585 research outputs found

    Pollinator communities on a landscape complexity gradient in southern Sweden

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    Investigating how pollinator populations are affected by land use changes is crucial for predicting their persistence in the landscape and thereby the persistence of the significant service they provide to crop production. Pollinator populations are subjected to multiple threats, particularly overall intensification of cropping systems and landscape simplification. I investigated how landscape complexity affects pollinator and plant communities, and how pollinators interact with plant species across time. Rough pastures on a gradient of landscape complexity were assessed for ground cover of flowers and of vegetative ground cover of flowering plants, by estimation in 20 squares of one m2 along two flower-rich transects of ten meters in each pasture. They were also sampled for pollinating insects by walking along the same transects and collecting them from flowers. The sites were spread out across SkÄne in southern Sweden and sampled in early July, late July and early August of 2017. Significant plant and floral shifts along the sampling period were observed. Floral resources decreased in late summer, potentially triggering population collapse of bumblebees. However, no effects of landscape complexity on plant and pollinator richness were observed. Similarly, I did not find relationships between landscape complexity and the percentage of bumblebees with long tongues (specialist bumblebees). However, there was a trend in higher proportion of female bumblebees, and a higher abundance of a red listed species (Bombus muscorum) in more complex landscapes. My results show no clear relationships between landscape complexity and plant or pollinator richness. However, the positive trend between female bumblebees and landscape complexity suggest that collapse of bumblebee populations is delayed with more diversified floral resources. My results also show the importance of complex landscapes to maximize plant-pollinator interactions, while preserving red-listed species.Pollinatörer i jordbrukslandskapet Àr viktiga för pollinering av somliga grödor, dÄ man vet att pollinering ger ökad fruktsÀttning och dÀrmed en högre skörd. Det gÀller sÀrskilt sÄdana grödor som odlas för en varierad vÀxtföljd samt för att producera proteinrika skördeprodukter. VÄra vilda pollinatörer Àr utsatta för ett flertal hot, sÀrskilt en allt intensivare vÀxtodling samt ett allt mer homogent jordbrukslandskap. Denna utveckling gör att det blir allt mindre föda och fÀrre boplatser, vilket negativt pÄverkar deras möjligheter att upprÀtthÄlla stabila populationer. Jag har tittat pÄ hur landskapskomplexitet, i form av andel markyta i ett landskap som utgörs av annat Àn jordbruksmark, pÄverkar samhÀllen av pollinatörer och blommande vÀxter i naturbetesmarker runtom i SkÄne. Jag har Àven tittat pÄ hur samhÀllen av pollinatörer och blommande vÀxter ser ut över tid. Den övervÀgande delen av pollinatörerna som hittades i naturbetesmarkerna var humlor (80 %), följt av tambin (10 %) och övriga bin (10 %). Vilda pollinatörer utgjorde alltsÄ 90 % av de pollinatörer som pÄtrÀffades i naturbetesmarkerna. Jag kunde konstatera att mÀngden blommor, och dÀrmed tillgÄng av nektar och pollen, i naturbetesmarkerna var hög under hela juli, för att sedan sjunka markant till början av augusti. Jag kunde Àven se att andelen manliga humlor gick upp i början av augusti, och eftersom humlesamhÀllen kollapsar i slutet av varje sommar och endast dÄ producerar manliga humlor, kan det vara ett tecken pÄ samhÀllskollaps. Det skulle kunna vara sÄ att brist pÄ blommor bidrar till att humlesamhÀllen kollapsar redan i början av augusti. Jag sÄg inga samband mellan landskapskomplexitet och antal arter av vare sig pollinatörer eller blommande vÀxter. Inte heller mellan landskapskomplexitet och lÄngtungade pollinatörer (vilka anses mera specialiserade Àn korttungade pollinatörer). DÀremot sÄg jag tecken pÄ fÀrre manliga humlor i komplexa landskap, och det skulle kunna vara sÄ att en jÀmnare tillgÄng pÄ blommor över sÀsongen i komplexa landskap bidrar till att fördröja humlornas Ärliga samhÀllskollaps. Jag hittade Àven en rödlistad humleart i mer komplexa landskap

