6 research outputs found

    Proposal of conformity assessment and inspection procedure of a cyllinder flange

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    Obsahem bakalářské práce je postup tvorby kontrolního plánu pro posouzení shody součásti válcová příruba se specifikací. Součástí práce je výběr z norem vztahujících se k rozebírané problematice a k výkresové dokumentaci součásti. Válcová příruba je zde rozebrána z hlediska funkce a jednoznačnosti kótování na výkrese součásti s ohledem na následnou kontrolu součásti. Případné nedostatky v jednoznačnosti jsou blíže rozebrány a jsou navržena řešení těchto problémů. K práci jsou přiloženy kontrolní plány pro kontrolu součásti přímo ve výrobním procesu a pro kontrolu součásti při vzorkování, které byly vytvořeny s pomocí CAQ softwaru. Výsledky práce byly použity při zlepšování procesu výroby uvedené součásti.This bachelor thesis contains the control plan creation procedure for conformity assessment of a cylinder flange. The thesis includes a selection from standards related to the above-mentioned problems and the drawing documentation of the part. The cylinder flange is analysed in terms of function and unambiguous specification of geometry on the drawing of the part with regard to further part inspection. Any deficiencies in clarity are dealt with in more detail and solutions to these problems are proposed. Control plans for inspection of the part directly in the manufacturing process and for inspection of the part during sampling were created using CAQ software and are attached to the work. The results of the work have been used to improve the process of manufacturing of the part.

    Study of implementation of SPC statistical method for control of technological operations

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    Diplomová práce uvádí postup při zavádění nové metodiky provádění statistické regulace procesu pro obrábění součásti ve zvoleném podniku. Nová metodika je sestavena na základě teoretických poznatků uvedených v první části práce. Výstupem je porovnání výsledků procesu před zavedením a po zavedení nové metodiky zmíněné statistické metody a zhodnocení vlivu této nové metodiky na daný proces. Porovnání je provedeno pomocí testů hypotéz o shodnosti daných statistických veličin a zhodnocením ukazatelů výkonnosti a způsobilosti procesu popisujících jednotlivé soubory dat. Získané poznatky budou využity pro zavádění statistické regulace procesu i na další procesy v rámci výrobního portfolia daného podniku.The master’s thesis contains a procedure of implementation of statistical process control for a machining process in a chosen company. The method is based upon knowledge of this topic which are mentioned in the first part of the thesis. The output is a comparison of general process performance before and after implementation of the above-mentioned statistical method and evaluation of the influence of this new method at the process. The comparison is done using hypothesis testing of specific statistical variables and analysis of process performance and capability of both data sets. The acquired knowledge and experience will be used for implementation of statistical process control for other processes in the company’s production portfolio.

    Influence Of Taijiquan On Autonomous Regulation At Students Of Masaryk University

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    Taijiquan has been scientifically studied from many points of view on its positive influence on human health. Taiji is an acceptable form of aerobic exercise for middle age and old people. Taiji as a form of exercise is beneficial for general improvement of motor function in seniors. There is a connection between Taiji and balance control of older people who have suffered falls. The influence of taiji practises on the quality of sleep for people with sleep disturbances. There have been many trials and experiments that have specialised on the positive effect of taijiquan on the heart function (for example taiji and its harmonising effect on blood pressure) and it is understood that an experiment focusing on the connection of taiji practise and autonomous regulation of heart function. It was attempted to prove that a year-long practise of a particular form of taiji would have the effect on the autonomous regulation of the heart. Especially on higher activity of parasympathetic system – vagus nerve. This effect has been proved by Väänänen et al, 2002 at the level of short-time change. We have used system VariaCardio TF-4 with telemetric transmission of the pulse rate able to measure and analyse spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Participants were 32 Masaryk university students aged between 19 and 25. The data collected did not disapprove the hypothesis of the influence of taijiquan practise on the activity of vagus nerve. Therefore, this paper successfully proves the effect of taiji on heart regulations even at young people. These findings can support the idea of using taiji as an effective and at the same time available form of training of cardiovascular system of people suffering from diseases of this kind.Taijiquan has been scientifically studied from many points of view on its positive influence on human health. Taiji is an acceptable form of aerobic exercise for middle age and old people. Taiji as a form of exercise is beneficial for general improvement of motor function in seniors. There is a connection between Taiji and balance control of older people who have suffered falls. The influence of taiji practises on the quality of sleep for people with sleep disturbances. There have been many trials and experiments that have specialised on the positive effect of taijiquan on the heart function (for example taiji and its harmonising effect on blood pressure) and it is understood that an experiment focusing on the connection of taiji practise and autonomous regulation of heart function. It was attempted to prove that a year-long practise of a particular form of taiji would have the effect on the autonomous regulation of the heart. Especially on higher activity of parasympathetic system – vagus nerve. This effect has been proved by Väänänen et al, 2002 at the level of short-time change. We have used system VariaCardio TF-4 with telemetric transmission of the pulse rate able to measure and analyse spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Participants were 32 Masaryk university students aged between 19 and 25. The data collected did not disapprove the hypothesis of the influence of taijiquan practise on the activity of vagus nerve. Therefore, this paper successfully proves the effect of taiji on heart regulations even at young people. These findings can support the idea of using taiji as an effective and at the same time available form of training of cardiovascular system of people suffering from diseases of this kind

    Study of implementation of SPC statistical method for control of technological operations

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    The master’s thesis contains a procedure of implementation of statistical process control for a machining process in a chosen company. The method is based upon knowledge of this topic which are mentioned in the first part of the thesis. The output is a comparison of general process performance before and after implementation of the above-mentioned statistical method and evaluation of the influence of this new method at the process. The comparison is done using hypothesis testing of specific statistical variables and analysis of process performance and capability of both data sets. The acquired knowledge and experience will be used for implementation of statistical process control for other processes in the company’s production portfolio