29 research outputs found

    Potentials of cellulosic wastes in media formulation

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    Potential use of cellulosic wastes as carbon and energy sources in selective media formulations was investigated. Two agar media, Czapek-Dox and Sabouraud’s agar, were modified by substituting their carbon sources with cellulose, sawdust and sugarcane pulps. Then, two fungi; Aspergillus niger ANL301 and Penicillium chrysogenum PCL501, newly isolated from wood-wastes, were transferred to the unmodified and modified media and their growth was monitored for 120 h. Growth of the organisms on modified media containing sawdust and sugarcane pulp compared favorably with that obtained for the unmodified equivalents. Modified Czapek-Dox agar containing 2% (w/v) sawdust (Wood agar) and sugarcane pulps (Cane agar) gave 78.9 – 93.3% of the maximum growth obtained on Sabouraud’s agar. The modified Sabouraud’s agar containing sawdust (Wood-Pep agar) and sugarcane pulps (Cane-Pep agar) yielded 84.4 – 100% of the maximum growth on Sabouraud’s agar. Cellulose-containing media gave a lower level of growth (60.0 – 66.7%) of that obtained for the unmodified media

    Incidence and detection of parasitic infections by cyst and ova on fruits and vegetables from different major markets in Kogi, Nigeria

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    In the course of a study of parasitic infections by cyst and ova on fruits and vegetable sold in middle-belt Nigeria, three different major public markets was selected. Six different fruits and vegetables total to 2406 samples were examined.Data obtained were statistically analyzed using anova for the level of significance difference where appropriate. Of the 1755 fruits examined, 4.3% were positive for parasites ova and 2.5% for cysts. Of the 761 vegetables examined, 4.6% were positive for parasites ova and 2.8% for cysts.The contamination rate of protozoan cyst and ova found are Giardia lamblia (2.61%) Entamoebs histolytica (0.66%). The difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05).Cases of contamination rate of protozoan cyst and ova were small compared to helminthic contamination. However, helminths such as Strongylodies stercoralis Trichiuris trachura and Ascaris lumbricoides were predominant in that order. The public health implication on the subjects is discussed. Through washing of all fruits and vegetables with clean water prior to consumption is recommended

    Potentials of cellulosic wastes in media formulation

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    Potential use of cellulosic wastes as carbon and energy sources in selective media formulations was investigated. Two agar media, Czapek-Dox and Sabouraud’s agar, were modified by substituting theircarbon sources with cellulose, sawdust and sugarcane pulps. Then, two fungi; Aspergillus niger ANL301 and Penicillium chrysogenum PCL501, newly isolated from wood-wastes, were transferred to the unmodified and modified media and their growth was monitored for 120 h. Growth of the organisms on modified media containing sawdust and sugarcane pulp compared favorably with that obtained for the unmodified equivalents. Modified Czapek-Dox agar containing 2% (w/v) sawdust (Wood agar) and sugarcane pulps (Cane agar) gave 78.9 – 93.3% of the maximum growth obtained on Sabouraud’s agar. The modified Sabouraud’s agar containing sawdust (Wood-Pep agar) and sugarcane pulps (Cane-Pep agar) yielded 84.4 – 100% of the maximum growth on Sabouraud’s agar. Cellulose-containing media gave a lower level of growth (60.0 – 66.7%) of that obtained for the unmodified media


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    ABSTRACT A study of the parasitic infections occurring in cattle's were carried out in Jos Abattoir during the onset of rain within the months of May and June to determine the prevalence of the eggs of helminth parasites in the bile. A total of 515 cattle were examined for the infection .Two genera of helminths: Fasciola gigantica and Dicrocoelium hospes eggs with prevalence rates of 20(3.88%) and 115(22.33%) were seen respectively. There were mixed infections of both helminth parasites which occurred in 27(5.24%).Out of 402 cows,93(23.13%) were found to be infected by D. hospes and 15(3.73%) by F. gigantica. Out of 113 bulls examined 22(19.47%) were found to be infected by D.hospes and 5(4.43%) by F. gigantica .Mixed helminth infections occurred in 20(4.98%) of the 402 cows and 7(6.20%) of the 113 bulls examined. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) of the infection rates between the younger and older cattle

    Effect of Processing on the Chemical Composition and Phytochemical Properties of Lentinus squarrosulus Mushroom Flour

