8 research outputs found
Abdominoplasty Combined with Liposuction and Abdominal Herniorraphy as a Single Procedure for Ventral Hernia Repair- A Review of 6 Patients
Abdominoplasty is a commonly performed aesthetic procedure. Indications for this procedure include: fascial laxity or diastasis of the abdominal wall, abdominal wall hernias and aesthetic concerns of patient. Ventral hernias may be diagnosed clinically or intraoperatively during abdominoplasty. Hence, the objective of this paper is to review six (6) patients who had abdomiinoplasty combined with liposuction and abdominal herniorraphy as a single procedure for ventral hernia repair. Indication for surgery was purely cosmetic in 33.3% (n=2) while the other patients had co-existing hernia. One patient had umbilical hernia, 2 patients had epigastric hernia and one of the patients had combined paraumblical and epigastric hernia. All the patients had diastasis of the rectus. The abdominal hernias were diagnosed pre- operatively. All patients had liposuction from the trunk and the upper abdomen prior to abdominoplasty on same sitting. The procedures were done under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation .The liposuction was done using the tumescence technique after which the traditional abdominoplasty was done. Herniorrhaphy was done along with rectal plication. Wound was closed in two layers.One patient had peri- umbilical abscess which resolved with drainage. All the patients had good outcome and expressed satisfaction with the procedure. Abdomiinoplasty combined with liposuction and abdominal herniorraphy as a single procedure is safe
Modifications hémorheologiques chez les cancéreuses
Several Studies have indicated the existence of thrombo-embolic
complications in cancer patients and that this could be associated with
changes in heamorheological parameters. Packed cell volume (PCV),
heamoglobin (Hb), relative plasma viscosity (RPV) and plasma Fibrinogen
concentration (PFC) were measured in 50 healthy control women, 50
age-matched women with breast cancer, and 10 women with
histophathologically proven benign breast tumour. There were
significant differences between the controls and breast cancer patients
in all the parameters measured (p<0.05). However, patients with
cancer have significantly higher RPV and PFC (p<0.001) respectively
than controls. There was significant mean difference between pre and
post mastectomy in fibrinogen concentration (p<0.05) and this was
observed over the 5-week study period. Since increased fibrinogen may
give rise to increase fibrin formation which has been asserted as an
independent cardiovascular risk factor for thromb-oembolic
complications, African patients with breast cancer may well be
predisposed to thrombotic complications during illness. The rheological
assessment may offer valuable benefit for the management and early
diagnosis of breast cancer in African women.Beaucoup d'études ont montré l'existence des complications
thrombe-embolique chez les cancéreuses et qu'on peut lier ceci aux
modifications dans les paramètres hémorheologiques. Le volume
globulaire concentré (VGC), l'hémoglobine (Hb), la
viscosité du plasma relatif (VPR) et la concentration du
fribinogène du plasma (CFP) ont été mesurés chez 50
femmes en bonne santé comme femmes témoin, 50 femmes
cancéreuses qui ont été appariées selon l'âge
et 10 femmes qui souffraient de la tumeur du sein bénigne qui a
été prouvée histopathologiquement. Il y avait des
différences importantes entre les témoins et les patientes
cancéreuses dans tous les paramètres mesurés (p <
0,05). Toutefois, les patientes cancéreuses ont une VPR
considérablement plus élevé et la CFP (p < 0,001)
respectivement que les témoins. Il y a une différence moyenne
importante entre la pré et la post mastéctomie dans la
concentration du fribinogène (p < 0,05) et ceci a été
observé au cours des cinq semaines que l'étude a duré.
Puisque l'augmentation du fibrinogène peut aboutir a
l'augmentation de la formation de la fibrine qui a été
acceptée comme un facteur indépendant de risque
cardiovasculaire pour des complications thrombe-emboliques. Les
patientes cancéreuses africaines pourraient bien être
prédisposées à des complications thrombotiques pendant
la maladie. L'évaluation rhéologique peut donner des
avantages valables pour le traitement et le diagnostique anticipé
du cancer du sein chez les femmes africaines
Haemorheological Changes in African Breast Cancer Patients
Several Studies have indicated the existence of thrombo-embolic complications in cancer patients and that this could be associated with changes in heamorheological parameters. Packed cell volume (PCV), heamoglobin (Hb), relative plasma viscosity (RPV) and plasma Fibrinogen concentration (PFC) were measured in 50 healthy control women, 50 age-matched women with breast cancer, and 10 women with histophathologically proven benign breast tumour. There were significant differences between the controls and breast cancer patients in all the parameters measured (
Uterine perforation as a complication of surgical abortion causing small bowel obstruction: a review
Small bowel obstruction after unrecognized or conservatively treated uterine perforation is extremely rare. It is a surgical emergency and the delay in diagnosis and treatment has deleterious consequences for the mother. The purpose of this study is to critically review the available literature and ascertain the level of evidence for the mechanisms, diagnosis and management of small bowel obstruction after uterine perforation due to surgical abortion. ----- METHODS:
Systematic literature search was conducted in Pubmed (1946 to 2012) and Pubmedcentral (1900 to 2012) including all available English and French language fulltext articles. Three evaluators reviewed and selected all available case reports and case series. Search terms included small bowel obstruction, bowel obstruction,
bowel incarceration, bowel entrapment, vaginal evisceration, uterine perforation, uterine rupture, and abortion. The exclusion criteria were (1) complex injuries where small bowel incarceration was present but with bleeding and/or bowel perforation as the leading symptomatology; (2) articles only numbering the patients without details on the topic. Analyses of incidence, risk factors, mechanisms of the disease, time of clinical presentation, diagnostic modalities, treatment, and maternal outcome were included. ----- RESULTS:
Of the 73 articles screened 30 cases of small bowel obstruction were included in the review forming incidence, risk factors, and mechanisms of the disease, diagnosis, therapy, and maternal outcome. ----- CONCLUSIONS:
A systematic review defined four mechanisms of small bowel obstruction after transvaginal instrumental uterine perforation with significant variations in clinical presentation and time of presentation. Duration of symptoms depend on the mechanism of small bowel obstruction. Vaginal evisceration is surgical emergency and treatment is mandatory without diagnostic workup. Survival rate during last century is 93 %. Multicentric trials and publication of all such cases are needed to determine algorithms for diagnosis and management of small bowel obstruction caused by instrumental uterine perforation
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Crops and their derived foodstuffs: Safety, security and nutritional value
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and yam (Dioscorea spp.) are tropical crops consumed by ca. 2 billion people and represent the main source of carbohydrate and energy for the approximately 700 million people living in the tropical and sub-tropical areas. They are a guarantee of food security for developing countries. The production of these crops and the transformation into food-derived commodities is increasing, it represents a profitable business and farmers generate substantial income from their market. However, there are some important concerns related to the food safety and food security. The high post-harvest losses, mainly for yam, the contamination by endogenous toxic compounds, mainly for cassava, and the contamination by external agents (such as micotoxins, pesticides, and heavy metal) represent a depletion of economic value and income. The loss in the raw crops or the impossibility to market the derived foodstuffs, due to incompliance with food regulations, can seriously limit all yam tubers and the cassava roots processors, from farmers to household, from small-medium to large enterprises. One of the greatest challenges to overcome those concerns is the transformation of traditional or indigenous processing methods into modern industrial operations, from the crop storage to the adequate package of each derived foodstuff