7 research outputs found

    Self-compassion: навіщо собі співчувати і як це робити

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    Онофрійчук Є.О. Self-compassion: навіщо собі співчувати і як це робити / Є.О. Онофрійчук // Актуальні напрями практичної психології і психотерапії : матеріали VIII Міжнар. наук.- практ. конф. молодих вчених, студентів та аспірантів (м. Харків, 16 груд. 2020 р.). - Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. - С. 122 -124.Розкрито поняття "self-compassion" - співчуття до себе. Співчуття до себе – відносно новий конструкт в позитивній психології. Він був узятий з буддистських течій: це дбайливе ставлення до себе в ситуаціях, що сприймаються як невдача, особиста неспроможність або особисте страждання. Він складається з двох протилежних факторів: самокритики (засудження, ізоляції та підвищеної ідентифікації з проблемою) і власне співчуття до себе (дбайливого, доброго і уважного до себе ставлення). Раскрыто понятие "self-compassion" – сочувствие к себе. Сочувствие к себе – относительно новый конструкт в позитивной психологии. Он был взят из буддистских течений: это бережное отношение к себе в ситуациях, воспринимаемых как неудача, личная несостоятельность или личное страдания. Он состоит из двух противоположных факторов: самокритики (осуждение, изоляции и повышенной идентификации с проблемой) и собственно сочувствие к себе (бережного, доброго и внимательного к себе отношения). The concept of "self-compassion" is revealed. Self-compassion is a relatively new construct in positive psychology. It was taken from Buddhist currents: it is a caring attitude towards oneself situations that are perceived as failure, personal failure or personal suffering. It consists of two opposite factors: self-criticism (condemnation, isolation and increased identification with the problem) and actually self-compassion (caring, kind and considerate attitude)

    Management of Efficiency and Competitiveness of Enterprises

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    In the era of globalization and internationalization of the economy, the only criterion for efficiency and effectiveness of economic entities is competitiveness. Ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities in the international market in a global pandemic has become especially important. Globalization is a defining feature of the world economy, and economies’ dependence on foreign markets is growing. Thus, the development of global competition necessitates the development of economic strategies aimed at improving the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. The authors proposed organizational and financial principles of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, information, and analytical tools for controlling the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises, identified and demonstrated the logic of harmonizing business management goals using analytical tools for managing the efficiency of the enterprise and developed methods for integrated assessment of enterprise competitiveness. Techniques of statistical, economic, and financial analysis were used in the study; used research methods: grouping, analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc

    Methodological Fundamentals of Defense Resources Management in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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    In the current conditions of state development, when Ukraine's defense planning system adapts to NATO standards, the development of the Armed Forces (AF) of Ukraine should be based on indicators of the required level of defense capabilities of the country, taking into account its economic capabilities to meet defense resources. For Ukraine, the issues of defense management, defense planning based on the principles of program-targeted management and defense resources management are insufficiently studied. The leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the state as a whole wants to move to defense planning according to NATO standards as soon as possible, namely using the “capability-based planning” method. However, today in Ukraine there is no methodological basis for the management of defense resources, which has negative consequences. Analysis of modern research shows that today the term management of defense resources is actively used, however, in the literature there are many ambiguous interpretations. In addition, it is difficult to find a unified approach to defense resource management. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to define the term “resource management” and to outline the methodological basis for the management of defense resources in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The formed methodological bases should give answers to the questions concerning the list, the maintenance and algorithm of realization of methods of management of defense resources, and also to open questions of practical significance of process of management of defense resources. The proposed methodological bases of defense resources management are essentially a set of refined (standard for all levels of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) conceptual and terminological apparatus, developed concept of further development of the defense resources management system and methodological apparatus of military-economic substantiation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is a set of methods. receptions, ways of research of questions of management of defense resources. Further research may be related to the development of practical recommendations for the creation and development of a separate branch of government in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is directly responsible for the management of defense resources

    Main Aspects of Ensuring the Defense Sufficiency of the State Taking Into Account the State of Development of Its National Economy

