463 research outputs found

    Educators, Bell Curves, and Rousseau

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    This essay examines the differences between two universities (neither named) that value and reward very different teaching strategies and philosophies. Whereas one has esteem for “tough” professors with high drop and fail rates, seeing them as educators with high standards and principles, the second aligns itself more closely with today’s best practices in the academy, and seeks educators who nurture the talents, abilities, and unique qualities of individual students

    Risk factors for infection with soil transmitted helminths, <i>Cryptosporidium spp.,</i> and <i>Giardia duodenalis</i> in children enrolled in preschools in Kafue District, Zambia

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    Intestinal parasitic infections are common among children worldwide. This study was aimed at determining risk factors for infection with soil transmitted helminths, Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia duodenalis, among children in preschools. The study was in two parts: a cross-sectional study in which data were collected from 403 children from 10 preschools and a longitudinal study in which 100 children from four preschools from the previous 10 were selected. Prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 12.0%, while that of hookworm was 8.3%. Overall prevalence of Cryptosporidium and G. duodenalis was 28.0% and 29.0%, respectively. Low education level of parent/guardian was a significant risk factor for A. lumbricoides (OR = 2.35, 95% CI: 1.02–5.41; P=0.04), while roofing types other than corrugated iron sheets were found to be protective for G. duodenalis infection in both bivariate and multivariate analyses (multivariate: OR = 0.67, 95% CI: 0.45–0.99; P=0.04). Low socioeconomic level was found to be protective for Cryptosporidium spp. infection in multivariate analysis (OR = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.35–0.99; P=0.04). In the longitudinal study, none of the factors were associated with either infection. These findings may have implications for other preschools in other districts in Zambia

    Statistical modelling of conidial discharge of entomophthoralean fungi using a newly discovered Pandora species

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    Entomophthoralean fungi are insect pathogenic fungi and are characterized by their active discharge of infective conidia that infect insects. Our aim was to study the effects of temperature on the discharge and to characterize the variation in the associated temporal pattern of a newly discovered Pandora species with focus on peak location and shape of the discharge. Mycelia were incubated at various temperatures in darkness, and conidial discharge was measured over time. We used a novel modification of a statistical model (pavpop), that simultaneously estimates phase and amplitude effects, into a setting of generalized linear models. This model is used to test hypotheses of peak location and discharge of conidia. The statistical analysis showed that high temperature leads to an early and fast decreasing peak, whereas there were no significant differences in total number of discharged conidia. Using the proposed model we also quantified the biological variation in the timing of the peak location at a fixed temperature.Comment: 23 pages including supplementary materia

    Infection with Schistosoma mansoni has an Effect on Quality of Life, but not on Physical Fitness in Schoolchildren in Mwanza Region, North-Western Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Study.

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    Infection with Schistosoma mansoni negatively impact children's physical health and may influence their general well-being. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of S. mansoni infections on a panel of morbidity indicators with emphasis on quality of life (PedsQL; measured in four different dimensions) and physical fitness (measured as VO2 max) among 572 schoolchildren aged 7-8 years. Prevalence of S. mansoni infections was 58.7%, with an arithmetic mean (95% CI) among positives of 207.3 (169.2-245.4) eggs per gram (epg). Most infections were light (56.5%), while 16.4% had heavy infections. Girls had significantly higher arithmetic mean intensities (95% CI) than boys (247.4 (189.2-305.6) vs. 153.2 (110.6-195.8); P = 0.004). A total of 30.1% were anaemic with no sex difference. Stunting and wasting was found in less than 10% of the population. There was no association between S. mansoni prevalence or intensities and the following parameters: anthropometry, anaemia, liver or spleen pathology in neither univariable nor multivariable linear regression analyses. However, in univariable analyses children with S. mansoni infection had a significantly lower score in emotional PedsQL (95% CI) than uninfected (77.3 (74.5-80.1) vs. 82.7 (79.9-85.5); P = 0.033) and infected children had a higher VO2 max (95% CI) compared to uninfected (51.4 (51.0-51.8) vs. 50.8 (50.3-51.3); P = 0.042). In multivariable linear regression analyses, age, S. mansoni infection, haemoglobin and VO2 max were significant predictors for emotional PedsQL while significant predictors for VO2 max were physical PedsQL, height, age and haemoglobin. S. mansoni infection was thus not retained in the multivariable regression analyses on VO2 max. Of the measured morbidity parameters, S. mansoni infection had a significant effect on the emotional dimension of quality of life, but not on physical fitness. If PedsQL should be a useful tool to measure schistosome related morbidity, more in depth studies are needed in order to refine the tool so it focuses more on aspects of quality of life that may be affected by schistosome infections

    Understanding low uptake of mass treatment for intestinal schistosomiasis among school children:a qualitative study in Jinja district, Uganda

