14 research outputs found

    Time Response of Water-based Liquid Scintillator from X-ray Excitation

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    Water-based liquid scintillators (WbLS) present an attractive target medium for large-scale detectors with the ability to enhance the separation of Cherenkov and scintillation signals from a single target. This work characterizes the scintillation properties of WbLS samples based on LAB/PPO liquid scintillator (LS). X-ray luminescence spectra, decay profiles, and relative light yields are measured for WbLS of varying LS concentration as well as for pure LS with a range of PPO concentrations up to 90 g/L. The scintillation properties of the WbLS are related to the precursor LAB/PPO: starting from 90 g/L PPO in LAB before synthesis, the resulting WbLS have spectroscopic properties that instead match 10 g/L PPO in LAB. This could indicate that the concentration of active PPO in the WbLS samples depends on their processing.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Materials Advances, a journal of the Royal Society of Chemistr

    Soil Phosphorus Availability and Pearl Millet Water-Use Efficiency

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    The effects of P and water stress on transpirational water-use efficiency (WUET) of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) cv. ICTP 8203 were studied in outdoor pot and growth chamber experiments. Plants were grown outdoors under semiarid conditions in covered pots containing 85 kg of acid, P-deficient Betis sand (sandy, siliceous, thermic Psammentic Paleustalf). Pots were given 0-7.77 g P/m² (equivalent to 0-70 kg P/ha), water stressed or not stressed, and plants harvested at 14-d intervals. Significant main and interactive effects on WUET due to P level, water treatment, and harvesting date occurred. The slope of the curve relating DM to cumulative transpiration increased with P level and water stress when data from all harvests were pooled. In the growth chamber, WUET of non-water-stressed plants ranged with increasing P level from 3.22 to 9.12 g/kg at 29 d after sowing (DAS) in pots containing 6 kg soil, and from 0.84 to 9.24 g/kg at 49 DAS in pots containing 18 kg soil. The ratio of leaf net photosynthetic rate to transpiration (WUEgas) at 500 µmol/m² per s photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) ranged from 1.88 µg/mg for plants receiving no P to 10.25 µg/mg for those receiving 0.31 g P/6 kg soil. Between PPFD levels of 500 and 2000 µmol/m² per s plants receiving no P increased WUEgas to only 3.60 µg/mg, whereas those receiving higher levels of P increased WUEgas to as much as 18.2 µg/mg. It was concluded that water supply in semiarid environments cannot be effectively managed for improved crop production without addressing soil fertility constraints

    A Fast Radio Burst with frequency-dependent polarization detected during Breakthrough Listen observations

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    Here, we report on the detection and verification of Fast Radio Burst FRB 180301, which occurred on UTC 2018 March 1 during the Breakthrough Listen observations with the Parkes telescope. Full-polarization voltage data of the detection were captured--a first for non-repeating FRBs--allowing for coherent de-dispersion and additional verification tests. The coherently de-dispersed dynamic spectrum of FRB 180301 shows complex, polarized frequency structure over a small fractional bandwidth. As FRB 180301 was detected close to the geosynchronous satellite band during a time of known 1-2 GHz satellite transmissions, we consider whether the burst was due to radio interference emitted or reflected from an orbiting object. Based on the preponderance of our verification tests, we find that FRB 180301 is likely of astrophysical origin, but caution that anthropogenic sources cannot conclusively be ruled out.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    The crystal structure of TlMgCl3 from 290 K to 725 K

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    Crystal structure evolution of BaBrCl and BaBrCl:5%Eu up to 1073 K by neutron diffraction

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    BaBrCl:Eu is a promising scintillator material; however, the crystal growth yield must be improved for it to become commercially viable. This study measures strain accumulations in the crystal lattice which can contribute to cracking during post-growth cooling. Neutron diffraction is used to measure the crystal structure of undoped and 5 mol% europium-doped BaBrCl from 303 to 1073 K, approaching the melting point. Rietveld analysis of these data provides the temperature dependence of the thermal and chemical strain in BaBrCl. In particular, anisotropic thermal expansion is measured, with expansion along the b axis nearly double the expansion along the a and c axes. Additionally, the chemical strain from the incorporation of europium atoms peaks around 673 K, explaining cracking frequently observed in that temperature range