    Integrated Green Spaces in Urban Areas

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    The review of Integrated green spaces in urban areas – A case study of inner Brisbane highlight the significance of addressing characteristics, qualities and landscape values in our outdoor environment. The importance of green spaces to the wellbeing of people in the city and the ecological, social and cultural values they carry are widely recognised in the field of urban and regional planning. At the same time population growth, climate change and urban development put planners and scientists in a challenging position where new solutions must be put on the agenda in order to accomplish sustainability. Open space strategies, collaboration between stakeholders, public participation, learn from earlier failings and a “value-led” approach facilitate the managing of open space. Brisbane is located in the fastest growing metropolitan region in Australia. The cityÂŽs open space landscapes offer cultural, geographical, recreational, social and scenic amenity assets, which make a major contribution to the regions identity they a wide world known for. Landscape values within open space highly improve liveability and quality of life for all residents. The operated case study of two parks in inner Brisbane, South Bank Parklands and the City Botanic Gardens show the wide range of different characteristics included in the design. The qualities and the characteristics found in landscapes, parks and gardens are essential for the usage and the attractiveness. By addressing perceived dimensions in green spaces, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats can be further evaluated. Only an integrated and well-designed open space system can meet the needs of a growing and changing community.Arbetet “Integrated grönstruktur i urbana omrĂ„den - en fallstudie över centrala Brisbane” betona vikten av att kartlĂ€gga karaktĂ€rer, kvaliteter och landskapvĂ€rden i vĂ„r utemiljö. Fördelarna med att integrera grönstruktur i stadsmiljöer för vĂ„rt vĂ€lbefinnand och de ekologiska, sociala och kulturella vĂ€rderingar de bĂ€r Ă€r allmĂ€nt erkĂ€nda inom urban och regional planering. BefolkningstillvĂ€xt, klimatförĂ€ndringar och urbanisering sĂ€tter planerare och forskare i en utmanande position dĂ€r nya lösningar mĂ„ste sĂ€ttas pĂ„ dagordningen för att Ă„stadkomma hĂ„llbarhet. Tydligt utvecklade strategier, samarbete mellan aktörer, allmĂ€nhetens deltagande och ett “vĂ€rde-baserat” beslutsfattande ger ökade positiva resultat för hantering av grönstrukturplanering. Brisbane tillhör den snabbast vĂ€xande storstadsregion i Australien. Stadens öppna landskap erbjuder kulturella, geografiska, sociala och rekreativa kvaliteter som bidrag till regionens vĂ€lkĂ€nda identitet. Landskapets vĂ€rden inom grönstrukturen förbĂ€ttrar livskvalitet för alla invĂ„nare. Den genomförda fallstudie av tvĂ„ parker i centrala Brisbane, South Bank Parklands och the City Botanic Gardens visar pĂ„ flera olika karaktĂ€rer i sin fysiska utformning. De kvaliteter och egenskaper som finns i landskapet, i vĂ„ra parker och trĂ€dgĂ„rdar Ă€r vĂ€sentliga för anvĂ€ndningen och attraktionskraften. Genom att kartlĂ€gga olika “upplevelsevĂ€rden” i grönstrukturen sĂ„ kan man fĂ„ fram en analysbild av omrĂ„dets styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot. Endast en integrerad och vĂ€l utformad grönstruktur kan möta behoven hos ett vĂ€xande och förĂ€nderligt samhĂ€lle

    Gynna nyttodjur med understödjande grödor?