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    The aim of the study was to understand why the uptake of praziquantel among school children is low and to suggest strategies for improved uptake.Despite attempts to control intestinal schistosomiasis through school-based mass drug administration (MDA) with praziquantel using school teachers in Uganda, less than 30% of the school children take the treatment in some areas. The aim of the study was to understand why the uptake of praziquantel among school children is low and to suggest strategies for improved uptake. This was a cross-sectional qualitative study in which 24 focus group discussions and 15 key informant interviews were conducted 2 months after MDA. The focus group discussions were held with school children in twelve primary schools and the key informant interviews were held with school teachers, sub-county health assistants and the District Vector Control Officer. The study shows that the low uptake of praziquantel among school children is a result of a complex interplay between individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and public policy factors. The individual and interpersonal factors underpinning the low uptake include inadequate information about schistosomiasis prevention, beliefs and attitudes in the community about treatment of schistosomiasis and shared concerns among children and teachers about the side-effects of praziquantel, especially when the drug is taken on an empty stomach. The institutional, policy and community factors for providing their children with food while at school, yet many parents cannot meet the cost of a daily meal due to the prevailing poverty in the area. It is concluded that strategies to improve uptake of praziquantel among school children need to be multi-pronged addressing not only the preparation and motivation of teachers and health education for children, but also the economic and political aspects of drug distribution, including the school feeding policy. include inadequate preparation and facilitation of teachers and the school feeding policy, which requires parents to take responsibility for providing their children with food while at school, yet many parents cannot meet the cost of a daily meal due to the prevailing poverty in the area. It is concluded that strategies to improve uptake of praziquantel among school children need to be multi-pronged addressing not only the preparation and motivation of teachers and health education for children, but also the economic and political aspects of drug distribution, including the school feeding policy

    ”Erfaringer med ”Nye horisonter”- kurset for erfaringsmedarbeidere og selvhjelpsverktøyene ”Veiviseren” og ”Verktøykassa”

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    Master's theses in Citizenship and Co-Operation. VID Specialized University, School of Mission and theology. May 2020Medborgerskap gjenspeiler seg på flere områder i recoveryperspektivet innen psykisk helse- og rusfeltet. Personer med psykiske lidelser og/eller rus problemer kan oppleve at deres rolle som medborger blir vekket og kan føle seg definert som annenrangs medborgere. Økt selvstendighet, deltakelse og tilhørighet, og evne til å mestre egent liv står sentralt i recoveryperspektivet og i opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse. Disse elementene er nødvendige forutsetninger for å oppnå et liv som en fullverdig medborger. Bakgrunn: Det er stadig flere personer med egenerfaring med utfordringer som gjelder psykisk helse og rus som har engasjert seg som erfaringsmedarbeidere i rus og psykiske helsetjenestene i Norge. Ansettelse av medarbeidere med egenerfaring i de kommunale helsetjenestene, helseforetak og brukerstyrte organisasjoner er et av resultatene innenfor nytenkningen som avspeiles i nyere føringer for feltet. De første problemstillinger studien undersøkte er; hvordan kursdeltakerne opplevde ”Nye horisonter”- kurset for erfaringsmedarbeidere og i hvilken grad kursdeltakerne synes kurstema og didaktiske virkemidler var nyttige for deres rolle som erfaringsmedarbeider. De andre problemstillingene gjelder hvor nyttig kursdeltakerne syntes workshopen med selvhjelpsverktøyene ”Veiviseren” og ”Verktøykassa” var, og hvordan de senere eventuelt brukte det de lærte i kurset og kursheftene i arbeidet for å få et bedre liv. Metode: Dataene er hentet ut fra kvantitative spørreskjema med strukturerte spørsmål og åpne fritekstfelter, ved starten av første og siste kursdag. Kvantitative data er vist deskriptivt. Data er også hentet ut fra fire kvalitative halvstrukturerte dybde-intervjuer med personer som deltok på kurs og som har egenerfaring. I intervjustudien utførte vi i tråd med en hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk tilnærming. Systematisk tekstkondensering ble benyttet i den kvalitative analysen. N`Vivo ble benyttet til å analysere dataene. Resultat: Deltakerne i studien opplevde at kurset ”Nye horisonter” inkludert workshopen ”Veiviseren” og ”Verktøykassa” var nyttige i deres rolle som erfaringsmedarbeidere og i egen bedringsprosess. Deltakerne i intervjuene la vekt på tillit, utfordringer, rolleforståelse, tilhørighet, trygghet og ekthet i rollen som erfaringsmedarbeider. Studien viser at erfaringsmedarbeiderne nyttiggjorde seg læring og erfaringsutvekslingen på kurset og at dette bidro til utvikling og trygghet i rollen som erfaringsmedarbeidere og i egen bedringsprosess. Diskusjon: ”Nye horisonter”- kurset er et kurs for personer som allerede er, eller ønsker å bli erfaringsmedarbeidere i rus og psykisk helsetjenestene. Kurset ble opplevd som en arena for å utveksle og diskutere egne erfaringer, noe som igjen bidro til å styrke deltakerne i deres rolle som erfaringsmedarbeider. Tillit var et sentralt element når de etablerte relasjoner til personen de skulle hjelpe. Confidence was a key element in establishing relationship to the person they helped. Konklusjon: Deltakerne i studien ga positive tilbakemeldinger på ”Nye horisonter”- kurs for opplæring av erfaringsmedarbeidere inkludert workshop i selvhjelpsverktøyene ”Veiviseren” og ”Verktøykassa”. Studien viser at kursdeltakerne opplevde personlig vekst og innsikt under og etter kurset og hvordan de brukte det de hadde lært gjennom opplæring og erfaringsutveksling i deres rolle som erfaringsmedarbeider. Behovet for opplæring av erfaringsmedarbeidere er stort og erfaringene fra dette kurset bør brukes i videreutvikling av opplæringstiltak for denne voksende gruppen