8 research outputs found

    LĂ©vy processes

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    In the present thesis a short introduction into the theory of L'evy processes and subordinators is mentioned. It contains also basic results from the theory of point processes, especially of the Cox process. Furture it specializes to the description of the dependence structure of components of multidimensional subordinators using L'evy copulas. There are examples presented of parametric families of L'evy copulas. On their basis graphs of cross-pair correlation functions, defined analogously to the Cox point process case, are investigated. The work also shows the possibility of simulation of multidimensional subordinators using mentioned families of L'evy copulas. Finally it deals with estimation parameters of Gamma-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. It is applied an approach based on Bayes theorem and Markov Chain Monte Carlo method with consequential using of Newton-Raphson algorithm and aproximative likelihood

    On Selected Geometric Properties of Brownian Motion Paths

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    Title: On Selected Geometric Properties of Brownian Motion Paths Author: Mgr. Ondƙej Honzl E-mail Address: [email protected] Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jan Rataj, CSc. E-mail Address: [email protected] Department: Mathematical Institute, Charles University Abstract: Our thesis is focused on certain geometric properties of Brownian motion paths. Firstly, it deals with cone points of Brownian motion in the plane and we show some connections between cone points and critical points of Brownian motion. The motivation of the study of critical points is provided by a pleasant behavior of the distance function outside of the set of these points. We prove the theorem on a non-existence of π+ cone points on fixed line. This statement leads us to the conjecture that there are only countably many critical points of the Brownian motion path in the plane. Next, the thesis discusses an asymptotic behavior of the surface area of r-neigh- bourhood of Brownian motion, which is called Wiener sausage. Using the proper- ties of a Kneser function, we prove the claim about the relation of the Minkowski content and S-content. As the consequence, we obtain a limit behavior of the surface area of the Wiener sausage almost surely in dimension d ≄ 3. Finally,..

    Segment point processes

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    Naz-ev prace: Bodove proeesy usecek Aut.or: Ondrej Ilonzl Katedra: Katedra. pravdepodobnosti a matematicke statist,iky Vodonci bakalafske praee: RNDr. Zbynek Pawlas, Ph.D. e-mail vedouciho: zbynek.pawlas'O'mfl'.cmn.cz Abstrakt: Prace obsahnje strucny uvod do teoric bodovych procesii na nplnem se- parabilnim lokalne koutpakt iiiiu metrickem prost.oru. Hamcove je ziuinen si>ccii'ilni I>fipad st,acionariiilio ])roc:csu kouipaktiiich ninozin. Dale sc jiran1 vice1 /aincfujo na, Poissonuv prort\ usccek sc /nainyni ro/dcMrnim typickrho /rnu. V roviniirin pfi])aclo pak ukazujc n'i/nr odliady dolkovr int.i'ii/ily I'oissonova jiroccsu usccck, kU're jsou drfinovany na /aklade udaju /iskanych v okuc poxorovani. Hlavnim zajinoin prace st1 stava porovnavani tcclito odhadu die jujich rozpt.ylu. Cilem to- hoto sroviiavani ina byi stanovoni niezc \vlikoHti okna, klcra. fika, dokud jc Icpsi pou/it slozitojsi odhad a odkdy je naopak ro/ninno pouzit odliad. jclioz vvpocot jo snazsi, ale kl.cry pft'ilpoklada., zc inatiie vice iniormaci u po/orovanein JJI'OCCHU. Klicova slova: I'oissonuv i>roces. hodovy proces usccek, odhad delkove intonzit.y Title: Segment point Autlior: Ondrej Ilonzl Deijartuient: DepartiiieiiL ol'Prol)a.l>ilit.y and Mathcinalical Statistics Supervisor: KNDr. Zbyuek Pawlas, Ph.I). Supervisor's (^niail address:...Naz-ev prace: Bodove proeesy usecek Aut.or: Ondrej Ilonzl Katedra: Katedra. pravdepodobnosti a matematicke statist,iky Vodonci bakalafske praee: RNDr. Zbynek Pawlas, Ph.D. e-mail vedouciho: zbynek.pawlas'O'mfl'.cmn.cz Abstrakt: Prace obsahnje strucny uvod do teoric bodovych procesii na nplnem se- parabilnim lokalne koutpakt iiiiu metrickem prost.oru. Hamcove je ziuinen si>ccii'ilni I>fipad st,acionariiilio ])roc:csu kouipaktiiich ninozin. Dale sc jiran1 vice1 /aincfujo na, Poissonuv prort\ usccek sc /nainyni ro/dcMrnim typickrho /rnu. V roviniirin pfi])aclo pak ukazujc n'i/nr odliady dolkovr int.i'ii/ily I'oissonova jiroccsu usccck, kU're jsou drfinovany na /aklade udaju /iskanych v okuc poxorovani. Hlavnim zajinoin prace st1 stava porovnavani tcclito odhadu die jujich rozpt.ylu. Cilem to- hoto sroviiavani ina byi stanovoni niezc \vlikoHti okna, klcra. fika, dokud jc Icpsi pou/it slozitojsi odhad a odkdy je naopak ro/ninno pouzit odliad. jclioz vvpocot jo snazsi, ale kl.cry pft'ilpoklada., zc inatiie vice iniormaci u po/orovanein JJI'OCCHU. Klicova slova: I'oissonuv i>roces. hodovy proces usccek, odhad delkove intonzit.y Title: Segment point Autlior: Ondrej Ilonzl Deijartuient: DepartiiieiiL ol'Prol)a.l>ilit.y and Mathcinalical Statistics Supervisor: KNDr. Zbyuek Pawlas, Ph.I). Supervisor's (^niail address:...Katedra pravděpodobnosti a matematickĂ© statistikyDepartment of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikĂĄlnĂ­ fakult

