17 research outputs found

    Kimia Fisika 1

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    PjBL Model with the Context of Making Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) from Bamboo Shoots to Build Students' Critical Thinking Skills

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    This study aims to obtain information about students' critical thinking skills (CTS) through the application of the project based learning (PjBL) model on reaction rate material in the context of making liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) from bamboo shoots. The method used is an experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. This study uses one class with a total of 27 students. The instruments used were observation sheets on the implementation of learning and tests of critical thinking skills which consisted of 15 multiple-choice questions. Test result data were processed using the N-gain test and paired sample t-test. The results showed that the application of the PjBL model in the context of making LOF from bamboo shoots obtained a learning implementation percentage of 85.4 and was included in the very good category. In addition, the CTS of students as a whole experienced an increase of 0.69 in the moderate category. The results of the paired sample t-test show that the significance value obtained is 0.000 <0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an increase in the CTS of students through learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang keterampilan berpikir kritis (KBK) peserta didik melalui penerapan model project based learning (PjBL) pada materi laju reaksi dengan konteks pembuatan pupuk organik cair (POC) dari rebung bambu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelas dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 27 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan tes KBK yang terdiri dari 15 butir soal pilihan ganda. Data hasil tes diolah menggunakan uji N-gain dan uji paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model PjBL dengan konteks pembuatan POC dari rebung bambu memperoleh persentase keterlaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 85, 4 dan termasuk kategori sangat baik. Selain itu, KBK peserta didik secara keseluruhan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,69 dengan kategori sedang. Hasil uji paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan KBK peserta didik melalui pembelajaran dengan model PjBL dengan konteks pembuatan POC dari rebung bambu

    Feasibility Analysis of Thermochemistry Senior High School Chemistry Textbook Based on Criteria of Four Steps Teaching Material Development Method

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    This study was conducted to analysis properness of thermochemistry teaching material in chemistry school textbook which is used in most SMA/MA in Kota Bandung based on criteria of selection stage of Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD) method. The type of research is evaluative research by content analysis method. There are three criteria in the selection process of 4STMD method. First is conformity with the curriculum, it is known that object of research is not yet fully in accordance with the demands of the Curriculum. In terms of material broadness, there are four concepts required by the curriculum that are not included in the teaching material, so that the teaching material is less broad. In addition, there are six concepts that are not required by the curriculum, but included in the material, so that the material is too broad. Thus, in general, the material broadness is not in accordance with the demands of the Curriculum. Meanwhile, in terms of concepts depth, from 31 concepts demanded by the curriculum, 18 concepts are less deep and three concepts are too deep. Based on second criteria, that is scientific correctness of the concepts, it is known that there are two concepts that are not scientifically correct according to references from international general chemistry textbooks and books published by IUPAC. Based on the third criterion, namely the cultivation of pedagogical context, it is known that the values and skill embedded in the material are religious values, creativity, curiosity, respect for achievement, responsibility, reading-interested, discipline, and environmental car

    Efforts to Develop Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Chemistry Learning: Systematic Literature Review

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    This article examines the efforts that can be made to develop students' critical thinking (CT) skills through chemistry learning. The method used in this study is the systematic literature review method, which consists of three stages: planning, conducting, and reporting. The planning stage is the stage of determining the topic, formulating the problem, and determining the criteria for the article to be used as a reference source. The conducting stage is the implementation stage of the systematic literature review and the reporting stage is the stage of writing systematic literature review articles. Based on the results of studies that have been conducted on 24 articles, it can be concluded that the learning model most widely used to develop students' CT skills in chemistry learning is project-based learning (PjBL). Other efforts made include implementing problem-based learning (PBL) models, guided inquiry, inquiry, predict observe explain (POE), REACT, the local culture-based 7E learning cycle, the ethnoscience-based chemistry learning model (MPKBE), and creative problem solving (CPS). The study's results also found that the characteristics of learning to develop students' CT skills in chemistry learning were using problems in everyday life (contextual) as motivation or stimulus and applying local wisdom-oriented learning