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    Aims: To assessing the effect of boiling and fermentation on Proximate, mineral, dietary fibre and phytochemical compositions of the raw and processed Lentinus squarrosulus mushroom. Study Design: The mushroom was cultivated, processed into boiled and fermented flour and then analysed. Place and Duration of the Study: Department of Food Science and Technology, the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State and Department of Food Technology, The Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti, between February 2020 and March 2022. Methodology: Lentinus squarrosulus spawn was obtained and grown into edible mushroom. The mushroom was divided into three, two portions were processed into boiled and fermented mushroom and the third one was used as control. The three samples were analysed for proximate, mineral, dietary fibre and phytochemical compositions. Results: The proximate composition revealed that moisture content ranged between 10.78-11.66%, ash 5.58-6.11%, fat 3.93-5.10%, crude fibre 6.79-7.29%, protein 16.88-20.53%, carbohydrate 51.24-53.88% and the energy value 321.41-330.15 kcal/100 g. Fermentation helped to improve the protein content of the sample. Mineral composition revealed that the samples were significantly different (p<0.05). Fermented sample had higher value in sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, boiled sample was high in calcium and selenium while raw mushroom was high in manganese and zinc. Boiled sample has the least soluble fibre but high in insoluble fibre, this may be as a result of the soluble fibre being dissolved in water during boiling, but fermentation improved the soluble fibre content. The phytochemical composition revealed that fermentation improved the saponin and cardiac glycoside, boiling improved the terpenoid and cardiac glycoside while phlobatannin was only present in a small quantity in raw sample. Conclusion: Fermentation and boiling process helped to improve some nutrients in the processed mushroom flour and they can be used as food supplements.      &nbsp


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    Powdered mushroom soup was developed using three different spices, which were evaluated for their use as flavor enhancer and preservative. Different combinations of nutmeg, ginger and garlic were mixed with other spices and seasoning and added to mushroom powder to produce powdered mushroom soup. Samples were analysed for their proximate composition and sensory properties. Total plate count of samples kept in glass and plastic containers were also evaluated for three weeks on a weekly basis. The samples containing garlic, especially the one with three spice combination, had higher protein, fat and ash contents but lower crude fibre content, with significant difference (p<0.05). Also, odour and taste of the sample with three spice combination were better rated. A gradual decrease in the microbial load was observed in all the samples as the storage period progressed with the intensity of decrease being more in samples containing garlic. Samples in glass bottles kept better than those in plastic bottles at the end of the storage period


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    There is growing interest in fortifying wheat flour with high lysine material, such as bambara groundnut flour, to improve the essential amino acid balance of baked food products. Bambara groundnut is not adequately utilized in Nigeria. In this study, wheat flour in a standard biscuit formulation was partially or fully substituted with fermented bambara groundnut tempeh flour at six levels: 0%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% and 100%. The composite flours were analyzed for physic-chemical properties such as pH, water absorption capacity, bulk density, pasting characteristics and reconstitution index. Biscuit samples were them evaluated for chemical composition, texture, microbial characteristics and sensory properties. Increasing levels of fermented bambara tempeh flour in the mix resulted in changed flour characteristics. Incorporation of fermented bambara tempeh flour exerted positive influence on the nutritional status of the resultant biscuit products based on the level of substitution. Sensory evaluation tests revealed that biscuit sample prepared form wheat flour substituted with 5% fermented bambara groundnut tempeh flour consistently had the highest rating in terms of all the quality attributes assessed. Biscuit that closely followed this was that from pure wheat flour while rating for other samples gradually decreased with increasing level of substitution with bambara groundnut tempeh flour. All the biscuit samples were however acceptable though at varying degrees depending on the level of bambara flour incorporation

    Application of Osmotic Dehydration for Shelf Life Extension of Fresh Poultry Eggs

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    - This research work was aimed at applying osmotic dehydration which had suffice the treatment of agricultural produce especially fruits and vegetables with sustained organoleptic qualities. The effect of sucrose solution concentrations (16, 32, 42 and 54oBrix) at ambient temperatures of 30plusmn2 oC for periods of 180min was investigated on fresh poultry eggs. Treated sample of eggs exposed to a worst scale of unstable environmental conditions 30plusmn2 oC were monitored with candling and a control experiment in water glass solution. The investigation achieved extended shelf life of over 66 days without modifications to their internal and external structures, and taste using a six point hedonic scale. The effect of sucrose concentration and time of immersion were observed to be inversely dependent on effective periods of preservation of the poultry eggs by osmotic dehydration evaluated in percentage weight loss.nbs