42 research outputs found

    Hepatitis B immunization at the University College Hospital, Ibadan: an eight year review of vaccine administration records

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    Vaccination of health care workers (HCWs) against hepatitis (HBV) infection is highly necessary in Nigeria where the infection occurs in hperendemic proportions. We hereby determine the trends in the administration of HBV vaccine at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria. The study reviewed the records for the administration of vaccine against HBV at the Staff Medical Services Department of UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria, from 1994 to 2001. A total of 1,437 subjects consisting of 686 (47.7%) males and 751 (52.3 %) females were vaccinated against HBV from 1994 to 2001. They were aged 16 to 64 years and consisted of 356 students (24.8%) and 1081 healthcare workers (HCWs) (75.2%) which comprised Doctors (30.9%), Dentists (1.9%), Paramedics (19.6%), Non-medics (14.6%) and subjects with undisclosed occupational category ((10.7%). About 11% to 100% of the subjects had annual prescreening for HBsAg sero-negativity from 1996 to 2001 but none had post vaccination assay of anti-HBs titre. All the subjects received 1st dose of 0, 1, 2 accelerated HBV vaccination schedule while on annual basis, 16.7% to 91.8% of the subjects received the 3rd dose of the vaccine. Despite the proportional participation of the different occupational groups was highest among the doctors and dentists but lowest among the paramedics, only 59.7% of all the vaccinees had three dose(s) of the vaccine during the 8 year period. In conclusion, although the HBV vaccination programme had shortcomings, it is an established practice at UCH, Ibadan and efforts should be made to improve on its prevailing standard.Keywords: Immunization, HBV, Healthcare Workers, Nigerians, UCH, Ibadan

    Data-driven malaria prevalence prediction in large densely populated urban holoendemic sub-Saharan West Africa

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    Over 200 million malaria cases globally lead to half-million deaths annually. The development of malaria prevalence prediction systems to support malaria care pathways has been hindered by lack of data, a tendency towards universal "monolithic" models (one-size-fits-all-regions) and a focus on long lead time predictions. Current systems do not provide short-term local predictions at an accuracy suitable for deployment in clinical practice. Here we show a data-driven approach that reliably produces one-month-ahead prevalence prediction within a densely populated all-year-round malaria metropolis of over 3.5 million inhabitants situated in Nigeria which has one of the largest global burdens of P. falciparum malaria. We estimate one-month-ahead prevalence in a unique 22-years prospective regional dataset of > 9 × 10^{4} participants attending our healthcare services. Our system agrees with both magnitude and direction of the prediction on validation data achieving MAE ≤ 6 × 10^{-2}, MSE ≤ 7 × 10^{-3}, PCC (median 0.63, IQR 0.3) and with more than 80% of estimates within a (+ 0.1 to - 0.05) error-tolerance range which is clinically relevant for decision-support in our holoendemic setting. Our data-driven approach could facilitate healthcare systems to harness their own data to support local malaria care pathways

    The role of routine post-natal abdominal ultrasound for newborns in a resource-poor setting: a longitudinal study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background-</p> <p>Neonatal abdominal ultrasound is usually performed in Nigeria to investigate neonatal symptoms rather than as a follow up to evaluate fetal abnormalities which were detected on prenatal ultrasound. The role of routine obstetric ultrasonography in the monitoring of pregnancy and identification of fetal malformations has partly contributed to lowering of fetal mortality rates. In Nigeria which has a high maternal and fetal mortality rate, many pregnant women do not have ante-natal care and not infrequently, women also deliver their babies at home and only bring the newborns to the clinics for immunization. Even when performed, most routine obstetric scans are not targeted towards the detection of fetal abnormalities.</p> <p>The aim of the present study is to evaluate the benefit of routinely performing abdominal scans on newborns with a view to detecting possible abnormalities which may have been missed ante-natally.</p> <p>Methods-</p> <p>This was a longitudinal study of 202 consecutive, apparently normal newborns. Routine clinical examination and abdominal ultrasound scans were performed on the babies by their mother's bedside, before discharge. Neonates with abnormal initial scans had follow-up scans.</p> <p>Results-</p> <p>There were 108 males and 94 females. There were 12 (5.9%) abnormal scans seen in five male and seven female neonates. Eleven of the twelve abnormalities were in the kidneys, six on the left and five on the right. Three of the four major renal anomalies- absent kidney, ectopic/pelvic kidney and two cases of severe hydronephrosis were however on the left side. There was one suprarenal abnormality on the right suspected to be a possible infected adrenal haemorrage. Nine of the abnormal cases reported for follow- up and of these, two cases had persistent severe abnormalities.</p> <p>Conclusions-</p> <p>This study demonstrated a 5.9% incidence of genito urinary anomalies on routine neonatal abdominal ultrasound in this small population. Routine obstetric USS is very useful but inadequate availability of skilled personnel and cost implications create great challenges in poor resource settings like Nigeria. However, awareness should be created so that parents who can afford such investigations can make informed decisions.</p


