7 research outputs found

    Website and Television Broadcasting of National Parks: A Perceived Possibility of Promoting and Marketing National Parks in Nigeria

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    The current coronavirus outbreak has made several organizations such as schools churches real estate consultants tourist attraction centres begin to exploit the benefits of information technology to ensure the continuous running of their operation through website and television broadcast The need for National Park in the developing countries to showcase their flora fauna and environment through website and television broadcast intervention WTBI are not farfetched It is believed WTBI could market and promote national parks in developing countries to potential tourists because through website and television broadcast intervention WTBI the developed countries have achieved high operational efficiency and income to increase National Park Visitation Intention NPVI of tourists As such they have generated so much income through tourism to their national parks The study utilized online survey to evaluate the adequacy of current WTB intervention puts in place by management of national parks in Nigeria and the consequent effects of improving on current WTBI to market and promote national parks in Nigeri

    Human-Hippo Relationship in Selected Communities around Kainji Dam in New-Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria

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    Human-wildlife conflicts have become a significant issue in conservation and land management of a protected area. The study examines Hippo-Human relationship in selected communities around Kainji dam in New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria. Data for the study was collected through pre tested structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings from the results revealed that male Hippopotamus is the highest with 75.0% and that 37% were 50 years and above. Majority of the respondents had no formal education (42.0%). 79% of the respondents recorded that Hippopotamus was present in the study area while 82.0% have had to encounter Hippopotamus attack. The crops that are mostly grown by the respondents in the study area are Maize, Beans, Millet, Guinea corn, Rice and Groundnut. In which maize is the mostly grown and raided by Hippopotamus. The findings revealed that 69.0% of the respondents state that crop raiding is the major conflict. Various preventive measures undertaken include: fire and smoke, watch guarding, trapping, scare crow, thorn fencing and hunting, with fire and smoke being the most preferred by the respondents. The victims of these attacks are willing to prevent the attacks with fire and smoke as against killing the Hippopotamus, they should be encourage by factoring compensation into conservation policy to promote the conservation of this species in the study area

    Waste Management Practices and Operational Performance of Hotels in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    The objective of this study was to determine waste management practices influencing the operational performance of hotels in Lagos State, Nigeria using 120 structured questionnaire that was administered to 20 hotels. Results showed that waste management practices in hotels are very important (3.83), while levels of their operational performance is to a large extent (3.16). Linear Regression showed that waste reduction, reuse and recycling practices (β = 0.383), waste collection and depositing practices (β = 0.413) and waste composting and treatment practices (β = 0.258) significantly (p<0.05) influenced the operational performance of hotels in the study area. The study concluded that waste reduction, reuse, recycling, waste collection, depositing, composting and treatment practices are important contributors in determining the operational performance of hotels. It was recommended that waste management guiding principles, framework and policies be developed and communicated to all stakeholders for proper and effective implementation

    Assessment of Ecotourism Management of Lekki Conservation Centre, Lagos State Nigeria

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    The study assessed ecotourism management of Lekki Conservation Centre, Lagos state. Data was collected through questionnaire, interview and personal field observation. Data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The demographic characteristics of the respondents revealed that females recorded the highest (66.0%) with 25-34 years (38.0%). The result also revealed that most of the respondents (74.0%) are single. It was also noted that 46.0% of the respondents had attained tertiary level of education. Also majority of the respondents (58.0%) are Muslims while 42.0% are Christians. The finding further revealed that 44.0% of the respondents are civil servant. The travel characteristics of the respondents showed that majority were first time visitors (68.0%) and that majority of the visitors travelled with their family and friends (54.0%) While most of the visitors got to know about the centre through their friends and family (68.0%). Eight (8) ecotourism attractions are observed in Lekki conservation centre. The total revenue generated in the study area from 2010 to 2019 was ₦ 130,075,465. Year 2019 recorded the highest number of tourist with 9412 tourists, followed by 2017 with 6,530 tourists while year 2010 recorded the least number of tourist influx with 1,661 tourists. The management practices of Lekki Conservation Centre are availability of tour guide, adequate parking space, adequate security and ease of entrance etc. The study concludes that the site has enough attractions to motivate visitors to visit especially the Canopy walkway which is the longest canopy walkway in Africa

    Abundance and Distribution of Patas Monkey (Erythrocebus patas Schreber, 1775) in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria

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    Assessment of abundance and distribution of Patas monkey in Kainji Lake National Park (Zugurma sector) was carried out from March to July, 2019. Data were collected using direct sighting (Census by Ground Survey Method) and line transect method using the existing jeep tracks. The location was transverse in the morning between (7:00 and 11:00 a.m.) and in the evening (16:00 to 18:30 p.m.), binocular was used for viewing of animals. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics in the form of table and frequency count. The spatial distribution of Patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas) in the study area revealed that Mayara track had the highest percentage (32.2%), followed by Abubakar mashegu track with (27.1%) while Etsu usman track recorded the least percentage (16.9%). It also indicates that month of April had the highest number (20) while the month of July 2019 recorded the least one with (8). The population structure revealed that female had the highest frequency 34, followed by male recorded frequency with 25 while young had the least frequency 15. The food eaten by Patas monkey in the study area are Cercocephalis laurifolis, Piper guineenis, Vitelaria paradoxa, Tarminrandus indica, Annona senegalensis and Ficus species, respectively. The forage utilization showed that seed is the most utilized part of the plant they feed on. Human wildlife conflicts could be a major setback for the conservation of this animal as these animals migrate to support zone community’s agricultural farm to feed on their crops during the dry season and cause a lot of damage to their corps. This can make the supporting zone community to have a negative attitude towards the conservation of Patas monkey

    The Environmental Management and Recreational Facilities Usage: a Study of Kainji Lake National Park

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    Assessment of Environmental and Recreation Facility Maintenance was carried out in Kainji Lake National Park. Questionnaire method of data collection was employed to collect the data needed. Purposive and simple random techniques were adopted to sample respondents in the study area. One hundred questionnaires were designed and administered. The data collected were analyzed through simple percentage and presented in table and charts. However, the results showed that recreation facilities are 99% present, while swimming pool is 65% functional. The study showed that visitors came there three times in a week indicating 44% of the respondents while on maintenance of the park environment and the facilities indicated 94% and 88% of the respondents respectively. The study further recommended the followings facilities basketball pitch. Hockey game, volley ball and well-constructed swimming pool