132 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a manualised speech and language therapy programme for children with social communication disorder: the SCIP feasibility study

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    Background: Children with Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder (SPCD) have long-3 term needs in using and processing social language and have a high risk of later mental health difficulties. A manualised speech and language therapy programme, the Social Communication Intervention Programme (SCIP) provides therapy content for SPCD. A feasibility study is required to derive more precise estimates of key parameters for a future trial of SCIP. Aims: To assess the feasibility of conducting a substantive randomized controlled trial of SCIP for children with SPCD. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to paediatric speech and language therapists in England. Survey questions addressed number of eligible children, routine intervention provision and trial recruitment factors. In the second phase, a single-arm intervention feasibility study was completed. 15 speech and language practitioners identified 24 children aged 5-11 years with SPCD. Practitioners received training/supervision to deliver 20 SCIP therapy sessions to each child. At Time 1 parents of participating children provided three communication goals; expected steps in each goal were defined. After intervention, parents and practitioners independently rated each goal compared to baseline ability. Two research practitioners compared parent post-intervention commentaries with outcome scores to derive guidance about clinical significance. All practitioners recorded audio commentaries on therapy experiences. Post-intervention interviews were conducted with 6 practitioners and 6 parents. An expert panel completed a Delphi consultation on trial design. Results: Routine practice for SPCD varies widely. Children tend to be embedded in autism provision. Participation in a future trial was well-supported, provided resources are available to services. Outcomes analysis indicated all children except one made some progress on parent ratings; all children made progress on practitioner ratings. A power analysis for a future trial was carried out using current outcome measure as putative primary endpoint. Practitioners’ audio-diaries provided suggestions for training and adaption in a future trial. Outcomes and therapy methods were acceptable to practitioners and parents. Conclusions: The feasibility study evaluated a novel outcome measure of social communication skills in SPCD. A power calculation indicated a feasible framework for a trial within a realistic period of time. Recommendations for recruitment methods, adaptation of manual and training were 6 supported by practitioners and an expert panel

    Qualitative Approaches to the Study of the Sense of Coherence

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    In recent years, there has been rapid growth in qualitative studies of the sense of coherence (SOC). This chapter aims to address the following questions: how is the SOC measured qualitatively, when is such measurement relevant or preferable, and what should we strive to achieve as we continue developing qualitative approaches?Based on our search of the literature, we report on four types of research: studies that intentionally and directly measured the SOC using qualitative methodologies, studies designed within the salutogenic framework that were open to analyzing people’s life stories or artwork and which looked for expressions which reflect the SOC, studies interpreting their findings in hindsight in terms of the SOC, and studies that did not originate with salutogenesis in mind and came to appreciate that something akin to the SOC had been measured.Qualitative salutogenic research is expanding. Its theoretical and empirical contributions include demonstrating the utility in SOC research of thick descriptions of microanalytic behaviors and methods to document SOC development. An important step for the future is to develop quality criteria for qualitative salutogenic studies

    The Ontogenesis of Agent

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    The Ontogenesis of Agent

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