33 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengawalan Pemberat Rangkaian Neural Perambatan Balik untuk Pengecaman Aksara Jawi

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    One of the factors that influences the recognition ability of a neural network is the initial values given to the weight vector during the training phase. The network may be trapped into a local minima if the initial weights are not chosen carefully. This paper presents an analysis of the ability of the network to recognise Jawi characters after it was trained using different methods of weight initialization. Three most common methods are zero, random and Nguyen-Widrow random. This paper presents the effect of these three methods on the ability of the network's recognition

    Distribution of recent ostracoda in offshore sediment around Pulau Besar, Johor

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    The study on distribution of ostracods in offshore sediment was made around Pulau Besar, Johor. A total of 11 stations were chooser. A total of 47 species, both living and dead belonging to 37 genera and 18 families were collected and had been identified. A total of 1063 dead specimens and 932 living specimens of ostracoda were found in the study area. The dominant species was Pistocythereis cribriformis and the dominant family was Trachyleberididae. Family that had the most high species diversity was Trachlyeberididae with 14 species. Several physico-chemical parameters were measured in-situ including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and depth. The values for each of these parameters range from 27.05-30.80oC, 31.20-34.01 ppt, 6.90-11.93 mg/L and 6.60-20.50 m, respectively. For ex-situ physico-chemical parameters such as percentage of organic matter, sand, clay and silt with the range values for each parameter were 1.98-7.58%, 74.87-95.05%, 0.05-24.21% and 0.75-9.74%, respectively. The sediment texture in this study area can be categorized as silty sand, very fine sand, fine sand, medium sand and coarse sand. Shannon-Wiener diversity Index, H(S) was highest at ST 6 station with 2.91 and lowest at ST 11 station with 2.26. The abundance and diversity of ostracod were most related to the character of the sediment. The percentage of silt were positively and significantly correlated with the abundance of ostracods while temperature and percentage of sand are negatively and significantly correlated with benthic ostracod abundance. Other parameters do not show any significant correlation

    Design zero-voltage switching DC-DC buck converter

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    This report proposes an integrated, high switching frequency, zero-voltage-switching dc-dc buck converter for battery charger application. The design and analysis of dc�dc buck converter with integrated inductor is presented. The converter has been optimized to convert 12V input voltage to 5V at 1.5A maximum load current at 50MHz switching frequency. The converter has been simulated using an ORCAD 16.5 based simulation tool and result show that the switching losses using zero�voltage-switching technique is less compared to conventional buck converter

    Rangkaian Neural Genetik Aplikasi dalam Pengecaman Aksara Jawi

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    Objektif asas bagi Algoritma Genetik (atau ringkasnya AG) ialah melihat proses evolusi asli dalam bentuk satu versi perisian. Ia sering digunakan untuk masalah pengoptimuman. Dalam proses ini suatu populasi boleh berkembang biak, ditot atau diklon, dan mati dalam beberapa saat. Perubahan ini berlaku secara berterusan. Kini, AG telah dikembangkan konsepnya ke dalam Rangkaian Neural (atau ringkasnya RN). Kertas ini membicarakan konsep atau proses evolusi yang digunakan didalam R

    Kajian terhadap struktur komuniti tumbuhan Periuk Kera di Hutan Pendidikan Alam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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    Two species of pitcher plants namely Nepenthes gracilis Korthals and . mirablis (Loureiro) Druce were recorded in the plot with an area of 0.1 hectare. The former species differed from the later species lJy its angular stem, sessile leaves, very thin peristome (~ 1 mm thick), under surface of pitcher lids were sparsely glandular, inner surface of the pitcher cavities were partly covered with exposed type of digestive glands whereas the later species have cylindrical stem, petiolate leaves, thick peristome (;? 1 mm thick), under surface of pitcher lids were densely glandular, inner surface surface of the pitcher cavities were partly covered with overarched type of digestive glands. The population density of N. gracilis is greater than that of N. mirabalis, each contained 147 and 15 individuals respectively. The low density of the former species was attributed to its strong tendency to grow in wet soil particularly in temporary and permanent inundated secondary vegetation. The population dispersion pattern of seedlings, saplings and matured plants of N. gacilis and N. gracilis were significantly aggregated

    Kepelbagaian dan kelimpahan foraminifera di sedimen permukaan sekitar Delta Sungai Kelantan, Malaysia

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    Suatu kajian telah dijalankan untuk menentukan kepelbagaian dan kelimpahan foraminifera di sedimen permukaan sekitar delta Sungai Kelantan memandangkan kajian foraminifera terutamanya di perairan marin Malaysia amat kurang. Sejumlah 22 stesen daripada dua garisan transek telah ditentukan sebagai kawasan persampelan. Sebanyak 10,317 individu foraminifera yang terdiri daripada 27 famili, 34 genus dan 55 spesies telah ditemui di kawasan kajian. Secara keseluruhannya, famili Hauerinidae mencatatkan kepelbagaian spesies tertinggi (10 spesies) manakala famili paling dominan dengan jumlah individu tertinggi ialah Rotaliidae (26.14%). Spesies dominan dan paling melimpah di kawasan kajian ialah Asterorotalia pulchella (17.24%) dan Operculina ammonoides (10.19%). Indeks kepelbagaian spesies, H’ yang dicatatkan ialah antara 0.5 hingga 3.1 manakala indeks kekayaan spesies, α adalah antara 1.5 hingga 7.9. Kelimpahan dan kepelbagaian spesies tertinggi (α=7.9, H’=3.1) dicatatkan pada stesen 21 yang terletak di laut terbuka dengan kedalaman air sebanyak 36.8 m dan bersaliniti 32.2 ppt mendekati laut normal. Nilai H’ dan α terendah dicatatkan pada stesen yang berdekatan dengan muara sungai yang cetek dan bersaliniti lebih rendah. Secara keseluruhannya, nilai indeks kepelbagaian yang dicatatkan di kawasan kajian adalah menepati persekitaran marin berair cetek. Kesimpulannya, kepelbagaian dan kelimpahan foraminifera di kawasan kajian dipengaruhi oleh kedalaman dan saliniti air

    Taburan dan kepelbagaian foraminifera bentik di dalam sedimen permukaan sekitar Delta Sungai Pahang, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Suatu kajian mengenai taburan dan kepelbagaian spesies Foraminifera bentik di dalam sedimen permukaan telah dijalankan di sekitar Delta Sungai Pahang, Pahang. Sebanyak 33 sampel sedimen telah diambil bagi tujuan ini. Hasilnya, sebanyak 82 spesies, 45 genus dan 29 famili telah berjaya dikenal pasti daripada sejumlah 28,501 individu Foraminifera. Stesen 5 mencatatkan jumlah kehadiran Foraminifera paling tinggi iaitu sebanyak 5,543 individu. Stesen 11 pula mencatatkan jumlah kehadiran paling rendah dengan hanya 46 individu sahaja. Spesies yang paling dominan dan melimpah (>10%) ialah Amphistegina lessonni (4,790 individu) dan Amphistegina gibbosa (4,490 individu). Kemudian, diikuti oleh Elphidium advenum, Operculina ammonoides dan Asterorotalia pulchella (>5%). Bagi famili pula, Amphisteginidae merupakan famili paling dominan dengan mencatatkan jumlah individu tertinggi iaitu 9,280 (mewakili 32.6% daripada keseluruhan individu). Famili Hauerinidae mencatatkan kepelbagaian spesies yang paling tinggi iaitu sebanyak 24 spesies telah berjaya dijumpai. Indeks kepelbagaian spesies, H’ yang dicatatkan adalah antara 1.1 dan 3.1. Manakala indeks kekayaan spesies, α adalah antara 2.0 dan 9.4

