142 research outputs found

    Optimizing the defensive characteristics of mild steel via the electrodeposition of Znsingle bondSi3N4 reinforcing particles.

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    The effect of ZneSi3N4deposition prepared via direct electrolytic co-deposition on mild steel was studiedas a result its inherent vulnerability to corrosion in an aggressive environment and failure on theapplication of load. The experiment was conducted varying the mass concentration of silicon nitride(Si3N4) between 7 and 13 g at cell voltage of 0.3 and 0.5 V, at constant temperature of 45�C. The mor-phologies of the coated surfaces were characterized using high resolution Nikon Optical Microscope andScanning Electron Microscope (SEM) revealing that the particles of the ZneSi3N4were homogeneouslydispersed. The corrosion behaviour was studied using potentiodynamic polarization technique in 3.65%NaCl solution and the microhardness was examined using Brinell hardness testing technique. The resultof the corrosion experiment confirmed an improved corrosion resistance with a reduction in corrosionrate from 9.7425 mm/year to 0.10847 mm/year, maximum coating efficiency of 98.9%, maximum polar-ization resistance of 1555.3Uand a very low current density of 9.33�10�6A/cm2. The negative shift inthe Ecorrrevealed the cathodic protective nature of the coating. The microhardness was also found tohave increased from 137.9 HBN for the unmodified steel to a maximum value of 263.3 HBN for the0.5Zne13Si3N4coated steel representing 90.9% increment in hardness as a result of the matrix grainrefining and dispersion-strengthening ability of the incorporated Si3N4particle


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    In recent years the concept of competitive advantage has taken centre stage in discussions of business strategy; that is why, one of the major challenges organizations face today is how to have a competitive advantage. In most cases a stand out product will do the job, since products are perceived as both highly relevant and meaningfully, the ability for any one product to standout in a competitive category will guarantee the success of such organization. While there are numerous ways to differentiate brands, identifying meaningful product-driven differentiators can be especially fruitful in gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. Differentiation is when a firm or brand outperforms rival brands in the provision of a feature(s) such that it faces reduced sensitivity for other features (Sharp & Dawes, 2001). Even in industrial economics, a discipline where there is more of a tradition of providing formal statements of theoretical concepts, two eminent industrial economists felt obligated to write an article for the Journal of Industrial Economics titled "What is Product Differentiation, Really?" (Caves and Williamson, 1985)

    Comparative assessment of quality of life of patients with schizophrenia attending a community psychiatric centre and a psychiatric hospital

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    Background: Over the past few decades, there has been an emphasis on the de-institutionalisation of psychiatric care with a focus on community care. With Quality of Life (QoL) as an outcome measure, this study compared the QoL of patients with schizophrenia attending a psychiatric hospital and a community psychiatric centre.Design: This was a cross-sectional study in two psychiatric facilitiesMethods: Data were obtained through a socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire; the QoL was assessed with the WHOQOL-BREF and patient satisfaction with care with CPOSS. Total and domain scores of WHOQOL-BREF for each group were calculated and compared with each other and other group characteristics. Diagnosis of schizophrenia was based on ICD-10.Results: Participants from the two centres did not differ significantly on any of the socio-demographic characteristics measured. Similarly, there was no significant difference in their overall mean WHOQOL-BREF scores as well as the mean WHOQOL-BREF of domain scores. However, the married and females from both centres significantly had higher mean WHOQOL-BREF scores than their male counterparts. Patients in remission for more than two years or those on a single type of medication (either oral or depot preparation) from both centres significantly had higher mean WHOQOL-BREF score compared with those who had less than two years of remission or on both oral and depot preparations.Conclusion: Overall QoL of patients managed at the two centres was comparable, with similar socio-demographic as well as clinical variables influencing QoL. This suggests that patients with schizophrenia can be well managed at community psychiatric centres.Keywords: schizophrenia, quality of life, community psychiatric care, psychiatric hospital, patient satisfaction, treatment outcomesFunding: None declared

