6 research outputs found

    La responsabilità professionale nelle infezioni nosocomiali

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    Ormai da anni si assiste ad un continuo incremento delle denunce e delle richieste di risarcimento danni nei confronti del personale sanitario e delle strutture ospedaliere. Ta le accrescimento è stato molto probabilmente agevolato anche da una evoluzione della giurisprudenza, sia di legittimità che di merito, volta a semplificare l’ottenimento del risarcimento. I giudici che inizialmente inquadravano gli errori medici e/o delle strutture ospedaliere nella responsabilità extracontrattuale - con consequenziale maggiore difficoltà per il danneggiato ad ottenere il risarcimento, gravando su di esso l’onere della ricerca della prova ed essendo tenuto, altresì, a dimostrare la sussistenza dei requisiti oggettivi e soggettivi dell’illecito aquiliano - l’hanno poi inquadrata nella responsabilità contrattuale (scaturente da contatto sociale), promuovendo attraverso la conseguente inversione dell’onere della prova (si applica ora il principio di vicinanza della prova), la valorizzazione dell’aspetto individuale e privatistico del diritto alla salute, quale diritto inviolabile dell’uomo. In tale ambito si inserisce il problema delle infezioni ospedaliere, ossia delle infezioni che sorgono durante il ricovero in un ente nosocomiale e della loro attribuzione alla responsabilità professionale. Anche una infezione contratta da un paziente durante la sua degenza può essere fonte di responsabilità sia per il medico che ha disposto il suddetto ricovero, o che in ogni caso sia venuto in contatto con il paziente, e sia per la struttura sanitaria in cui si è verificato l’episodio. Molto spesso la responsabilità dei medici concorre con la responsabilità della struttura sanitaria e dei dirigenti che ivi vi operano ed è necessario distinguere le responsabilità di ogni soggetto.For years now there has been a steady increase in complaints and claims for damages neiconfronti of health personnel and hospital facilities. Ta growth was most likely facilitated by an evolution of jurisprudence, both legitimacy and merit, to simplify the obtaining of compensation. The judges initially framed medical errors and / or hospitals in the non-contractual liability - with consequential increased difficulty for the victim to obtain compensation levied upon it the burden of gathering evidence and being held also to demonstrate the existence of objective and subjective requirements tort offense - they then framed in contractual liability (arising from social contact), through promoting the consequent reversal of the burden of proof (now applies the principle of proximity of the test), the enhancement appearance of individual and privatized the right to health, which is the inviolable right of man. In this context fits the problem of hospital infections, or infections that arise during hospitalization in an institution nosocomial and their attribution to professional liability. Even an infection contracted from a patient during his hospital stay can be a source of liability for both the physician who ordered the above admission, or which in any case have come in contact with the patient, and for both the health care facility in which you are the incident occurred. Very often the responsibility of doctors work together with the responsabilitàdella health facility and executives who work there and there is need to distinguish the responsibilities of each party

    Notte della Ricerca, La via del sapere. Fotoracconti delle forme. Conoscenza , tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale

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    L'immagine entra nella parola per creare conoscenza. La mostra, grazie all'alleanza tra parola e immagine, offre spunti di riflessione sul linguaggio e sulla cultura dell’arte e della storia dell’arte insegnata in Università a Bologna e sulla fotografia. Le foto conservate presso la Fototeca Igino Benvenuto Supino del Dipartimento delle Arti Visive sono testimonianze di cultura senza confini. Le immagini esposte sono legate alla storia della città di Bologna e sono state collezionate dal primo docente di Storia dell'arte all'Università, Igino Benvenuto Supino, storico e critico di fama internazionale. Evidenziano il ruolo avuto dai suoi studi nella conoscenza e valorizzazione di Bologna e della sua scuola artistica e sono interpretate dai dottorandi del Dipartimento secondo la più aggiornata metodologia critica. Le fotografie sono state scelte per la loro rilevanza documentaria e artistica e ordinate secondo un significativo percorso che riunisce alcuni dei luoghi più importanti per l’identità storica di Bologna e per il legame della città con l’attività di ricerca e alta formazione della sua Università, l’Alma Mater Studiorum

    The Etruscan timeline: a recent Anatolian connection

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    The origin of the Etruscans (the present day Tuscany, Italy), one of the most enigmatic non-Indo-European civilizations, is under intense controversy. We found novel genetic evidences on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) establishing a genetic link between Anatolia and the ancient Etruria. By way of complete mtDNA genome sequencing of a novel autochthonous Tuscan branch of haplogroup U7 (namely U7a2a), we have estimated an historical time frame for the arrival of Anatolian lineages to Tuscany ranging from 1.1±0.1 to 2.3±0.4 kya B.P

    Moors and Saracens in Europe: estimating the medieval North African male legacy in southern Europe.

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    To investigate the male genetic legacy of the Arab rule in southern Europe during medieval times, we focused on specific Northwest African haplogroups and identified evolutionary close STR-defined haplotypes in Iberia, Sicily and the Italian peninsula. Our results point to a higher recent Northwest African contribution in Iberia and Sicily in agreement with historical data. southern Italian regions known to have experienced long-term Arab presence also show an enrichment of Northwest African types. The forensic and genomic implications of these findings are discussed

    Toward Male Individualization with Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats

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    Relevant for various areas of human genetics, Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) are commonly used for testing close paternal relationships among individuals and populations, and for male lineage identification. However, even the widely used 17-loci Yfiler set cannot resolve individuals and populations completely. Here, 52 centers generated quality-controlled data of 13 rapidly mutating (RM) Y-STRs in 14,644 related and unrelated males from 111 worldwide populations. Strikingly, >99% of the 12,272 unrelated males were completely individualized. Haplotype diversity was extremely high (global: 0.9999985, regional: 0.99836-0.9999988). Haplotype sharing between populations was almost absent except for six (0.05%) of the 12,156 haplotypes. Haplotype sharing within populations was generally rare (0.8% nonunique haplotypes), significantly lower in urban (0.9%) than rural (2.1%) and highest in endogamous groups (14.3%). Analysi

    Toward Male Individualization with Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats

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    Relevant for various areas of human genetics, Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) are com- monly used for testing close paternal relationships among individuals and populations, and for male lineage iden- tification. However, even the widely used 17-loci Yfiler set cannot resolve individuals and populations completely. Here, 52 centers generated quality-controlled data of 13 rapidly mutating (RM) Y-STRs in 14,644 related and unrelated males from 111 worldwide populations. Strik- ingly, >99% of the 12,272 unrelated males were com- pletely individualized. Haplotype diversity was extremely high (global: 0.9999985, regional: 0.99836\u20130.9999988). Haplotype sharing between populations was almost ab- sent except for six (0.05%) of the 12,156 haplotypes. Haplotype sharing within populations was generally rare (0.8% nonunique haplotypes), significantly lower in ur- ban (0.9%) than rural (2.1%) and highest in endogamous groups (14.3%). Analysis of molecular variance revealed 99.98% of variation within populations, 0.018% among populations within groups, and 0.002% among groups. Of the 2,372 newly and 156 previously typed male relative pairs,29% were differentiated including 27% of the 2,378 father\u2013son pairs. Relative to Yfiler, haplotype diversity was increased in 86% of the populations tested and over- all male relative differentiation was raised by 23.5%. Our study demonstrates the value of RM Y-STRs in identifying and separating unrelated and related males and provides a reference database