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    N-hexane and methanol systen is one example of a binary system that shows the solubility properties of reciprocity. This study aimed to assess the mental model of a n-hexane-methanolbinary system. Interaction at the submicroscopic level between n-hexane and methanol molecules is described in the form of mental model. Penelitian ini menggunakan cloud point method untuk memperoleh data kesetimbangan cair-cair sistem n-heksana-metanol. This study used a cloud point method to obtain data on liquid-liquid equilibrium on the system of n-hexane-methanol. Research data showed the maximum critical temperature (above the consolute temperature) of this system was at 42.95 °C with Xmethanol = 0.475 (P= 715 mmHg). Data from the laboratory observations was representedas a symbolic level in the form of the curve of correlation between mole fraction of methanol with temperature in a phase diagram system of n-hexane-methanol. The curve that was formed was asymmetric. It indicated that the solubility of n-hexane in methanol was relatively small compared to the solubility of methanol in n-hexane. Mental model of the binary system of n-hexane-methanol in four curve areasin the form of visualization of the interaction between n-hexane and methanol molecules through London force. In thermodynamics, each component had the same chemical potential inboth phases at equilibrium state. This study results could have a contribution to form a mental model on the student as the prospective chemistry subject teachers.</p


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    Tujuan artikel ini mendeskripsikan langkah pengemabangan profesionalisme guru di SMP BPI Bandung. Peningkatan profesionalisme guru IPA yaitu kemampuan berpikir kritis, kolaboratif, kreatifitas dan komunikasi. Hal tersebut menarik untuk dikaji ulang dan dibentuk menjadi kecakapan guru dalam pembelajaran. Hal tersebut sangat penting karena guru merupakan agen perubahan generasi penerus yang akan datang. Kebermutuan anak-anak sekarang dan masa yang akan datang tergantung pada keberhasilan pendidikan yang dilakukan. Pembelajaran yang dengan guru yang professional akan menghasilkan pembelajaran yang bermutu. Metode yang digunakan merupakan diskeptif kualitatif.  Hasil Penelitian memperoleh dengan adanya kegiatan perencanaan yang baik maka akan menghasilkan pengimplementasian pembelajaran berjalan dengan lebih baik dan bermutu. Kesimpulannya pengembangan profesionalisme guru IPA SMP BPI di Bandung yang cocok diterapkan yaitu pengembangan komunitas belajar guru melalui metode lesson study, adanya peningkatan keprofesionalisasime guru, kesiapan, percayadiri dan mau menerima kritikan. Perencanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan menyesuaikan siswa supaya dapat belajar. Lesson desain tersusun pada tahap perencanaan yang tersusun simple dan sistematis. Selanjutnya pengimplementasian lesson desain dalam pembelajaran yang memfasilitasi siswa belajar, guru lebih percaya diri dan siap dalam pembelajaran. Tahap terakhir refleksi bersama untuk memperbaiki dan belajar bersama melalui pembelajaran yang dilakukan

    Physikalisch-chemische Charakterisierung von ausgewählten supramolekularen Kristalleinschlussverbindungen

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit experimentellen Untersuchungen zur physikalisch-chemischen und strukturellen Charakterisierung von neuartigen supramolekularen Kristalleinschlussverbindungen am Beispiel der Clathrate der Wirtverbindung 2,2’-bis(9-hydroxy-9-fluorenyl)biphenyl mit Aceton (polar) sowie Chloroform (unpolar). Durch die Kombination von Röntgenstrukturanalysen mit systematischen Messungen thermodynamischer Größen wie Löslichkeit, Einschluss-, Zersetzungs-, Lösungs- und Kristallisationsenthalpien konnten neue Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen sowie zur Rolle der Wirt-Gast Wechselwirkungen in den existierenden Einschlussverbindungen abgeleitet werden. Die Einschlussbildung bzw. Kristallisation verläuft für alle untersuchten Clathratphasen exotherm. Dies bedeutet, dass die Einschlussverbindungen gegenüber dem reinem Wirt energetisch stark begünstigt sind. Der bestimmende Beitrag hierfür resultiert aus der Bildung eines optimal gepackten Kristallgitters, während spezifische Wirt-Gast Wechselwirkungen nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen. Das Zersetzungsverhalten der verschiedenen Clathratphasen kann widerspruchsfrei aus der Packungsstruktur der Kristalle erklärt werden