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    Purpose: disclosure of the main theoretical aspects of ensuring the defense sufficiency of the state, taking into account the state of development of its national economy and the forecast directions of the development of the state military and economic strategy of Ukraine. Design/Method/Approach: the main methods of research are the methods of empirical analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of structural analysis, data formalization, and military-economic evaluation and comparison. Findings: the main components of the defense significance of the military and economic strategy of Ukraine are defined and their content is disclosed, attention is focused on the peculiarities of their practical direction in the modern conditions of the development of Ukraine and ensuring the necessary level of defense sufficiency. Theoretical implications: the article theoretically proves that the maximum result of the task of increasing the country's defense capability can be achieved under the condition of correct (logically verified) comprehensive use of all elements of the principle of defense sufficiency. The article reveals the logic of the interaction of these elements in modern International and domestic conditions in which Ukraine and the components of its security and defense sector are. Paper type: descriptive and analytical

    Forecasting the Risk of Armed Conflict on the Basis of Analysis of Military Expenditure

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    Purpose: the purpose of the article is to determine the content and procedure for calculating by the method of forecasting the risks of armed conflict based on the results of military expenditure analysis. Design/Method/Approach: it is the method of forecasting the risks of armed conflict based on the results of military expenditure analysis. Practical implications: it is quite possible to use the proposed method when monitoring the military-political situation. It will allow: - simplify calculation and monitoring procedures; - eliminate the need to collect and process large arrays of input data; - this will provide an opportunity to solve the optimization problem of determining the rational amount of military spending while ensuring the appropriate level of process intensity; - predict the occurrence of armed conflict; - to develop recommendations to the military-political leadership of the state on early response to threats.  Papertype: practical

    Substantiation of Recommendations on Ensuring Energy Security of the State to Increase the Level of Military Security and Stability of the National Economy

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    Purpose: to substantiate the recommendations on ensuring the energy security of the state to increase national (military) security.  Design/Method/Approach: by the method of investment analysis of the components of the energy sector, determination of critical parameters and development of ways to overcome them (leveling). Practical implications: the proposed recommendations can be used in the development of program documents on the development of the energy sector of the state, identifying ways to combat negative external and internal factors. The proposed recommendations will: improve the situation in the energy sector, in particular as a result of hostilities; reduce the vulnerability of the energy sector to external and internal factors; will be able to make the processes taking place in the energy sector more manageable; to increase the general level of national and military security of the state, in the part that depends on energy security; to develop recommendations to the state leadership on early response to threats in the energy sector.  Papertype: theoretical

    Analysis and Assessment of the Military-economic Conditions for the Development of the Armed Forces of the Countries of the World and Ukraine as A Main Factor in Providing the Necessary Level of Military-economic Security (2012-2021)

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    In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, work continues to improve the efficiency of defense planning and defense resource management. The algorithm of defense planning for the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, step by step, uses the results of the analysis of the experience of the leading countries of the world, which have moved from defense planning based on threats to defense planning, focused on the achievement by troops (forces) of the capabilities necessary to perform the tasks assigned to them, taking into account economic opportunities of the country. The list of tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is determined based on the likely scenarios of their use. One of the key points in the effective planning of the use of the Armed Forces according to the corresponding scenario is the correct, reasonable determination of the amount of necessary defense resources (human, material, technical, financial). At the current stage of the transformation of the defense planning system into NATO standards and the application of the planning method based on capabilities, it is necessary to improve the content and algorithm for assessing the military-economic capabilities of the state for the effective development of its own armed forces, which are one of the main factors in ensuring the necessary level of military-economic security of the country in the whole. The effectiveness of the assessment depends on the completeness and quality of assessments of the main military-economic factors affecting the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the article, the authors offered their views on improving the existing approaches to calculating the amount of necessary defense resources for the effective development of the Armed Forces, and also identified the main economic factors that affect it. The detailed analysis of the military-economic conditions for the development of the armed forces of the countries of the world and Ukraine in the period 2012-2021, carried out in the article, made it possible to form ratings of the military-economic conditions for the development of the armed forces of these countries and Ukraine. The obtained assessment results, in turn, made it possible to determine their impact on the adequacy of the level of military-economic security of each country, taking into account the existing probable military and economic threats