26 research outputs found

    Simplifying parametrization of Bayesian networks in prediction of system quality

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    Presentasjon av metode for forenkling av parametrisering av Bayesiske nettSimplifying parametrization of Bayesian networks in prediction of system qualit

    "CyberWiseKids": Gamifying Education of Kids on Online Opportunities and Security Risks

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    This report summarizes the motivation and the goals of the "CyberWiseKids" project proposal. The proposal was designed by SINTEF in 2015 and revised in 2016, with the aim of developing a research and innovation project which would involve several industrial and academic partners from Norway and Europe. The underlying idea was motivated by the need for enabling children and young people to make the right balance between online opportunities and online risks. A significant innovation potential was envisioned and elaborated within the proposal. Although far less detailed than the original project proposal and excluding several major aspects (e.g. innovation, organization, project plans research questions, and state of the art) that were part of the original proposal, this report quotes and reproduces the parts (of the original proposal) regarding motivation, challenges, and the objectives. The purpose of this report is to enlighten the persistent challenges that young people are facing while being online, as well as to indicate the still-existing needs and opportunities for addressing such challenges through innovation and research. Oppdragsgiver: SINTEFpublishedVersio

    Digitale sårbarheter i helsesektoren - En oppsummering av funn fra workshop holdt i mai 2015 i regi av Lysneutvalget

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    Digitalt sårbarhetsutvalg (Lysneutvalget) ble nedsatt av regjeringen den 20. juni 2014. Utvalget skal foreslå konkrete tiltak for å styrke beredskapen og redusere den digitale sårbarheten i samfunnet. Lysneutvalget har vært gjennom en fase med informasjonsinnhenting, hvor flere aktører fra helsesektoren har, eller er i ferd med, å bidra med skriftlige innspill. På bakgrunn av dette ble en rekke aktører med tilknytning til helsesektoren, invitert til en workshop for å drøfte sårbarheter innenfor denne sektoren, og diskutere effektive tiltak for å møte dagens og fremtidens utfordringer. SINTEF ble av Lysneutvalget engasjert for å bistå med fasilitering av workshopen som ble avholdt 21. mai 2015 i Oslo med 26 deltakere med tilknytning til sektoren. Programmet bestod av fem innlegg, gruppediskusjoner og plenumsdiskusjoner. Denne rapporten oppsummerer hovedfunnene fra workshopen med tanke på sårbarheter og tiltak som har blitt påpekt av deltakerne under hele workshopen

    How can they not see I’m Muslim? : A study of religious identity based on interviews with six youths with Bosnian background.

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    The purpose of this essay was to examine the role of religious beliefs, actions and practice in young people's own description of their identity. An additional goal was to examine how young people describe their identity in relation to their primary and secondary socialization. A qualitative method was used with semi - structured interviews and six young people between the ages of 18 and 23 were interviewed.            The interview results show that three out of the six young people think of themselves as religious while the remaining three emphasize that they are secularized Muslims. The results also show that the young people emphasize that the celebration of feasts in the family is the main focus.  Four out of the six young people point out that they are themselves among friends, their families and in the mosque, while the remaining two feel a communion with their Muslim friends and people in the mosque.        Three out of the six young people consume alcohol and eat pork, while the remaining three refrain from this. The young people emphasize that their beliefs are a personal matter between themselves and God, and that their actions don't define them as being Muslims or non-Muslims

    Transforming registers:context and pupil writing at English 7

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    The aim of this essay was to investigate whether pupils with higher grades based on formative assessment were more successful at adapting informal texts into formal texts.Six pupils in English 7 were asked to write an informal blog entry about their favorite hobby/pastime and a formal entry also about their favorite hobby/pastime intended for an English encyclopedia. The pupils that were selected were assessed as havingformative grades A-E. The ability to transform informal into formal texts was assessedquantitatively by counting a number of lexical and grammatical features. The results showed that pupils with a higher formative grade did not experience significant difficulties in adapting their language and switching from informal to formal language. The results also showed that the usage of slang and contractions among the pupils with lower grades was maximized

    Dynamic monitoring of safety barriers in petroleum installations

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    Accidents on petroleum installations can have huge consequences, resulting in loss of life, environmental damages as well as economic loss. A number of so called safety barriers are therefore from earlier implemented with the objective of reducing the risk. In order to assess the quality and risk level, a proper understanding of the ability of the barrier systems to perform as intended, is needed. However, due to the complexity of the barrier systems, this ability may depend on a multitude of technical and human factors. Furthermore, it may quickly change over time. In order to be able to perform corrective and preventative measures, early warnings should be captured and their implications interpreted. We argue that measurable indicators can be identified and aggregated, in order to calculate overall quality of a barrier system. Thus, the indicators can be exploited in a monitoring environment for purpose of predicting significant change of quality level, as well as for validation of the quality requirements. In this paper we present an approach to facilitate design of indicators for automated monitoring of the quality of safety barrier systems in petroleum installations. We moreover report on results and experiences from applying this approach in an industrial case study with a petroleum operator. The approach applied consists of a process and a tool-supported modeling language. The approach relies on relevant parts of PREDIQT and CORAS methods for quality prediction and risk analysis, respectively. The evaluation indicates that the approach facilitates development of an algorithm for monitoring barrier system quality for a given installation. The experiences from the case study moreover show that the presented approach is, to a large degree, well suited for its intended purpose, but it also points to areas in need for improvement.acceptedVersio

    Evaluation of experiences from applying the PREDIQT method in an industrial case study

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    We have developed a method called PREDIQT for model-based prediction of impacts of architectural design changes on system quality. A recent case study indicated feasibility of the PREDIQT method when applied on a real-life industrial system. This paper reports on the experiences from applying the PREDIQT method in a second and more recent case study - on an industrial ICT system from another domain and with a number of different system characteristics, compared with the previous case study. The analysis is performed in a fully realistic setting. The system analyzed is a critical and complex expert system used for management and support of numerous working processes. The system is subject to frequent changes of varying type and extent. The objective of the case study has been to perform an additional and more structured evaluation of the PREDIQT method and assess its performance with respect to a set of success criteria. The evaluation argues for feasibility and usefulness of the PREDIQT-based analysis. Moreover, the study has provided useful insights into the weaknesses of the method and suggested directions for future research and improvements

    Towards a Privacy Scorecard – Initial Design Exemplified on an Intelligent Transport Systems Service

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    Increasingly many services depend on access to data that are traceable to individuals, the so-called "personally identifiable information" (PII). The ecosystem of PII-dependent services is growing, becoming highly complex and dynamic. As a result, a wide variety of PII is constantly collected, stored, exchanged, and applied by all kinds of services. Practice of PII handling among service providers varies, as does the insight and influence of the end-users on how their own PII is treated. For a user, privacy represents a condition for his/her trust and service adoption. It is moreover essential for a service provider to be able to claim privacy awareness over time. This is particularly important as the new EU privacy regulation is about to become operative, thus enforcing strict privacy requirements on the service providers and giving new rights to the users. In order to preserve user trust and manage the technical and legal privacy requirements, a practically usable support to continu ously and transparently plan and follow-up privacy compliance, is needed. To this end, we propose an initial version of a so-called "Privacy Scorecard", that is, a decision support for a service provider aimed to facilitate identification, specification, measurement and follow-up of fulfilment of privacy goals in a relatively transparent and comprehensible manner. In this position paper, we present initial design and intended usage of the Privacy Scorecard. We also exemplify how it can be applied to a concrete service. The initial findings indicate feasibility of the approach and suggest directions for further work, including refinement of the scorecard design and usage guidelines, tool support for visualization, as well as further empirical evaluation.publishedVersio

    Traceability Handling in Model-based Prediction of System Quality

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    -Our earlier research indicated the feasibility of the PREDIQT method for model-based prediction of impacts of architectural design changes, on the different quality characteristics of a system. The PREDIQT method develops and makes use of a multi-layer model structure, called prediction models. Usefulness of the prediction models requires a structured documentation of both the relations between the prediction models and the rationale and assumptions made during the model development. This structured documentation is what we refer to as trace-link information. In this paper, we propose a traceability scheme for PREDIQT, and an implementation of it in the form of a prototype tool which can be used to define, document, search for and represent the trace-links needed. The solution is applied on prediction models from an earlier PREDIQT-based analysis of a real-life system. Based on a set of success criteria, we argue that our traceability approach is useful and practically scalable in the PREDIQT context. Oppdragsgiver: Research Council of Norwa

    Caligula och den Aggressiva Pojken : En diskursanalys av Skolverkets utsagor kringlärare och elever som mobbar

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    The aim of this study was to analyze discursive patterns in publications and attitude researches on bullying published by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The focus was largely on whether there is a pattern in the narration of how teachers and pupils are portrayed as perpetrators in a situation where bullying occurs. The empirical material of the study was acquired by use of a qualitative method where publications published between the years of 2002 and 2014 were selected. Dictums concerning teachers and pupils as bullies have been compared and surveyed where differences in how they were depicted was the object of analysis. To enable such a study, Foucault's theories on discourse and power were applied on the empirical material in the analysis.The result shows that bullying in general almost always refers to the pupil as the perpetrator while teachers are under-represented in the same context. Pupils as perpetrators are described through qualities such as aggression and lack of empathy,whereas teachers are described through external factors such as stress and extensive workload