    Cellular transcripts regulated during infections with Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza virus in 3 host systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus is able to infect many hosts and the virus replicates in high levels in the respiratory tract inducing severe lung lesions. The pathogenesis of the disease is actually the outcome of the infection as determined by complex host-virus interactions involving the functional kinetics of large numbers of participating genes. Understanding the genes and proteins involved in host cellular responses are therefore, critical for the elucidation of the mechanisms of infection.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Differentially expressed transcripts regulated in a H5N1 infections of whole lung organ of chicken, <it>in-vitro </it>chick embryo lung primary cell culture (CeLu) and a continuous Madin Darby Canine Kidney cell line was undertaken. An improved mRNA differential display technique (Gene Fishing™) using annealing control primers that generates reproducible, authentic and long PCR products that are detectable on agarose gels was used for the identification of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Seven of the genes have been selected for validation using a TaqMan<sup>® </sup>based real time quantitative PCR assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty seven known and unique differentially expressed genes from lungs of chickens, CeLu and MDCK cells were isolated. Among the genes isolated and identified include heat shock proteins, Cyclin D2, Prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase, IL-8 and many other unknown genes. The quantitative real time RT-PCR assay data showed that the transcription kinetics of the selected genes were clearly altered during infection by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Gene Fishing™ technique has allowed for the first time, the isolation and identification of sequences of host cellular genes regulated during H5N1 virus infection. In this limited study, the differentially expressed genes in the three host systems were not identical, thus suggesting that their responses to the H5N1 infection may not share similar mechanisms and pathways.</p

    Cellular transcripts regulated during infectinos with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in 3 host systems.

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    BACKGROUND: Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus is able to infect many hosts and the virus replicates in high levels in the respiratory tract inducing severe lung lesions. The pathogenesis of the disease is actually the outcome of the infection as determined by complex host-virus interactions involving the functional kinetics of large numbers of participating genes. Understanding the genes and proteins involved in host cellular responses are therefore, critical for the elucidation of the mechanisms of infection. METHODS: Differentially expressed transcripts regulated in a H5N1 infections of whole lung organ of chicken, in-vitro chick embryo lung primary cell culture (CeLu) and a continuous Madin Darby Canine Kidney cell line was undertaken. An improved mRNA differential display technique (Gene Fishing™) using annealing control primers that generates reproducible, authentic and long PCR products that are detectable on agarose gels was used for the identification of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Seven of the genes have been selected for validation using a TaqMan® based real time quantitative PCR assay. RESULTS: Thirty seven known and unique differentially expressed genes from lungs of chickens, CeLu and MDCK cells were isolated. Among the genes isolated and identified include heat shock proteins, Cyclin D2, Prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase, IL-8 and many other unknown genes. The quantitative real time RT-PCR assay data showed that the transcription kinetics of the selected genes were clearly altered during infection by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus. CONCLUSION: The Gene Fishing™ technique has allowed for the first time, the isolation and identification of sequences of host cellular genes regulated during H5N1 virus infection. In this limited study, the differentially expressed genes in the three host systems were not identical, thus suggesting that their responses to the H5N1 infection may not share similar mechanisms and pathways

    Growth and phytochemical responses of Andrographis paniculata as influenced by different shade levels and prunings

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    Studies on growth and phytochemical responses to light intensities and cultural practices are useful measurements to determine the favorable habitat conditions for the cultivation of medicinal plants. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of shade level and pruning frequency to optimise high dry herbage yield per hectare of Andrographis paniculata with high phytochemical content. A factorial experiment was arranged in split plot design with three replications. The shade levels of 0, 20%, 30% and 50% were the main plots while number of pruning namely none, once and twice were the sub plots. Both factors of shade levels and pruning showed significant interaction effect on total leaf area, shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight. Root fresh weight and dry weight were not influenced by both factors. Shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight showed significant increase with the increase in shade levels. The lowest shoot dry weight was recorded for plant grown under full sunlight. Pruning frequency significantly produced higher shoot fresh weight by 18.6% and shoot dry weight by 15.4% compared to unpruned plant. There was a significant interaction effect on total phenolic content, total flavonoid and antioxidant content based on FRAP scavenging assay. It was observed that an increase in shade levels and pruning resulted in decrease of total phenolic and total flavonoid content. A. paniculata grown under shade and that had undergone pruning once showed higher biomass production