28 research outputs found

    ELWar LexiCS – Lexicon of Croatian Streets

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    LexiCS is an online platform for the visual presentation of street names in the local communities in Croatia. The platform aims to trace the process of public memory and commemoration since the early 1990s in a country that went through several painful social processes: economic and political transition from one-party socialism to liberal democracy, war, and dramatic demographic change. The platform grew out of the project ELWar (Electoral Legacies of War) which was funded by the ERC and was hosted by the Institute of Political Science at the University of Luxembourg

    ELWar Mapdat

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    Mapdat is the online platform of the project ELWar (Electoral Legacies of War) which is funded by the ERC and is hosted by the Institute of Political Science at the University of Luxembourg. The platform organises collected publicly available data in geographic space and over time. The primary purpose of the platform is to visually present the evolution of economic, social, and political development in Southeast Europe over the past five decades with special reference to the legacies and effects of war violence

    Potentiostatic Electrodeposition of Cu2O under Light and Dark for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation Applications

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    Potentiostatic electrodeposition conducted at various deposition voltages from lactate-stabilized copper sulfate electrolyte was used for preparation of Cu2O layers for Photoelectrochemical (PEC) production of hydrogen. A novel approach based on an application of light during the electrodeposition is utilized to suppress the potential drop in the Cu2O layer during the potentiostatic deposition. Structures prepared under dark and light on an Ag substrate are analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction analysis (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV). It was shown that the application of light increases the deposition rate due to the contribution of the photogenerated carriers. The deposition voltage affects the photoresponse of light deposited structures but causes only a negligible change in dark deposited structures. The light deposited samples exhibited a higher photoresponse for all deposition voltages. The presented study suggests the light potentiostatic electrodeposition as an attractive approach for the preparation of Cu2O structures for cheap and efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting applications

    Do we hold panels?

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    Žijem v jednej z 650 000 tisíc domácností na Slovensku, zasadených v kultúrnej krajinepanelových sídlisk. Pokiaľ teda túto krajinu nepovažujeme za vzácne dedičstvo hodné konzervácie, vyvstáva úloha ich regenerácie v súlade so zásadami trvalo udržateľného rozvoja. Ako sa doteraz, po vyše dvadsiatich rokoch od konca socialistického režimu či desiatich od vzniku Európskeho dohovoru o krajine, Slovensko vysporiadalo s touto výzvou? Aké zmeny sú potrebné a prečo?  Opieram sa najmä o vlastnú skúsenosť s banskobystrického sídliska Sásová.&nbsp

    Mapping election results in proportional electoral systems

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    <p>The paper presents a technique for efficient visualisation of election results in proportional electoral systems. Three cartographic methods (cartogram, inward-oriented buffer and proportional striping) are combined to produce a static map that gives an overview of the distribution of voting power, the electoral abstention and the election results. Unlike the conventional design that shows only the winning subjects, the proposed technique allows reader to analyse the results within a district as well as in the context of the whole country. Regional differences and patterns not present on conventional election maps can be observed. The proposed technique is demonstrated on a map of Slovak parliamentary election held in 2012.</p

    Spatial predictive modeling of prehistoric sites in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands based on graph similarity analysis

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    This paper presented a new method for identifying promising areas for archaeological research. The method is based on graph analysis that iteratively compares and manipulates Hamming distances between graphs of input geographical parameters and graphs of human activity data in various historical periods. The weights learned from the comparison was used to build a prediction model to estimate the potential presence of an archaeological site of a certain time period in a given cadaster. This was applied in the Bohemian Moravian Highlands region based on the most complete archaeological dataset of the area. Resulting maps were analyzed from the archaeological and historical point of view to test against the existing knowledge of prehistoric population movement in the region. Overall, the method proved to overcome problems such as fragmentary inputs and is a good candidate for application in smaller and geographically diverse research areas. The aim of this work was to contribute to the methodology of the prediction of historical human activity, to facilitate greater comprehension of past local settlement dynamics, and to possibly ease the protection of cultural heritage

    Comprehensive Degradation Analysis of NCA Li-Ion Batteries via Methods of Electrochemical Characterisation for Various Stress-Inducing Scenarios

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    Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries with Ni-based cathodes are leading storage technology in the fields of electric vehicles and power-grid applications. NCA (LiNiCoAlO2) batteries are known for their troublesome degradation tendencies, and this susceptibility to degradation raises questions regarding the safety of their usage. Hence, it is of vital importance to analyse the degradation of NCA batteries via methods which are applicable to onboard systems, so that the changes in the battery’s state of health can be addressed accordingly. For this purpose, it is crucial to study batteries stressed by various conditions which might induce degradation of different origins or magnitudes. Methods such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT), and incremental capacity analysis (ICA) have been used in battery research for years, however, there is a lack of published studies which would analyse the degradation of NCA batteries by simultaneous usage of these methods, which is essential for a comprehensive and confirmatory understanding of battery degradation. This study intends to fill this research gap by analysing the degradation of NCA batteries via simultaneous usage of EIS, GITT, and ICA methods for common stress-inducing operating conditions (over-charge, over-discharge, and high-current charging)

    Preparation and gas-sensing properties of very thin sputtered NiO films

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    We present results on very thin NiO films which are able to detect 3 ppm of acetone, toluene and n-butyl acetate in synthetic air and to operate at 300°C. NiO films with 25 and 50 nm thicknesses were prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering on alumina substrates previously coated by Pt layers as heater and as interdigitated electrodes. Annealed NiO films are indexed to the (fcc) crystalline structure of NiO and their calculated grain sizes are in the range from 22 to 27 nm. Surface morphology of the examined samples was influenced by a rough and compact granular structure of alumina substrate. Nanoporous NiO film is formed by an agglomeration of small grains with different shapes while they are created on every alumina grain

    Spatial data of municipalities in Yugoslavia and its successor states, 1970-2020

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    Set of vector maps of the territory of SFR Yugoslavia with the administrative division into municipalities in the period from 1970 to 1991, as well as the territories of Yugoslavia’s successor states – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia – with the administrative division into municipalities in the period from 1992 to 2020. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefiles and contains vector data - polygons. Municipal data valid on 1 July of a given year. All maps were newly created using information on individual municipalities published in Enciklopedija Jugoslavije and the official gazettes of the successor states: Službeni list Bosne i Hercegovine, Narodne novine, Gazeta Zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës, Službeni list Crne Gore, Služben vesnik na Republika Severna Makedonija, Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije