81 research outputs found

    Long term effect of irrigation with the treated sewage effluent on some soil properties of Al-Hassa Governorate, Saudi Arabia

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    AbstractA case study was undertaken to assess the long-term effect of sewage irrigation on some soil properties and heavy metals concentrations in the soils of the date palm at Al-Hassa Governorate, Saudi Arabia. Eighty-two surface soil samples were collected from the studying area. Half of it was collected from an area irrigated for more than 13years with treated sewage effluent. Meanwhile the rest of soil samples were collected from an area irrigated with well water. Furthermore, samples from sewage effluents and well water used for irrigation were collected and analyzed mainly for their chemical composition and their metal contents. The obtained results pertaining irrigation water analysis indicated that sewage effluents were found to contain higher content of Pb, Zn, Cu, Co, Cr, As, Cd, Fe, Mn and Ni compared to well water. On the other hand data emphasized the role of sewage effluent irrigation on increasing heavy metals as well as organic matter contents in the soil samples when comparing with the respective values found in the soil irrigated with well water. The soil salinity ranged from 3.58 to 20.7dSm−1 with an average of 7.9dSm−1 due to irrigation with well water. While the respective soil salinity due to irrigation for long period with the treated sewage effluent ranged from 2.5 to 3.69dSm−1 with an average of 2.8dSm−1. There was an increase in organic matter content ranging from 17% to 30% in sewage-irrigated soil samples as compared to well water-irrigated ones. On an average, the soil pH dropped by 0.3U as a result of sewage irrigation. Long term sewage irrigation resulted in significant build-up of total concentration of Zn (130%), Pb (55%), Fe (82%), Ni (84%), Mn (30%), Cu (40%), Cr (75%), Co (78%) and As (67%) in sewage-irrigated soil samples over adjacent well water-irrigated soil samples

    HINTS Outperforms ABCD 2 to Screen for Stroke in Acute Continuous Vertigo and Dizziness

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    Objectives Dizziness and vertigo account for about 4 million emergency department ( ED ) visits annually in the United States, and some 160,000 to 240,000 (4% to 6%) have cerebrovascular causes. Stroke diagnosis in ED patients with vertigo/dizziness is challenging because the majority have no obvious focal neurologic signs at initial presentation. The authors sought to compare the accuracy of two previously published approaches purported to be useful in bedside screening for possible stroke in dizziness: a clinical decision rule (head impulse, nystagmus type, test of skew [ HINTS ]) and a risk stratification rule (age, blood pressure, clinical features, duration of symptoms, diabetes [ ABCD 2]). Methods This was a cross‐sectional study of high‐risk patients (more than one stroke risk factor) with acute vestibular syndrome ( AVS ; acute, persistent vertigo or dizziness with nystagmus, plus nausea or vomiting, head motion intolerance, and new gait unsteadiness) at a single academic center. All underwent neurootologic examination, neuroimaging (97.4% by magnetic resonance imaging [ MRI ]), and follow‐up. ABCD 2 risk scores (0–7 points), using the recommended cutoff of ≥4 for stroke, were compared to a three‐component eye movement battery ( HINTS ). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative likelihood ratios ( LR +, LR –) were assessed for stroke and other central causes, and the results were stratified by age. False‐negative initial neuroimaging was also assessed. Results A total of 190 adult AVS patients were assessed (1999–2012). Median age was 60.5 years (range = 18 to 92 years; interquartile range [ IQR ] = 52.0 to 70.0 years); 60.5% were men. Final diagnoses were vestibular neuritis (34.7%), posterior fossa stroke (59.5% [105 infarctions, eight hemorrhages]), and other central causes (5.8%). Median ABCD 2 was 4.0 (range = 2 to 7; IQR  = 3.0 to 4.0). ABCD 2 ≥ 4 for stroke had sensitivity of 61.1%, specificity of 62.3%, LR + of 1.62, and LR – of 0.62; sensitivity was lower for those younger than 60 years old (28.9%). HINTS stroke sensitivity was 96.5%, specificity was 84.4%, LR + was 6.19, and LR – was 0.04 and did not vary by age. For any central lesion, sensitivity was 96.8%, specificity was 98.5%, LR + was 63.9, and LR – was 0.03 for HINTS , and sensitivity was 99.2%, specificity was 97.0%, LR + was 32.7, and LR – was 0.01 for HINTS “plus” (any new hearing loss added to HINTS ). Initial MRI s were falsely negative in 15 of 105 (14.3%) infarctions; all but one was obtained before 48 hours after onset, and all were confirmed by delayed MRI . Conclusions HINTS substantially outperforms ABCD 2 for stroke diagnosis in ED patients with AVS . It also outperforms MRI obtained within the first 2 days after symptom onset. While HINTS testing has traditionally been performed by specialists, methods for empowering emergency physicians ( EP s) to leverage this approach for stroke screening in dizziness should be investigated. Resumen Objetivos El mareo y el vértigo contabilizan aproximadamente 4 millones de visitas anuales a los servicios de urgencias ( SU ) en Estados Unidos, y de 160.000 a 240.000 (4% al 6%) tienen un origen cerebrovascular. El diagnóstico de ictus en los pacientes con vértigo o mareo es complejo debido a que la mayoría no tienen signos de focalidad neurológica evidentes en la atención inicial. Los autores comparan la certeza de dos aproximaciones previamente publicadas que resultaron ser de utilidad en el cribaje a pie de cama del posible ictus en el mareo: una regla de decisión clínica [ HINTS : Head Impulse (impulso de la cabeza), Nystagmus (nistagmo), Test of Skew (test de la desviación)], y una regla de estratificación del riesgo [ ABCD 2: Age (edad), Blood pressure (presión arterial), Clinical features (hallazgos clínicos), Duration of symptoms (duración de los síntomas), Diabetes (diabetes)]. Metodología Estudio transversal de pacientes de alto riesgo (más de un factor de riesgo de ictus) con síndrome vestibular agudo ( SVA ) (mareo o vértigo agudo persistente con nistagmo, más náuseas o vómitos; intolerancia a la movilización de la cabeza; e inestabilidad de la marcha aparecidos de novo ) realizado en un único centro universitario. Se llevó a cabo en todos los pacientes una exploración neurootológica, de neuroimagen (97,4% mediante resonancia magnética [ RM ]) y de seguimiento. Las puntuaciones de riesgo ABCD 2 (0–7 puntos), usando el punto de corte recomendado ≥ 4 para ictus, se compararon con una batería de movimiento ocular de tres componentes ( HINTS ). Se evaluaron la sensibilidad, la especificidad y las razones de probabilidad positiva y negativa ( RPP y RPN ) para ictus y otras causas centrales, y los resultados se estratificaron por edad. También se evaluaron los falsos negativos iniciales de la neuroimagen (RM). Resultados Se evaluaron 190 pacientes adultos con SVA (1999–2012). La mediana de edad fue de 60,5 años (rango 18 a 92 años; RIC 52,0 a 70,0 años); un 60,5% fueron hombres. Los diagnósticos finales fueron neuritis vestibular (34,7%), ictus de fosa posterior (59,5% [105 infartos, 8 hemorragias]) y otras causas centrales (5,8%). La mediana de ABCD 2 fue 4,0 (rango 2 a 7; RIC 3,0 a 4,0). ABCD 2 ≥4 para ictus tuvo una sensibilidad de un 61,1%, una especificidad de un 62,3%, una RPP de 1,62, y una RPN de 0,62; la sensibilidad fue menor para aquéllos que eran más jóvenes de 60 años (28,9%). La sensibilidad para el ictus del HINTS fue de un 96,5%, la especificidad de un 84,4%, la RPP de 6,19 y la RPN de 0,04, y no se modificó por la edad. Para cualquier lesión central, la sensibilidad fue de un 96,8%, la especificidad de un 98,5%, la RPP de 63,9 y la RPN de 0,03 para el HINTS ; y la sensibilidad de un 99,2%, la especificidad de un 97,0%, la RPP de 32,7 y la RPN de 0,01 para HINTS + (cualquier nueva pérdida de audición añadida al HINTS ). Las RM iniciales fueron falsamente negativas en 15 de 105 (14,3%) infartos, todas salvo una fueron hechas antes de las 48 horas del inicio de la clínica, y todos fueron confirmados por una RM diferida. Conclusiones El HINTS mejora sustancialmente el ABCD 2 para el diagnóstico de ictus en los pacientes con SVA en el SU . También supera a la RM obtenida en los primeros dos días tras el inicio de los síntomas. Dado que el test de HINTS se ha realizado tradicionalmente por especialistas, se deberían investigar métodos que permitan a los urgenciólogos hacer uso de esta aproximación para el cribado de ictus en el mareo.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/100264/1/acem12223.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/100264/2/acem12223-sup-0001-DataSupplementS1.pd

    Impact of dietary patterns, individual and workplace characteristics on blood pressure status among civil servants in Bida and Wushishi communities of Niger State, Nigeria

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    The global burden estimate of hypertension is alarming and results in several million deaths annually. A high incidence of sudden deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the civil workforce in Nigeria is often reported. However, the associations between Dietary Patterns (DPs), individual, and workplace characteristics of hypertension among this workforce have not been fully explored. This study aimed to identify DP in the Bida and Wushishi Communities of Niger State and establish its relationship with hypertension along with other individual and workplace characteristics. Factor analysis was used to establish DP, Chi-square test to identify their relationships with hypertension, and logistic regression to determine the predictor risk factors. The prevalence of hypertension was 43.7%; mean weight, height, and body fat were: 72.8±15 kg, 166±8.9 mm and 30.4%, respectively. Three DPs: “Efficient Diet,” “Local diet,” and “Energy Boost Diet” were identified. The factor loading scores for these factors were divided into quintiles Q1–Q5; none of them had a significant effect on hypertension status. Conversely, increase in age, the Ministry, Department, and Agency (MDA) of employment, frequency of eating in restaurants, and obesity were identified as significant risk factors. After adjusting for confounders (age, body mass index, MDA, and eating habits), a high score (Q5) in “efficient diet pattern” was significantly related to a lower likelihood of hypertension than a low score (Q1). The prevalence of hypertension among the participants was relatively very high. An increase in age and working in educational sector were risk factors associated with hypertension. Therefore, it is recommended that civil servants engage in frequent exercise and undergo regular medical checkups, especially as they get older. These findings highlight the need for large-scale assessment of the impact of variables considered in this study on hypertension, among the civil workforce across Niger state and Nigeria

    Long-term sustainability of a physical activity and nutrition intervention for rural adults with or at risk of metabolic syndrome.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine longer-term (18-month) sustainability of a six-month physical activity and nutrition intervention for 50-69-year-olds with or at risk of metabolic syndrome residing in a rural Australian community. METHODS: Participants (n=151) were followed-up at 12 and 18 months post-intervention. Changes in nutrition behaviours (fat and fibre barometer); physical activity behaviours (IPAQ); anthropometry (waist-hip ratio, weight, BMI), blood pressure, blood parameters (triglycerides, glucose, LDL-, HDL-, non-HDL, total-cholesterol) were analysed using t-tests and repeated measures ANOVA. RESULTS: Across three time points (6, 12 and 18 months) marginal decrease was observed for waist circumference (p=0.001), a modest increase was observed for diastolic blood pressure (p=0.010) and other outcome measures remained stable. CONCLUSION: Maintenance and ongoing improvement of health behaviours in the longer-term is challenging. Future studies must look for ways to embed interventions into communities so they are sustainable and investigate new approaches to reduce the risk of chronic disease. Implications for public health: Metabolic syndrome is a major health issue in Australia and worldwide. Early identification and management are required to prevent the progression to chronic disease. This 18-month follow-up showed that outcomes measures remained relatively stable; however, there is a need to investigate opportunities for embedded community interventions to support long-term health behaviour change

    A randomised controlled trial of a physical activity and nutrition program targeting middle-aged adults at risk of metabolic syndrome in a disadvantaged rural community

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    Background: Approximately 70% of Australian adults aged over 50 are overweight or obese, with the prevalence significantly higher in regional/remote areas compared to cities. This study aims to determine if a low-cost, accessible lifestyle program targeting insufficiently active adults aged 50-69 y can be successfully implemented in a rural location, and whether its implementation will contribute to the reduction/prevention of metabolic syndrome, or other risk factors for type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.Methods/Design: This 6-month randomised controlled trial will consist of a nutrition, physical activity, and healthy weight intervention for 50–69 year-olds from a disadvantaged rural community. Five hundred participants with central obesity and at risk of metabolic syndrome will be recruited from Albany and surrounding areas in Western Australia (within a 50 kilometre radius of the town). They will be randomly assigned to either the intervention (n = 250) or wait-listed control group (n = 250). The theoretical concepts in the study utilise the Self-Determination Theory, complemented by Motivational Interviewing. The intervention will include a custom-designed booklet and interactive website that provides information, and encourages physical activity and nutrition goal setting, and healthy weight management. The booklet and website will be supplemented by an exercise chart, calendar, newsletters, resistance bands, accelerometers, and phone and email contact from program staff. Data will be collected at baseline and post-intervention.Discussion: This study aims to contribute to the prevention of metabolic syndrome and inter- related chronic illnesses: type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers; which are associated with overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, and poor diet. This large rural community-based trial will provide guidelines for recruitment, program development, implementation, and evaluation, and has the potential to translate findings into practice by expanding the program to other regional areas in Australia. Trial registration: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry [ACTRN12614000512628, registration date 14th May 2014]

    Programmable controllers: programming manual

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    Measurement the natural radioactivity of Sheep meat samples from Karbala governorate

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    In this paper, the measurement of natural radioactivity in Sheep meat samples from different regions of Karbala governorate by using (Na(Tl)) detector. The results of measurements have shown that the specific activity and the determination of some other related parameters such as (Raeq , Hin, Iɣ, Iα, DƔ, Eff dos and AGDE). In fourteen four sheep meat samples by using NaI(Tl) detector. The results have shown that, the mean specific activity of (40K, 238U and 232Th) which were (6.813±1.82 Bq/kg, 3.865±1.033 Bq/kg and 1.02±1.03), respectively, were found to be less than the recommended values of specific activity given by (UNSCEAR, 2000)