24 research outputs found

    Further Empirical Examination on Determinants of Bank Credit Growth in Nigeria: A Supply Side Approach

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    This study examined and carried out further examination on the determinants of aggregate bank credit growth in Nigeria from the period of 1984 to 2020. It specifically investigates the determinants of bank credit growth to private and public sectors of the Nigerian economic growth performance. The study employed econometric approach to further carried out the examination on the determinants of aggregate bank credit growth in Nigeria by applying the estimation techniques of Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)/unit root test, correlation analysis and ordinary fitted regression analysis. The study addressed broad money supply, monetary policy rate, inflation rate, exchange rate and real gross domestic product as explanatory variables while aggregate bank credit to private and public sectors was regressed as the explained variables. The data used for the analysis were gathered from secondary sources of Nigeria Central Bank Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics.The findings revealed that monetary policy rate, money supply and real gross domestic product have significant and positive effects on aggregate credit to private and public sectors (credit growth) aside exchange and inflation that have a negative and insignificant effect. The effect of these is that macroeconomic variables used are the true parameter of measuring aggregate bank credit growth in Nigeria. The short run result and regression results validates and support the influence of aggregate bank credit as a major determinant of credit supply via financial and non financial intermediaries. While the financial reforms and bank reforms also strengthen the banking sector towards meeting their obligations towards investment proliferation and economic growth performance. JEL Classification Numbers: E44, E51, G21 Keywords: Bank credit, Aggregate credit to private and public sector, SMEs, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/12-11-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Effects of Monetary Policy on Bank Lending and Economic Performance in Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effects of monetary policy on bank lending and economic performance in Nigeria for the period of 35 years which covered 1984 to 2018. The study addressed broad money supply, monetary policy rate, prime lending rate and inflation rate as monetary policy indicators while real gross domestic product was regressed as economic performance. The data were gathered from Nigeria Central Bank Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics. The study employed two models to analyse the effect of monetary policy on bank lending and economic performance respectively by applying the estimation techniques of Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) stationarity test and regression analysis. Evidence from model one positioned that money supply and inflation rate have significant influence on bank lending while and monetary policy rate had insignificant influence on bank lending. The second model discovered that money supply has significant influence on economic performance whereas other variables of prime lending rate, monetary policy rate and inflation rate have negative and insignificant effect on economic performance under the study period. However, the study concluded that monetary policy positively and significantly influenced economic performance in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that Nigeria’s banks should align to government vision of price stability, as well as facilitating the regulatory and supervisory frameworks to secure a strong financial sector for efficient intermediation

    Pseudomembranous colitis in children: Experience of a university hospital in Korea

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    Purpose : Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) occurs rarely in children, but its incidences are increasing due to frequent antibiotic use. We investigated the incidence and clinical characteristics of PMC accompanied by bacterial enteritis-like symptoms in children. Methods : Between November 2003 and July 2007 at the Department of Pediatrics, Dongsan Medical Center, we analyzed the medical records of consecutive patients who received antibiotics in the past 1 month, developed bacterial enteritis-like symptoms, and were diagnosed with PMC based on sigmoidoscopy examination and histological findings. Results : Among 22 patients who underwent sigmoidoscopy and biopsy examinations, 11 (50%) were diagnosed with PMC. These 11 patients were aged 2 months-12 years, among whom 5 patients (45.5%) were less than 1 year old. The clinical symptoms were bloody diarrhea (28.6%), abdominal pain or colic (28.6%), watery or mucoid diarrhea (23.8%), vomiting (9.5%), and fever (9.5%). The antibiotics used were penicillins (55.6%), macrolides (27.8%), cephalosporins (11.1%), and aminoglycosides (5.6%). The period of antibiotic use was 3-14 days. The interval between the initial antibiotic exposure and the onset of symptoms was 5-21 days. The results of stool examination of all patients were negative for Clostridium difficile toxin A. Patient distribution according to the degree of PMC was as follows: grade I, 18.2% (2 cases)&#59; grade II, 27.3% (3)&#59; grade III, 36.4% (4)&#59; and grade IV, 18.2% (2). PMC did not recur in any case. Conclusion : PMC is not a rare disease in children. If pediatric patients receiving antibiotics manifest symptoms like bacterial enteritis, PMC should be suspected. Endoscopy and biopsy should be applied as aggressive diagnostic approaches to detect this condition

    Gallbladder Stones Following Ileal Resection for Gangrenous Intussusceptions: A Follow‑up Study

