546 research outputs found

    Master of Science

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    thesisRecent research has highlighted alarming rates of concussion incidence among female soccer athletes. Studies have demonstrated neck strength as a possible predisposition to concussive forces, but no research has incorporated a dynamic training program emphasizing neuromuscular control related to the cervical musculature. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a sport-specific plyometric and functional training program on cervical muscle strength, size, and activation, and subsequent head impacts. An experimental, between-groups design was utilized using high school athletic training and sports facilities. Eight high school female soccer players (age = 16.24 ± 1.07 years; height = 165.89 ± 10.95 cm; mass = 55.17 ± 7.09 kg) participated in the research. An 8 week plyometric and functional training program consisting of 3 sport-specific drills was implemented for the intervention group. The control group did not perform any additional cervical muscle strength training. Isometric cervical neck strength (lbf) was measured using a MicroFET 2 handheld dynamometer, neck girth (cm) was recorded using a standard metric tape measure, muscle activation (% maximum voluntary contraction of the sternocleidomastoid and upper trapezius muscles) was measured using a 16 channel wireless TeleMyo DTS EMG system, and head impact acceleration values (G) were recorded pre- and post-intervention by a DTS 3D 24G Accelerometer. Significant differences were identified between groups related to the mean peak head accelerations between the 3 axes of measurement. Additionally, differences in mean upper trapezius activation (p < 0.001), right sternocleidomastoid (p = 0.002), and left sternocleidomastoid (p < 0.001) muscles were identified over time. No significant group effects were discovered related to neck strength, neck girth, mean acceleration upon impact, or cervical muscle activation or duration throughout heading activities (p ≥ 0.05). The plyometric intervention did not result in significant strength gains compared to the control group, but subjects did reveal a trend in strength gains over time. Functional plyometric training resulted in increased peak head accelerations within the intervention group. The results suggest that plyometric training resulted in greater neuromuscular control and heading force in soccer specific activities, but further research needs to be conducted as it relates to brain injury susceptibility

    Possibilities and challenges in sustained capacity-building in early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions: ECEC leaders’ perspectives.

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    This paper investigates early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions’ opportunities to build a learning organization and master future innovations by focusing on core components, implementation drivers, leadership, and collective collaborative systems. The paper is based on results from semi-structured interviews with ten ECEC leaders from three different municipalities in Norway that had taken part in the Being Together (BT) innovation five years earlier. Three areas were identified as crucial for the continuation of ECEC teachers’ capacity building: (1) a strong focus on implementation processes and sustainability; (2) transformational leadership; and (3) developing professional learning communities. Potential challenges to building capacity in ECEC institutions include the variety of educational backgrounds among ECEC staff members in Norway and too little time to create professional learning communities.publishedVersio

    Kraftflytanalyse i distribusjonsnettet for å identifisere etterspørselsstyrings-scenario og integrasjon av solceller

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    Electrification, more power-intensive technological equipment, and an exponential increase in photovoltaic systems on transformer circuits lead to changes in the load patterns of end customers. The master's thesis investigates whether the new NETBAS module can increase the precision of the grid calculations, where the module makes grid calculations based on actual measured values with hourly resolution from the AMS electricity meters. The new NETBAS module makes it easier to map where there are actually deviations in the grid and how much Velander's formula deviates from measured hourly values. The benefits of the new NETBAS module are demonstrated through three transformer circuits. One of the circuits has voltage challenges related to under voltages, and two of the circuits have existing prosumers connected. The transformer circuits are simulated through different degrees of penetration of photovoltaic systems and new customers connected to the transformer. Velander's formula over- and underestimates the load on the transformer in winter and summer compared with the hourly module, respectively. This is due to Velander's formula daily and annual variations that do not correspond to end customers' current energy consumption patterns. On the other hand, Velander's formula simulates voltage values closer to measured voltage values than the hourly module. This can be explained by MAPE, where the transformer voltage with Velanders formula and the hourly module differs by 1.58 to 3.34% and 1.16 to 3.18% compared with measured voltage values, respectively. Since Velander's formula calculates a generally higher load on the transformer circuit, which results in a higher voltage drop to the end customers and voltage values closer to measured voltage values. The hourly module shows far greater precision in the calculations where transformer circuits have existing prosumers connected. This is because photovoltaic systems do not necessarily produce the plant's installed photovoltaic power. In contrast, a 12 kW and 14 kW photovoltaic system produces 7.4 kWh and 2.75 kWh at maximum on the day with the lowest load, respectively. Therefore, the hourly module will significantly improve the voltage calculations where the transformer circuits have existing prosumers connected. The master’s thesis shows that the hourly module has the potential to simulate with greater precisions in the grid calculations and will have substantial utility values on transformer circuits with existing prosumers. Although, the hourly module has several improvement points. The module should load actual voltage values from the transformer, have an opportunity to simulate with fiveminute values that increase the precision, an opportunity to export graphs to other analysis tools, and update the solar cell production graph that matches the solar conditions in Agder. The NETBAS module should be updated with some of the additional features before Agder Energi Nett makes investments in the module

