12 research outputs found

    Intimate partner violence among adolescents: prevalence rates after one decade of research

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    Introduction: Intimate partner violence research and intervention strategies have grown substantially over the last two decades. However, little research has examined whether the intimate partner prevalence has changed or remained stable over time in Spain. Moreover, few studies have analyzed whether intimate partner violence prevalence rates among genders and age groups have fluctuated similarly or not. Method: The aim of this study was to analyze the trends observed in intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization rates among adolescents in three sample cohorts from Spain interviewed in 2006, 2010, and 2016 (4591 Spanish adolescents; 53.6% girls and 46.2% boys). ANCOVA was used to compare the population means between the cohorts: sex, age, and the type of intimate partner violence, for example, verbal, physical, and sexual. Results: The results showed a significant decrease in intimate partner violence rates from 2006 to 2016, which was more noticeable within the first half of this decade. Throughout the decade, the girls perpetrated more verbal and mild physical assaults, while the boys perpetrated more sexual assaults. However, these results suggest a clear bidirectional intimate partner violence dynamic between the genders. Additionally, late adolescence reported a higher prevalence of aggressions. Conclusions: The results highlight the need to adapt current prevention strategies considering the differences in the intimate partner violence trajectories based on sex and age, with the aim of regaining the marked rate of decline in aggression observed up to 201

    Quantifying the ideational context: political frames, meaning trajectories and punctuated equilibria in Spanish mainstream press during the Catalan nationalist challenge

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    This article presents a quantitative method for mapping semantic spaces and tracing political frames’ trajectories, that facilitate the analysis of the connections between changes in ideas and socio-political phenomena. We test our approach in Spain, where the Catalan conflict fostered a competition in terms of decontestation of meanings of key political concepts. Using unsupervised machine learning, we track the salience, level of semantic fragmentation and fluctuations in meanings of 216 frames in the two largest Spanish newspapers, El País and El Mundo, throughout 8 years. This is achieved via the extraction, vectorization, and comparison of over 70,000 words. We apply Latent Semantic Analysis, an innovative methodology for the alignment of semantic spaces, and new institutional theory. Our exploratory study suggests that the evolution of many nationalism-related frames resembles a punctuated equilibrium model, and that political events in Catalonia, acted as critical junctures, altering the meanings reflected in the Spanish press

    A mixed methods study using case studies prepared by nursing students as a clinical practice evaluation tool

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    To identify the presence of variability in the evaluation of case studies prepared by nursing students during their primary care rotations based on the existing evaluation rubric. To explore the difficulties experienced by link lecturers and students in preparing and evaluating case studies. A mixed methods study. The scores for the rubric items and the final grades for the case studies were collected from a sample of 132 cases. Qualitative information was collected by conducting open-ended interviews with lecturers and a focus group session with students. Statistically significant differences were identified between the lecturers' mean final grades [F(5.136) = 3.984, p= 0.002] and a variety of items in the evaluation rubric (p< 0.05). In addition, effect sizes [η2 (≈0.14)] of considerable magnitude were found. Two themes emerged from the qualitative data: (1). the challenge of preparing the case studies and (2). the variable nature of the evaluation

    Collaborative writing of argumentative syntheses by low-performing undergraduate writers: explicit instruction and practice

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    In writing argumentative syntheses from multiple and contradictory sources, students must contrast and integrate different perspectives on a topic or issue. This complex task of source-based argumentation has been shown to be effective for learning, but it has also been shown to be quite challenging. Because of the challenges, educational interventions have been developed to facilitate performance through such means as explicit instruction of strategies and students’ engagement in collaborative writing. Whereas these interventions have been beneficial for many writers, some students continue to perform poorly. The present study builds on prior research into collaborative writing of source-based argumentative syntheses by focusing on these students who experience difficulty with this academic task. Undergraduate psychology students who had previously underperformed on the argumentative task were organized into 56 pairs to participate in one of four versions of an intervention program, which differed in terms of the extent of support provided. The most complete program included collaboration as well as explicit instruction in argumentative synthesis writing and in the collaboration process. Statistical analyses were carried out with two ANOVAs with planned comparisons as well as two mediation models. Results showed that the pairs of students who received this most complete program significantly improved the quality of their synthesis in two dimensions, argument identification and argument analysis. The quality of their performance exceeded the performance of students in the three other intervention programs. The combination of explicit instruction and practice in pairs had positive effects on argument identification; but, for argument integration, effectiveness could be attributed solely to the explicit instruction component of the intervention. The study contributes to prior research by showing how the components of an intervention can make differential contributions to its effectiveness for a particular group of studentsThe present study was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación State program oriented to the challenges of society (I + D + i) (PID2019-105250RB-I00

