7,816 research outputs found

    In Search of the Vortex Loop Blowout Transition for a type-II Superconductor in a Finite Magnetic Field

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    The 3D uniformly frustrated XY model is simulated to search for a predicted "vortex loop blowout" transition within the vortex line liquid phase of a strongly type-II superconductor in an applied magnetic field. Results are shown to strongly depend on the precise scheme used to trace out vortex line paths. While we find evidence for a transverse vortex path percolation transition, no signal of this transition is found in the specific heat.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Two phase transitions in the fully frustrated XYXY model

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    The fully frustrated XYXY model on a square lattice is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. A Kosterlitz-Thouless transition is found at TKT≈0.446T_{\rm KT} \approx 0.446, followed by an ordinary Ising transition at a slightly higher temperature, Tc≈0.452T_c \approx 0.452. The non-Ising exponents reported by others, are explained as a failure of finite size scaling due to the screening length associated with the nearby Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.Comment: REVTEX file, 8 pages, 5 figures in uuencoded postscrip

    Current-voltage characteristics of the two-dimensional XY model with Monte Carlo dynamics

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    Current-voltage characteristics and the linear resistance of the two-dimensional XY model with and without external uniform current driving are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We apply the standard finite-size scaling analysis to get the dynamic critical exponent zz at various temperatures. From the comparison with the resistively-shunted junction dynamics, it is concluded that zz is universal in the sense that it does not depend on details of dynamics. This comparison also leads to the quantification of the time in the Monte Carlo dynamic simulation.Comment: 5 pages in two columns including 5 figures, to appear in PR

    Sustainability of multi-field inflation and bound on string scale

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    We study the effects of the interaction terms between the inflaton fields on the inflationary dynamics in multi-field models. With power law type potential and interactions, the total number of e-folds may get considerably reduced and can lead to unacceptably short period of inflation. Also we point out that this can place a bound on the characteristic scale of the underlying theory such as string theory. Using a simple multi-field chaotic inflation model from string theory, the string scale is constrained to be larger than the scale of grand unified theory.Comment: (v1) 9 pages, 1 figure;(v2) 10 pages, references added; (v3) 15 pages, 4 figures, more discussions about parameters and observable quantities, references added, to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    The fully frustrated XY model with next nearest neighbor interaction

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    We introduce a fully frustrated XY model with nearest neighbor (nn) and next nearest neighbor (nnn) couplings which can be realized in Josephson junction arrays. We study the phase diagram for 0≤x≤10\leq x \leq 1 (xx is the ratio between nnn and nn couplings). When x<1/2x < 1/\sqrt{2} an Ising and a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions are present. Both critical temperatures decrease with increasing xx. For x>1/2x > 1/\sqrt{2} the array undergoes a sequence of two transitions. On raising the temperature first the two sublattices decouple from each other and then, at higher temperatures, each sublattice becomes disorderd.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Liquid-to-liquid phase transition in pancake vortex systems

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    We study the thermodynamics of a model of pancake vortices in layered superconductors. The model is based on the effective pair potential for the pancake vortices derived from the London approximation of a version of the Lawrence-Doniach model which is valid for extreme type-II superconductors. Using the hypernetted-chain (HNC) approximation, we find that there is a temperature below which multiple solutions to the HNC equations exist. By explicitly evaluating the free energy for each solution we find that the system undergoes a first-order transition between two vortex liquid phases. The low-temperature phase has larger correlations along the field direction than the high-temperature phase. We discuss the possible relation of this phase transition to the liquid-to-liquid phase transition recently observed in Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors in high magnetic fields in the presence of disorder.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Positional Disorder (Random Gaussian Phase Shifts) in the Fully Frustrated Josephson Junction Array (2D XY Model)

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    We consider the effect of positional disorder on a Josephson junction array with an applied magnetic field of f=1/2 flux quantum per unit cell. This is equivalent to the problem of random Gaussian phase shifts in the fully frustrated 2D XY model. Using simple analytical arguments and numerical simulations, we present evidence that the ground state vortex lattice of the pure model becomes disordered, in the thermodynamic limit, by any amount of positional disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures embedde

    Critical Behavior of Frustrated Josephson Junction Arrays with Bond Disorder

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    The scaling behavior of the current-voltage (IVIV) characteristics of a two-dimensional proximity-coupled Josephson junction array (JJA) with quenched bond disorder was investigated for frustrations f=1/5f=1/5, 1/3, 2/5, and 1/2. For all these frustrations including 1/5 and 2/5 where a strongly first-order phase transition is expected in the absence of disorder, the IVIV characteristics exhibited a good scaling behavior. The critical exponent ν\nu indicates that bond disorder may drive the phase transitions of frustrated JJA's to be continuous but not into the Ising universality class, contrary to what was observed in Monte Carlo simulations. The dynamic critical exponent zz for JJA's was found to be only 0.60 - 0.77.Comment: RevTeX4, 4 pages, 4 figures, the manuscript is replaced with the published versio

    Finite-temperature resistive transition in the two-dimensional XY gauge glass model

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    We investigate numerically the resistive transition in the two-dimensional XY gauge glass model. The resistively-shunted junction dynamics subject to the fluctuating twist boundary condition is used and the linear resistances in the absence of an external current at various system sizes are computed. Through the use of the standard finite-size scaling method, the finite temperature resistive transition is found at kBTc=0.22(2)k_BT_c = 0.22(2) (in units of the Josephson coupling strength) with dynamic critical exponent z=2.0(1)z = 2.0(1) and the static exponent ν=1.2(2)\nu = 1.2(2), in contrast to widely believed expectation of the zero-temperature transition. Comparisons with existing experiments and simulations are also made.Comment: 5 pages in two columns, 4 eps figures included, to appear in PR

    Low Energy Pion-Hyperon Interaction

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    We study the low energy pion-hyperon interaction considering effective non-linear chiral invariant Lagrangians including pions, rho mesons, hyperons and corresponding resonances. Then we calculate the S- and P-wave phase-shifts, total cross sections, angular distributions and polarizations for the momentum in the center-of-mass frame up to k=400 MeV. With these results we discuss the CP violation in the csi-> pi-lambda and omega-> pi-csi weak decays.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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