    Bibelspråk og nasjonalspråk

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    Creating teacher capacity in Early Childhood Education and Care institutions implementing an authoritative adult style

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    Førlesing og høyttenking : En undersøkelse av hvordan leseforståelsen påvirkes av undervisning i lesestrategier

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    Masteroppgave grunnskolelærerutdanning trinn 1-7 NO502 - Universitetet i Agder 2018Som grunnleggende ferdighet, viser lesing seg å fortsatt være en av de viktigste sidene ved opplæringa i grunnskolen. Likevel har lesebegrepet fått et litt annet innhold enn tidligere. Dette skjedde i kjølvannet av den første PISA-undersøkelsen i 2000. Resultatene viste at norske 15-åringer så vidt skåret over gjennomsnittet når det kom til leseforståelse. Dermed fikk leseforståelse en større betydning, og et langt større fokus enn før (Bråten, 2007, s. 9). I tillegg til å knekke lesekoden, er man helt avhengig av en forståelse av teksten for å kunne lese. Derfor har lesestrategier vært framholdt som et tiltak for å øke leseforståelsen. Denne oppgaven fokuserer på lesestrategier, og deres mulighet for å påvirke elevers leseforståelse. Selv om mange lærere har interesse av å undervise i lesestrategiene, opplever mange at de er for dårlig forberedt til å gjøre dette på en god måte (Bråten, 2007, s. 9). Andre lærere er svært kyndige når det kommer til undervisninga av strategier. Her står prinsippet om å modellere strategiene sterkt, som handler om å kunne demonstrere og utføre høyttenking parallelt. Derfor retter jeg et spesielt fokus mot betydningen av lærerens modellering av lesestrategiene, for elevenes leseforståelse. Jeg forstår følgelig lesing som kognitive ferdigheter og en sosiokulturell praksis for å kunne utforske forholdet mellom undervisning av lesestrategiene, og leseforståelse. Oppgaven har et case-design med et kvalitativt utgangspunkt, hvor undersøkelsene blant annet avgrenser informantutvalget til få personer der undersøkelsene foregår over et lite tidsrom. Det er kvalitative intervjuer som står for brorparten av dataen: Jeg har i alt snakket med 12 elever og 3 lærere fordelt på fire forskjellige klasser, hvor alle informantene skulle lese samme tekst ved hjelp av en lesestrategi, mens modellering av denne strategien kun har forekommet i to av klassene. Jeg har videre spurt både lærere og elever om holdninger og vaner knytta til det å lese strategisk. Jeg konkluderer oppgaven med at modellering av en førlesingsstrategi påvirker elevers leseforståelse på positivt vis. Grunnlaget for å si dette er i stor grad knytta til metakognitive ferdigheter og rapportering av disse hos elevinformantene: Modelleringa fører til at informantene gjør flere slutninger, og kan sette ord på flere av de tankene de gjør seg i møte med teksten. Likevel er det forhold som framgår av intervjuene, som skaper en viss usikkerhet rundt konklusjonen. Dette dreier seg om lærerinformantenes vaner og holdninger til lesestrategier som en del av undervisninga, og hvordan dette kan påvirke elevenes strategiske lesing

    What are the etics of the platform?

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    Prvih petnaest godina svog postojanja, Internet trpi nedostatak etičnosti i sudske odgovornosti. Stara pravila, bilo da se radi o zakonskim odredbama ili pravilima ponašanja, nisu bila prepoznata kao relevantna za suvremene medijske platforme gdje svatko može biti urednik, gdje informacije nisu samo putovale dvosmjernim ulicama, već su se raspršile po velikom otvorenom polju neustrašivog, novog digitalnog svijeta. Tko se može držati zakona u doba Facebook-a, Twitter-a, web stranica slavnih ličnosti i virusne distribucije intimnih fotografija, kleveta i govora mržnje? Ono što mi tražimo je u stvari Roy Bean digitalnog doba.For the first 15 years of its existence, the internet has suffered from an ethical and judicial defecit. Old regulations, be they statutes of law or codes of conduct, were not seen as relevant to media platforms where everyone and their sister could be editors, where information not only travelled in two-way streets, but were dispersed across the big open plains of the brave, new digital world. Who could uphold the law in the age of Facebook, Twitter, celebrity-stalking web sites and viral distribution of intimate photos, slander and hate speech? What we’re looking for, is actually a Roy Bean of the digital age