonstrate that this measure accurately reflects the impact of events on strategic ensembles of economic sectors, notably in the US economy. As a second example, we show that in the protein-interaction network of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, a model based on cycle-centrality better accounts for pathogen activity than the state-of-art one. This translates into pathogen-targeted-proteins being concentrated in a small number of triads with high cycle-centrality. Algorithms for computing the centrality of cycles and subgraphs are available for download

    SMRT-AgRenSeq-d in potato (Solanum tuberosum) as a method to identify candidates for the nematode resistance Gpa5

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    Potato is the third most important food crop in the world. Diverse pathogens threaten sustainable crop production but can be controlled, in many cases, through the deployment of disease resistance genes belonging to the family of nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich-repeat (NLR) genes. To identify effective disease resistance genes in established varieties, we have successfully established SMRT-AgRenSeq in tetraploid potatoes and have further enhanced the methodology by including dRenSeq in an approach that we term SMR-AgRenSeq-d. The inclusion of dRenSeq enables the filtering of candidates after the association analysis by establishing a presence/absence matrix across resistant and susceptible varieties that is translated into an F1 score. Using a SMRT-RenSeq-based sequence representation of the NLRome from the cultivar Innovator, SMRT-AgRenSeq-d analyses reliably identified the late blight resistance benchmark genes Rpi-R1, Rpi-R2-like, Rpi-R3a, and Rpi-R3b in a panel of 117 varieties with variable phenotype penetrations. All benchmark genes were identified with an F1 score of 1, which indicates absolute linkage in the panel. This method also identified nine strong candidates for Gpa5 that controls the potato cyst nematode (PCN) species Globodera pallida (pathotypes Pa2/3). Assuming that NLRs are involved in controlling many types of resistances, SMRT-AgRenSeq-d can readily be applied to diverse crops and pathogen systems.</p