31 research outputs found

    Haematological values in sickle cell anaemia in steady state and during vaso-occlusive crisis in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Background: Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa where there is no readily available effective treatment. This study was designed to determine the haematological values that can be used in monitoring the status and management of SCA patients.Method: A prospective study of 200 patients (81.3%) in steady state, 46 patients (18.7%) during vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC) and 84 control subjects seen between August 2001 and July 2002 in 3 centers in Benin City, Nigeria had their blood samples analyzed within two hours of collection. Automated Coulter Counter was used to determine the complete blood counts while the foetal haemoglobin (HbF) was estimated by the modified Betke method and haemoglobin A2 by HbS-free microcolumn chromatography.Results: The mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in steady state were 79.38fl ± 22.41, 28.31pg ± 3.58 and 32.56g/dl ± 2.27 while in VOC they were 85.50fl ± 8.14, 28.79pg ± 2.78 and 33.76g/dl ± 3.44 respectively. The red cell distribution width (RDW), haemoglobin A2 and F in steady state were 23.76% ± 6.49, 4.52%± 1.16 and 2.17% ± 1.81 while during VOC they were 21.62%5.11, 3.82%± 1.27 and 2.05% ± 1.19 respectively. The neutrophil count (

    Serum Lipid and Lipoprotein Profile in Nigerian Patients with Haematological Malignancies

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    Purpose: To evaluate the changes in lipid and lipoprotein patterns in adult patients with haematological cancers with any possible risk of cardiovascular event. Patients and Methods: The clinico-pathological types of haematological cancers, body mass index and ages of the of all 74 haematological cancer patients attending University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria between January 2005 and September 2008 were evaluated. The serum lipid and liporprotein levels of the blood samples collected from the patients were assayed. The data were analysed and compared statistically with those of 45 health control subjects. Results: The mean serum total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein in the patients (2.5±1.0mmol/l and 1.5±1.0mmol/l) were significantly lower than those of controls (4.1±1.1mmol/l and 2.4±1.1mmol/l), respectively (p=0.0004). However, the mean serum triglyceride of the patients was significantly higher than the controls (p=0.007). Conclusion: Patients presenting with haematological malignancies have reduced levels of total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol but elevated level of serum triglyceride. Keywords: Haematological cancers, lipids and lipoprotein, cardiovascular risk

    Hodgkin lymphoma: Clinicopathologic features in Benin City, Nigeria and update on its biology and classification

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    Objective: To review the age incidence, common pathohistologic subtypes, and anatomical nodal sites of lymph nodes involvement for histology.Materials and Methods: A 25 (May 1985-June 2010) years retrospective study of all patients who had lymph node biopsy.Setting: Department of Pathology and Haematology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.Results: Of 821 lymph node biopsies encountered, 56 (6.8%) cases biopsied were for Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). There was a bimodal peak incidence of age interval of 11-15 years and 21-25 years and the relationship between the age and sex distribution was statistically significant (P = 0.03). The overall median age was 23 years with a mean age of 25.6 ± 2.0 (SEM). Pathological re-appraisal of these 56 cases in the study indicates that mixed cellularity HL constituting 36 cases (64.3%) was the predominant subtype. This was followed by lymphocyte depleted HL with a total of 11 cases (19.6%). The major site of lymph node involvement where biopsy was taken for histological diagnosis was the cervical group of lymph nodes constituting 78.6%. Staging classification of the disease indicates low frequency of early stage disease (I-II) with 19 cases (33.9%) and high frequency of late stage (III-IV) with 37 cases (66.1%).Conclusion: Patients are predominantly males, children and young adults presenting with cervical lymphadenopathy at late stage of the disease, and a dominance of mixed cellularity and lymphocyte depleted histological subtypes were observed

    Beta thalassaemia traits in Nigerian patients with sickle cell anaemia

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    Haematological values were determined in 246 sickle cell anaemia (SCA) patients in three centres in Benin City, Nigeria, as well as 84 control subjects with haemoglobin A (HbAA) confirmed by haemoglobin electrophoresis at pH 8.6. Automated Coulter counter was used to determine the complete blood counts while the foetal haemoglobin was estimated by the modified Betke method, and haemoglobin A2 by the HbS-free microcolumn chromatography. Six patients (2.4%), comprising of two males and four females, out of the 246 SCA patients were found to have elevated haemoglobin A2 (>3.5%). All the six patients also had elevated haemoglobin F ( 651.5%). The family members of three of these six patients were successfully screened. These three patients (1.2%) were found to have positive co-inheritance of thalassaemia trait and sickle cell anaemia. The erythrocyte indices were all reduced in these selected families except for one family whose mean cell haemoglobin concentration was within normal range. Peripheral blood film revealed the presence of target cells and occasional microcytes apart from the sickled cells. The possibility of co-inheritance of the beta thalassaemia gene with the sickle cell gene occurs in about 1.2% of Nigerians with sickle cell anaemia

    The Epidemiological features of lymphoid malignancies in Benin City, Nigeria: a 15 years study

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    Introduction: Lymphoid malignancies compose a wide spectrum of different morphologic and clinical syndromes known to vary widely throughout the world. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence and time trends of lymphoid malignancies. Methods: A 15 (May 1st 1996-April 30th 2010) years study of all patients who had lymph node biopsy at the Department of Haematology and Pathology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria. Results: The 391 patients had a male preponderance (M:F; 1.6:1). An increase in the lymphoid malignant cases was noted from 95 cases in the first 5-year interval (1996-2000) to 179 cases in the last 5-year interval (2006-2010) giving an average increase of 84.0%. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma (61.1%) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (18.2%) were the most frequent followed by Hodgkin’s lymphoma and myeloma with equal proportions of 9.0% each. A positive correlation with a significant linear trends was obtained (r=0.1949, p<0.0001). Geographic areas at risk were found mainly in patients residing in Delta State (67.0%) which is a major oil producing state and Edo State (30.4%) where the hospital is located, both in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Conclusion: Future research into environmental agents and genetic makeup/HLA typing of patients can be carried out

    A smoldering/indolent myeloma with extensive abdominal presentation-case report

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    No Abstract. Nigrian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.9 (1) 2006: pp.91-9

    Two rare presentations of plasma cell neoplasm

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    A case of extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) in a 50year old woman and another case of solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB) with myeloma in a 34year old young man is reported. Atypical features of the SPB with myeloma patient were: a) age of the patient; b) lack of typical features of multiple myeloma (renal failure, hypercalcaemia and bone pain). The maxillary sinus was the site of the EMP who was referred for surgical excision. Biochemistry and haematological parameters were within normal range for both cases. Monoclonal paraprotein on serum electrophoresis was absent in EMP while it was present in SPB. Radiotherapy alone was given to the EMP patient while four courses of VAD (vincristine, adriamycine and dexamethasone) chemotherapy in addition to radiotherapy was given to the SPB with myeloma patient. Although EMP and SPB are both localized forms of plasma cell dyscrasias, SPB seems to have a greater tendency to multiple myeloma. Keywords: Extramedullary, plasmacytoma, maxillary sinus, solitary, rib Annals of African Medicine Vol. 5(2) 2006: 107-11