699 research outputs found

    Clinical Trial Evaluating Quality of Life in Patients with Intra-Oral Halitosis

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    Halitosis is considered to be extremely unattractive in the context of social interactions. The main research objective of this study was to evaluate whether intra-oral halitosis may impact patients’ quality of life (QOL). One hundred generally healthy adult participants complaining about oral malodor and diagnosed with intra-oral halitosis were enrolled in this study. For halitosis diagnosis, a gas chromatography (GC) analysis by the Oral Chroma portable device was used. QOL assessment was based on the Short Form 36-item Health Survey (SF-36). The respondents had the highest scores in the physical functioning (PF), activity limitations caused by emotional problems (RE) and activity limitations caused by physical problems (RP) domains, and the weakest in the general health perception (GH), vitality (VT) and emotional wellbeing (MH) ones. The total volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) level was negatively correlated with SF-36 domains. The SF-36 domains’ scores decreased the higher the level of VSC was. The respondents assessed their QOL to be at its best in physical functioning and activity limitations caused by emotional and physical problems and the worst in general health perception, vitality and emotional wellbeing. The strongest correlation between halitosis and decreased QOL was found in the social functioning (SF), vitality, emotional wellbeing and general health perception domains. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Efficacy of a zinc lactate mouthwash and tongue scraping in the reduction of oral halitosis: A single-blind, controlled, crossover clinical trial—a pilot study

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    Halitosis is defined as an unpleasant odor that comes out of the mouth. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of zinc lactate mouthwash and tongue scraping on oral halitosis. The study was conducted on 60 volunteers that were divided into two groups and followed two types of 14-day oral hygiene protocols on a cross-over basis after a 7-day wash-out period. One protocol was based on tooth brushing only, while the other was based on additional mouth rinsing with a zinc lactate product and tongue scraping. Morning mouth breath was assessed organoleptic and by volatile sulfur compound concentrations. The highest mean organoleptic and volatile sulfur compound measurement values were found in the tooth brushing without mouth washing and tongue scraping oral hygiene protocol (p < 0.05). The zinc lactate mouthwash combined with tongue scraping appears to be an important hygienic procedure to reduce breath odor. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Profiling of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Dry Extracts from the Selected Sorbus Species

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    The antioxidant efficiency of dry extracts from inflorescences and/or leaves of seven Sorbus species was studied using four in vitro tests of SET (single electron transfer) and HAT-type (hydrogen atom transfer) mechanisms. The 70% methanol extracts and its diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water fractions were tested in parallel with the phenolic standards, e.g., caffeic acid, quercetin, BHA, BHT, and TroloxÒ. The SET-type activity of the extracts depended primarily on the extraction solvent. The most valuable extracts were n-butanol and ethyl acetate ones, which activity was high in the DPPH (EC50 = 3.2–5.2 μg/mL), TEAC (2.8–4.0 mmol Trolox®/g), and FRAP (9.8–13.7 mmol Fe2+/g) tests, and strongly correlated with the total phenolic levels (39.6–58.2% of gallic acid equivalents). The HPLC-PDA analysis of the extracts led to the identification of chlorogenic acid, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, rutin, quercetin 3-O-sophoroside, and sexangularetin 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside as the main components. Apart from flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids, proanthocyanidins have also a significant impact on the SET-type activity. The HAT-reactivity of the extracts in the linoleic acid peroxidation test (IC50 = 36.9–228.3 μg/mL) depended more strongly on the plant tissue than on the extraction solvent, and its correlation with the phenolic content was weak. Both SET and HAT-type activity of the most potent Sorbus extracts was comparable with the activity of the standards, indicating their great potential as effective sources for health products

    16 Brachyterapia śródoperacyjna mięsaków przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej – ocena wczesnej tolerancji