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    A ergonomia é a ciência que estuda a adaptação do trabalho ao homem, tendo como objetivo a melhoria das condições de saúde, segurança e bem estar do trabalhador. Apesar de existirem diversos estudos de ergonomia em vários setores, ao que tange atividades extrativistas, ainda são poucas as informações obtidas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar e compreender as condições de trabalho, saúde e segurança das atividades na coleta e transporte de castanha e açaí na Reserva Extrativista Cazumbá - Iracema no Estado do Acre, a fim de propor sugestões à referida categoria a partir da análise dos fatores ergonômicos. As variáveis analisadas foram os fatores humanos, ambientais (clima e iluminação), carga física, posturas adotadas e o manuseio de cargas. Foram avaliados ao total 40 trabalhadores. De acordo com os resultados, os trabalhadores tinham idade média de 35 anos, peso médio de 69 kg, baixo índice de analfabetismo (2,3%), de origem predominantemente rural (94,1%), tendo um consumo alto de bebidas alcoólicas (49%) e tabaco (15%). A maioria dos trabalhadores já tiveram acidentes em suas atividades. A exposição ao calor e a iluminância foram considerados elevados e inadequados entre os horários de 12 e 13:30 horas. A carga física foi considerada moderadamente pesada na maioria das operações, destacando-se o transporte de castanha e a coleta do açai, sendo considerados pesados. As posturas mais prejudiciais foram observadas na coleta do açaí e no transporte de castanha. O manuseio de cargas apresentou alto risco de lesão nas atividades de transporte de castanha. Para melhoria das condições de trabalho, saúde, bem estar e segurança, deve haver uma conscientização a fim de diminuir os vícios e fiscalização para que haja o uso devido dos equipamentos de proteção individual. Ainda assim, os trabalhadores devem ser treinados e conscientizados para utilizar medidas adequadas de controle onde os níveis de exposição a iluminância são elevados. Também necessita-se de adoção de tempo de repouso por hora efetiva de trabalho nas atividades de coleta do açaí e transporte de castanha. A fim de evitar danos a coluna do trabalhador, é necessário a adoção de pausas durante as atividades de coleta e transporte de ambas as cadeias analisadas. E com relação ao manuseio de cargas é necessária uma reorganização ergonômica a fim de reduzir o peso manuseado para execução da atividade de transporte de castanha. Palavra - chave: Processo Produtivo, Unidades de Conservação, Condições de Trabalho

    Urban Environmental Noise Pollution and Perceived Health Effects in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Urban environmental noise pollution has impact on the quality of life and it is a serious health and social problem. The aim of this study was to assess the sources and noise levels, and possible impacts in selected residential neighbourhoods of Ibadan metropolis. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from respondents on demographic and neighbourhood characteristics, sources of noise and perceived effects of noise pollution. Noise level meter was used to determine the noise levels. Results showed that noise levels, sources and the period the noise level reaches its peak vary with population density and are shown on GIS maps. The mean noise values for the three residential neighbourhood groups were low density (LD), 53.10±2.80dB; medium density (MD), 68.45± 2.10dB and high density (HD), 68.36±1.92dB with the medium density neighbourhoods having the highest mean value. There is a significant difference in the noise levels in the three neighbourhood groups (F value=11.88 and p=0.000). However, the difference in noise levels between HD/LD and LD/MD areas was significant (p=0.000) while that between HD/MD areas was not significant (p=0.975). Of the three residential neighbourhoods, the highest mean noise level (85.80dB) was recorded at Bere junction while the lowest was at the foot of Bowers tower at Oke Are (48.65dB). Based on WHO 16-hour DNL criteria of 55dB for residential areas, only 16 (23.2%) locations in the three residential neighbourhood groups had noise values that were within the recommended limit. The study concludes that there is a need for formulation and enforcement of permissible noise levels/standards for residential neighbourhoods by the Federal Ministry of Environment instead of using the current eight-hour standard of 90dB which is for industrial settings

    Association of antecedent statin use on 30-day, 60-day and 90-day mortality among Mississippi Medicaid beneficiaries diagnosed with COVID-19

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    Objective To assess if the antecedent statin use was associated with all-cause death among COVID-19 patients enrolled in Medicaid.Design Cohort study.Setting Mississippi Medicaid population.Participants This study included 10 792 Mississippi Medicaid-enrolled patients between 18 and 64 years of age with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis from March 2020 to June 2021.Intervention Antecedent statin use, which was determined by a record of statin prescription in the 90-day period prior to the COVID diagnosis.Main outcome measures The outcomes of interest included mortality from all cause within 30 days, 60 days and 90 days after index.Results A total of 10 792 patients with COVID-19 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, with 13.1% of them being antecedent statin users. Statin users were matched 1:1 with non-users based on age, sex, race, comorbidities and medication use by propensity score matching. In total, the matched cohort consisted of 1107 beneficiaries in each group. Multivariable logistic regression showed that statin users were less likely to die within 30 days (adjusted OR: 0.51, 95% CI: 0.32 to 0.83), 60 days (OR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.37 to 0.85) and 90 days (OR: 0.55, 95% CI: 0.37 to 0.82) after diagnosis of COVID-19. Those with low-intensity/moderate-intensity statin use had significantly lower mortality risk in the 60-day and the 90-day follow-up period, while the high intensity of statin use was only found to be significantly associated with a lower odd of mortality within 30 days post index.Conclusion After COVID infection, Medicaid beneficiaries who had taken statins antecedently could be at lower risk for death. For patients with chronic conditions, continuity of care is crucial when interruptions occur in their medical care. Further research is required to further investigate the potential mechanisms and optimal use of statins in COVID-19 treatment