    Segment point processes

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    Naz-ev prace: Bodove proeesy usecek Aut.or: Ondrej Ilonzl Katedra: Katedra. pravdepodobnosti a matematicke statist,iky Vodonci bakalafske praee: RNDr. Zbynek Pawlas, Ph.D. e-mail vedouciho: zbynek.pawlas'O'mfl'.cmn.cz Abstrakt: Prace obsahnje strucny uvod do teoric bodovych procesii na nplnem se- parabilnim lokalne koutpakt iiiiu metrickem prost.oru. Hamcove je ziuinen si>ccii'ilni I>fipad st,acionariiilio ])roc:csu kouipaktiiich ninozin. Dale sc jiran1 vice1 /aincfujo na, Poissonuv prort\ usccek sc /nainyni ro/dcMrnim typickrho /rnu. V roviniirin pfi])aclo pak ukazujc n'i/nr odliady dolkovr int.i'ii/ily I'oissonova jiroccsu usccck, kU're jsou drfinovany na /aklade udaju /iskanych v okuc poxorovani. Hlavnim zajinoin prace st1 stava porovnavani tcclito odhadu die jujich rozpt.ylu. Cilem to- hoto sroviiavani ina byi stanovoni niezc \vlikoHti okna, klcra. fika, dokud jc Icpsi pou/it slozitojsi odhad a odkdy je naopak ro/ninno pouzit odliad. jclioz vvpocot jo snazsi, ale kl.cry pft'ilpoklada., zc inatiie vice iniormaci u po/orovanein JJI'OCCHU. Klicova slova: I'oissonuv i>roces. hodovy proces usccek, odhad delkove intonzit.y Title: Segment point Autlior: Ondrej Ilonzl Deijartuient: DepartiiieiiL ol'Prol)a.l>ilit.y and Mathcinalical Statistics Supervisor: KNDr. Zbyuek Pawlas, Ph.I). Supervisor's (^niail address:..

