19 research outputs found

    Hydrochemical Conditions for Aerobic/Anaerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes—A Multi-Site Assessment

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    A stall of cis-1,2-DCE and vinyl chloride (VC) is frequently observed during bioremediation of groundwater chloroethenes via reductive dechlorination. These chloroethenes may be oxidised by aerobic methanotrophs or ethenotrophs co-metabolically and/or metabolically. We assessed the potential for such oxidation at 12 sites (49 groundwater samples) using hydrochemical and molecular biological tools. Both ethenotroph (etnC and etnE) and methanotroph (mmoX and pmoA) functional genes were identified in 90% of samples, while reductive dehalogenase functional genes (vcrA and bvcA) were identified in 82%. All functional genes were simultaneously detected in 78% of samples, in actively biostimulated sites in 88% of samples. Correlation analysis revealed that cis-1,2-DCE concentration was positively correlated with vcrA, etnC and etnE, while VC concentration was correlated with etnC, etnE, vcrA and bvcA. However, feature selection based on random forest classification indicated a significant relationship for the vcrA in relation to cis-1,2-DCE, and vcrA, bvcA and etnE for VC and no prove of relationship between cis-1,2-DCE or VC and the methanotroph functional genes. Analysis of hydrochemical parameters indicated that aerobic oxidation of chloroethenes by ethenotrophs may take place under a range of redox conditions of aquifers and coincide with high ethene and VC concentrations

    Advanced remediation technologies for recalcitrant pollutants

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    Advanced remediation technologies for recalcitrant pollutants Studium pokročilých sanačních technologií pro rekalcitrantní polutanty Dissertation thesis Ing. Ondřej Lhotský Abstract This study focuses primarily on the testing and optimization of methods based on modifications to, and the targeted enhancement of, natural microbial processes for the removal of recalcitrant pollutants. Pilot tests were conducted of these innovative methods at real contaminated sites and matrices, and their effectiveness was monitored in the relevant environments. The pilot tests generally confirmed the potential of the modifications and bioremediation technology combinations by revealing significant increases in the removal efficiency for a number of recalcitrant contaminants. The study provides a general summary of the issue of soil and rock environment contamination by recalcitrant contaminants and familiarizes the reader with bioremediation technologies and their optimization for the removal of recalcitrant contaminants. Subsequently, a theoretical introduction is provided of the methods applied in 4 pilot tests of optimized and combined remediation methods at real contaminated sites in the Czech Republic. The pilot tests are described in detail in publications 1, 2, 4 and 5. Publication 6 covers a pilot test conducted on...Studium pokročilých sanačních technologií pro rekalcitrantní polutanty Advanced remediation technologies for recalcitrant pollutants Disertační práce Ing. Ondřej Lhotský Abstrakt Přítomnost rekalcitrantních kontaminantů v životním prostředí je spojena s celou řadou rizik jak pro lidské zdraví, tak pro celé ekosystémy a z tohoto důvodu pokračují snahy o vývoj a optimalizaci sanačních technologií pro jejich odstraňování. V rámci této práce byla pozornost zaměřena na testování a optimalizaci metod postavených na úpravách a cílené podpoře přirozených mikrobiálních procesů a jejich využití pro odstraňování rekalcitrantních polutantů. Prováděny byly pilotní testy těchto inovativních metod na reálně kontaminovaných lokalitách a matricích a byla sledována jejich účinnost v relevantních prostředích. Provedené pilotní testy obecně potvrdily možnost úprav a kombinací bioremediačních technologií takovým způsobem, že došlo k výraznému navýšení efektivity odstraňování řady rekalcitrantních kontaminantů. Práce obsahuje obecný souhrn problematiky znečištění horninového prostředí rekalcitrantními kontaminanty a seznámení s bioremediačními technologiemi a jejich optimalizací pro odstraňování rekalcitrantních kontaminantů z horninového prostředí. Následuje teoretický úvod k metodám využitým při 4 pilotních testech...Institute for Environmental StudiesÚstav pro životní prostředíPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Availibility of Geodata from Municipalities with Extended Competence

