9,518 research outputs found

    Two phase transitions in the fully frustrated XYXY model

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    The fully frustrated XYXY model on a square lattice is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. A Kosterlitz-Thouless transition is found at TKT0.446T_{\rm KT} \approx 0.446, followed by an ordinary Ising transition at a slightly higher temperature, Tc0.452T_c \approx 0.452. The non-Ising exponents reported by others, are explained as a failure of finite size scaling due to the screening length associated with the nearby Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.Comment: REVTEX file, 8 pages, 5 figures in uuencoded postscrip

    Bethe--Salpeter equation in QCD

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    We extend to regular QCD the derivation of a confining qqˉ q \bar{q} Bethe--Salpeter equation previously given for the simplest model of scalar QCD in which quarks are treated as spinless particles. We start from the same assumptions on the Wilson loop integral already adopted in the derivation of a semirelativistic heavy quark potential. We show that, by standard approximations, an effective meson squared mass operator can be obtained from our BS kernel and that, from this, by 1m2{1\over m^2} expansion the corresponding Wilson loop potential can be reobtained, spin--dependent and velocity--dependent terms included. We also show that, on the contrary, neglecting spin--dependent terms, relativistic flux tube model is reproduced.Comment: 23 pages, revte

    In Search of the Vortex Loop Blowout Transition for a type-II Superconductor in a Finite Magnetic Field

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    The 3D uniformly frustrated XY model is simulated to search for a predicted "vortex loop blowout" transition within the vortex line liquid phase of a strongly type-II superconductor in an applied magnetic field. Results are shown to strongly depend on the precise scheme used to trace out vortex line paths. While we find evidence for a transverse vortex path percolation transition, no signal of this transition is found in the specific heat.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Boundary Effects on Dynamic Behavior of Josephson-Junction Arrays

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    The boundary effects on the current-voltage characteristics in two-dimensional arrays of resistively shunted Josephson junctions are examined. In particular, we consider both the conventional boundary conditions (CBC) and the fluctuating twist boundary conditions (FTBC), and make comparison of the obtained results. It is observed that the CBC, which have been widely adopted in existing simulations, may give a problem in scaling, arising from rather large boundary effects; the FTBC in general turn out to be effective in reducing the finite-size effects, yielding results with good scaling behavior. To resolve the discrepancy between the two boundary conditions, we propose that the proper scaling in the CBC should be performed with the boundary data discarded: This is shown to give results which indeed scale well and are the same as those from the FTBC.Comment: RevTex, Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Current-voltage characteristics of the two-dimensional XY model with Monte Carlo dynamics

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    Current-voltage characteristics and the linear resistance of the two-dimensional XY model with and without external uniform current driving are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We apply the standard finite-size scaling analysis to get the dynamic critical exponent zz at various temperatures. From the comparison with the resistively-shunted junction dynamics, it is concluded that zz is universal in the sense that it does not depend on details of dynamics. This comparison also leads to the quantification of the time in the Monte Carlo dynamic simulation.Comment: 5 pages in two columns including 5 figures, to appear in PR

    Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4-Sr3Ru2O7 eutectic crystals

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    Superconducting behavior has been observed in the Sr2RuO4-Sr3Ru2O7 eutectic system as grown by the flux-feeding floating zone technique. A supercurrent flows across a single interface between Sr2RuO4 and Sr3Ru2O7 areas at distances that are far beyond those expected in a conventional proximity scenario. The current-voltage characteristics within the Sr3Ru2O7 macrodomain, as extracted from the eutectic, exhibit signatures of superconductivity in the bilayered ruthenate. Detailed microstructural, morphological and compositional analyses address issues on the concentration and the size of Sr2RuO4 inclusions within the Sr3Ru2O7 matrix. We speculate on the possibility of inhomogeneous superconductivity in the eutectic Sr3Ru2O7 and exotic pairing induced by the Sr2RuO4 inclusions.Comment: Pages 4, figures 3, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    On the S-wave piD-scattering length in the relativistic field theory model of the deuteron

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    The S-wave scattering length of the strong pion-deuteron (pi D) scattering is calculated in the relativistic field theory model of the deuteron suggested in [1,2].The theoretical result agrees well with the experimental data. The important role of the Delta-resonance contribution to the elastic pi D-scattering is confirmed.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Z. Phys.

    Evolution of phytosterols in Chardonnay grape berry skins during last stages of ripening

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    This study presents the results of rapid phytosterols analysis in grape skins during last stages of ripening. The analysis is related to the evolution of sterol content by comparison with ripening degree on two vineyards of Chardonnay grape variety in Burgundy: Meursault ler Cru and Hautes Cotes de Beaune. The characterization of sterols is realized by using combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry from trimethylsilyl ethers of sterols. After optimization of extraction by azeotropic mixture (chloroform/methanol 2:1 v/v), the analysis allows to identify four sterols in grape skins: beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol and lanosterol. In all the samples, beta-sitosterol is the major phytosterol (86 to 89 % of the total detected phytosterols). The evolution of phytosterols content during last stages of ripening shows a similar comportment of β-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol in grape skins: the maturation induces a loss of phytosterols in grape skins. An increase of phytosterol contents occurs at peak maturity and can be related with over-maturation phenomenon. The relationship between phytosterol content in grape skins and S/A ratio indicates a markedly negative correlation

    Flux quantization and superfluid weight in doped antiferromagnets

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    Doped antiferromagnets, described by a t-t'-J model and a suitable 1/N expansion, exhibit a metallic phase-modulated antiferromagnetic ground state close to half-filling. Here we demonstrate that the energy of latter state is an even periodic function of the external magnetic flux threading the square lattice in an Aharonov-Bohm geometry. The period is equal to the flux quantum Φ0=2πc/q\Phi_{0}=2\pi\hbar c/q entering the Peierls phase factor of the hopping matrix elements. Thus flux quantization and a concomitant finite value of superfluid weight D_s occur along with metallic antiferromagnetism. We argue that in the context of the present effective model, whereby carriers are treated as hard-core bosons, the charge q in the associated flux quantum might be set equal to 2e. Finally, the superconducting transition temperature T_c is related to D_s linearly, in accordance to the generic Kosterlitz-Thouless type of transition in a two-dimensional system, signaling the coherence of the phase fluctuations of the condensate. The calculated dependence of T_c on hole concentration is qualitatively similar to that observed in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Condens. Matte