227 research outputs found

    Spacetime topology from the tomographic histories approach I: Non-relativistic Case

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    The tomographic histories approach is presented. As an inverse problem, we recover in an operational way the effective topology of the extended configuration space of a system. This means that from a series of experiments we get a set of points corresponding to events. The difference between effective and actual topology is drawn. We deduce the topology of the extended configuration space of a non-relativistic system, using certain concepts from the consistent histories approach to Quantum Mechanics, such as the notion of a record. A few remarks about the case of a relativistic system, preparing the ground for a forthcoming paper sequel to this, are made in the end.Comment: 19 pages, slight chang in title and corrected typos in second version. To appear to a special proceedings issue (Glafka 2004) of the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Diffeomorphisms as Symplectomorphisms in History Phase Space: Bosonic String Model

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    The structure of the history phase space G\cal G of a covariant field system and its history group (in the sense of Isham and Linden) is analyzed on an example of a bosonic string. The history space G\cal G includes the time map T\sf T from the spacetime manifold (the two-sheet) Y\cal Y to a one-dimensional time manifold T\cal T as one of its configuration variables. A canonical history action is posited on G\cal G such that its restriction to the configuration history space yields the familiar Polyakov action. The standard Dirac-ADM action is shown to be identical with the canonical history action, the only difference being that the underlying action is expressed in two different coordinate charts on G\cal G. The canonical history action encompasses all individual Dirac-ADM actions corresponding to different choices T\sf T of foliating Y\cal Y. The history Poisson brackets of spacetime fields on G\cal G induce the ordinary Poisson brackets of spatial fields in the instantaneous phase space G0{\cal G}_{0} of the Dirac-ADM formalism. The canonical history action is manifestly invariant both under spacetime diffeomorphisms DiffY\cal Y and temporal diffeomorphisms DiffT\cal T. Both of these diffeomorphisms are explicitly represented by symplectomorphisms on the history phase space G\cal G. The resulting classical history phase space formalism is offered as a starting point for projection operator quantization and consistent histories interpretation of the bosonic string model.Comment: 45 pages, no figure

    Decoherence and classical predictability of phase space histories

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    We consider the decoherence of phase space histories in a class of quantum Brownian motion models, consisting of a particle moving in a potential V(x)V(x) in interaction with a heat bath at temperature TT and dissipation gamma, in the Markovian regime. The evolution of the density operator for this open system is thus described by a non-unitary master equation. The phase space histories of the system are described by a class of quasiprojectors. Generalizing earlier results of Hagedorn and Omn\`es, we show that a phase space projector onto a phase space cell Γ\Gamma is approximately evolved under the master equation into another phase space projector onto the classical dissipative evolution of Γ\Gamma, and with a certain amount of degradation due to the noise produced by the environment. We thus show that histories of phase space samplings approximately decohere, and that the probabilities for these histories are peaked about classical dissipative evolution, with a width of peaking depending on the size of the noise.Comment: 34 pages, LATEX, revised version to avoid LATEX error

    Topos Theory and Consistent Histories: The Internal Logic of the Set of all Consistent Sets

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    A major problem in the consistent-histories approach to quantum theory is contending with the potentially large number of consistent sets of history propositions. One possibility is to find a scheme in which a unique set is selected in some way. However, in this paper we consider the alternative approach in which all consistent sets are kept, leading to a type of `many world-views' picture of the quantum theory. It is shown that a natural way of handling this situation is to employ the theory of varying sets (presheafs) on the space \B of all Boolean subalgebras of the orthoalgebra \UP of history propositions. This approach automatically includes the feature whereby probabilistic predictions are meaningful only in the context of a consistent set of history propositions. More strikingly, it leads to a picture in which the `truth values', or `semantic values' of such contextual predictions are not just two-valued (\ie true and false) but instead lie in a larger logical algebra---a Heyting algebra---whose structure is determined by the space \B of Boolean subalgebras of \UP.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Types of quantum information

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    Quantum, in contrast to classical, information theory, allows for different incompatible types (or species) of information which cannot be combined with each other. Distinguishing these incompatible types is useful in understanding the role of the two classical bits in teleportation (or one bit in one-bit teleportation), for discussing decoherence in information-theoretic terms, and for giving a proper definition, in quantum terms, of ``classical information.'' Various examples (some updating earlier work) are given of theorems which relate different incompatible kinds of information, and thus have no counterparts in classical information theory.Comment: Minor changes so as to agree with published versio

    Histories quantisation of parameterised systems: I. Development of a general algorithm

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    We develop a new algorithm for the quantisation of systems with first-class constraints. Our approach lies within the (History Projection Operator) continuous-time histories quantisation programme. In particular, the Hamiltonian treatment (either classical or quantum) of parameterised systems is characterised by the loss of the notion of time in the space of true degrees of freedom (i.e. the `problem of time'). The novel temporal structure of the HPO theory (two laws of time transformation that distinguish between the temporal logical structure and the dynamics) persists after the imposition of the constraints, hence the problem of time does not arise. We expound the algorithm for both the classical and quantum cases and apply it to simple models.Comment: 34 pages, Late

    Generalized Quantum Theory of Recollapsing Homogeneous Cosmologies

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    A sum-over-histories generalized quantum theory is developed for homogeneous minisuperspace type A Bianchi cosmological models, focussing on the particular example of the classically recollapsing Bianchi IX universe. The decoherence functional for such universes is exhibited. We show how the probabilities of decoherent sets of alternative, coarse-grained histories of these model universes can be calculated. We consider in particular the probabilities for classical evolution defined by a suitable coarse-graining. For a restricted class of initial conditions and coarse grainings we exhibit the approximate decoherence of alternative histories in which the universe behaves classically and those in which it does not. For these situations we show that the probability is near unity for the universe to recontract classically if it expands classically. We also determine the relative probabilities of quasi-classical trajectories for initial states of WKB form, recovering for such states a precise form of the familiar heuristic "J d\Sigma" rule of quantum cosmology, as well as a generalization of this rule to generic initial states.Comment: 41 pages, 4 eps figures, revtex 4. Modest revisions throughout. Physics unchanged. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Relational physics with real rods and clocks and the measurement problem of quantum mechanics

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    The use of real clocks and measuring rods in quantum mechanics implies a natural loss of unitarity in the description of the theory. We briefly review this point and then discuss the implications it has for the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. The intrinsic loss of coherence allows to circumvent some of the usual objections to the measurement process as due to environmental decoherence.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Information measures and classicality in quantum mechanics

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    We study information measures in quantu mechanics, with particular emphasis on providing a quantification of the notions of classicality and predictability. Our primary tool is the Shannon - Wehrl entropy I. We give a precise criterion for phase space classicality and argue that in view of this a) I provides a measure of the degree of deviation from classicality for closed system b) I - S (S the von Neumann entropy) plays the same role in open systems We examine particular examples in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Finally, (this being one of our main motivations) we comment on field classicalisation on early universe cosmology.Comment: 35 pages, LATE

    Quantum chaos in open systems: a quantum state diffusion analysis

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    Except for the universe, all quantum systems are open, and according to quantum state diffusion theory, many systems localize to wave packets in the neighborhood of phase space points. This is due to decoherence from the interaction with the environment, and makes the quasiclassical limit of such systems both more realistic and simpler in many respects than the more familiar quasiclassical limit for closed systems. A linearized version of this theory leads to the correct classical dynamics in the macroscopic limit, even for nonlinear and chaotic systems. We apply the theory to the forced, damped Duffing oscillator, comparing the numerical results of the full and linearized equations, and argue that this can be used to make explicit calculations in the decoherent histories formalism of quantum mechanics.Comment: 18 pages standard LaTeX + 9 figures; extensively trimmed; to appear in J. Phys.
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