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    Cel pracyCelem pracy jest ocena wczesnej tolerancji i skuteczności śródoperacyjnej brachyterapii HDR w leczeniu mięsaków tkanek miękkich.MetodaW 1992 r.w Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center w NY opracowano metodę napromieniania śródoperacyjnego HDR z użyciem aplikatora typu HAM. Metodę tę w 1999r. zaczęto stosować w Zakładzie Brachyterapii CO w Warszawie. Do leczenia kwalifikowani Są chorzy z histopatologicznie potwierdzonym mięsakiem zlokalizowanym w przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej (jako leczenie pierwotne lub leczenie wznowy miejscowej). Po wykonaniu badań obrazowych i wstępnym określeniu zakresu zabiegu przeprowadzana jest operacja usunięcia guza oraz oklipsowania loży. Aplikator typu HAM umieszczany jest w loży po usuniętym guzie, a zakres objętości do napromieniania określany jest w zależności od sytuacji klinicznej i radykalizmu operacyjnego. Po weryfikacji radiologicznej położenia aplikatora i przygotowaniu indywidualnego planu leczenia z użyciem SPL Abacus 1.6 przeprowadzane jest napromienianie w warunkach znieczulenia ogó1nego pod kontrolą podstawowych funkcji życiowych i na oddechu wspomaganym. Usunięcie aplikatora oraz opracowanie rany operacyjnej przeprowadzane jest w warunkach bloku operacyjnego. W dotychczas leczonej grupie chorych obserwowano dobrą tolerancję przedstawianej metody. Nie stwierdzono powikłań wynikających z jednoczasowego zastosowania leczenia operacyjnego oraz śródoperacyjnej brachyterapii HDR

    34 Optymalizacja w śródoperacyjnej brachyterapii

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    Cel pracyCelem pracy było porównanie przydatności różnych metod brachyterapii śródoperacyjnej.Materiał. i metodyŚródoperacyjna radioterapia pozwala na precyzyjne napromienienie loży po radykalnym usunięciu zmiany nowotworowej lub po częściowej resekcji. Można to robić za pomocą radioterapii wiązkami zewnętrznymi najczęściej wiązką elektronów lub przy użyciu śródoperacyjnie umieszczanych prowadnic, które następnie są wykorzystywane do jednofrakcyjnej brachyterapii lub wielofrakcyjnej pooperacyjnej brachyterapii metodą HDR. Praca zawiera omówienie różnych metod stosowanych w Zakładzie Brachyterapii Centrum Onkologii w zależnie od rodzaju zastosowanych aplikatorów.WnioskiKażda z omówionych metod posiada pewne plusy i minusy, predystynujące ją do zastosowania w różnych sytuacjach klinicznych. Optymalizacja polega na minimalizacji ryzyka powikłan wynikających z metody

    Optimization of dose distributions in intraoperative HDR brachytherapy

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    The authors present their initial experience in physical aspects of treatment planning in HDR intraoperative brachytherapy. The examples are given of implantations in various tumour localizations: head and neck, pancreas, soft tissue sarcomas in the abdomen. The technical and dosimetric problems which may occur in such situations are discussed. The capabilities of dose distribution optimization by the Abacus HDR treatment planning system are presented

    Molecular Mechanisms Leading from Periodontal Disease to Cancer

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    Periodontitis is prevalent in half of the adult population and raises critical health concerns as it has been recently associated with an increased risk of cancer. While information about the topic remains somewhat scarce, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanistic pathways promoting neoplasia in periodontitis patients is of fundamental importance. This manuscript presents the literature as well as a panel of tables and figures on the molecular mechanisms of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum, two main oral pathogens in periodontitis pathology, involved in instigating tumorigenesis. We also present evidence for potential links between the RANKL–RANK signaling axis as well as circulating cytokines/leukocytes and carcinogenesis. Due to the nonconclusive data associating periodontitis and cancer reported in the case and cohort studies, we examine clinical trials relevant to the topic and summarize their outcome

    Effects of 3D Contemplative Landscape Videos on Brain Activity in a Passive Exposure EEG Experiment

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    Background: Studies on Contemplative Landscapes (CL) show that not only do they have high ecological and visual values and are preferred by a majority of people, but they also can be beneficial to our mental health and well-being. Physical attributes of CL have been studied and operationalized, which has led to the development of the psychometric measurement tool called the Contemplative Landscape Questionnaire (CLQ) (1).Objectives: In the present study, we applied an experimental approach to the analysis of CL. We hypothesized that, when compared to Non-Contemplative Landscapes (NCL), they would induce higher frontal alpha power asymmetry, higher temporal beta power asymmetry and lower bilateral frontal beta power.Methods: Thirty-two healthy individuals (12 female) took part in the study. During the experimental protocol, participants were asked to passively view 12 landscapes, six CL and six NCL, while continuous EEG was recorded in a within-subjects design.Results: We found significantly increased power in the beta frequency band of the right temporal brain regions in the viewings of CL compared to NCLConclusions: The findings suggest that Contemplative Landscapes capture more visual, stimuli-driven attention from the viewers and can be linked with switching attention systems (described in Attention Restoration Theory), which is compatible with a stress reduction mechanism