53 research outputs found

    Avaliação bromatológica do bagaço de cerveja como potencial uso na alimentação de vacas leiteiras

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    This study analyzed brewery bagasse from the Modelo brewery plant in Calera, Zacatecas, which is used as an alternative ingredient in dairy cattle diets. The entire sample of brewery bagasse was dehydrated and subsequently ground. Proximate chemical analysis was carried out using the Van Soest method, and the results for protein and ether extract of the brewery bagasse were higher than those reported in the literature (29.14% and 9.64%), demonstrating that it is a highly viable ingredient. In situ and in vitro digestibility were carried out to identify the ingredient's behavior within animals. The digestibility of brewery bagasse (25% at 24 hours) was lower than the controls used, but it was still effective (99.9% at 144 hours). This confirms that brewery bagasse is an ingredient with high nutritional value that can improve production and increase the profitability of small producers' stables in the country.En este estudio se realizó el análisis de bagazo de cervecería de la Planta cervecera de Modelo en Calera, Zacatecas el cuál se utiliza como ingrediente alternativo en las dietas de ganado lechero Se utilizó la muestra integra de bagazo de cervecería, la cual fue sometida a una deshidratación y posteriormente fue molido. Se realizó un análisis químico-proximal mediante el método de Van Soest, los resultados de la proteína y extracto etéreo del bagazo de cervecería fueron superiores a los comparados por la literatura citada (29.14% y 9.64%)), demostrando que es un ingrediente sumamente viable. Se realizó digestibilidad in situ e in vitro, para identificar el comportamiento del ingrediente dentro de los animales . La digestibilidad del bagazo de cervecería (25% a las 24 horas) fue menor a los controles utilizados, sin embargo fue efectiva (99.9% a las 144 horas). De esta manera se comprueba que el bagazo de cervecería es un ingrediente con altos valores nutricionales que permite mejorar la producción e incrementar la rentabilidad de los establos de los pequeños productores en el país.Neste estudo, foi realizada a análise do bagaço cervejeiro da fábrica da cervejaria Modelo em Calera, Zacatecas, que é utilizado como ingrediente alternativo na dieta do gado leiteiro. posteriormente moído. Foi realizada análise químico-proximal pelo método de Van Soest, os resultados do extrato proteico e etéreo do bagaço de cervejaria foram superiores aos comparados pela literatura citada (29,14% e 9,64%)), demonstrando que é um produto altamente viável. A digestibilidade in situ e in vitro foi realizada para identificar o comportamento do ingrediente dentro dos animais. A digestibilidade do bagaço cervejeiro (25% às 24 horas) foi inferior às testemunhas utilizadas, porém foi eficaz (99,9% às 144 horas). Desta forma verifica-se que o bagaço cervejeiro é um ingrediente com elevados valores nutricionais que permite melhorar a produção e aumentar a rentabilidade dos estábulos dos pequenos produtores do país

    Effect of dietary crude protein concentration on ruminal nitrogen metabolism in lactating dairy cows

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    Ten lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulas that were part of a larger feeding trial were blocked by days in milk into 2 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 incomplete 5 × 5 Latin squares. Diets contained [dry matter (DM) basis] 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase crude protein (CP) from 13.5% to 15.0, 16.5, 17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d with data and sample collection performed during the last 8 d. Digesta samples were collected from the omasum to quantify the ruminal outflow of different N fractions. Intake of DM was not affected but showed a quadratic trend with maxima of 23.9 kg/d at 16.5% CP. Ruminal outflow of total bacterial nonammonia N (NAN) was not different among diets but a significant linear effect of dietary CP was detected for this variable. Bacterial efficiency (g of total bacterial NAN flow/kg of organic matter truly digested in the rumen) and omasal flows of dietary NAN and total NAN also showed positive linear responses to dietary CP. Total NAN flow increased from 574 g/d at 13.5% CP to 688 g/d at 16.5% CP but did not increase further with the feeding of more CP. Under the conditions of this study, 16.5% of dietary CP appeared to be sufficient for maximal ruminal outflow of total bacterial NAN and total NAN. © American Dairy Science Association, 2006

    Effect of dietary crude protein concentration on milk production and nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows

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    Forty lactating Holstein cows, including 10 with ruminal cannulas, were blocked by days in milk into 8 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 8 incomplete 5 × 5 Latin squares to assess the effects of 5 levels of dietary crude protein (CP) on milk production and N use. Diets contained 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase CP from 13.5 to 15.0, 16.5,17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d, with 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection. Spot sampling of ruminal digesta, blood, urine, and feces was conducted on d 21 of each period. Intake of DM was not affected by diet but milk fat content as well as ruminal acetate, NH3, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids, urinary allantoin, and blood and milk urea all increased linearly with increasing CP. Milk and protein yield showed trends for quadratic responses to dietary CP and were, respectively, 38.3 and 1.18 kg/d at 16.5% CP. As a proportion of N intake, urinary N excretion increased from 23.8 to 36.2%, whereas N secreted in milk decreased from 36.5 to 25.4%, as dietary protein increased from 13.5 to 19.4%. Under the conditions of this study, yield of milk and protein were not increased by feeding more than 16.5% CP. The linear increase in urinary N excretion resulted from a sharp decline in N efficiency as dietary CP content increased. © American Dairy Science Association, 2006

    Effect of dietary crude protein concentration on milk production and nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows

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    Forty lactating Holstein cows, including 10 with ruminal cannulas, were blocked by days in milk into 8 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 8 incomplete 5 � 5 Latin squares to assess the effects of 5 levels of dietary crude protein (CP) on milk production and N use. Diets contained 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase CP from 13.5 to 15.0, 16.5,17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d, with 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection. Spot sampling of ruminal digesta, blood, urine, and feces was conducted on d 21 of each period. Intake of DM was not affected by diet but milk fat content as well as ruminal acetate, NH3, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids, urinary allantoin, and blood and milk urea all increased linearly with increasing CP. Milk and protein yield showed trends for quadratic responses to dietary CP and were, respectively, 38.3 and 1.18 kg/d at 16.5% CP. As a proportion of N intake, urinary N excretion increased from 23.8 to 36.2%, whereas N secreted in milk decreased from 36.5 to 25.4%, as dietary protein increased from 13.5 to 19.4%. Under the conditions of this study, yield of milk and protein were not increased by feeding more than 16.5% CP. The linear increase in urinary N excretion resulted from a sharp decline in N efficiency as dietary CP content increased. � American Dairy Science Association, 2006

    Whole-farm nutrient balances are an important tool for California dairy farms

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