203 research outputs found


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    The customary land tenure system is an age-long indigenous land holding system among the Yorubas of South-Western part of Nigeria. The evolution of this system and the various principles regulating same, exhibit the historical credentials rooted in the custom, value and tradition of different ethno-cultural groupings in Africa, of which the Yorubas are prominent. This paper examines the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial institutional structure of land ownership and management under the Yoruba native law and custom. Principally, the duties and liabilities of the head of family, principal members of the family and other members are examined vis-à-vis the role of each in the management of family land under Yoruba customary law. Causes of conflicts and conflict resolution mechanisms were equally appraised and necessary reforms suggested, such that domineering posture of some of the head of the families could be checked. Keywords:            Family head, Management, Family land, Family members, Yoruba Customary Law

    Policy Mix, Convergence and Growth in ECOWAS Countries

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    This paper is just a sample template for the prospective authors of IISTE Over the decades, the concepts of This study attempts to examine the convergence of macro-economic policy variables among Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS); examines the nature of convergence of macroeconomic policy variables among ECOWAS countries and analyze  the impact of convergence in policy mix on growth in ECOWAS countries. This was in view of examining policy mix, convergence and growth in ECOWAS countries. The study deploys the endogenous growth framework of Solow-Swan (1956) as modified by Ramsey using the Cobb Douglas production function for both the convergence equation and growth equation.  The study employed Panel Ordinary Least Square method on panel annual time-series data and analyzed with fixed-effect since a common attribute is expected from the selected countries. Panel unit root data tests were conducted in order to determine whether the series has a problem of unit-root using Dickey-Fuller. The finding of the study showed that all the selected countries diverge in their fiscal variables while they converge in monetary policy. Hence the study recommended that further studies can also conduct their research on regional basis in order to account for appropriate possibility for economic integration within the region among African countries. Key Words: Policy Mix, Convergence, Economic Growth, ECOWAS, Regional Integration

    Comparative analysis of some key performance indicators of education sector support programme in Nigeria (ESSPIN).

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    Introduction: Educational interventions are programmes injected into the educational sector of any state or country in order to solve specific problems that have been identified by empirical research. In all over the world, such programmes exist. Our focus in this research endeavor is the Education Sector Support Programme in Nigeria which was implemented in six states. The state used in the south-west of Nigeria is Lagos state. Purpose: Five of the ten Key Performance Indicators of the programme were put to consideration in this study to examine how the intervention has caused them to differ over time from a neighboring state where such intervention ever exist and check whether the difference in the trend of such KPIs are statistically significant. Methodology: Multistage sampling technique using stratified, random, and purposive sampling procedure in selecting political divisions, ninety (90) schools and ninety (90) head teachers, respectively. Descriptive and Independent samples t-test tool with SPSS software was used. Results: The results show that though there are improvement in the enrolment, completion, transition rates of pupils and school management skills of head teachers in ESSPIN state when compared with non-ESSPIN state, the differences are not statistically significant. Furthermore, the common entrance examination performance coded Final Achievement Scores in this research is statistically and significantly different from that of the non-ESSPIN state. Conclusion and Recommendation: It is thus recommended that more efforts should be placed to sustain the improvement in the final academic achievement scores in ESSPIN state

    Transforming Nigeria Universities towards International and World Class University Education: Using University Of Abuja as a Transformation Periscope

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    This blue print is focused on the trends and makings of an international and world class University using University of Abuja as a reference case of reformed towards an international recognized University. The research work is based on SWOT analysis model for building a world class University most especially, on academic profile expansion, knowledge and expertise gained, curriculum inclusion, University Culture, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) driving forces, training and retraining, master plan redesign couple with five (5) years strategic plan of good practices in the world class Universities. This research work recommends how a University can developed to a World Class university using curriculum development, university ethics and culture, ICT driving forces, tactics of funding and compliments of quality staff. Key Words: World class University, SWOT Analysis, University Culture, ICT driving forces, Curriculum inclusions and Strategic Plan

    Foreign Direct Investments and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Disaggregated Sector Analysis

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    This paper attempts to investigate the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth in Nigeria. The research developed a structural macroeconometric model consisting of four blocks made up of supply,  private demand, government and external sectors. The model deploys 18 simultaneous equations  and 100 variables to capture the required proxies. The research adopted a three-stage least squares (3SLS) technique and macroeconometric model of simultaneous equations to capture the disaggregated impact of FDI on the different sectors of the economy and the inter-linkages amongst the sectors in order to give better insight into the variations inherent therein. The finding shows that FDI has a significant impact on output of the economy but that the growth effects of FDI differ across sectors. The paper recommends sector-specific policies, enhanced trade openness, import substitution development strategy incentives to existing investors, and potential overseas investors so as to enhance the development of the country. Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Simultaneous Equation, Macroeconometric Mode