    Metodología activa “project based learning” cooperando con las TICS y la adaptación de su evaluación

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    El EEES propicia el cambio en la enseñanza-aprendizaje, donde los estudiantes tengan un papel más activo en su proceso de educación. Por ello, el principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta alternativa a la tradicional centrada en la actividad autónoma del estudiante, que les permita adquirir y profundizar una mayor diversidad de conocimientos y competencias. La puesta en marcha de esta propuesta se realizó en la asignatura Seminario de administración de empresas y entorno socio político, empleando la metodología del aprendizaje basado en proyectos integrando TICs y adaptando la evaluación (incorporando rubricas, análisis psicométricos de las pruebas de conocimientos, etc.) a esta forma de plantear la asignatura. La experiencia concluyó con la observación, recogida de trabajos, pruebas de conocimientos (análisis de los mismos), y la cumplimentación de un cuestionario y encuesta oficial por parte de estudiantes para valorar la actividad y el desarrollo de sus competencias

    Reliability score evaluation of continuous assessment tests: A longitudinal study

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    In this paper, a longitudinal study is presented about the score reliability in continuous assessment tests of the subject Network Architecture II, which is taught in the Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering degree, offered at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. It is important to evaluate if scores in tests are reliable, because it shows if the phenomenon under study is measured with precision and low error, which are necessary conditions for a fair assessment. Thus, an analysis is provided about the scores obtained in the 28 continuous assessment tests taken across seven years. Correlation, corrected correlation and Cronbach’s α are used as psychometric indicators. Results show that, in general, there is a high correlation in the students’ scores among the different assessment tests every year, which let us confirm that they have been correctly set out. Additionally, the results are compared among different years, showing that they are similar in the different cohorts. However, variations have also been observed over the years, with tests with poor correlation. Finally, based on the analysed data, a novel method is proposed to early detect problems in the tests’ evaluation before the course ends, by correlating their scores in pairs. A low correlation between two tests in the same year, empirically below 0.2, would imply issues in the evaluationThe authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this articl

    Analysis of student performance through the use of two different active strategies

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    In the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), official degree studies should promote the competences and knowledge of students. This work is based on active strategies (conceptual maps and discussion panels) where students analyse and summarize the topics proposed in class, to improve their knowledge and skills. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyse the performance of business students by using the mentioned strategies in two different groups during the academic year 2018-2019. The implementation of this research was carried out using a quantitative approach, with mixed models (SPSS v20 software) of three dependent variables (two of knowledge and one for competences). The conclusions indicate that the group that used the panel discussion methodology increases more the acquired competences and the understanding of the basic concepts that are taught on the subject, than the group of the conceptual maps strategy

    Padres y maestros

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    Se trata el tema de la comprensión lectora desde un punto de vista teórico, uniéndola a la lectura por sí misma. Se asume que leer implica comprender un texto, extraer el significado y hacerlo consciente en nuestra mente. Se diferencia entre comprensión completa o fragmentada, y se mencionan los procesos cognitivos que afectan a la comprensión. Se establece una relación entre problema de comprensión e inhabilidad lectora y se reflexiona brevemente sobre el cambio producido en la manera de evaluar y valorar los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en la lectura.GaliciaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    RIE : revista de investigación educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónLas inferencias se consideran el núcleo de la comprensión e interpretación de la realidad y, por tanto, uno de los pilares de la cognición humana. Dada su importancia en los procesos de comprensión, su estudio se ha dirigido inicialmente a conocer más de cerca cómo se producen y cuáles son sus características, estableciendo diferentes taxonomías que atiendan al número y tipo de inferencias que se producen en situaciones cotidianas. Se persiguen tres objetivos: analizar en qué medida se genera un patrón inferencial diferente cuando el objetivo de la lectura es contárselo a un igual (simétrico) o a un niño (asimétrico); examinar la influencia del tipo de texto (narrativo o expositivo); y, en tercer lugar, evaluar si este posible efecto del objetivo de lectura simétrico y asimétrico se produce de igual manera en dos tipos de tareas diferentes (mediante un protocolo de verbalización espontánea, por un lado, y una tarea de resumen, por el otro). Esta investigación contó con la participaron diez estudiantes universitarios que leyeron dos textos (uno narrativo y otro expositivo). Los resultados arrojan luz sobre el modo en que los objetivos de socialización pueden llegar a influir sobre la cantidad y el tipo de inferencias que se realizan durante la lectura proponiendo, además, algunas implicaciones educativas.CataluñaUniversitat de Barcelona. Biblioteca de Ciències de l'Educació; Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171; 08035 Barcelona; +34934021035; +34934021034;ES