9,302 research outputs found

    A gate-defined silicon quantum dot molecule

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    We report electron transport measurements of a silicon double dot formed in multi-gated metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with a 15-nm-thick silicon-on-insulator layer. Tunable tunnel coupling enables us to observe an excitation spectrum in weakly coupled dots and an energy level anticrossing in strongly coupled ones. Such a quantum dot molecule with both charge and energy quantization provides the essential prerequisite for future implementation of silicon-based quantum computations.Comment: 11pages,3figure

    Current-feedback-stabilized laser system for quantum simulation experiments using Yb clock transition at 578 nm

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    We developed a laser system for the spectroscopy of the clock transition in ytterbium (Yb) atoms at 578 nm based on an interference-filter stabilized external-cavity diode laser (IFDL) emitting at 1156 nm. Owing to the improved frequency-to-current response of the laser-diode chip and the less sensitivity of the IFDL to mechanical perturbations, we succeeded in stabilizing the frequency to a high-finesse ultra-low-expansion glass cavity with a simple current feedback system. Using this laser system, we performed high-resolution clock spectroscopy of Yb and found that the linewidth of the stabilized laser was less than 320 Hz.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics of wave packets with stochastic incorporation of Vlasov equation

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    On the basis of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) of wave packets for the quantum system, a novel model (called AMD-V) is constructed by the stochastic incorporation of the diffusion and the deformation of wave packets which is calculated by Vlasov equation without any restriction on the one-body distribution. In other words, the stochastic branching process in molecular dynamics is formulated so that the instantaneous time evolution of the averaged one-body distribution is essentially equivalent to the solution of Vlasov equation. Furthermore, as usual molecular dynamics, AMD-V keeps the many-body correlation and can naturally describe the fluctuation among many channels of the reaction. It is demonstrated that the newly introduced process of AMD-V has drastic effects in heavy ion collisions of 40Ca + 40Ca at 35 MeV/nucleon, especially on the fragmentation mechanism, and AMD-V reproduces the fragmentation data very well. Discussions are given on the interrelation among the frameworks of AMD, AMD-V and other microscopic models developed for the nuclear dynamics.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX with revtex and epsf, embedded postscript figure

    Dynamics of an Acoustic Polaron in One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System

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    The dynamical behavior of an acoustic polaron in typical non-degenerate conjugated polymer, polydiacetylene, is numerically studied by using Su-Schrieffer-Heeger's model for the one dimensional electron-lattice system. It is confirmed that the velocity of a polaron accelerated by a constant electric field shows a saturation to a velocity close to the sound velocity of the system, and that the width of a moving polaron decreases as a monotonic function of the velocity tending to zero at the saturation velocity. The effective mass of a polaron is estimated to be about one hundred times as heavy as the bare electron mass. Furthermore the linear mode analysis in the presence of a polaron is carried out, leading to the conclusion that there is only one localized mode, i.e. the translational mode. This is confirmed also from the phase shift of extended modes. There is no localized mode corresponding to the amplitude mode in the case of the soliton in polyacetylene. Nevertheless the width of a moving polaron shows small oscillations in time. This is found to be related to the lowest odd symmetry extended mode and to be due to the finite size effect.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 9 figures (postscript figures abailble on request to [email protected]) to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol.65 (1996) No.

    Regulatory T cells in melanoma revisited by a computational clustering of FOXP3+ T cell subpopulations

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    CD4+ T cells that express the transcription factor FOXP3 (FOXP3+ T cells) are commonly regarded as immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (Treg). FOXP3+ T cells are reported to be increased in tumour-bearing patients or animals, and considered to suppress anti-tumour immunity, but the evidence is often contradictory. In addition, accumulating evidence indicates that FOXP3 is induced by antigenic stimulation, and that some non-Treg FOXP3+ T cells, especially memory-phenotype FOXP3low cells, produce proinflammatory cytokines. Accordingly, the subclassification of FOXP3+ T cells is fundamental for revealing the significance of FOXP3+ T cells in tumour immunity, but the arbitrariness and complexity of manual gating have complicated the issue. Here we report a computational method to automatically identify and classify FOXP3+ T cells into subsets using clustering algorithms. By analysing flow cytometric data of melanoma patients, the proposed method showed that the FOXP3+ subpopulation that had relatively high FOXP3, CD45RO, and CD25 expressions was increased in melanoma patients, whereas manual gating did not produce significant results on the FOXP3+ subpopulations. Interestingly, the computationally-identified FOXP3+ subpopulation included not only classical FOXP3high Treg but also memory-phenotype FOXP3low cells by manual gating. Furthermore, the proposed method successfully analysed an independent dataset, showing that the same FOXP3+ subpopulation was increased in melanoma patients, validating the method. Collectively, the proposed method successfully captured an important feature of melanoma without relying on the existing criteria of FOXP3+ T cells, revealing a hidden association between the T cell profile and melanoma, and providing new insights into FOXP3+ T cells and Treg

    Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with quantum branching processes for collisions of heavy nuclei

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    Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) with quantum branching processes is reformulated so that it can be applicable to the collisions of heavy nuclei such as Au + Au multifragmentation reactions. The quantum branching process due to the wave packet diffusion effect is treated as a random term in a Langevin-type equation of motion, whose numerical treatment is much easier than the method of the previous papers. Furthermore a new approximation formula, called the triple-loop approximation, is introduced in order to evaluate the Hamiltonian in the equation of motion with much less computation time than the exact calculation. A calculation is performed for the Au + Au central collisions at 150 MeV/nucleon. The result shows that AMD almost reproduces the copious fragment formation in this reaction.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures embedde

    Electrochemical synthesis and properties of CoO2, the x = 0 phase of the AxCoO2 systems (A = Li, Na)

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    Single-phase bulk samples of the "exotic" CoO2, the x = 0 phase of the AxCoO2 systems (A = Li, Na), were successfully synthesized through electrochemical de-intercalation of Li from pristine LiCoO2 samples. The samples of pure CoO2 were found to be essentially oxygen stoichiometric and possess a hexagonal structure consisting of stacked triangular-lattice CoO2 layers only. The magnetism of CoO2 is featured with a temperature-independent susceptibility of the magnitude of 10-3 emu/mol Oe, being essentially identical to that of a Li-doped phase, Li0.12CoO2. It is most likely that the CoO2 phase is a Pauli-paramagnetic metal with itinerant electrons.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic phase diagram of the layered cobalt oxide system, LixCoO2 (0.0 <= x <= 1.0)

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    Here we report the magnetic properties of the layered cobalt oxide system, LixCoO2, in the whole range of Li composition, 0 <= x <= 1. Based on dc-magnetic susceptibility data, combined with results of 59Co-NMR/NQR observations, the electronic phase diagram of LixCoO2 has been established. As in the related material NaxCoO2, a magnetic critical point is found to exist between x = 0.35 and 0.40, which separates a Pauli-paramagnetic and a Curie-Weiss metals. In the Pauli-paramagnetic regime (x <= 0.35), the antiferromagnetic spin correlations systematically increase with decreasing x. Nevertheless, CoO2, the x = 0 end member is a non-correlated metal in the whole temperature range studied. In the Curie-Weiss regime (x >= 0.40), on the other hand, various phase transitions are observed. For x = 0.40, a susceptibility hump is seen at 30 K, suggesting the onset of static AF order. A magnetic jump, which is likely to be triggered by charge ordering, is clearly observed at Tt = 175 K in samples with x = 0.50 (= 1/2) and 0.67 (= 2/3), while only a tiny kink appears at T = 210 K in the sample with an intermediate Li composition, x = 0.60. Thus, the phase diagram of the LixCoO2 system is complex, and the electronic properties are sensitively influenced by the Li content (x).Comment: 29 pages, 1 table, 9 figure

    S=1/2 Kagome antiferromagnets Cs2_2Cu3MF_3MF_{12}$ with M=Zr and Hf

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    Magnetization and specific heat measurements have been carried out on Cs2_2Cu3_3ZrF12_{12} and Cs2_2Cu3_3HfF12_{12} single crystals, in which Cu2+^{2+} ions with spin-1/2 form a regular Kagom\'{e} lattice. The antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between neighboring Cu2+^{2+} spins is J/kB≃360J/k_{\rm B}\simeq 360 K and 540 K for Cs2_2Cu3_3ZrF12_{12} and Cs2_2Cu3_3HfF12_{12}, respectively. Structural phase transitions were observed at Tt≃210T_{\rm t}\simeq 210 K and 175 K for Cs2_2Cu3_3ZrF12_{12} and Cs2_2Cu3_3HfF12_{12}, respectively. The specific heat shows a small bend anomaly indicative of magnetic ordering at TN=23.5T_\mathrm{N}= 23.5 K and 24.5 K in Cs2_2Cu3_3ZrF12_{12} and Cs2_2Cu3_3HfF12_{12}, respectively. Weak ferromagnetic behavior was observed below TNT_\mathrm{N}. This weak ferromagnetism should be ascribed to the antisymmetric interaction of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya type that are generally allowed in the Kagom\'{e} lattice.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure. Conference proceeding of Highly Frustrated Magnetism 200