    On Selected Geometric Properties of Brownian Motion Paths

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    Title: On Selected Geometric Properties of Brownian Motion Paths Author: Mgr. Ondƙej Honzl E-mail Address: [email protected] Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jan Rataj, CSc. E-mail Address: [email protected] Department: Mathematical Institute, Charles University Abstract: Our thesis is focused on certain geometric properties of Brownian motion paths. Firstly, it deals with cone points of Brownian motion in the plane and we show some connections between cone points and critical points of Brownian motion. The motivation of the study of critical points is provided by a pleasant behavior of the distance function outside of the set of these points. We prove the theorem on a non-existence of π+ cone points on fixed line. This statement leads us to the conjecture that there are only countably many critical points of the Brownian motion path in the plane. Next, the thesis discusses an asymptotic behavior of the surface area of r-neigh- bourhood of Brownian motion, which is called Wiener sausage. Using the proper- ties of a Kneser function, we prove the claim about the relation of the Minkowski content and S-content. As the consequence, we obtain a limit behavior of the surface area of the Wiener sausage almost surely in dimension d ≄ 3. Finally,..


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    products, AGE) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Our aim was to evaluate the association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and the accumulation of one of the mos

    Wrong planet - En explorativ studie av ett Internetcommunity riktat till personer med Aspergers syndrom

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    Det övergripande syftet med denna explorativa studie Ă€r att undersöka hur Aspergers syndrom diskuteras av personer som sjĂ€lva har Aspergers pĂ„ ett internetcommunity riktat till gruppen. Undersökningens primĂ€ra frĂ„gestĂ€llning Ă€r vilka teman som dominerar communitymedlemmarnas diskussion av Aspergers. Med dominerande teman avses de mönster som framtrĂ€der tydligast i hur Aspergers skildras, vad man diskuterar och vilka frĂ„gor som Ă€r mest angelĂ€gna för communitymedlemmarna i det studerade materialet. Av speciellt intresse Ă€r hur medlemmarna relaterar Aspergers, och sig sjĂ€lva, till omvĂ€rlden. Studiens teoretiska grund Ă€r socialpsykologisk, och grundar sig pĂ„ ett urval av begrepp och perspektiv ur den större mer sociologiska delen av socialpsykologin: nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt symbolisk interaktionism och stigmatiseringstanken. Studien har kvalitativa, explorativa och abduktiva ansatser. Metoden Ă€r ej deltagande och dold observation. Studiens analys grundar sig pĂ„ ett urval av ca 600 sidors diskussion, urvalet gjordes framförallt utifrĂ„n en inledande bred observation av miljön. I studiens analys framkommer fyra dominerande teman: ”Aspergers som identitet och gemenskap” om Aspergers förstĂ„s som nĂ„got man Ă€r, identitet, gemenskap och kultur. ”Annorlunda men inte sĂ€mre” om hur Aspergers förstĂ„s som att vara utanför majoritetssamhĂ€llet och annorlunda, men helt jĂ€mlik, i förhĂ„llande till denna majoritet utan Aspergers som utgör norm enbart genom sitt antal. Att personer utan Aspergers rĂ„kar vara fler leder till miljörelativa svĂ„righeter för Aspergergruppen. ”Anpassning pĂ„ egna villkor” om hur det annorlundaskap som följer med Aspergers ofta ses som nĂ„got positivt och hur anpassningsförsök förstĂ„s som att sĂ€lja ut sig och ge upp sin identitet som Aspie till en omvĂ€rld som Ă€ndĂ„ inte slĂ€pper in en, speciellt nĂ€r denna anpassning pĂ„tvingats utifrĂ„n. Tankar om att ”bota” Aspergers förstĂ„s som att förneka gruppens lika vĂ€rde. ”Aspies mot NT:s” handlar om ett upplevt ”vi och dom”-förhĂ„llande mellan personer med respektive utan Aspergers, som framförallt yttrar sig genom att negativt beskrivna NT:s (personer utan Aspergers) stĂ€lls mot Aspies (ett positivt begrepp för personer med Aspergers). Flertalet tar pĂ„ olika grunder avstĂ„nd frĂ„n sĂ„dana fenomen, men mĂ„nga ifrĂ„gasĂ€tter ocksĂ„ grunderna för dessa avstĂ„ndstaganden, eller förstĂ„r förekomsten av fenomenen pga. omvĂ€rldens fientlighet