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou poskytování geodat obcemi s rozšířenou působností. Zaměřuje se na možnosti poskytování geodat obcemi s rozšířenou působností a předpisy a právními normami, které se této problematiky týkají. Práce se detailně zabývá získáváním metadat z poskytovaných geodat. V rámci práce byl proveden průzkum o poskytování geodat obcemi s rozšířenou působností a následně byla vytvořena databáze, která zaznamenává současný stav poskytování geodat, včetně jejich metadat. Nakonec byly vytvořeny mapy a grafy, které zobrazují stav poskytování geodat.Thesis deals with provision of geodata by municipalities with extended competence. It focuses on possibilities concerning the provision of geodata by municipalities with extended competence and legal regulations concerned. It also addresses acquisition of metadata of provisioned geodata. Research of provision of geodata by municipalities with extended competence was done and shortly after the database containing the current condition of provision of geodata including their metadata was made. Finally, the maps containing the current condition of provision of geodata were created.Prezenční548 - Institut geoinformatikydobř

    Advanced remediation technologies for recalcitrant pollutants

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    Advanced remediation technologies for recalcitrant pollutants Studium pokročilých sanačních technologií pro rekalcitrantní polutanty Dissertation thesis Ing. Ondřej Lhotský Abstract This study focuses primarily on the testing and optimization of methods based on modifications to, and the targeted enhancement of, natural microbial processes for the removal of recalcitrant pollutants. Pilot tests were conducted of these innovative methods at real contaminated sites and matrices, and their effectiveness was monitored in the relevant environments. The pilot tests generally confirmed the potential of the modifications and bioremediation technology combinations by revealing significant increases in the removal efficiency for a number of recalcitrant contaminants. The study provides a general summary of the issue of soil and rock environment contamination by recalcitrant contaminants and familiarizes the reader with bioremediation technologies and their optimization for the removal of recalcitrant contaminants. Subsequently, a theoretical introduction is provided of the methods applied in 4 pilot tests of optimized and combined remediation methods at real contaminated sites in the Czech Republic. The pilot tests are described in detail in publications 1, 2, 4 and 5. Publication 6 covers a pilot test conducted on..

    Treatment of pig farm effluents by aeration, struvite precipitation and filtration

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    These experiments were performed to verify the potential ways of treating pig farm effluents using aeration, struvite precipitation and filtration. MgCl2 brine was added as a source of magnesium for struvite precipitation. Following aeration, precipitated struvite was separated from the effluent by filtration through a compressed straw filter. The filter plus struvite can be composted to yield struvite-enriched compost. A series of 5 batch pilot-scale experiments (effluent volumes from 200–400 l) was carried out and laboratory tests on the same effluent were performed to validate the pilot-scale results. Following 24 hours of aeration the pH increased to from 8.5 to 9, providing good conditions for struvite precipitation. Filtration proved to be efficient for separating precipitated struvite and total suspended solids. The efficiency of orthophosphate phosphorus removal in the pilot system varied from 63 to 96%, ammonia nitrogen removal varied from 22 to 79%, but magnesium removal efficiency was low due to the high natural Mg concentration, suggesting that the addition of Mg might not be necessary. Chemical oxidation demand declined significantly as a result of very high bacterial activity and the treated effluent no longer had an unpleasant smell

    Passive sampling of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aquatic environments

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    Passive sampling is a rapidly developing technology, which is widely used for the monitoring of pollutants in different environments. Passive sampling offers significant advantages over traditional grab sampling. In the present review, the authors summarize the current literature on the methods of passive sampling used in the environmental monitoring of polar or semi-polar compounds in aqueous matrices. Methods of calibrating, design and deployment of samplers are also discussed. A major focus of this review is the use of polar organic compound integrative samplers (POCIS) and their use in sampling and monitoring of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PCPs) in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions