9 research outputs found

    Antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine decrease the negative side effects of doxorubicin in NL/Ly lymphoma-bearing mice

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    Aim To investigate the potential tissue-protective effects of antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine applied together with doxorubicin (Dx) on NK/Ly lymphomabearing mice. The impact of this chemotherapy scheme on animal survival, blood cell profile, hepatotoxicity, glutathione level, and activity of glutathione-converting enzymes in the liver was compared with the action of Dx applied alone. Methods The hematological profile of animals was studied by the analysis of blood smears under light microscopy. Hepatotoxicity of studied drugs was evaluated measuring the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) enzymes, De Ritis ratio, and coenzyme A fractions by McDougal assay. Glutathione level in animal tissues was measured with Ellman reagent, and the activity of glutathione reductase, transferase, and peroxidase was measured using standard biochemical assays. Results D-pantethine (500 mg/kg) and, to a lower extent, selenomethionine (600 μg/kg) partially reduced the negative side effects (leukocytopenia and erythropenia) of Dx (5 mg/kg) in NK/Ly lymphoma bearing animals on the 14th day of their treatment. This increased animal survival time from 47-48 to 60+ days and improved the quality of their life. This ability of D-pantethine and selenomethionine was realized via hepatoprotective and immunomodulating activities. D-pantethine also restored the levels of acid-soluble and free CoA in the liver of tumor-bearing animals, while selenomethionine caused the recovery of glutathione peroxidase levels in the liver, which was significantly diminished under Dx treatment. Both compounds decreased glutathione level in the liver, which was considerably induced by Dx. Conclusions Antioxidants selenomethionine and D-pantethine partially reversed the negative side effects of Dx in NK/Ly lymphoma-bearing mice and significantly increased the therapeutic efficiency of this drug in tumor treatment

    Multiferroic Coupling of Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Particles through Elastic Polymers

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    Multiferroics are materials that electrically polarize when subjected to a magnetic field and magnetize under the action of an electric field. In composites, the multiferroic effect is achieved by mixing of ferromagnetic (FM) and ferroelectric (FE) particles. The FM particles are prone to magnetostriction (field-induced deformation), whereas the FE particles display piezoelectricity (electrically polarize under mechanical stress). In solid composites, where the FM and FE grains are in tight contact, the combination of these effects directly leads to multiferroic behavior. In the present work, we considered the FM/FE composites with soft polymer bases, where the particles of alternative kinds are remote from one another. In these systems, the multiferroic coupling is different and more complicated in comparison with the solid ones as it is essentially mediated by an electromagnetically neutral matrix. When either of the fields, magnetic or electric, acts on the ‘akin’ particles (FM or FE) it causes their displacement and by that perturbs the particle elastic environments. The induced mechanical stresses spread over the matrix and inevitably affect the particles of an alternative kind. Therefore, magnetization causes an electric response (due to the piezoeffect in FE) whereas electric polarization might entail a magnetic response (due to the magnetostriction effect in FM). A numerical model accounting for the multiferroic behavior of a polymer composite of the above-described type is proposed and confirmed experimentally on a polymer-based dispersion of iron and lead zirconate micron-size particles. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: The reported study was funded by the Russian Scientific Foundation according to research project No. 21-72-30032 (experimental investigation and analysis); authors Makarova L.A. and Isaev D.A. acknowledge the President of the Russian Federation Grant Number MK-716.2020.2 (simulation results). Authors Isaenko M.B. and Perov N.S. acknowledge partial support from Lomonosov Moscow State University Program of Development

    Multiferroic Coupling of Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Particles through Elastic Polymers

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    Multiferroics are materials that electrically polarize when subjected to a magnetic field and magnetize under the action of an electric field. In composites, the multiferroic effect is achieved by mixing of ferromagnetic (FM) and ferroelectric (FE) particles. The FM particles are prone to magnetostriction (field-induced deformation), whereas the FE particles display piezoelectricity (electrically polarize under mechanical stress). In solid composites, where the FM and FE grains are in tight contact, the combination of these effects directly leads to multiferroic behavior. In the present work, we considered the FM/FE composites with soft polymer bases, where the particles of alternative kinds are remote from one another. In these systems, the multiferroic coupling is different and more complicated in comparison with the solid ones as it is essentially mediated by an electromagnetically neutral matrix. When either of the fields, magnetic or electric, acts on the ‘akin’ particles (FM or FE) it causes their displacement and by that perturbs the particle elastic environments. The induced mechanical stresses spread over the matrix and inevitably affect the particles of an alternative kind. Therefore, magnetization causes an electric response (due to the piezoeffect in FE) whereas electric polarization might entail a magnetic response (due to the magnetostriction effect in FM). A numerical model accounting for the multiferroic behavior of a polymer composite of the above-described type is proposed and confirmed experimentally on a polymer-based dispersion of iron and lead zirconate micron-size particles

    Green synthesis of co-zn spinel ferrite nanoparticles: Magnetic and intrinsic antimicrobial properties

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    Spinel ferrite magnetic nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention because of their high and flexible magnetic properties and biocompatibility. In this work, a set of magnetic nanoparticles of cobalt ferrite doped with zinc was synthesized via the eco-friendly sol-gel auto-combustion method. Obtained particles displayed a room-temperature ferromagnetic behavior with tuned by chemical composition values of saturation magnetization and coercivity. The maximal values of saturation magnetization ~74 Am2 /kg were found in cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with a 15\u201335% molar fraction of cobalt replaced by zinc ions. At the same time, the coercivity exhibited a gradually diminishing trend from ~140 to ~5 mT whereas the concentration of zinc was increased from 0 to 100%. Consequently, nanoparticles produced by the proposed method possess highly adjustable magnetic properties to satisfy the requirement of a wide range of possible applications. Further prepared nanoparticles were tested with bacterial culture to display the influence of chemical composition and magnetic structure on nanoparticles-bacterial cell interaction

    Interplay between inter- And intraparticle interactions in bi-magnetic core/shell nanoparticles

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    The synthesis strategy and magnetic characterisation of two systems consisting of nanoparticles with core/shell morphology are presented: an assembly of hard/soft nanoparticles with cores consisting of magnetically hard cobalt ferrite covered by a magnetically soft nickel ferrite shell, and the inverse system of almost the same size and shape. We have successfully designed these nanoparticle systems by gradually varying the magnetic anisotropy resulting in this way in the modulation of the magnetic dipolar interactions between particles. Both nanoparticle systems exhibit high saturation magnetisation and display superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature. We have shown strong exchange coupling at the core/shell interface of these nanoparticles systems which was also confirmed by mesoscopic modelling. Our results demonstrate the possibility of modulating magnetic anisotropy not only by chemical composition but also by adopting the proper nano-architecture. This journal i

    Control of oxidative stress in Jurkat cells as a model of leukemia treatment

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    This paper describes proof-of-concept for antileukemia treatment based on the reactive oxygen species (ROS) induction supplemented with magnetic nanoparticles in the presence of moderate-intensity magnetic fields. The T-lymphoblastic leukemia cell line (Jurkat) was chosen as an in vitro model of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The elevated ROS levels were generated by iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles. We found an enhanced cytotoxic effect of magnetic nanoparticles in the presence of a magnetic field on cancerous Jurkat cell line due to induced oxidative stress after cultivation in magnetic fields with an average strength of 0.26\u20130.36 T and the field spatial gradient up to 100 T/m. At the same conditions of nanoparticles intake, the viability of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (model of healthy cells) was not inhibited. Thus, we demonstrated the feasibility of antileukemia treatment by magnetic nanoparticles controlled by a magnetic field

    Boosting Magnetoelectric Effect in Polymer-Based Nanocomposites

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    Polymer-based magnetoelectric composite materials have attracted a lot of attention due to their high potential in various types of applications as magnetic field sensors, energy harvesting, and biomedical devices. Current researches are focused on the increase in the efficiency of magnetoelectric transformation. In this work, a new strategy of arrangement of clusters of magnetic nanoparticles by an external magnetic field in PVDF and PFVD-TrFE matrixes is proposed to increase the voltage coefficient (alpha ME) of the magnetoelectric effect. Another strategy is the use of 3-component composites through the inclusion of piezoelectric BaTiO3 particles. Developed strategies allow us to increase the alpha ME value from similar to 5 mV/cm.Oe for the composite of randomly distributed CoFe2O4 nanoparticles in PVDF matrix to similar to 18.5 mV/cm.Oe for a composite of magnetic particles in PVDF-TrFE matrix with 5%wt of piezoelectric particles. The applicability of such materials as bioactive surface is demonstrated on neural crest stem cell cultures