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    Background: Intussusceptions are the most common causes of bowel obstruction in infancy and childhood in this environment they present late, resulting in gangrene of the intussusception consequently resection of the affected bowel and a limited or extended right hemicolectomy (RH) to establish bowel continuity. Aim: The aim of the following study is to follow‑up these children that had a limited ileal resection for gangrenous intussusceptions and document the formation of stones in their gallbladders. Cholelithiasis, gangrenous  childhoodintussusceptions, limited ileal resection: A total of 14 patients who had limited ileal resection during infancy for gangrenous intussusceptions were matched with sixteen patients who had manual reduction for viable intussusceptions during infancy. Both groups had ultrasound scans of their gallbladders to document the formation of stones in their gallbladders. Results: No gallbladder stones were found in both groups, however, one male child that had a resection and a RH for a gangrenous intussusception at the age of 4 months and was seen at an interval of 72 months had a thickened gallbladder on ultrasonography, another child, a female child operated on at the age of 6 months and seen at an interval of 57 months also had a thickened gallbladder on ultrasonography.Conclusion: Although no stones were seen, we suggest a prolonged follow‑up of these patients with either periodic ultrasonography of the their gallbladders or with the periodic estimation of their serum bile acids.Keywords: Cholelithiasis, gangrenous childhoodintussusceptions, limited ileal resectio

    The Relationship Between Stock Market and Market Efficiency: the Nigerian Experience

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    The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) has been subject to debate for decades. The field of behavioural finance was developed in response to the body of anomalous evidence with regard to the EMH. However important the establishment of the EMH by Fama in 1970, the first ideas on a theory of efficient markets can be traced back to the origins of modern economics. Reviewing seminal work underlying the efficient markets theory, and focusing on the development of appropriate methodology to test for weak form market efficiency. The study empirically investigated the effect of stock market on efficient market hypothesis with emphasis on weak form hypothesis for the period of 1986 to 2021. Using descriptive analysis and Ordinary Lease Square regression econometric approach to analyze the relationship between stock market and market efficiency in Nigerian. The outcome from the result found that market capitalization has significant effect on share price while value of transaction had insignificant effect on share price in Nigeria, the study therefore concluded there is existence of weak form of efficient market hypothesis in Nigeria stock market. Keywords: Stock Market, Market Efficiency, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-4-06 Publication date: February 28th 202

    Hydrostatic reduction of intussusception with normal saline using the gravity aided method in a Nigerian teaching hospital

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    Background: The non-operative treatment of intussusception has evolved over the years. One of such treatment modalities is ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction using barium, saline and other water soluble agents. Despite the benefits of this method, surgery remains the mainstay of treatment in our hospital as well as in many other Nigerian hospitals.Aim: To evaluate the success rate of ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception using the gravity aided saline reduction method.Method: This is a prospective study of hydrostatic reduction of intussusception using the gravity aided saline reduction method. Patients were seen between January and December 2015.Results: Thirty five cases who were confirmed to have intussusception by ultrasonography were seen but only 12 were suitable for the procedure. Seven patients (58.3%) had successful hydrostatic gravity aided saline reductions while five (41.7%) had failed reductions. One patient had a recurrence. Bowel perforation complicated the procedure in one patient, who required a laparotomy for further management.Conclusion: Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction with normal saline by gravity method is a reliable and safe method of reducing intussusceptions in carefully selected cases. Thus, it should be recommended as the primary mode of treatment provided there are no features of peritonitis.Keywords: Intussusception; ultrasound guided gravity and saline reductio

    Free and bound phenols from Cymbopogon citratus mitigated hepatocellular injury in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic male rats via decrease in oxidative stress, inflammation, and other risk markers

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    Background/Aim: Diabetes mellitus is a debilitating disease still prevailing in the developing world. This study aimed to examine the protective potentials of Cymbopogon citratus extracts (crude (CCC), free (CFP), and bound phenol (CBP) fractions), in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type 1 diabetic male rats. Methods: Forty-five (45) animals of about 3–4 months were used for the study. About forty animals were induced with STZ. After induction and confirmation of diabetes, animals were grouped (five animals per group) into nine groups; group 1 (Control), group 2 received 50 mg/kg body weight (bw) (STZ). Groups 3, 4 and 5 were healthy animals and received C. citratus extracts (200 mg/kg bw CCC, 100 mg/kg bw CFP, and 100 mg/kg bw CBP) respectively; while groups 6 – 9 were diabetic group (induced with STZ) and later treated with C. citratus extracts (200 mg/kg bw CCC, 100 mg/kg bw CFP, 100 mg/kg bw CBP, and metformin (200 mg/kg bw) respectively for 14 days. Then, the animals were euthanized, blood/serum was collected, liver samples were collected and divided into two; for biochemical and histopathological studies. Liver biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP, GGT), fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, hexokinase, antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and GST) activities, albumin, bilirubin, hepatic glucose, GSH, MDA, pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines concentrations, were estimated using standard protocols. Results: Our results revealed that C. citratus extracts counteracted the deleterious effects of type 1 diabetes induction with STZ by optimizing the liver biomarkers, antioxidants enzymes, MDA and GSH levels, reducing the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increasing anti-inflammatory. Conclusion: Our results correlated with previous researches; the free phenols fraction revealed brilliant results above others. These suggested that C. citratus could serve as an alternative therapy in ameliorating liver complications linked to oxidative damage and inflammation in STZ-induced type-1 diabetes