    Globalization and Organization Performance in Nigeria —A Review of Literature

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    This study examined globalization and organization performance in Nigeria, a review of literature. Globalization has become an experience that has turned the entire world into a global business village that can not be ignored by any organization if maximum or improve performance is to be achieved. This study was conducted using data from a single source. Information was obtained from magazines, articles, journals, periodicals, textbooks, the internet, and other unpublished materials applicable to the work written by different authors on the current topical issue. The secondary source of data collection was therefore adopted with the data examined using the content analysis approach due to its dependence on the secondary source data

    Optimizing the defensive characteristics of mild steel via the electrodeposition of ZneSi3N4 reinforcing particles

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    The effect of ZneSi3N4 deposition prepared via direct electrolytic co-deposition on mild steel was studied as a result its inherent vulnerability to corrosion in an aggressive environment and failure on the application of load. The experiment was conducted varying the mass concentration of silicon nitride (Si3N4) between 7 and 13 g at cell voltage of 0.3 and 0.5 V, at constant temperature of 45 �C. The morphologies of the coated surfaces were characterized using high resolution Nikon Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) revealing that the particles of the ZneSi3N4 were homogeneously dispersed. The corrosion behaviour was studied using potentiodynamic polarization technique in 3.65% NaCl solution and the microhardness was examined using Brinell hardness testing technique. The result of the corrosion experiment confirmed an improved corrosion resistance with a reduction in corrosion rate from 9.7425 mm/year to 0.10847 mm/year, maximum coating efficiency of 98.9%, maximum polarization resistance of 1555.3 U and a very low current density of 9.33 � 10�6 A/cm2. The negative shift in the Ecorr revealed the cathodic protective nature of the coating. The microhardness was also found to have increased from 137.9 HBN for the unmodified steel to a maximum value of 263.3 HBN for the 0.5Zne13Si3N4 coated steel representing 90.9% increment in hardness as a result of the matrix grain refining and dispersion-strengthening ability of the incorporated Si3N4 particle

    Serum C-reactive protein levels in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients in southern Nigeria

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of hospitalization and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). C- reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of cardiovascular disease and predictor of mortality in CKD patients. CKD patients with elevated CRP should be identified early with institution of measures to treat cardiovascular risk factors in order to reduce attendant mortality.Aims: Determination of serum CRP levels in CKD patients and associated factors.Methods: This was a case-control study involving 80 consecutive CKD patients and 40 control subjects without CKD. Data obtained from participants included demographics, body mass index (BMI), and aetiology of CKD. Serum CRP levels, albumin, creatinine and lipid profile were determined. Cases and controls were compared. P values <0.05 were taken as significantResults: The mean age of the CKD subjects was 49.09±16.85 years. The median CRP value was significantly higher in the CKD group compared to controls (p=<0.001). Low, average and high cardiovascular event risk according to CRP values were present in 51(63.8%), 13(16.2%) and 16(20%) of the CKD patients respectively. Cardiovascular event risk was significantly higher in CKD subjects (p <0.001). Serum creatinine, BMI, triglyceride and atherogenic index of plasma correlated positively with CRP. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and albumin correlated negatively with CRP. Elevated serum CRP was significantly predicted by low eGFR and high BMI on multivariate analysis.Conclusion: Chronic kidney disease patients have increased cardiovascular event risk. Interventions aimed at reducing weight and treating dyslipidaemia should be instituted early in order to reduce this risk.Keywords: C-reactive protein, chronic kidney disease, Nigeri


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    Lagos state Nigeria is one of the metropolitan and educationally advanced cities in Nigeria. Over the years the number of children with disabilities has been on the increase. Many of these challenged children are either denied the benefit of education or are constrained to attend schools which have not been designed to take care of their disabilities. Often times, such children are frustrated and their educational abilities are also negatively impacted. This has given use to schools which are now dedicated to challenged children. The aim of this study is to evaluate the design of these educational facilities in order to determine their application of universal design principles. The study is based on case study of schools for the challenged in Lagos state. Results indicate that many of the facilities did not conform to the universal design principles and consequently have affected learning of the children. The recommendation are made to enhance learning of challenged children through proper adoption of universal principals in planning of educational facilities. This is a novel study in Nigeria and its outcome will influence policy direction in the planning of educational facilities for challenged children in Nigeria and other developing countrie