    Antimicrobial activities of medicinal plants used in folklore remedies in south-western

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    In south-western part of Nigeria Psidium guajava and Mangifera indica are commonly used for herbal preparations in the treatment of toothache, gastrointestinal disorders, dynsentery, diarrhoea, sore gums and sore throats. This has, therefore, led to the investigation of the antimicrobial activities of methanolic extracts of P. guajava and M. indica. Fifteen different bacterial isolates comprising of both Gram negative and Gram positive organisms were used. The results show that P. guajava and M. indica extracts exhibited antimicrobial activities at a concentration of 20 mg/ml. The zones of inhibitionexhibited by P. guajava extract ranged between 12 mm and 30 mm while that of M. indica varied between 11 and 28 mm. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) exhibited by P. guajava extract against the tested organisms ranged between 0.313 and 0.625 mg/ml. On the other hand MIC exhibited by M. indica extract varied between 1.25 and 10.0 mg/ml. Overall, P. guajava extract show more antimicrobial activity than M. indica extract against tested organism

    Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Policy Shocks and Current Account Dynamics in Nigeria

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    The study examines the effects of fiscal policy shocks on the current account as well as the dynamic interactions among fiscal policy shocks and current account with the other macroeconomic variables: real output, real interest rate and exchange rate for Nigeria over the periods 1980:1-2010:4. The identification of fiscal policy shocks is achieved via structural VAR approach proposed by Blanchard-Perotti (2002). The results of this study indicate that the expansionary fiscal policy shock has a positive effect on output, exchange rate and negative impacts on current account balance and interest rate. By implication, this study suggests that fiscal policy can stimulate economic activity through expenditure expansions at a cost of lower interest rate and exchange rate appreciation in the medium term and a sustained current account balance will enhance output via fiscal consolidation

    Gender and spatial inclusion techniques during classroom interaction and primary pupils’ achievement in literacy and numeracy

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    Introduction: Teachers prepare the curriculum, prepare contents to be taught, teach the pupils with various teaching aids and methodology, assess the pupils, and sometimes make updates in tune with the current realities and the needs of the society. Classroom interaction is a practice that enhances the development of the two very important language skills which are speaking and listening among the learners Purpose: This study examined the effect of the application of gender and spatial inclusion techniques during classroom interaction on primary pupils’ achievement. Methodology: Quasi-experimental design using the pre and post-test experimental approach was adopted. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 100 teachers divided into two groups (experimental and control), 386 students. Three (3) instruments: an Observation Schedule and two Achievement Tests with high reliability values were used for the study. Data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Independent T-test. Results: The result among others showed that there was significant difference in the classroom interaction pattern of teachers exposed to the treatment from teachers that were not exposed to the treatment in terms of gender inclusion, teaching aids, and teachers’ preparation. However, there was no significant difference in terms of spatial inclusion. Conclusion and Recommendation: It is thus recommended that more efforts should be geared towards the improvement in the classroom interaction pattern of primary school teachers

    Does Corporate Social Responsibility Improve Financial Performance of Nigerian Firms? Empirical Evidence from Triangulation Analysis

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    This paper examines the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Financial Performance of Firms in Nigeria. This study utilizes primary data that were obtained through the use of structured questionnaires. The questions were structured in such a way as to gather pertinent and specific information on how effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has improved the financial viability of firms in Nigeria. This paper employs both descriptive and quantitative techniques in which chi-square technique was used to test the significance relationship among the frequencies. The study reveals that proper and effective CSR goes a long way in improving the trend of firms’ financial performance in Nigeria using Cadbury Nigeria Plc. as the study area. It was observed that CSR could be a key instrument to the financial development of any organizations through the process of giving back to the community

    Economic Growth and Unemployment Nexus: Okun’s Two-Version Case for Nigeria, South Africa and United States of America

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    Okun’s law in its original form was predicated on the experience in the United States of America. Some methodological refinements have been added based on studies conducted in other climes with varied results. This research investigated the applicability of this law in Nigeria, South Africa and the United States of America. The study conducted a comparative analysis of three of the versions of the law. The research employed Ordinary Least Squares method having validated it’s appropriateness with Dickey-Fuller and Philips-Perron tests. The demonstrated superiority of the dynamic version over the difference version was manifest in all the countries. The result also showed that the dynamic version of the law was applicable in the three nations while the difference version showed the lack of linkage between economic growth and unemployment only in Nigeria. Deployment of employment creative employment schemes, labour market reform and economic restructuring are recommended in the Nigerian case.  The policy makers on South Africa and USA are enjoined to pursue growth- inducing policies.&nbsp
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