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    Diversitet i jordbrukslandskap ger goda förutsÀttningar för insekter och andra djur som utför ekosystemtjÀnster som pollinering och skadegörarkontroll. Att införa stödgrödor Àr ett sÀtt att öka diversiteten och bidra med resurser till nyttodjur under tidpunkter pÄ Äret som kan vara kritiska för deras överlevnad. Genom att stötta nyttodjur kan man fortsatt dra nytta av de ekosystemtjÀnster som de skapar. Denna uppsats Àr en litteraturstudie över hur understödjande grödor (stödgrödor) pÄverkar nyttodjur i jordbruket. Vegetation i fÀlt ger skydd mot varierande vÀderförhÄllanden och rovdjur samt bidrar med födoresurser. Stödgrödor kan genom att skapa en bÀttre livsmiljö gynna frÀmst spindlar som Àter skadegörare, eventuellt Àven jordlöpare. Fler studier behövs för att kunna dra slutsatser om vilka stödgrödor som gynnar nyttodjur, under vilka tidpunkter pÄ Äret de bör odlas samt var i vÀxtföljden. Stödgrödor har potential att stötta insekter och spindlar som utför reglerande ekosystemtjÀnster.Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes provides a basis for insects and other animals which provide ecosystem services such as pollination and pest control. Introducing subsidiary crops is a way of increasing biodiversity and contribute resources to such beneficial animals during times of year which can be critical to their survival. Supporting beneficial animals makes it possible to continue to benefit from the ecosystem services that they provide. This paper is a literature study of how subsidiary crops affect beneficial insects and spiders in agriculture. Within field vegetation provides food and shelter against varying weather conditions and predators. Subsidiary crops can by supplying a better habitat benefit mainly spiders that eat pests, possibly carabids as well. More studies are needed to draw conclusions about which subsidiary crops that benefit insects and spiders, during which times of year they should be grown and where in the crop rotation scheme. Subsidiary crops have the potential to support beneficial insects and spiders that provide regulating ecosystem services

    Is it profitable to clean more than once?

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    Röjning, den skötselĂ„tgĂ€rd i trakthyggesbruket som definieras som ”bestĂ„ndsvĂ„rdande utglesning av plant- och ungskog utan att gagnvirket tas till vara” Ă€r en Ă„tgĂ€rd som har mĂ„nga fördelar för enskilda bestĂ„nd, men ocksĂ„ nackdelar. En av nackdelarna med röjning Ă€r att det i nutid enbart Ă€r en kostnad, och att det kan vara svĂ„rt att bevisa lönsamheten i Ă„tgĂ€rden. Syftet med detta arbete var att med hjĂ€lp av Heureka undersöka om det i bestĂ„nd som Ă€r typiska för Norrskogs verksamhetsomrĂ„de (breddgrad 62 – 64) ger bĂ€ttre avkastning under en omloppstid att röja tvĂ„ gĂ„nger istĂ€llet för att röja en gĂ„ng. Studien utfördes med hjĂ€lp av programmet Heureka dĂ€r simuleringar gjordes pĂ„ tvĂ„ olika typbestĂ„nd. I varje bestĂ„nd utfördes tvĂ„ olika röjningsförsök. En simulering i varje bestĂ„nd dĂ€r en röjning skedde under omloppstiden, och ett försök dĂ€r bestĂ„ndet röjdes tvĂ„ gĂ„nger. I övrigt sköttes bestĂ„nden likvĂ€rdigt. Resultatet visade att bestĂ„ndet med tallbonitet (T24) pĂ„verkades mer positivt av tvĂ„ röjningar Ă€n granboniteten (G24). Det ekonomiska nettoutfallet vid sĂ„vĂ€l gallringar som slutavverkningar blev konsekvent högre vid tvĂ„ röjningar istĂ€llet för en. En nuvĂ€rdekalkyl visade dock att inte nĂ„got av bestĂ„nden gav nĂ„gra större ekonomiska fördelar, sett över hela kostnads- och intĂ€ktscykeln, av att röjas tvĂ„ gĂ„nger istĂ€llet för en. Nyckelord: avkastning, fördelar, nackdelarPre commercial thinning, the measurement in today’s forestry were you take care of your forest without directly getting any in exchange. Pre commercial thinning have a lot of benefits, that show of years after the cleaning have been implemented. But the measurement also has some disadvantages that influence forest owners. The cost and the time that requires implementing the cleaning is something that sometimes makes forest owners postpones it. It can sometimes be hard to understand the profitability in the cleaning, when it right now is only a cost. The purpose of this work was, with the help of Heureka, to investigate whether in stands that is typical of Norrskog's business area get better profit during a rotation period to clear twice during the rotation period instead of cleaning once. The study has been performed with the program Heureka were you can simulate different measurement in different stands and then compare them. There have been two different stands that are typical for NorrskogÂŽs business area, and these stands have been simulated with two different scenarios of cleaning. One scenario were the stand have been cleaned one time under the rotation period, and one were the stand has been cleaned twice under the rotation period. Later the stands were having the same treatment under the rotation period. The result showed that two cleanings under the rotation period influenced pine more positive than spruce. But there were small positive effects of two cleanings under the rotation period in both stands, only one scenario showed economic advantages. Keywords: Revenue, profit, disadvantag

    Ethnographic Knowledge in Urban Planning – Bridging the Gap between the Theories of Knowledge-Based and Communicative Planning

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    Knowledge-based' approaches have recently made a breakthrough in urban planning. How to develop balance in knowledge-based planning between abstract and scientific knowledge, on the one hand, and 'local knowledge' on the other hand has been long debated. To this debate, we add a form of knowledge with potential for sustainable urban planning, i.e. ethnographic knowledge that could transmit an understanding of urban dwellers' daily practices and values to planning organisations. Theoretical literature is the foundation of our argument, which we illustrate with a case study involving urban planners and decision-makers in the Helsinki region of Finland.Peer reviewe

    Digital solutions replacing academic travel during the corona pandemic – what can we learn?

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    During the spring of 2020, the corona pandemic created an entirely new context for university employees to work within. In a matter of weeks, it became customary to replace physical meetings with digital alternatives whenever possible. Conferences, seminars, meetings and doctoral thesis defences – among other activities – were moved to digital platforms. Meanwhile, many activities were either postponed or cancelled. The crisis resulted in a vast decrease in air travel and significantly reduced physical mobility. Increased digitalisation and reduced emissions from aviation were central to SLU’s policies and strategies prior to the corona pandemic. A part of SLU's ambition of becoming a climate-neutral university by 2027 is to significantly reduce emissions from business trips and, since 2016, SLU is requested by the Swedish government to increase the share of digital and travel free meetings. SLU is also developing a new strategy for 2021-2025. A better understanding of the implications of increased digitalisation is highly relevant in this work. This study aims to provide a better understanding of how SLU staff members experienced the drastic reduction in travel and the increased use of digital solutions during the spring of 2020. We also want to shed light on what types of activities – that originally were intended to include a business trip – could be replaced by a digital alternative with maintained or improved quality and what activities that on the contrary were difficult or impossible to carry out using a digital alternative. In order to fulfil our aims, we conducted a mixed-methods study based on semistructured interviews and an online survey. The results from the survey indicate that a majority (83%) of the respondents have experienced that their work in general was either mainly positively affected, equal parts negatively and positively affected, or not affected at all by the decrease in business travel and increase in digital meetings. The respondents also painted a picture as to what activities that can work well and what activities that will be difficult to perform digitally after the corona crisis. Fieldwork stood out as the least suitable activity to perform digitally, as 60% of the respondents could imagine replacing 0% or 0-25% of the fieldwork with digital solutions. What stood out on the opposite side was that a vast majority thought that between 50-100% of project meetings, administrative meetings and seminars could be replaced with digital options. As for workshops, conferences, and reviews and presentation of research, the opinions varied much more. These findings also resonate with the experiences that were brought up in the interviews. Summary Some of the main findings in the interviews was that digital meetings were perceived as more efficient, but that they lacked in terms of social and creative aspects. Furthermore, informants largely agreed that brainstorming, spontaneous discussions and forming of new relationships was harder to achieve digitally. On the other hand, well-structured interactions with a clear agenda between people that had previously met in person worked excellent on digital platforms. Many informants expressed that they were surprised regarding how well the digital meetings had worked and pointed to the many benefits of replacing travel with digital solutions in terms of increased equality, accessibility, efficiency, reduced stress and reduced emissions. Looking forward, participants talked about a better mix of digital and physical activities. Many believed that some activities – for example establishing new relationships and performing fieldwork – to a larger extent than other activities require travel for maintained quality. Other types of activities – such as administrative meetings, project meetings, seminars and presentations – were considered possible to replace with digital solutions to a higher degree with maintained, or even enhanced, quality of work and life. The study concludes: * A majority of the SLU employees that participated in our study reported that it in general had worked well to replace longer business trips with digital alternatives during the spring of 2020. * Our quantitative findings illustrate that an overwhelming majority of the respondents thought that their work and research either had been mainly positively affected, equal parts positively and negatively affected, or not affected at all by them not being able to travel. * Certain types of fieldwork and data collection, as well as activities requiring spontaneous discussions and networking were experienced as the most difficult to perform digitally. * Well-structured interactions with a clear agenda and people that had previously met in person, as well as activities such as administrative meetings, project meetings and seminars, were perceived as most suited to perform digitally. * The study recommends a better mix between digital and physical meetings in a post-corona context. SLU should strategically make use of digital solutions and replace longer business trips to improve the work situation of the employees, the quality of their work in addition to reducing GHG emissions