    Vaginal Candida infection in pregnancy and its implications for fetal well-being

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    Vaginal Candida infection is one of the most common genital tract infections reported in pregnant women. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of vaginal Candida infection and pattern of Candida species isolates in the genital tract of pregnant women during antenatal period and in early labour; and the associated fetal outcome. The study was conducted at the antenatal clinic and labor ward of Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria. High vaginal swabs were collected from 408 pregnant women at the antenatal clinic and repeated in early labour. The samples were processed to isolate Candida species. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) windows version 21.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Prevalence of Candida infection was significantly higher in early labour (46%) than during antenatal period (38%) (P=0.02). Candida albicans was the predominant isolate, followed by Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis. Candida infection was associated with increased likelihood of low birth weight babies (AOR 2.8, CI: 1.1-6.8; P= 0.03). However there was no statistically significant effect of Candida infection on the likelihood of preterm delivery (AOR 1.4, CI: 0.7-2.6; P= 0.35). Routine screening and prompt treatment of women at risk of delivering low birth weight babies is advocated. Keywords: Candida; Pregnancy; Preterm birth; Prevalence   L'infection vaginale Ă  Candida est l'une des infections des voies gĂ©nitales les plus courantes signalĂ©es chez les femmes enceintes. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conçue pour dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence de l'infection vaginale Ă  Candida et le profil des isolats d'espèces de Candida dans le tractus gĂ©nital des femmes enceintes pendant la pĂ©riode prĂ©natale et au dĂ©but du travail; et l'issue foetale associĂ©e. L'Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e Ă  la clinique prĂ©natale et au service d'accouchement de l'hĂ´pital universitaire Olabisi Onabanjo de Sagamu, dans l'État d'Ogun, au NigĂ©ria. Des Ă©couvillons vaginaux Ă©levĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s sur 408 femmes enceintes Ă  la clinique prĂ©natale et rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s au dĂ©but du travail. Les Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s pour isoler les espèces de Candida. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide de la version 21.0 de Windows Package for Social Science (SPSS) (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). La prĂ©valence de l'infection Ă  Candida Ă©tait significativement plus Ă©levĂ©e au dĂ©but du travail (46%) qu'au cours de la pĂ©riode prĂ©natale (38%) (P = 0,02). Candida albicans Ă©tait l'isolat prĂ©dominant, suivi de Candida glabrata et Candida tropicalis. L'infection Ă  Candida Ă©tait associĂ©e Ă  une probabilitĂ© accrue de bĂ©bĂ©s de faible poids Ă  la naissance (AOR 2,8, IC: 1,1-6,8; P = 0,03). Cependant, il n'y avait aucun effet statistiquement significatif de l'infection Ă  Candida sur la probabilitĂ© d'accouchement prĂ©maturĂ© (AOR 1,4, IC: 0,7-2,6; P = 0,35). Le dĂ©pistage systĂ©matique et le traitement rapide des femmes Ă  risque d'accoucher de bĂ©bĂ©s de faible poids Ă  la naissance sont recommandĂ©s. Mots-clĂ©s: Candidose; Grossesse; Naissance prĂ©maturĂ©e; PrĂ©valenc

    Sero-prevalence and risk factors for cytomegalovirus infection among pregnant women in a teaching hospital in Ogun state, Nigeria

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    Background: Infection with cytomegalo virus is usually asymptomatic however in pregnant women the risk of congenital infection and foetal  abnormalities makes antenatal screening for CMV infection necessary. The aim of this study was to determine the sero-prevalence and risk factors for  CMV infection among pregnant women in Babcock University Teaching Hospital (BUTH), Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.Methods: The study was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted between January and May, 2017 on patients attending the antenatal clinic of  Babcock University Teaching Hospital. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Kits were used to determine IgM and IgG anti CMV antibody titresinvenous blood samples obtained from study participants.Results: A total of 80 patients were recruited into the study. The mean age was 30 years.All (100%) respondents were sero-positive for anti CMV IgG  antibodies while 28.75% of respondents were seropositive for anti CMV IgM antibodies.Conclusion: There was a highsero-prevalence rate of CMV infection in the study. Screening of pregnant women for CMV infection is necessary due to the  risk of congenital infection and fetal defects
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