15 research outputs found
Personas olvidadas: antiguos refugiados liberianos en Ghana
Más de tres años después de la cesación de la condición de refugiado para los refugiados liberianos, la viabilidad del esquema de integración de la CEDEAO instaurado como solución para los liberianos que permanecieron en Ghana parece limitada
La participación de los refugiados en las economías de acogida en Uganda
El trabajo de campo en regiones múltiples de Uganda permite un análisis exhaustivo de los complejos patrones de participación entre las actividades económicas de los refugiados y las economías locales, en entornos urbanos, de emergencia y de contextos prolongados
Forgotten people: former Liberian refugees in Ghana
More than three years after the cessation of refugee status for Liberian refugees, the viability of the ECOWAS integration scheme implemented as a solution for those Liberians who continued to stay in Ghana is seen to be limited
Over-researched' and 'under-researched' refugees
A number of ethical issues emerge from working with ‘over-researched’ and ‘under-researched’ refugee groups
Online connection for remittances
Internet cafés in refugee camps allow refugees to maintain and create networks for overseas remittances. For those who rely on receiving money from overseas..
Refugees’ engagement with host economies in Uganda
Multi-sited fieldwork in Uganda allows for an exploration of the complex patterns of engagement between refugees’ economic activities and local economies, in urban, emergency and protracted settings
La participación de los refugiados en las economías de acogida en Uganda
El trabajo de campo en regiones múltiples de Uganda permite un análisis exhaustivo de los complejos patrones de participación entre las actividades económicas de los refugiados y las economías locales, en entornos urbanos, de emergencia y de contextos prolongados
Promoting the economic reintegration of returnees through vocational training: lessons from Liberia
Through a follow-up study, this article explores the role of vocational training programmes in promoting the economic reintegration of repatriated refugees in Liberia. In 2014, we conducted an initial study on livelihood outcomes of vocational training programmes provided by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for Liberian returnees. By tracing the trained returnees two years after the completion of training, the article investigates the employment and economic conditions of these former beneficiaries and aims to provide valuable insights into the potential and limitations of vocational training programmes in relation to refugees’ economic reintegration post-repatriation
Automatic Testing of Rendering in Mobile and Desktop Web Browsers
WebGL is a standard for drawing graphics in a web browser. Currently it isn’t widely understood how consistently WebGL performs across a majority of the de- vices that support it. Determining if an image looks correct to a human observer is an interesting problem. The solution for this is useful when developing WebGL applications, since a developer could make better informed decisions during de- velopment. The differences in capability between WebGL implementations are studied, and a few factors are selected that likely will contribute to variations in the rendered output. These factors are found by studying the WebGL specification documen- tation, and in the cases where it is ambiguous, further, authorative sources have contributed to the choice of factors studied. A prototype testing system is developed, including a tool for simulating imple- mentation differences. Two image processing algorithms are evaluated for their suitability in an automatic testing system. For testing, four test cases are devel- oped. The testing system is run with the test cases on wide range of devices, both mobile and desktop. The results show that image processing is not suitable alone the source for deter- mining a test success or failure. However, some promise is shown in using image processing as one component in a fully automatic testing system. Furthermore, developing test cases that perform as the test constructor intends is proven to be a challenge in itself