    Drogfrihetens vÀrderingar - konstruktion av identitet hos personer som blivit drogfria

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    It may be considered an existential crisis to stop using narcotics and/or alcohol. How does the person move on in order to solve this crisis in a positive way, so that their lives can be transformed? The aim of the essay was to investigate to what extent people who have stopped abusing narcotics and/or alcohol through 12-step programmes have constructed themselves in relation to “strong evaluations”. The method of research was a qualitative approach, conducting semi-structured interviews with six persons who all have stopped using narcotics and /or alcohol through a 12-step programme, such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous. The result of the study was that evaluations and feelings of right and wrong were active during the period when the person was considering and eventually stopped using narcotics and/or alcohol. The support through the support groups and working in the 12 steps as a spiritual programme has given the interviewees a faith in their own capacity of refraining from using narcotics and/or alcohol. Another important aspect is that their identity was transformed when they stopped using narcotics and/or alcohol, at the present time being a more positive and altruistic person than before. One implication of this essay may be to further explore the importance of existential dilemmas for people who wish to stop abusing narcotics and/or alcohol

    Sjuksköterskans roll i nutritionsarbetet hos Àldre pÄ sjukhus. En litteraturstudie.

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    Bakgrund: UndernÀring Àr ett mycket vanligt problem bland Àldre pÄ sjukhus som ger förlÀngda vÄrdtider, ökade vÄrdkostnader och ökad vÄrdkonsumtion. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor kan motverka undernÀring hos Àldre patienter pÄ sjukhus. Metod: Litteraturstudie av nio vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Sjuksköterskan kan motverka undernÀring hos Àldre patienter pÄ sjukhus genom att öka deras matintag med hjÀlp av assistering och estetik kring mÄltiden, individualisera nutritionsbedömningen med hjÀlp av samarbete med patienter och andra professioner, utbilda sig i nutritionsvÄrd samt vara etiskt medveten med hjÀlp av lyhördhet för patienten och mötet av dennes behov. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan har en stor roll i nutritionsarbetet, som ofta krÀver mycket tid och engagemang för att kunna individanpassa mÄltider och öka patienternas matintag. Ett bra samarbete med bÄde patient och andra professioner Àr dÀrför viktigt

    Direct observation of atomically-resolved silver species on a silver alumina catalyst active for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides

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    We characterize the size and state of the silver species in a 2 wt% silver alumina catalyst, which is highly active for the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia or hydrocarbons as reductant. The silver alumina catalyst is prepared by a single-step sol-gel method and characterized with X-ray photoelectron and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. We show, for the first time, direct observations of atomically-resolved silver species and silver clusters on the silver alumina catalyst. The results determine the existence of these silver species on the alumina support, which corroborate previously reported indirect observations, and strengthen the hypothesis of small silver clusters as active sites for the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides

    Metabolic changes with increased adipose tissue and successful weight loss in dogs

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    Övervikt Ă€r ett vĂ€xande problem hos vĂ„ra sĂ€llskapshundar. Det finns flera möjliga konsekvenser av en ökad kroppsvikt, exempelvis ortopediska, respiratoriska och kardiovaskulĂ€ra sjukdomar. Det Ă€r dĂ€rmed viktigt att djursjukskötare och annan kvalificerad personal inom djurhĂ€lsovĂ„rden arbetar preventivt för att förebygga övervikt hos hund. Att upprĂ€tta en viktmottagning pĂ„ kliniken Ă€r ett lĂ€mpligt tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt för att arbeta med viktnedgĂ„ng hos hundar. Syftet med den hĂ€r studien var att undersöka vilka metabola förĂ€ndringar som uppstĂ„r till följd av en ökad fettvĂ€vnad hos hundar. Samt att undersöka vilka förutsĂ€ttningar djursjukskötare behöver för att kunna arbeta med viktnedgĂ„ng hos hund. Genom en litteraturstudie samlades data in för att besvara hur metabolismen pĂ„verkas av en ökad fettvĂ€vnad. Sammantaget visar de vetenskapliga studierna att en större ansamling fettvĂ€vnad leder till komplexa metabola förĂ€ndringar. Vid övervikt sker bland annat en ökning av cytokiner, sĂ„ som TNF-α och IL-6, samt en minskning av en adipokin kallad adiponektin. Möjliga konsekvenser av dessa förĂ€ndringar Ă€r insulinresistens, lĂ„ggradig kronisk inflammation, förhöjt blodtryck och cancer. I resultatets andra del redogörs för hur en djursjukskötare kan arbeta med hundars viktnedgĂ„ng pĂ„ en viktmottagning. Data samlades in genom en litteratur- och intervjustudie. Det framkom bĂ„de i intervjun och litteraturen att goda kunskaper om bedömning av body condition score, nutrition och överviktens konsekvenser krĂ€vs för att arbeta med viktminskning hos hund. Djursjukskötare, och annan djurhĂ€lsopersonal, har mycket kunskap inom nĂ€mnda omrĂ„den och lĂ€mpar sig vĂ€l till att ansvara för arbetet pĂ„ en viktmottagning. Utöver dessa kunskaper mĂ„ste Ă€ven intresse om Ă€mnet finnas dĂ„ det Ă€r ett tidskrĂ€vande arbete med mycket administrativa uppgifter. Det Ă€r Ă€ven betydelsefullt att ha en bra kommunikation med djurĂ€garen eftersom största jobbet med viktnedgĂ„ngen sker hemma. Djursjukskötarens arbete med hundars viktnedgĂ„ng handlar mycket om att kunna stötta och motivera djurĂ€garen genom hela processen.Obesity is a growing problem among our pet dogs. There are several potential consequences related to obesity, for example orthopedic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Veterinary nurses and other personell at animal hospitals should therefore prevent obesity in dogs at an early stage. By establishing a weight clinic the personell can assist the owner with the dog’s weight loss. The aim of this literature study was to determine what metabolic changes that occur as a result of an increased adipose tissue in dogs. Furthermore, the study aimed to establish what conditions veterinary nurses require in order to help and assist dog owners with their dog’s weight loss. This was conducted with a combination of a literature study and an interview. Results from the literature study shows that increased adipose tissue leads to complex metabolic alterations. Cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 increased, while an adipokine called adiponectin decreased during weight gain and obesity. Possible consequences of these changes are insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, elevated blood pressure and cancer. The interview study showed that to manage a weight clinic one should have knowledge about nutrition, what consequences obesity leads to and also be able to assess different body condition scores. Veterinary nurses, or other personell at animal hospitals, have a lot of knowledge regarding weight loss in dogs and are therefore suitable to be responsible at a weight clinic. However, it is time consuming to manage a weight clinic and one should therefore find great interest in the subject. Lastly, good communication skills are needed in order to support and motivate the pet owners as most work with the weight loss is performed at home
