69 research outputs found

    Dominio tempo-aspettuale e distribuzione dei tempi nel testo: applicazioni didattiche

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    Il presente contributo è inteso a rendere conto di alcuni aspetti legati alla didattica dei tempi verbali del passato dell’indicativo nell’ambito delle esercitazioni di lingua italiana per gli studenti di madrelingua straniera del corso di laurea triennale in interpretazione e traduzione della SSLMIT di Trieste. La causa dei particolari problemi che i discenti L2 incontrano tradizionalmente nel controllo dell’alternanza dei tempi passati è da ricercare nelle difficoltà nel gestire l’opposizione tra aspetto perfettivo e imperfettivo da una parte e aspetto compiuto e aoristico dall’altra. Un tentativo di dirimere la questione può essere affidato a un approccio che combini il modello più “grammaticale” proposto da Bertinetto (1986) e quello più marcatamente “stilistico” di Weinrich (1978) nell’applicazione pratica a generi testuali letterari e non letterari

    Per un'analisi dell'italiano tradotto nei quotidiani: considerazioni preliminari sulla costituzione di un corpus

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    With the rise of the mass media and the information society, the number and circulation of translated texts – especially from English – have increased remarkably over the past half-century. In particular, there has been a considerable increase over the current decade in the number of translated articles from foreign newspapers and magazines published in the Italian press. Like translated popular literature or film and TV dubbing, this trend in the press is significant given the impact of covert translations on the acceptance of specific language structures by the Italian-speaking community. This article therefore illustrates the difficulties and research prospects deriving from the creation of a large corpus of translated articles which may be used to conduct computational analyses aimed at ascertaining the formal features of translations compared to articles originally written in Italian. In addition to contributing to the description of the language traits used in the press, this study should prove useful for the training of prospective translators

    Il genere testuale della sentenza penale in Italia

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    Lo studio definisce il genere testuale della sentenza penale italiana secondo l'approccio del genre analysis, integrando linguistica testuale e pragmatica. L'analisi della distribuzione dei tempi verbali nei testi rivela la complessit\ue0 della redazione delle sentenze e identifica alcuni tratti stilistici di difficile inquadramento funzionale

    Introduzione. Per una linguistica dei testi

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    This article provides an overview of key terms in text linguistics according to different theoretical models, from cognitive approaches to the systemic-functional model and genre analysis. Basic notions such as text type, pragmatic function, register, language variation, speech act, discourse community etc. are illustrated and the pros and cons of different theories are compared in order to develop an approach suitable for distinguishing and classifying the broad range of text types produced by EU institutions. This taxonomy and the principles upon which it is based are used as a reference grid to select comparable genres produced in Italy, Spain and the UK. In line with the selection method, text corpora have been compiled to conduct comparative studies designed to assess the differences between the varieties of Italian, Spanish and English written at EU level and their counterparts at national level

    Un genere testuale oltre i confini nazionali: la sentenza

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    This article illustrates the results of the third stage of a research project on the generic structure and linguistic traits of court judgments written in Italian. Four corpora in electronic format have been compiled, including texts by the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Italian Court of Cassation, the Swiss Federal Court and the Appeal Court of Canton Ticino. Statistical software was used to assess differences in terms of lexical richness, lexical density and readability and to calculate verb tense frequencies and distribution patterns. The shortcomings of automatic quantitative analysis may be redressed through qualitative surveys and, in addition to highlighting differences in the Italian written in Italy, Switzerland and the EU institutions, data can provide insights and suggestions for more effective drafting techniques

    Medium shift in interpretation: do interpreters produce oral text?

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    1This paper investigates the position of the language of conference interpreters along the written-oral cline. The use of demonstratives in a corpus comprising transcriptions of interpretation exams shows how students tend to overexploit those morphological resources in order to ensure consistency and coherence to their texts.nonemixedONDELLI S.Ondelli, Stefan

    Moda, forestierismi e traduzioni: un confronto interlinguistico

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    This paper deals with the presence of foreign words in magazines and websites regarding the fashion industry. After illustrating recent research aimed at assessing the frequency of loan words in Italian fashion magazines and classifying them according to a range of semantic fields, a survey is conducted on fashion magazines published in different countries to evaluate which language is more prone to accept loans and calques. As a third step, the different linguistic versions of the websites of American, French and Italian fashion brands are compared to assess whether differences emerge in the frequency and types of foreign words included in texts originally written in a given language vs. translated webpages. Despite the latest developments in the communication strategies of the fashion industry, the frequency and types of foreign words remain unchanged in both source and target texts and point to the persuasive and connotative – rather than denotative – role played by fashion terminology

    L’assetto dell’italiano delle traduzioni in un corpus giornalistico. Aspetti qualitativi e quantitativi

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    This paper investigates differences in the language of articles published in Italian newspapers translated from foreign languages compared to the language of articles originally written in Italian. To this end, a corpus was compiled of approximately 1.9 million tokens composed of two subcorpora (translated and original) weighted according to different criteria (length and number of articles, distribution in time, number of authors/translators). By means of text analysis software, analyses were conducted to identify language traits related to source language interference and translation universals. Although the combined influence of source language, translation universals and stylistic conventions of the text genre under scrutiny makes it difficult to attribute findings to a specific factor, it seems clear that translators are less subject to the influence of English and the innovative traits of contemporary Italian than is the case for journalists

    Per un censimento delle traduzioni in italiano nell’Ottocento. Risultati di uno spoglio del CLIO relativo al periodo 1880-1889

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    Studies in the history and criticism of translation in Italy have not been complemented by a systematic analysis of works translated in the 1800s; however, the availability of bibliographical surveys is a prerequisite for compiling corpora suitable for analysing a large amount of homogeneous documents, especially when the aim is to study the specific features of translated Italian. This gap is even more surprising as the 19th century marks a turning point in translation practice, with the technological progress in the publishing sector helping to meet the needs of the booming cultural market and establishing the novel as the dominant literary genre in Europe. Furthermore, this trend proceeded in parallel with Italy’s difficult transition towards political, linguistic and cultural unity. This article illustrates the preliminary results of a survey conducted on the Catalogo dei libri italiani dell’Ottocento (CLIO) for the 1880-1889 period. The distribution of translations was assessed in terms of language pairs, geographical circulation and genres. Although data need to be cross-checked with other bibliographical data banks and additional surveys in individual libraries, this approach may be implemented to investigate different aspects of translation practice in the 1800s

    Piccolo dizionario dei verbi procomplementari

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    Alla domanda “hai la macchina?”, nessun parlante di madrelingua italiana risponderebbe “sì, l’ho”: l’unica soluzione accettabile è “sì, ce l’ho”. A scuola impariamo che l’ è il pronome la, che sostituisce “la macchina”. Ma che cosa è ce? A che cosa serve? Perché è praticamente obbligatorio? E come si scrive: “ci ho fame”, “c’ho fame” o “ciò fame?”. Perché starci significa “avere abbastanza posto in un luogo” (siediti, ci stai anche tu!), ma anche “essere d’accordo” (ci stai a fare uno scherzo a Carlo?). Quella dei “procomplementari” è una particolare classe che prevede la presenza di uno o più pronomi deboli accanto al verbo. Talvolta questi pronomi sono obbligatori, come in “piantala di dire sciocchezze!”, in altri casi sono ridondanti e possono essere omessi, per es. “ci credi agli oroscopi?” La presenza dei pronomi può modificare leggermente il significato del verbo di base (basta! me ne vado!) oppure renderlo del tutto irriconoscibile, come in “non ne posso più delle tue bugie!” Insomma, i verbi procomplementari formano un gruppo numeroso e composito, molto presente nell’italiano quotidiano: per questo motivo meritano un dizionario completamente dedicato a loro
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